Otherworld Girlboss Pervert

1.90 – Fever Dream

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Thera and Emma were hiding in a corner of the gift shop's back room. It wouldn't be any surprise at all if they'd been fooling around. Maple's arousal no longer seemed to go down, even after cumming. The same was probably true for the others. It really was getting to be a little much.

Fun, but just excessive. Like her [Enhanced Pleasure, You And Me] Skill. Perhaps half of this effect would make for a fun weekend resort trip.

If Thera and Emma had been fooling around, Maple probably would have joined them before heading off to become erogelic. They seemed only to be talking, however. Emma waved to her and flipped a page back in her notebook. She showed the already written and crossed over message to Maple.

dare double triple QUADRUPLE slime dare you to wear this.

In her other hand, she held a shiny round object, with a bright green gem at the end of its stem; a metal butt plug. Maple laughed, and on a hunch turned Thera around. She pulled her cheek aside, and—

"She made me put it in. The little pervert."

Thera's had a blue gem, matching her eyes. Emma turned, presenting her butt, and revealing her own inserted-plug. Pink, for her.

"You're such a—jeez. Um, maybe after though. I'm going to do the erogel thingy. Remi said it'll clear out all the sex energy. It's a bit much, isn't it? Could you wash this off me real quick, please cutie? And you'll both come with me right? I'm kind of scared. I should do it though, right?"

"Yeah, of course we'll come. But I don't know about that; it's a major decision. You should take your time deciding."

Emma hugged her first, offering her support, but then she smirked and pointed to another pre-written message.

Only if you wear it.

"You silly. Is that what you made Thera do before washing her?"

She laughed and nodded, and then scrubbed Maple clean. It'd only been a joke. They gathered the rest of Azure Bond and congregated with Remi. Thera caught Dort and Alas up on the way.

Remi led them through a door she opened and then closed again with her magic. Through it was a spiral stone staircase that led far deeper than anywhere they'd explored already. The stairs were built around a cylinder of metal. A huge, thick, metal spike rammed deep into the earth.

Maple was full of nerves as they descended.

"Will it hurt?"

"Nah, slight tingle. There is an adjustment period as you get used to your new body that takes a few weeks. You might experience some growing pains and soreness, then."

"And, it's safe?"

"As far as I know. There's no chance that you're pregnant, right?"

"Uh—I don't think so."

She'd only done things with non-human males, and Emma. And...a plant. What if one of her Skills had done something weird though? Or—what if she'd accidentally gotten her own cum inside of herself? Actually, should she have been more careful about that?

"Well, you'd miscarry if you were. Otherwise, it should be pretty safe."

That was the best she'd get, she supposed. No FDA trials or guarantees, just the word of a someone who died a thousand years prior. That goddess had endorsed it though, and that was mainly why she felt it would probably be fine. Not that she would for sure like it, or that it was a good idea, but that it wouldn't kill her.

She was going along with it because...why not? The reason was similar to why she couldn't say she'd really fret over returning to Earth. She could become some kind of genetically modified human-erotic-angel-hybrid, and it sounded like it would make her more powerful. She'd be able to use orgones. She'd get wings, and more eyes, for whatever that was worth.

So...why not? She'd basically still be human, and she could try to get a useful class this time. Plus, her Skills would be converted to bound spells, however that worked. She couldn't see much downside, besides the tummy ache of nerves and butterflies in her stomach.

The stairs seemed never-ending, and the metal cylinder in the center slowly became narrower.

"Will I be able to fly?"

"Yeah, of course! Uh, you should be careful though. Take it slow and make sure you have enough prana ahead of time. You can barely glide, without it, and the landing would...be rough."

That was exciting. But when she thought about actually flying, on her own without any safety devices, a feeling of vertigo compounded her nerves. She reached out to Thera mentally for comfort, showing her how she felt. Thera put an arm around her, over Emma's, who was walking on Maple's other side.

I'm sure it'll be fine. I'm excited for you.

"So uh, what do the other eyes do?"

Remi laughed at the question.

"They see things."

