Otherworld Girlboss Pervert

1.77 – Once In A lifetime

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They tried prying it, first. Sylla made a long magic pole that they wedged into the side. Maple stood back with Emma. She wasn't, uh, strong enough to be of any help. She idly practiced her own mana manipulation in the meantime.

Thera and Dort were the muscle, and both of them pushed at one end of the pole. Alas provided dry commentary—er, encouragement.

"Put some elbow grease into it. Is that all you've got?"

Thera and Dort groaned with the effort, but it didn't budge. The pole flexed, and Sylla reinforced it.

"Make it a bit longer, Syll."

"Yeah, give me a second. The mana cost increases exponentially."

She extended it another few feet, making it around 12 in total. It buzzed with energy as she made it both thicker and denser. When it was ready, she pushed with them using her magic.

"Alright, go."

Thera and Dort heaved, putting all their strength into moving the damned big rock. Both had Skills that enhanced their strength. They left divots in the ground where loose dirt had fled their power.

The pole flexed, and an instant later shattered. It made a sound like glass breaking. Dort and Thera surged forward into the side of the hill, and fell over each other. Thera got up and yelled.

"Fuck, it's heavy! How much stronger can you make it?"

Sylla wiped her brow. Each attempt drained more of her mana reserves. She hadn't wanted to use her full capacity from the start because—anything could be on the other side. She might need to be able to fight, especially if the rock did wake up. She'd established that as unlikely in their first hour there, however.

Was there a physics trick to moving a giant boulder? They were already using leverage. Maybe they could shatter it with heat and cold? Maple had mentioned such. Sylla could make fire, but she didn't have anything to chill something quickly.

"About twice as strong as that, but then I'll be drained. Give me a few minutes to rest first, though."

"Alright, take five everybody. Maple."

Maple sucked the mana she'd formed into a ball back into her and got up.


"Any ideas? Might be about time we tried enhancing its pleasure, or getting inside its head with a [Telepathic Orgasm]."

She chuckled at that, and Maple imagined it. One of them would have to cum—just right there outside next to everyone. She grimaced. In her hesitation, Alas joined them and glared at her with a smirk.

"What's wrong? You'll fuck a tree, but not a rock?"

"My god. Er—"

Maple burst out, frustrated, before realizing who she might be calling out to. She cautiously looked up. Nothing happened after a second, and she turned to chastise Alas—


A sultry voice reverberated through the air—the same one who had spoken to her days before. With it was the same...aura she had last time. It felt like lust.

Everyone froze. Azure Bond had their hands on their weapons, reflexively, and their eyes darted between Maple and the air around her.

Maple gulped. The god had actually answered. It scared her, but since she was here, she did have a rather simple prayer. Could her god move mountains—or at least house-sized boulders?

"Uh...Move this rock for us—please?"

Maple's voice trembled, and there was silence for a second while the god considered it. Emma waved to the air with both hands with an excited grin.

"Hmm, no. Hello again, Emma. Everyone. Having fun?"

Emma nodded rapidly and then swooned from the acknowledgement. Maple felt a tinge of jealousy over that—and realized how absurd that was. The voice spoke again after a second.

"Good. I won't move it. Make it cum, that should work—"

The god cut off from her own laughter. Hilarious laughter that slowly faded into nothing, and then she was gone. Probably laughing until her sides hurt, in whatever realm she was in.

Maple stared at Thera, mouth slightly open. She slowly looked to each of the others. Could someone please explain this bullshit? None of them did.

Alas tilted her head down at Maple, her face neutral.

"You heard the lady."

They took a break after that. Thera had explained to her team what they were getting into beforehand, and there it was. If anything, the encounter bolstered them after they'd calmed down. A godly encounter meant godly loot. Hopefully.

They were in position again. Maple next to Thera, and the others grouped loosely around. What they'd learned last night was that participation in sex could be as simple as watching or considering yourself part of the group. It was a mental state.

They wanted everyone present during in the telepathy, so that they didn't miss anything. The goal for this first one was just to figure out the boulder's state of mind, or...its preferences. They weren't entirely sure about how to include it, but Maple and Thera both had a hand on it...with sexual intent.

Thera's lower armor was removed, and Maple was going to use [Enhanced Pleasure, You And Me] on her so that she would cum fast. It was already active on the boulder, with nothing yet happening. The situation was absurd, but Thera reassured Maple.

"It costs them to interact with the world, even just to talk briefly like that, you know? That's probably why she wouldn't move it herself, and I'm sure she wouldn't waste her power on a prank. Well...no, yeah, let's assume it was honest advice for now."

Maple sighed and shook her head. At least she didn't have to embarrass herself this time.

"Alright, I guess. Ready?"

Everyone nodded, and Maple activated the enhanced pleasure on Thera. She touched herself under her pants slowly at first, and Maple tried not to stare.

"Ooh, this is nice. You should have shown it to me sooner. Ahh—okay, it's...damn! Now—mmm—"

Despite her willpower, Thera shuddered and moaned from the orgasm. Maple tried not to get so turned on by that—the others would see inside the shared mental space. She deactivated [Enhanced Pleasure] before pulling everyone into the [Telepathic Orgasms] Skill.

Thera's orgasm was at the forefront, a wave of pleasure she felt as if it were her own. Maple was pleased to see she wasn't the only one who found Thera's show arousing, but turned her attention to the boulder.

It was content. Merely existing was pleasurable to it. It was sturdy, immovable. Maple didn't really see much else. Thera's orgasm was drowning a lot out, but...there might not be much there to begin with.

When it ended, Dort exclaimed first.

"By the gods, is that what it's like? No wonder you're all a little...eh, never you mind, but wew."

He wiped his brow and some envy showed on his face. He'd been mostly respectful, but Maple felt her cheeks heat up. Thera nodded with a grin and slapped Maple's arm.

"Leave the enhanced pleasure on next time, that was so—er. No, I mean. Don't. Did anyone notice anything useful? How do we make this thing cum?"

Thera shook the temptation off and was back to business. Sylla shook her head lazily.

"It's a rock."

"Right, hmm. Maybe a hand isn't enough. Get up there and grind on it, Maple."

Maple frowned and laughed at the absurd suggestion.

"You do that. I'm, uh, focusing on Skills."

"I need to actually get off, and—sorry big guy, but I don't think you can do it."

Thera slapped the boulder. Surreal. It was conscious, though. Maple didn't know if it could understand them. She was about to suggest Alas do it, in retaliation for her being Alas—but a blue arm waved in the air and volunteered.

Emma climbed the hill and maneuvered on top of the boulder. She found a good edge, made her body extra sexy for the audience on the ground, and gave a thumbs up to indicate she was ready.

They tried again, to much the same result. It was a rock. All was right in the world. It felt good. Emma was feeling good, too, Maple and likely everyone else noticed.

"Agh. I'm going to need to rest soon, unless one of you wants a turn. No? Alright, leave the enhanced pleasure on this time, Maple. Maybe it'll help."

They tried again. This time, Thera's orgasm was so intense that it took the breath out of Maple. She felt her body wanting to join it and nearly came herself. They were all staggered by it, and on top of the orgasm, Thera hadn't stopped touching herself.

Overwhelming as it was, she barely noticed the boulder's reaction. But she was pretty sure it hadn't gone any different than the previous times. Dort yelled again after.

"Yank my beard sideways and tie it into a ponytail! Ya've got me starting to wish I were a woman meself."

Maple laughed once she'd caught her breath. Thera took longer to recover, her body still twitching with residual pleasure. When she stood up straight again, she announced she needed a break.

Well...How did I get here?

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