Otherworld Girlboss Pervert

1.81 – Doki Doki

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Maple woke up before the sun had risen at all. Thera was awake too, and stroking her head. She leaned into it with her eyes closed and let the pleasure wash through her. Such a perfect way to wake up—she was content.

Her worry had faded in her sleep. Thera hadn't said anything about it last night, so Maple's dark secret of possibly wanting more than just sex from Thera—was safe for now.

It was too soon, mainly. She'd rushed into things a little with Emma, and it'd worked out, but that was an exception.

She was scared and she hoped the feeling would just go away, given time. Thera wouldn't possibly want something similar with her. Maple would be happy if they continued to just do this occasionally, and she didn't want to ruin that.

She had tried to look during their shared orgasm last night, with a small amount of hope, for any similar feelings inside of Thera. She stopped herself short. Even that searching would have leaked through and revealed too much.

"Good morning, good looking."

Again, Maple found her rougher morning voice adorable. The simple praise, followed by Thera's wandering hand, filled Maple with a giddy warmth. She blushed in the dark and turned more onto her side. Was it time for an early morning round?


She couldn't think of a compliment that wouldn't be a little much, so she left it at that. Calling her gorgeous seemed like it'd be too much. Thera was on her back, where Maple had been laying on her. Emma covered parts of both of them, and seemed to be asleep still.

Her hand slowly ran up and down Maple's side, not getting too lewd. Maple responded in kind, happy to feel her at all. Thera's hand stopped after a minute, and she opened her eyes to look at Maple. A decided look was on her face, willful.



Maple braced herself—for what, she didn't know. She half-expected Emma to pop up with a silent Emma! But that didn't happen.

"Do you, hm, like me? Or something?"

Maple's heart skipped a beat and frantically tried to supply her brain with more blood. God, why did she bring it up? She'd noticed, after all? It was a trick—she could play it off. Her laugh came out nervous.

"I mean, we are doing this kind of thing, right?"

It felt like she'd just lied, via omission or redirection, but...Thera frowned. She wasn't fooled. After a second, she rolled Maple onto her back and moved both of her arms above her head. She held them there with one arm and moved herself half on top of her. One of her legs rested between Maple's.

Thera's body pressed against her, soft yet muscular. Maple was pinned. Thera was so strong. Maple couldn't move her arms even if she wanted to. And she didn't want to—she wanted Thera to have her way with her.

Thera's free hand ran up her body. Her face was right next to Maple's. Maple looked away, flustered by both the pleasure and the sudden question. That was a mistake. Thera whispered directly into her ear.

"That's not what I meant, and you know it."

She ended the sentence by sucking on Maple's ear lobe. Maple gasped. Her breathing was heavy, her body already reacting and preparing itself for more pleasure. Thera's hand moved and rested around one of her breasts, but she stopped.


It was unfair. The pleasure, the need for more pleasure, replaced large swaths of Maple's worry and rational mind. Thera was going to make her ruin what little future chance there was for her, and what they already had. Maple sighed.

"Okay, I like you. Probably. It's just—really soon. I wasn't going to say anything yet, but...I guess you saw from the telepathy?"


Thera smiled and rewarded Maple for her honesty. Her nipple was stiff between Thera's fingers. Thera moved her thigh up, pressing it against Maple's crotch. Maple tried to look at her for a response, but she started sucking on her neck instead. Maple tilted her head back and let the pleasure relieve her of her anxiety.

She stopped again, and then did look Maple in the eye. How would she respond to this...premature confession? She waited, and felt her heart beating against Thera's thigh. She felt her own wetness already making it slick against her. She couldn't resist softly grinding against her, and Thera encouraged her to do so with her own small movements.

"Sorry, I guess I tend to confront things head on as soon as I see them. It was actually Sylla's suggestion that I visit again last night, you know?"

Maple shook her head, confused. Why would Sylla suggest that?

"I said I didn't want to bug you two that much, and she said that you clearly wouldn't mind, based on whatever she'd noticed yesterday. I didn't believe it myself, until last night. Heh."