"Oh. That's it? Just like regular eyes?"

"Yeah, pretty much. It's a common question, that's why I laughed. The answer is actually more complicated than that. They can see prana easier, and they can see more than regular human eyes. What that more is varies, and can be trained to some degree, but...yeah. The eyes are for seeing."

Eyesight is good. Maple tried to be excited.

You'll avenge me if it goes wrong, or this is all a trick?

Heh, I'll smite her myself if I'm able. We have healing potions, for what that's worth. But are you sure you want to do this?

"I'm sure."

Maple responded out loud, to both her and Emma, not that Emma had heard the question. When they finally reached the bottom, and entered the erogelic transformation room, Maple slapped her face in disbelief.

"You're kidding me, right? Really? Like—why?"

"I don't know why exactly, but that's how it is. It works on males too. Just, uh, get on when you're ready and I'll activate it. If you need lube—"

"No, jeez. I'm, uh, fine down there."

Her body had been in a constant state of readiness since they'd entered the Erogelic Trial Grounds and Spa. She felt it leaking out of her, even, a slight wetness on her thighs.

In the center of the small room at the bottom of the long spiral of steps, attached to the metal spike rammed into the earth, was a saddle. It was raised a couple of feet from the ground, and in the center of that saddle was a golden phallus.

The object that would transform her into an erogel, if this wasn't all some elaborate prank or fever dream. Emma grinned and slapped Maple's butt. She was laughing. Dort took a long drink from his water skin, and then rubbed at his eyes.

"Are we all positive that we didn't just run into some bad air at the start of all this?"

Sylla actually cast some spells, seemingly to check their condition and environment. She shook her head as everything came back normal. Thera laughed.

"I think this is reality, fellas."

"Wew, alright. Time to become a—yeah. I..."

Maple was shaking. She was about to give up a fourth of her humanity. Emma hugged her, and Maple just needed a minute. There wouldn't be any going back. Time to fuck around, and find out. She let go of Emma and took a step toward the golden cock.

Another step, and she realized everyone was watching her. Why did it keep ending up like that? Being watched doing something embarrassing, to reach some greater end. The cum race, the sex zombie thing...

This would be worth it, she hoped. She put a leg over the saddle and looked at Remi.

"So just...sit? I don't need to do anything else? How long will it take?"

"Yep, just get it inside. Either hole is fine. Usually only a few minutes, it varies from person to person. You just need to cum, and then you'll get some system prompts."

"Wait, I even have to cum?"

Maple gave her companions a despairing look. Dort turned toward the stairs.

"I could step out if you'd like, lass."

"No—all of you stay. I'm scared, so...sorry, I guess. I'm gonna do it."

He nodded, and stood reassuringly with his hammer in hand. They'd have to witness her pleasuring herself...again. It was for a good cause. Emma gave her a thumbs up.

"Good luck, Maple."


It'll be fine.

They were all there for her. Even Alas's new catchphrase had somehow become a word of encouragement. Maple lowered herself, until the metal tip touched her.

"Agh, it's cold!"

"Oh right, it'll warm up quick. Just get it all in."

She continued, slowly lowering herself. She looked up for support from her friends, but it felt so embarrassing and—ridiculous—that she looked back down and just focused on getting the metal cock inside. It wasn't painfully long, thankfully, maybe five inches if she were guessing. Once it was all in, she sat comfortably on the saddle. The chill inside of her gradually warmed to body temperature.

"Now what?"

"Uh, well. Whatever you need to do, sweetie. Like I said...I've already primed it and it will activate when you cum."

"Right. Okay..."

She moved a hand to her clit, and kind of rubbed, but she looked up at the others. It was more than just embarrassing. They watched with anxious anticipation. A clinical observation, ready to help in case something bad happened. Maple felt—stressed.

Alas noticed, and smirked at her.

"Would it help if we cheer you on? Cum for us, you pervert."

It kind of did help, for some reason, to Maple's embarrassment. She started rubbing more enthusiastically and gyrating her hips. The golden cock inside of her seemed to vibrate, not physically but with some kind of energy to it. Dort was kindly looking away, but at full mast if that was any support.

