Otherworld Girlboss Pervert

1.83 – Friendly Ghost

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Maple was beginning to realize her plans for that night may have been redundant. After Thera called them all together and they entered that mysterious door built into the side of the hill...the first thing they encountered was a no clothing allowed beyond this point sign.

"It can't be serious."

It was a small room made of stone, the sign was next to a hallway with stairs leading down. A magical force field prevented anyone with clothing on from entering. Above that hallway was another sign, ruined with age and unreadable. Cubbies lined one of the walls. They were filled with dust now, but perhaps were used to store belongings, ages past.

Emma excitedly bounced between both sides of the boundary, while Maple couldn't even get her bare hand through.

Maple was in a good mood. The situation was kind of funny, in that surreal way she was becoming used to—and god, they'd all seen her naked before anyway. She stripped, and then stepped across the boundary. It didn't seem to care that she was carrying her clothes, just that she wasn't wearing them. She wasn't sure what would happen if she tried putting them back on.

"You guys coming?"

"Maple, that's...dangerous. Don't go too far. And half of an adventurer is their gear, you know."


Maple stepped back into the clothed-side. Emma put an arm around her with a grin. She'd thought they'd all follow her, but now felt silly. She stood there naked and tried to cover herself while Sylla inspected the barrier. It was the only way through, so they'd all come around...eventually. Alas spoke without looking at her.


Twenty minutes later, Maple pouted. They were finally getting undressed. She tried not to look excited by that, but jeez. She would have put her clothes back on if she'd known how long it would take. And then she just knew that as soon as she did—they would have decided it was time to go through. So she'd waited, the only one naked, but Emma had joined her in solidarity with her sexy form.

"Took you guys long enough."

"Sorry that we're not as quick to remove our clothes as Horny Tree Girl."

Alas had the upper hand even while naked. She carried herself confidently, and not without good reason. But it was Sylla that Maple tried not to stare at. She now knew she wouldn't want attention like that—but Maple wanted to peek. She did, a couple of times, discreetly. Unfortunately, her long hair hid most of her body.

Dort, though...Height sure could be deceiving. Maple tried not to comment.

They descended the stairs. Dead torches hung on the walls. Sylla lit their way with multiple light spells floating around them. At the bottom, double doors stood open and led to a what looked like...a reception area.

At the desk sat a woman, frozen in boredom. She had wings, but not like Sasha's black leathery ones. Hers were covered in feathers. She had no horns that Maple could see, either. She guessed that whatever she was, it wasn't a succubus. Most of all though, her whole body was semi-transparent.

Thera motioned them back into the hallway, flat for a bit before the stairs began. She carried her sword, but set it down now and had left her armor behind in the first room. Emma carried some of their smaller items inside of her. Maple whispered.

"What is she?"

"Some kind of ghost, maybe?"

"I mean, species though?"

"Oh, some kind of avian beastkin, maybe?"

Sylla guessed and set up a barrier, directing Maple to stay behind her. Alas pulled out an arrow with a gleaming tip.

"I have silver arrows, but if we have to fight naked undead now..."

That was the other thing: the bird-woman-ghost was naked herself. Maple was still hung up on ghosts existing when Thera set herself.

"I'll go talk to her."

"Are ya sure? We are all in the buff here."

"I have a clear shot."

Thera stopped Alas from killing another thing—dead as this one supposedly already was—and stepped out.

"Fine. Go woo her into submission, Captain."

Thera looked back once with a grin, and approached the ghost. The rest of them watched from the doorway. Thera got 20 feet from her and stopped. The ghost hadn't moved, or even blinked. Thera called out.

"Hello there!"

An eye opened on the ghost's forehead and looked at Thera for a second, then she jerked back in surprise and yelped. Alas turned her head to Maple and provided dry commentary.

"It's like she's seen a ghost or something."

That one was a knee-slapper—for Emma. Maple had never been more certain Alas was some kind of sadist. Maple elbowed her girlfriend.

"Don't encourage her, silly."

The ghost composed herself, brushing at her hair, and cautiously examined Thera. The eye on her forehead looked toward Maple and the others in the doorway. Maple whispered to Sylla.

"What kind of bird has three eyes?"

She got only a shrug in response. The ghost clapped her hands together and smiled in a friendly manner.

"Sorry, uh. Hi! Welcome. Er—there used to be a script, but how did it go...It's been so long."

"Hello. What is this place? We're adventurers, and—"

"Ah, right. Welcome to the Trial Grounds of the Erogel. Are you here to prove yourself worthy, or merely rejuvenate in our lovely spa? Oh, but..."

She examined the dark, dusty room around her, and looked a little sad. Whatever this place had been, it was long defunct. Thera cautiously approached.

"Are you a—spirit of some kind? Are you stuck here? We could help, maybe."

"I am a ghost, as you see, but nah. My mistress gave me this task, but I can leave whenever I want. I'm Remi."

She held her hand out, and Thera took it.

"Thera, Captain of wha—"

Remi was slurped up into Thera's hand. Maple's eyes widened. The others tensed but stayed where they were.

