Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 100 - 嘤嘤 strange wolf ears girl

“Very good, what do you want?”

Zhang Feng was very satisfied with Lamb’s news, he said to Lamb with a smile.

“It’s my honor to be able to serve the Lord of the City!”

Lamb saluted with a serious face. For this young and handsome city lord, Lamb sincerely admired him.

Although Lamb is very selfless, Zhang Feng doesn’t think that people really think that way. If you want a horse to run, you must feed the horse. When the reward is due, Zhang Feng will never be stingy.

“Do you like to drink?”

Zhang Feng asked.

“Of course!”

Lamb’s eyes lit up and he answered quickly.

On the third floor of this tavern, Lamb was here for the first time, but he was immediately stunned—

Colorful transparent glass bottles were randomly placed on the table, and various wine flavors penetrated into his nostrils, challenging his olfactory nerves.

When you smell it a little, you feel like you’re about to get drunk! This was a feeling he had never felt before!

Lamb is actually a wine lover, especially spice red wine is his favorite.

But today, he came to the Red Leaf Tavern and came to the third floor dedicated to the Lord of the City. Just by smelling these fine wines, he knew that those spiced red wines were all shit!

The kind of red wine that relies on spices to give off its fragrance is completely incomparable with this pure wine fragrance!

And Zhang Feng asked himself if he was drinking, probably because he wanted to reward him with fine wine.

So Lamb nodded without hesitation.

“Alright then, just pick a bottle and take it away.”


“What? Can’t you see?”

“No, no, no, I mean, Lord City Lord really let me choose?”

Lamb still couldn’t believe it.

Zhang Feng didn’t speak, but glanced at him, as if to say, if you don’t choose, I won’t let you choose.

“Okay Lord City Lord, I’ll take it now!”

Lamb walked in excitedly to watch, these different styles of wine gave him a lot of insight.

Not to mention anything else, these glass bottles alone can be worth a lot of gold coins, plus the wine in the glass bottles, this adds up to a sky-high price if you just take it out!

“No one will doubt the wine of the Lord of the City” – this is the consensus formed by those who love wine in Hongye City.

Lamb suppressed his excitement and finally chose a bottle of red wine.

He didn’t know if he could drink other wines, but red wine was his favorite after all, so there would be no problem in thinking about it.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Feng kindly reminded:

“This red wine may not be the same as the one you’ve ever drunk. Simply put, it has a relatively high degree of strength and a lot of stamina. When you drink it yourself, pay attention to the right amount.”

“Thank you, Lord City Lord, for your concern!”

Lamb humbly listened to Zhang Feng’s advice on the surface, but it was his left ear and his right ear.

He has never drank any wine since he was a child, even the “high-level” liquor sold on the first floor of the Red Leaf Tavern, he can drink it without changing his face-don’t laugh, many people can’t even take a sip!

This bottle of red wine is a trifle!

“If the city lord is all right, I’ll retire first.”

Feeling that Zhang Feng was no longer questioning, Lamb spoke very appropriately.

“Well, let’s go.”

Zhang Feng waved his hand, and Lamb respectfully backed out.

After Lamb closed the door, he straightened his back immediately, and swaggered down from the third floor under the surprised eyes of everyone in the tavern.

“Huh? Can you go up to the third floor of your tavern?”

Someone at the bar asked the bartender.

“Generally not, sir.”

The bartender answered politely.

“Then why did Lamb come down from the third floor?”

Although Lamb is not a big businessman, he is well-known in Hongye City, and many people know him.

“That’s because the Lord of the City allowed it.”

The bartender smiled.

“Ah? Is the City Lord on the third floor?”

The man was a little surprised.

The Lord City Lord of Hongye City has always been reclusive. Many of them have a hard time meeting Lord City Lord. When they heard that Lord City Lord is on the third floor, they were all excited.

Now Zhang Feng is the person most people want to see in Hongye City.

Especially those businessmen, they wish they could stay with Zhang Feng every day.

Because there is a legend circulating in their business circle for a long time – all the businessmen who are close to the Lord of the City have multiplied their net worth several times!