Thera encouraged her mentally, sending feelings related to how erotic Maple looked there. Maple glanced at Sylla, and saw her pulling her hair to the side, revealing her body for her. She did it with a flushed face, and shyly, as if she wasn't sure Maple would enjoy her doing that. It was adorable, and—it did help.

Emma straight up touched herself, sliding her fingers in and out with a loud squishing sound. She exaggerated her features and put on a show for Maple. Remi smiled reassuringly, but was focusing on some kind of magical interface, and manipulating something invisible with her fingers.

With the support of her companions, Maple let out a shuddering sigh and focused on the task at hand. She moved up and down on the golden cock, now slick with her fluids. She rubbed her clit faster, and played with a nipple.

She hadn't needed much stimulation, just to relax. A minute later, she was there.

"Ah—cumming—what now—"

A surge of energy spurted out of the golden cock, and she cut off. The energy kept on coming and pumping her full. Full to bursting. She felt something intangible stretching as she was filled with more and more. She felt like something might really break. It didn't hurt or have a physical sensation, but—a pressure? She heard Remi's voice.

"Just relax and let it happen."

She was worried as she shuddered with the pleasure of her orgasm. She closed her eyes. The energy flowing into her felt good—she moaned. It almost hurt, but wasn't nearly as bad as the trial or other thing's she'd experienced. She grimaced, her moans became a constant stream of sound.

Her body was fading, like she might be losing consciousness. The sounds grew quieter, and the physical sensations felt distant. The air around her changed. It felt like she was in a different room. The light was different. She was no longer cumming.

When she opened her eyes, she was somewhere else. A psychedelic landscape. Shapes that she couldn't comprehend floated in the air. They morphed in complex geometric patterns, and if she had to guess, they had more than only three dimensions. They just felt that way. She couldn't comprehend how that could be.

The floor was a mix of tile and grass and patterns that didn't entirely make sense. The environment became more and more incomprehensible the further out she looked.

One, primarily diamond-shaped morphing fractal, she understood to be...an entity. Alive. It was a someone, not a thing. Again, she didn't understand how she knew that.

It was in the air next to the most gorgeous woman she'd ever laid eyes on. Beauty—no, sexual appeal made manifest. Her hair was black and silky, and ended just above her breasts. She was nude, like Maple. When her hair caught the light just right, it looked more of a dark purple than black.

She watched Maple with a kind smile, and let her adjust. She sat casually in a chair next to a glass table, one leg crossed over the other. She held a teacup, in her hand.

Maple was stricken, overwhelmed. She took a few steps forward. On the next step, she lowered herself to the ground. She crawled the rest of the way, bowing her head. She was not worthy to be in front of her.

She stopped with the woman's feet in front of her head. They were gorgeous. Should she...kiss them? No, lick them. It was the polite thing to do, for a being so much higher than herself—

"Oh, enough of that. Mortals. They get so...infatuated. You are my guest here. Be at ease."

It was a command, but one that freed her from the—the pressure and authority that had been on her. Maple gasped and sat up on the floor. She met the woman's eyes.

"Hello, Maple. It's so nice of you to visit! Truly. Please, have a seat, if you'd like."

She gestured to the other chair at the table. Maple managed to move her body to sit on it. Or, no, her spirit? That felt correct. She reached out to Thera, but their shared mind felt...empty? There was no one there to receive her message, or perhaps she was just too far away.

A teacup was already set for Maple, and she looked at it. She didn't know where she was, or who this was—

"Your companions were correct in figuring out who I am. You should call me Lili, or whatever pet name you'd like, if one pleases you."

"I'm Lilibra with Plantline OGP. Why don't you have a seat, Maple."

Thanks for reading

(This note was originally me rambling about the writing process and not knowing when this story should end. I changed it to this joke now. I could add some rambling about having tried to make non-problematic plant tentacles and it turning out how it did, but I won't lol. Thanks for the comments btw, I like reading them)

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