Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 108 - fox ear girl

“Zhang Feng.”

Zhang Feng looked calm on the surface, but as for whether it was the same in his heart, only he knew.

“Lord Zhang Feng, can I take the liberty to ask, why are you here?”

The masked leader took off his mask, revealing a face with some vicissitudes.

“I… I went out to play and got separated from the servants.”

Zhang Feng replied bravely.

Since everyone thinks that he is a nobleman, it shouldn’t be a problem for him to pretend.


The leader looked at Zhang Feng and fell into deep thought.

From the appearance, Zhang Feng is indeed a nobleman, because his exquisite clothes are not owned by others.

The leader estimates that it is worth at least a dozen gold coins!

But he has no servants, which is another big doubt.

It’s not that he doubts Zhang Feng’s aristocratic status, but that he suspects that Zhang Feng is dead, and this person is pretended to be by his target.

He has lingering fears about the opponent’s ability to disguise.

“We’re looking for a wanted criminal. Can I check the civilians in your arms? Oh, by the way, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Beard Clark, and I’m a bounty hunter.”

Bill had to say with a smile.

Bounty Hunter…

Zhang Feng has only seen this profession in books. I wonder if this bounty hunter is different from what he has learned.

But he actually wanted this little girl? Zhang Feng is naturally unwilling.

Not only because of the desire to protect, but more importantly, he knew from the performance of these people just now that the nobles seem to have a relatively high status here.

Since he pretended to be a nobleman, he naturally couldn’t be cowardly. At least you had to draw out a knife and threaten it. If a few words really stunned a nobleman, Zhang Feng felt that he was not considered a nobleman at all.

And there is another point, although these people look ferocious, but they did not harm the lives of the refugees, it can be seen that they still have a certain degree of discipline.

So Zhang Feng said in a tough tone:

“What do you have to do with me when you are looking for your wanted criminal? This is my servant, and you have no right to check!”

When Zhang Feng said this, although his tone was calm, his body was shaking slightly, which only the little girl in his arms could feel.

Beard stared at Zhang Feng with a serious face, and Zhang Feng also stared at him uncompromisingly.

Actually, in Zhang Feng’s heart, he was already a little bitter.

Don’t look at me!

If you want to draw a knife, you can draw a knife, if you want to threaten, you can threaten. As long as you dare to draw a knife, I will kneel down and beg for mercy!

But if you don’t speak, if I just kneel down, wouldn’t it be a bit embarrassing!

Under such circumstances, Zhang Feng can still vomit crazily, which is no one else.

“It’s me who was abrupt, I’ll make up for it, my lord.”

However, the expected threat did not appear. The bounty hunter named Beard saluted Zhang Feng, then retreated with a smile.

“It counts as you know each other.”

Zhang Feng murmured, as if Beard was very disdainful.

But I don’t know if Beard heard Zhang Feng’s words. Anyway, after he left, he said a few words to a few subordinates before leaving.

The refugees who were left naked were shivering.

Seeing that the other party finally left, Zhang Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

He felt that his back was wet with sweat.

Afterwards, however, Zhang Feng wondered, are people in this world still good at talking? Bounty hunters sounded like a very popular profession, but they left after a few words from him, which shows that people are still very civilized.

This made Zhang Feng’s favorable impression of the world a lot higher.

And a kilometer away.

Beard asked his companion:

“Are you sure you haven’t missed anything?”

“Yes, she is not among these refugees. If we can’t catch her this time, it will be even more difficult in the future!”

Companion answered.

“There’s no way, we tried our best.”

Beard frowned, he really tried his best.

The companion suddenly said:

“But that nobleman seems a little suspicious!”

“No, that noble is not her.”

Beard directly rejected it.


The companion was very curious and didn’t know why Beard came to this conclusion.

“Because he fits most of the nobility’s characteristics—good-looking, clean, noble in clothes, never lags behind others in language, and regards face as his life, but he doesn’t have any strength of his own. When facing a threat alone, he is a bit sullen.”

“Ah? Is this the characteristic of aristocrats? But the nobles I’ve seen before are not like this. At least they don’t look as good as him, nor do they look good in clothes…”

“So I said, he fits most of the characteristics of a nobleman. He is definitely a nobleman, without pretense. And he seems to be a nobleman who hasn’t been out much, or he has always been well protected by knights, which is the first Going out alone once, but this also means that the power in his family may be terrifying, so if we can not offend, try not to offend, otherwise it will be very troublesome.”

“That’s right, I’ve been taught!”