Seeing their frenzied eyes, the bartender quickly reminded:

“I advise you not to collide with Lord City Lord. Although Lord City Lord has a good temper, Lord Knight’s temper is not very good.”

After hearing the bartender’s words, everyone calmed down.

The City Lord can’t offend them. If nothing else, the wine in this tavern is already their favorite. If they offend the City Lord, they will be driven out of Hongye City, and they will not be able to drink this kind of wine. Well, isn’t it a big loss.

Since he can’t offend the city lord, he can only focus on Lamb.

“Hey, Lamb, what did you talk to Lord City Lord?”

“Hmph, do you think I’ll tell you!”

Lamb arrogantly contemptuously said.

The man didn’t care either, he said with a smile:

“I’m not curious—hey, what’s in your hand? A glass bottle? Wine?”

Under Lamb’s intentional or unintentional display, everyone also found a beautiful glass bottle in Lamb’s hand.

Hearing everyone’s questioning, Lamb didn’t hide it and showed it to everyone.

This is the reward given to him by the Lord of the City. If anyone has any thoughts on this bottle of red wine, he has to consider whether it is his fist or the sword of the knight.

“Wow! This glass bottle is so beautiful! It’s still red!”

“What’s in this glass bottle? How about using such a precious glass bottle?”

“This…a bit like spiced red wine?”


In the face of everyone’s discussion, Lamb coughed, and after seeing everyone’s attention, he said a little embarrassingly:

“This glass bottle is red wine, no no, it’s not spiced red wine, it’s called red wine, what kind of spiced red wine is it, and it is not of the same grade…”

Although he hasn’t drunk this bottle of red wine, it doesn’t prevent him from blowing it.

In any case, the concept of “a product produced by the Lord of the City must be a high-quality product” has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Seeing Lamb’s eloquent talk, everyone was envious, even a little sour.

Why wasn’t I the one who got the reward from the city lord!

“Your Excellency Lamb, I opened a booth with a good location. Would you like to come and have two drinks, please!”

Someone pointed to the card deck where the minimum consumption of one gold coin was issued at that time.

Lamb’s eyes lit up.

“Of course, it’s my honor.”


On the third floor, Zhang Feng looked at Lamb’s frowning, a little funny.

However, this person’s ability seems to be quite good. If there is a chance, Zhang Feng would like to take it for his own use.

“Do you want to drink?”

Zhang Feng looked at the wolf-eared lady in front of him and asked.

The wolf-eared girl didn’t speak, but the movement of licking her lips expressed her thoughts.

“It’s just that you are still young and not suitable for drinking alcohol. I will make you a bar with no alcohol.”

“Hmph, I’m not young! I’m an adult!”

Amy hates being told that she is young.

“No one is there now, you can say, what are you going to say to me?”

Originally, Zhang Feng met Lamb alone, but Amy had to follow her, saying that she had something to tell Zhang Feng.

Amy doesn’t like being with humans. She hid it deliberately just now so that Lamb couldn’t see it.

Now that Lamb is gone, Amy just came out.

“I’m sorry!”

Amy bowed her head – she actually apologized?


Zhang Feng didn’t react at once.

“Whether you believe it or not, I didn’t do it on purpose at noon.”


When it came to noon, Zhang Feng felt a pain in his butt.

He looked at the wolf-eared girl speechlessly, as if to say: Do you think I believe it?

“Humph! I really didn’t mean it anyway!”

The wolf-eared girl turned her face to the side arrogantly.

With her character, it was beyond Zhang Feng’s expectations to be able to apologize. Zhang Feng did not have the same knowledge as her, and replied perfunctorily:

“Okay, okay, I believe you didn’t do it on purpose.”

If he could beat her, Zhang Feng would really like to have a theory with her, but now that he is obviously at a disadvantage, it is better not to mess with the wolf-eared girl.

Don’t look at her petite figure, she looks like a little loli, but she has a great temper, and most importantly, her strength is terrifying.

As for Zhang Feng’s perfunctory appearance, Lang Er Niang can naturally see it, but she really didn’t do it on purpose. It was an instinctive reaction at that time.

When a man suddenly made such an intimate action, she just kicked it subconsciously. Who knew that Zhang Feng was so weak, and he was kicked away all of a sudden.