"Ahhh, it's been so long since I've had a body or felt any kind flesh. Can I borrow yours? Just for a little bit. I'll give it back when I'm done."

Remi spoke through Thera's body. She stretched her limbs and ran her hands over herself. She leaned back and groped herself, pleasure covering her face. Thera, the real Thera, spoke in a loud voice.

"Oh nooo, she's got me."

"These your friends? How's it feel to be doing this in front of them?"

Remi made Thera walk over, and when she got close enough, she spread her legs and pleasured herself. Maple frowned. Azure Bond was just letting it happen.

"Shouldn't somebody...help her?"

"Ghost has her, lass. There's not much we can do."

"You can resist possession with enough willpower, and Captain Thera is..."

"...a bigger pervert than anyone. Almost anyone."

Alas finished Sylla's sentence and looked at Maple. Maple blushed. Thera was letting the ghost have its way with her. Remi seemed to be able to feel everything Thera could, and was moaning with pleasure as her fingers explored her new body. Maple wasn't sure if the pleasure on her face was Remi's or Thera's.

"I'm absolutely...mortified."

"You don't feel very embarrassed. Oh well, I'll still enjoy this. Mm—after so long. She's delectable, isn't she?"

Remi showed Thera's body off to them, groping it some more. Maple was drooling from below, and a...worry appeared in her. She whispered to the group.

"Do you think she's going to do that to all of us?"


Maple was bright red as she watched, as was Sylla. She fidgeted with her staff, keeping her hands pointedly above her waist. Maple politely avoided looking at Dort. They were all betting on the ghost letting her go after she'd had her fun, and Maple supposed she should offer...

"Um, I'm going to activate my Skill when she...did any of you want to be included?"


"Pervert. Yes."


Emma nodded rapidly, desperate to make her answer known. Remi looked at them, fingers digging inside of Thera.

"You're not going to help your teammate? You're all...leering. What kind of adventurers are you?"

"So rude, right? Mm—"

Remi sounded somewhat embarrassed, in contrast to Thera's utter lack of such emotion.

"Then, what if she touched one of you?! Who would get her going the most..."

Remi slowly ran her eyes over the group. They flicked twice over Maple, and then stopped on her.

"Ahah, you!"

Maple covered herself with her hands, face burning. The ghost said she'd get Thera going the most, that was—beside the point. What was she going to do? She turned to Alas, Sylla—the group moved several steps away from her.

"Guys? Uh. Oh nooo, she's going to—haha, no really, don't let her..."

Maple tried to do the faux embarrassment Thera had done, but that wasn't her. It really was embarrassing. What was the ghost going to do to her, with Thera as a passenger in her own body? Emma slapped her butt, making her take a surprised step forward. Right into possessed-Thera's arms.

"Got you!"

"Oh nooo, she's got us, and my team isn't doing anything. Hi, Maple."

"Hi. Jeez, what's with this situation?"

Maple laughed. Remi moved Thera's hand between Maple's legs. Maple let her, and moved her own to Thera's body.

"Do you want to stop?"

The real Thera asked, and Maple shook her head slightly. There was no way she would stop now. Remi responded.

"I won't feel bad for this, then."

"You should feel bad. You're a very bad and perverse ghost."

Alas was kind of right, but Maple kissed Thera and her phantasmal ride-along. Her aphrodisiac saliva went to work, perhaps on both of them, while their fingers slid in and out of one another. Maple pulled back after a minute, and moved down a little.

"Do you want me to..?"

"Mm, yes—use your mouth."

Maple got on her knees, and Remi pulled Maple's head against Thera's body. Remi held her there while her other hand played with Thera's nipples.

Maple licked and fingered her. Her other hand moved down between her own legs. The ghost wasn't necessarily 'making' her do that, and it was embarrassing in front of the others, but she couldn't resist. This was fun though. She was pleasuring both of them, and Remi was making that known.

She was soon close.

"Ahh, it feels so good. It's been so long since I got to feel this pleasure. Mm—faster. I'm going to...Mm, we're cumming—"

Maple pulled everyone into the [Telepathic Orgasm] with her. She wouldn't make herself cum; she was curious and wanted to see what it was like for Thera and Remi. Notably, Sylla was grinding lightly on her staff. It was adorable—and hot.

Thera's body had two perspectives focused on it. Thera's own, of course, and Remi's, experiencing the same physical sensations with a slightly different mental pleasure-profile, if that made sense.

Thera was even getting off to the sensation of having her body controlled 'against her will', though she could have stopped it at any time. Remi touched and pleasured her using her own body. Like masturbation, but different. They both felt the same physical sensations, and the whole thing was nearly as intimate as [Telepathic Orgasms].

Maple could almost be jealous of the ability, but her Skill was clearly better. When the pleasure ended, Thera shook her hands out.

"Phew. Alright, you've had your fun. Hop out."

"Huh? I can't move anymore. What'd you do? What was that?"

Maple laughed up at them, panting. That was fun, but she was realizing she really should have cum with them. She wasn't going to be able to focus with her body like this.

I hope the vibe hasn't been getting too silly.

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