She smiled at Maple. Before Maple could say anything more, she moved her mouth down to her other nipple. She sucked on it and teased it with her tongue, her thigh grinding against her.

What was her response, though? She'd made Maple answer, and this all felt good—but it was torture. Thera had her both pinned physically, and vulnerable mentally. She tried to focus on the pleasure, over the distress. Thera might reject her now, and maybe it'd be the last time they ever did this. She hadn't been ready.

Thera stopped sucking and looked up. Her free hand used her hair as a brush against Maple's dry nipple.

"Maybe I shouldn't have brought it up like this? I can pretend to forget about it all, if that'd be better?"

Maple shook her head. That'd be so much worse. Maybe Thera could use her willpower to do that no problem, but she couldn't.

"It's too late for that..."

She felt tears threatening to appear soon, despite the sexual pleasure. Not because Thera might reject her after having a crush for a mere day—she could accept that. But because it was embarrassing, and dumb, and just—too soon.

She would have sat on it, figured out what she even wanted herself, gotten to know Thera better in the meantime—the telepathy had revealed it all too soon. She could barely even consider the feeling hers yet.

Thera kissed her, tongue and all, and put her hand on her cheek. Maple relaxed a little and Thera pulled back to look at her.

"Maybe I could like you too, okay? I'm not—rejecting you? I really shouldn't have asked, I guess, sorry. What would you, um, want, exactly?"

Thera glanced at Emma, pretending to be asleep off to the side. One of her eyes was cracked open, and she didn't even need to use her eyes to see—or listen. Maple laughed at her silly girlfriend, and she was already feeling better.

"Yeah, it's fine. Blame telepathy, in hindsight right? But um, I don't know...I was just trying to ignore it for now. I was going to figure it out later, but I didn't think you'd be interested in anything more."

"Huh? Why not? I don't have a good track record, but I would want something long-term. It just never works out. I couldn't even get laid until I met you. But I'll say it now, part of the reason it doesn't work out is because I'm an adventurer and I have my team to look out for. I won't compromise on that. I wouldn't be able to settle down with you somewhere—I wouldn't stop traveling, or stop doing risky adventurer things. If all that's fine with you..."

Thera removed the hand holding her arms down, and Maple hugged her. She sounded kind of vulnerable there herself. Maple was smiling and wrapped one of her legs around Thera. The other one was between Thera's thighs, and Maple had her grind on it like she was doing to hers. She held her like that in utter relief while she arranged her thoughts.

"I know that, and I like that about you. I just want to be close to you and get to know you more. It's not like we have to be in a relationship right away. We can, uh, date first? Haha, the steps are all out of order, aren't they? But yeah, I like you. I want to be closer, that's all."

Thera laughed and nodded.

"I can do that. Let's take it slow and hang out more after this is done, because I like you too. Both of you, really."

She glanced at the still-pretend-sleeping Emma and continued.

"So, whose harem is it that I'll be joining?"

On cue, Emma pounced on both of them with a grin. She pointed to herself. It was her harem, of course. Maple laughed and brought Emma into the hug.

"It's not a harem, jeez. Um, but yeah, Emma's my girlfriend and I love her very much. You know that, I think, but you'd have to be okay with that, if uh..."

If she and Thera became a thing. The idea made Maple's face heat up, and she couldn't say it. She was so happy with this outcome. Thera laughed and groped Emma.

"Right, right, gotta share my love with a blue little pervert. That's fine."

The emotional turmoil was over. Maple's thoughts turned entirely lewd, and she quietly guided Thera's hand so that she was pinning her arms down above her head again. It felt a little selfish since she couldn't provide much without her arms—but she desperately wanted to get off while Thera held her down. It activated something in her brain.

With Thera pinning her arms, Emma pulled out the collar again. Maple laughed and squirmed under Thera's grip. She begged her not to put it on her. She struggled with all her strength and panted underneath Thera. She was immovable. She whispered to her, just in case she got the wrong idea.

"Don't let go."

Again, I hope this kind of content is desired. I'm trusting the mental simulations. Let there be wholesome poly yuri.

Thanks for reading

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