The wolf-eared girl is also very wronged, she really didn’t mean it!

Especially when she saw that Zhang Feng didn’t trouble her, and even had dinner with her, Amy felt ashamed. She felt that she used Zhang Feng’s for eating Zhang Feng’s, and even kicked Zhang Feng, which is really a little bit. I’m sorry Zhang Feng, so I wanted to find a separate opportunity to apologize to him.

But she is the kind of person who has a good face, so she really can’t hold back her face.

Wolf-eared girl is a little autistic.

Naturally, Zhang Feng was not thinking of what Amy had in mind. He took out a beautiful glass and used grenadine as a base. Then he poured Sprite to mix it, and then poured some Vita lemonade and pineapple juice.

Finally, put a few slices of lemon, mint leaves and cherries as garnishes, insert a five-colored straw, and a three-color cocktail with red at the bottom, white in the middle, and yellow on the top appeared.

Amy stared intently at Zhang Feng’s movements. After she saw Zhang Feng holding various bottles and jars for a while, a glass of dreamy wine appeared.

The wolf-eared girl was a little stunned.

This…is this the human world!

“Here, it should taste pretty good.”

Amy took it, looked at the extremely beautiful cocktail, and asked curiously:

“This…what’s the name of the wine?”

“Name? Well, I think about it…let’s call it Amy.”

Zhang Feng thought for a while and replied.

“Ah? Why is it the same as my name?”

The wolf-eared lady hasn’t reacted yet.

“Because I haven’t thought of a name yet. Since it was specially made for you, let’s use your name.”

Zhang Feng shrugged.


After the wolf-ear girl was stunned for a moment, her face flushed instantly. There is actually a wine in this world named after her!

Although two people still know about it, Amy is still very happy.

“Don’t you like it? This glass of wine is said to be wine, but in fact it has no degree. You should be able to drink it.”

Seeing the wolf-ear mother holding Amy wine in a daze, Zhang Feng asked suspiciously.

“Ah? I like it! I like it!”

Amy held Amy’s wine, put the straw in her mouth, and sucked.


“It’s good if you like it. After all, this is my first time to tune it. Fortunately, there were no accidents.”


Zhang Feng made himself a cup of Long Island iced tea. This was his first time making it, and it looked pretty good.

“Come on, cheers!”

“Cheers, cheers!”


Zhang Feng didn’t drink too much, he just had to try it occasionally. He still had a lot of things to do.

“I’m going to the city hall, are you going?”

Zhang Feng turned his head and asked Amy.

“Don’t go!”

Amy doesn’t like dealing with humans.

“Well, then you can do whatever you want, but you can’t drink the wine here. It’s not that you don’t want to drink it, but the degree of these wines is so high that you can’t stand it.”


Amy nodded quickly, but after Zhang Feng turned around, she secretly stared at Zhang Feng’s unfinished cup of Long Island iced tea and licked her lips.


Zhang Feng came to the city hall and met the city officials.

Now the mayor of Redleaf City is no longer supported by Blanche alone. There are now a total of eight mayors, all of whom were elected from the original residents of Redleaf City.

Maybe their professional ability is not very strong, but their character is reliable. After all, they all know the basics, and they are all literate, which can save a lot of trouble.

Among them, the oldest is Dobin, the old man who read the notice to everyone before. He is over sixty years old, and the youngest is Blanche, she is twenty-five years old.

When everyone works together, they are quite happy.

If Zhang Feng wanted to build Hongye City, he naturally had to chat with these city officials. After all, Zhang Feng couldn’t cover everything, and there were always some areas that he couldn’t take care of, which required them to check and fill in the gaps.

The conversation with the mayor lasted for two hours.

Zhang Feng left the city hall only when the moon showed his head.

He also had a more complete idea for the planning of Hongye City.

But for these mayors, tonight is doomed to be a sleepless night.

A thirty-meter-high city wall?

Can you build a ten-story house?

Flat and smooth, without a single pothole?

A carriage that can walk without a horse?

In their opinion, these things are all things of the Arabian Nights, but in Zhang Feng’s mouth, they seem to be normal.

