Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 1 - The bustling red leaf city

The sky was hazy and the rain continued.

On the muddy road, an old horse pulled a mottled carriage, leaving two deep ruts.

A dilapidated shed was propped up among the messy goods on the carriage, barely covering Zhang Feng, who was lying in the middle of the goods.

The raindrops followed the hole in the top, and slapped Zhang Feng on Zhang Feng’s face mercilessly. He tightened the tattered blanket, and sighed helplessly.

In such a bad environment, sleeping has become a luxury.

“Sir, I’m really sorry. There are some bumps on the road, which disturb your sleep. Please forgive me. I’ll be more careful.”

The coachman in tattered sackcloth heard the movement behind him, and quickly grabbed the reins to let the horse slow down a bit, then turned around, revealing a brown-haired and blue-eyed face.

“It’s alright, how long?”

Zhang Feng waved his hand a little embarrassedly. He was not used to the awe of the other party.

It has been raining for two days, and Zhang Feng has also been bumpy on the road for two days. Now he just wants to find a warm and comfortable hotel, eat a hot meal, take a hot bath and then have a good sleep.

“At our current speed, we can arrive in about half a day.”

The coachman answered quickly. He has been on this road for decades, and he is very familiar with it.

“Can you hurry up, please.”

In disgust, Zhang Feng threw the torn blanket of pantothenic acid aside, revealing a light green jacket, stretched out, and suddenly a cold wind blew, causing Zhang Feng to shiver uncontrollably.

He looked at the blanket beside his feet, and suddenly fell into a tangle.

“Of course, it’s my honor to serve you!”

The coachman grinned, revealing a set of green and yellow teeth, and then a whip hit the horse’s butt, and the old horse neighed and trotted, splashing muddy water.

“Bang dang, bang dang…”

On the swaying carriage, Zhang Feng grabbed the blanket with difficulty, pinched his nose and draped it over himself again. He prayed silently—before reaching Hongye City, he hoped that the carriage would not fall apart.

“Uncle, tell me about the situation in Hongye City.”

Anyway, I couldn’t sleep. Zhang Feng wanted to know more about the situation in this world. It was very important to know ourselves and others.

“Okay sir!”

The coachman organized the language, and then said:

“Red Leaf City is the territory of Baron Charles. Of course, not only Red Leaf City, including the road we are walking now, the villages around Red Leaf City, farmland, and the Black Rock Forest in the north are all owned by Baron Charles…”

“Hongye City is one of the largest cities in the Sunset Mountains. It is a place that many civilians yearn for. However, although Hongye City is big, it is not that simple to live in Maple City…”

“How big is the Red Leaf City, I can’t tell you how big it is, anyway, it’s very big. Its walls are made of hard black stone, and no beast can go beyond half a step. Living in the Red Leaf City, you will never be awakened by a beast in the middle of the night. It took several years to build this city wall…”

“There are many shops in Hongye City. There are only things you can’t think of, and nothing you can’t buy! Nearby merchants are proud to open shops in Hongye City. I dream of having a shop of my own…”

“The most commendable thing in Hongye City is Baron Charles’ castle. This castle is the most gorgeous and safest building in Hongye City. The entire castle is made of black stone! A commoner like me can take a close look at it. What a great honor! The inside of the castle is even more gorgeous. It is said that the tableware used by the city lords is carved from crystal, the floor is covered with carpets sewn with gold threads, and the walls are decorated with gold and silver coins…”

“In addition to the baron, there are naturally noble knights in Hongye City. They have the sharpest swords, the strongest armor, the strongest warhorses… With the protection of the knight master, no one dares to make trouble in the baron’s territory…”

“Red Leaf City also has…”

Listening to the continuous narration of the coachman, a splendid and exotic city of red leaves formed in Zhang Feng’s mind.

Zhang Feng, who lives in a modern metropolis, still yearns for a prosperous city similar to the Middle Ages.

Zhang Feng was looking forward to it.

Seeing that Zhang Feng was listening attentively, the driver immediately spoke more vigorously. These things, which are familiar to them, can attract the attention of a “noble”, which makes the coachman very happy.

Zhang Feng didn’t know that he was already regarded as a nobleman.

“I heard that Baron Charles’ wife is a beautiful woman like an elf. Any woman will feel ashamed in front of her. She is also descended from aristocracy, knowledgeable and kind-hearted. Only Baron Charles can match her…”

“Speaking of this Lord Baron Charles, he is also a legend! He took care of Hongye City in an orderly manner after only three months in office!”

“Hey, Baron Charles has only been in office for three months?”

“Yes, Hongye City used to be the domain of another baron, but that baron choked to death while eating, and Hongye City could not be left without an owner for a day. Later, this territory belonged to Lord Charles Baron.”

“Hey, this is really unfortunate!”

Zhang Feng lamented that the world is impermanent, and even eating can choke to death…

Hey? It seems that I am not much better – I just quit my job, and on the way to climb the mountain with a few ALICE friends, I inexplicably crossed into this place where birds don’t shit.

Yes, Zhang Feng is a traveler.

Although there was a strange door in his mind, Zhang Feng couldn’t open it after trying his best.

The only consolation is that I seem to be born to understand the language of this world, and I can communicate with people normally without staring at them.

Zhang Feng touched the backpack on his back. This is some modern food prepared for travel. According to the current level of science and technology, this is a world with backward technology. Rare is the most expensive, and maybe these foods can become their first pot of gold.

Let’s go to Hongye City first. It sounds like Hongye City is still very good. If there is no accident, Zhang Feng will settle in Hongye City.

Not long after, wheat fields began to appear, and the golden wheat ears made people feel much better.

Some farmers were working in the fields with horses or cattle. They looked at Zhang Feng, who was obviously dressed differently from them. However, when Zhang Feng looked back, they lowered their heads in fear.

Zhang Feng gave them a friendly smile, but he frightened these farmers so much that Zhang Feng was embarrassed.

The driver didn’t find these details, and he continued to introduce Hongye City to Zhang Feng.

The rain gradually eased, and many houses appeared in front of them, most of them were wooden structures, and there were also a few adobe houses, which looked similar to the rural home in another world more than ten years ago.

“I’ve seen the village now. I guess it won’t be long before I reach Hongye City. I wonder if I can see Baron Charles…”

Zhang Feng was still a little excited when he thought that he could see the most prosperous Red Leaf City in another world, and even see nobles from another world.

“Sir, we are here, and the Red Leaf City is ahead.”

The driver slowed down and said respectfully to Zhang Feng.

“Huh? It’s here? Where is Hongyecheng?”

Zhang Feng looked around with some doubts. Except for the village in front of him, he didn’t see any other gathering places?

“Sir, the Red Leaf City is ahead.”

The coachman pointed to the “village” ahead and said.


Zhang Feng felt as if he had misunderstood something.


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