If Zhang Feng knew Beard’s thoughts, he wouldn’t be scared to death. With just a few words of effort, Zhang Feng can see Zhang Feng so thoroughly. Such a person is simply terrifying.

“Okay, it’s alright!”

Zhang Feng patted the back of the little girl in his arms and comforted.

The girl looked up at him, with some doubts and confusion in her dark eyes.

“Why do you want to protect me?”

This is the longest sentence the little girl said.

But this seemingly simple question stopped Zhang Feng.

“Uh… how do you say it? It’s a subconscious behavior. Isn’t it instinctive to protect the weak? Besides, I’m still a man. Men protect women. This is also an instinct.”

Zhang Feng patted his chest and looked very heroic. As for the thing he was ready to beg for mercy just now, it was impossible for him to say it, it was too embarrassing.

The little girl was lost in thought.

Zhang Feng was obviously very scared just now, but she was a little touched by the situation where she was still biting her head.

“Where are you going? You can come with me if you drop by.”

Zhang Feng asked suddenly.

“I’m good.”

The little girl nodded.

Zhang Feng was a little happy, not because he had any intentions for her, but because there was someone who could talk.

As for the middle-aged man leading the carriage. Emm… That mouthful of smell made Zhang Feng not want to speak.

“By the way, what’s your name?”

Only then did Zhang Feng realize that he didn’t know her name.

“Name? I don’t have a name.”

The little girl looked a little confused.

“Ah? No name?”

Zhang Feng was stunned for a moment, then felt a little sympathetic, and his desire for protection was overwhelming again. He didn’t even have a name. This must be a poor child who had no parents since he was a child. Thinking of his own background, Zhang Feng tentatively said:

“Should I give you a name?”


The little girl thought for a while, then nodded.

Zhang Feng frowned.

“Why don’t you take my surname, my surname is Zhang, and your name is Zhang Xiaotang, how about it!”

Zhang Feng remembered that he gave her his last lollipop, which might be the last lollipop in his world, so the name is still very memorable.

As for why it is called Zhang Xiaotang instead of Zhang Lollipop. Because the latter one is too dumb.

little girl:”…”

“It doesn’t sound good, then I’ll think about it—”


“Ah? You agree?”


“Hey, it seems that I still have the talent for naming.”

After this incident, the people here are in a bad mood, but this has nothing to do with Zhang Feng, he is already on the road in the carriage of a middle-aged man.

At the same time, there are other people along the way, merchants and refugees.

Although the carriage was very broken, Zhang Feng felt that there was a unique experience.

Zhang Feng kept asking Zhang Xiaotang about the human society in this world on the carriage, but the strange thing was that Zhang Xiaotang was always hesitating and couldn’t tell for a long time.

Zhang Feng just thought she had never seen the world and didn’t care much.

During the period, Zhang Feng also shared some food with her, but Zhang Xiaotang was also very measured. He just tasted it and didn’t eat too much.

At night, the group found a flat area to camp.

The middle-aged man has two tents, one for himself and the other for Zhang Feng and Zhang Xiaotang.

The tent was not big, Zhang Feng and Zhang Xiaotang were wearing clothes and lying on a torn blanket.

Broken blankets are a bit rancid, but at this time, how can there be so much attention.

Zhang Feng was very tired that day. One moment he was talking to Zhang Xiaotang, and the next moment he fell asleep.

A soft snoring sounded, Zhang Xiaotang looked at Zhang Feng without any expression, and suddenly, Zhang Xiaotang’s pupils turned red.

“Hey, he should be asleep!”

“Be quiet, this is a nobleman!”

“What happened to the nobleman, he is alone, and he is definitely not our opponent!”

“And there’s a little girl… hehe!”

After more than ten seconds, the tent was opened from outside.

Three figures appeared, some with sticks and some with knives. Obviously, they were not good people.

However, when they saw the situation in the tent, they were suddenly stunned.

They didn’t see Zhang Feng, they didn’t see Zhang Xiaotang, they only saw a pair of red eyes.

Then the eyes of the three became dull, and after a few seconds, they turned around and slowly walked into the darkness.

The tent is closed.

After half an hour.

Four more figures came to Zhang Feng’s tent.

Opened the tent, was in a daze, turned around, and walked into the darkness.

The next morning, Zhang Feng slept until he woke up naturally.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Zhang Xiaotang curled up beside him, her face was a little pale, I wonder if it was a little cold.

Zhang Feng put his jacket on her, and Zhang Xiaotang was awakened by Zhang Feng’s action.

“Uh… good morning.”

“…Good morning.”

Zhang Feng handed Zhang Xiaotang a few biscuits, and Zhang Xiaotang took it unnaturally.