And strangely enough, they actually believed it.


Zhang Feng was about to return to the castle, when he suddenly thought of the wolf-eared girl.

“Should she go back? No, I have to go and see.”

For Amy, Zhang Feng was a little worried, and didn’t know that the account before he left would not work.

Coming to the tavern again, Zhang Feng came to the third floor from the hidden back door.

“Huh? Nobody?”

Seeing the empty room, Zhang Feng thought that Lang Erniang had returned, but suddenly, his nose moved.

Wine taste, great wine taste!

Zhang Feng took a closer look, ho!

A bunch of wine bottles were scattered all over the place, and two bottles were even broken.

He hurried to check, but found no blood or anything. Fortunately, there should be no injuries.


Zhang Feng shouted, but received no response.

This entire floor is Zhang Feng’s private territory. It is very large. If Amy hadn’t left, it was estimated that he would have to find it for a while.





A figure suddenly appeared in front of him, and then Zhang Feng felt like he was hit by a car and flew straight up.

He is familiar with this feeling!

But the difference this time is that there is one more person in his arms.


Zhang Feng finally stopped after smashing several chairs.


He stretched out his hand with some difficulty and brushed away the hair of the wolf-eared girl who hugged him like an octopus.

“Zhang, Zhang Feng, drink, drink…”

Looking at Amy whose face was blushing, Zhang Feng saw a black line on his forehead.

He knew that he couldn’t let a beast-eared girl stay in the tavern alone!

“What are you drinking, you still drink!”

Zhang Feng wanted to get up, but his whole body hurt and he couldn’t move.

Looking at the wolf-eared **** his chest, Zhang Feng smiled bitterly.

After waiting for a while and regaining some strength, Zhang Feng got up. The wolf-eared girl was still firmly hanging on him, and he did not pull it off after pulling for a long time.

Zhang Feng was sitting on the large reclining chair, looking at Amy with his eyes closed. He wanted to teach her a good lesson and let her know why the flowers are so red.

“You said it’s okay if you drink, forget it if you’re drunk, but what the **** are you attacking me when you’re drunk! You were injured twice in one day, and they were all done by the same person!”

What a bear boy!

However, Zhang Feng was reluctant to teach her such a meticulously crafted, wolf-eared girl who came out of an anime.

Of course, there is another point, Zhang Feng can’t beat him, he is afraid of retribution afterward.

“However, you are drunk now…”

Zhang Feng looked at the wolf-eared girl who was dazed and muttering something, and an evil smile appeared on his face.

He stretched out his magic claws—then grabbed the pointed animal ears of the wolf-ear lady.

“Soft, fluffy, and comfortable!”

Zhang Feng naturally has a great affection for such furry things, just like he likes cats.

“Let you kick me in the morning, make you look at me, make you drink, make you go crazy!”

Zhang Feng unceremoniously started masturbating frantically.

The wolf-eared girl was like a kitten, and she let Zhang Feng lick it without any resistance.

“Wow~ it’s much more comfortable!”

After licking the wolf-eared girl’s ears for a while, Zhang Feng felt much more at ease. He felt that he finally got his revenge.

However, the wolf-eared girl still hugged Zhang Feng tightly. Her strength was too great, and Zhang Feng couldn’t pull it down even if she tried her best.

Zhang Feng doubted whether she was a wolf orc.

However, Amy is not very heavy. Zhang Feng dragged her to move freely, but he was sore all over now, and it took a long time to stand up.


As soon as he stood up, Zhang Feng felt something slapped on his leg, and when he looked up, it turned out to be the tail of the wolf-eared girl.

Looking at the slowly swaying silver-gray tail, Zhang Feng had some bold ideas in his mind.

“Would you like to **** off? She’s drunk anyway!”

Looking at Amy who still didn’t wake up, Zhang Feng’s bold idea grew wildly uncontrollably.

“Just touch it!”

In the end, Zhang Feng still couldn’t control his hand.

Taking advantage of the wolf-eared lady’s tail swinging, he caught it with ease.

“Well, it’s comfortable!”

There is more fur on the tail of the wolf-eared lady than on the ears, which makes it more comfortable to touch.

I don’t know if it’s because of the psychological effect. Zhang Feng felt that licking the wolf-ear mother was much more comfortable than licking the cat.

At first, the wolf-eared lady’s tail would struggle twice, but after Zhang Feng stroked along the fur a few times, she lay down obediently in his hand.

“It is said that cats and cat tails are two kinds of creatures, so is this wolf-eared lady and her tail?”

Zhang Feng couldn’t put it down.

He thought it would be good to have a wolf-eared girl. It would be better if this wolf-eared girl had a gentler personality.

Zhang Feng felt that something was wrong.

He looked down and found that the wolf-eared lady had woken up at some point, her icy blue eyes filled with mist, and her eyes were staring at Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng raised his head as if nothing had happened, looked at the big skylight above his head and said:

“The moonlight is beautiful tonight!”

As if to confirm Zhang Feng’s words, a dark cloud left, and the bright moonlight fell on Zhang Feng and Amy, as if they were covered with a silver veil.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

After confirming that he was not attacked by Amy again, Zhang Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as you don’t get beaten, it’s fine.

Zhang Feng quietly let go of the wolf-ear lady’s tail.

“Amy, didn’t I say, don’t let you drink, don’t let you drink! If you don’t listen, look at you, I broke my glass bottle…”

Zhang Feng was going to strike first, otherwise when the wolf-eared girl reacts, no one can guarantee that she will make a move.

However, before Zhang Feng finished speaking, the wolf-eared lady put away her tail with a swoosh. Zhang Feng didn’t even see where she hid her tail.

Then she shrank her ears, buried her head directly on Zhang Feng’s chest, and hugged Zhang Feng tightly with both hands.



I’ll go, isn’t this the wolf-eared girl? How come she has become a monster!

Zhang Feng didn’t understand what was going on, but it was clear that the wolf-eared lady should not be able to do it anymore, which made Zhang Feng completely relieved.

Zhang Feng put his arms around the wolf-eared girl, and under the protection of the soldiers, quietly left through the back door of the tavern.

“Lord Zhang Feng, Amy is…”

Seeing Zhang Feng come back with Amy in his arms, Caroline was a little strange.

“She drank some wine and fell asleep.”

On the way back, the wolf-eared lady fell asleep again.

“Oh, so, I also specially prepared a lot of food.”

“It’s alright, if you can’t finish it, it will be hot tomorrow, too, but can you help me break her off?”

Zhang Feng pointed to the wolf-eared girl hanging on his chest like a koala.


Caroline couldn’t help laughing at the poses of Amy and Zhang Feng.

Amy, who Zhang Feng couldn’t break apart with all her strength, broke it apart easily in Caroline’s hands. Invisibly, Zhang Feng was severely hit again.

Zhang Feng put Amy on the bed, and then prepared a lot of snacks and water to put on the bedside, so that if she woke up hungry in the middle of the night, the wolf-ear mother would have nothing to put her stomach on.

“Lord Zhang Feng~www.mtlnovel.com~ You are so caring!”

Little stars twinkled in Caroline’s eyes.

Hearing Caroline’s praise, Zhang Feng pinched her cheek.

“Let’s have dinner. It’s a little late to talk to the city officials today.”

“Yes, I understand.”

After dinner, they went back to their rooms.

There are still important things to do tomorrow, Zhang Feng has to recharge his batteries.

Silent all night.

The next day, Zhang Feng got up early.

Today is an important day. The stone materials delivered by Brown will arrive first today, and the construction of the tall city wall in Zhang Feng’s mind can start.


PS1: In order to make it easier for everyone to understand (because of laziness), the measurement units used in the other world are the same as those used in modern times.

PS2: The chapter name is too lazy to bear, it is still a three-in-one 6000-word chapter! After the launch, a minimum update of 6,000 words is guaranteed every day!

Thank you [Zeng*Canghai] for the reward of 50,000 coins! Ten thousand rewards plus more, a total of five more (10,000 words)!

10,000 words plus more will be paid back in two installments, because it’s really not over all at once, oh oh oh!

I will pay it once this afternoon, and I will pay the remaining one tomorrow.

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