“Huh? Why are there so many fewer people here?”

When he came outside, Zhang Feng suddenly discovered that there was a large group of people yesterday, but today, when he looked again, it was reduced by at least one third.

The middle-aged man trotted over with a serious face.

“My lord, last night, we didn’t know what happened here. Some people disappeared for no reason. Let’s get on the road early.”


Hearing that these people were missing, Zhang Feng was a little worried, and naturally agreed with the middle-aged man.

But at this time, Zhang Xiaotang offered to say goodbye.

Where she is going, it will not be the right way from here.

Zhang Feng asked worriedly:

“Are you really not going to Hongye City with me?”

“No, I still have some things to do.”

Zhang Feng didn’t understand where this little boy came from so many things.

But since the other party brought it up, Zhang Feng has no reason to stop it. After all, the two have only known each other for a day.

“Okay, then be careful on the road. By the way, these things are for you.”

Zhang Feng opened the backpack, took a bag of snacks in the backpack, and stuffed them all into Zhang Xiaotang’s hands.

Not much, but it represents Zhang Feng’s heart.


Zhang Xiaotang left, but Zhang Feng didn’t feel anything special.

He still doesn’t know how he will live tomorrow, how can he have time to pay attention to others.

Sitting on the carriage, from morning to afternoon, Zhang Feng was so upset that he wanted to vomit. He kept thinking, if he had a car, he would have run there long ago.

It was night again. Thinking of those people who disappeared inexplicably yesterday, Zhang Feng was a little scared, but fear couldn’t stop him from falling asleep. He fell asleep about early in the morning.


A wolf howl came from afar, like a pack of wolves, but the howling suddenly stopped.

Zhang Feng didn’t hear it at all, and he slept soundly again.

The next day, when leaving the tent, Zhang Feng found that some people were going to part ways.

Every time you walk, you have to leave some people, and only the carriage of the middle-aged man keeps moving forward.

About three kilometers away from Zhang Feng, there were more than a dozen people riding horses and galloping.

Each of them has different clothes and looks messy, but they all have a machete of the same size hanging around their waists.

If anyone is here, they will definitely be able to recognize them, they are horrific horse thieves!

And the direction they are heading is Zhang Feng’s position.

But suddenly, a shadow entered the thieves.



In an instant, several horse thieves fell from their horses and fell to the ground motionless.


The horse thief was shocked, but he couldn’t see who was coming.

After more than ten seconds, all the horse thieves died except for the horse that was intact.

Zhang Feng naturally didn’t know what happened here, he was in a daze on the carriage.

There was no electricity, no internet, and even the only person who spoke had left. Zhang Feng had never felt so alone before.

However, there was one thing that exceeded Zhang Feng’s expectations. He originally thought that he would encounter some situations on the road, such as robbers and so on. The more backward and ignorant places are, the worse the security and the more difficult it is to manage.

What’s more, they are still on the deserted road. If they really want to meet, they can only admit that they are unlucky.

But there was no situation that Zhang Feng was worried about. There were no robbers at all. Occasionally, some people encountered on the road, and they were very humble and respectful to Zhang Feng, and even made way for him.

This made Zhang Feng a little emotional.

The folk customs of this other world are really simple!

If people in modern society can also have this attitude, wouldn’t it be a beautiful society?

In the afternoon, Zhang Feng took a nap in the car.

I heard from the middle-aged man that he will soon be able to go to Hongye City. When he arrives at Hongye City, there will be knights and soldiers. He is sheltered by Hongye City, so he no longer has to worry about danger.

Zhang Feng’s mood naturally relaxed a lot, and soon fell asleep.

While he was sleeping, a gust of wind blew, and Zhang Xiaotang appeared on the carriage at some point.

Neither the coachman nor Zhang Feng found out.

Zhang Xiaotang stretched out her hand, stroked Zhang Feng’s face lightly, and muttered to herself.

“You saved my life when I was weakest, and I will repay you, but because I still have very important things to do, I can only leave first. You wait for me.”

After all, Zhang Xiaotang leaned down, bit her lip lightly, and a drop of blood fell into Zhang Feng’s slightly opened mouth.

At the same time, Zhang Xiaotang’s appearance has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Her hair started to grow white, her ears started to point, her hands and feet started to grow, her chest started to bulge, she grew a fluffy white tail…

The most amazing thing is her face. The freckled baby fat disappeared, and it turned into a delicate face with a variety of styles, both the softness of the East and the depth of the West.

Especially her charming eyes, as if looking at you can hook your soul out.

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