Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 115 - How to use orcs correctly

Seeing the orcs was very shocked, Zhang Feng was a little unclear.

It’s just food and housing. In another world, this is a relatively normal welfare package. What are they so excited about? Shouldn’t they be concerned about salary?

“Cough, Zhang Feng…”

At this time, Hu Erniang withdrew Zhang Feng’s sleeves, and when she saw Zhang Feng moving her eyes, she whispered.

“I told them the same thing before. I think it’s not difficult to feed more than 200 orcs, but I found out later that they are all rice buckets! Not only did they eat up my savings, but they also made me mess with them. I’m in trouble…”

Listening to Hu Erniang’s complaint, Zhang Feng said suspiciously:

“You don’t seem to have a small appetite, do you?”

Fox Ear Niang: “…”

Can we communicate well.

Looking at the shriveled fox ears, Zhang Feng rubbed her hair, pinched the ears that felt so good, and said with a smile:

“That’s because you can’t let them create value, you just can’t eat it, you can’t afford it alone, but with their physical quality, you can earn it back by doing a little work!”

Hu Erniang is still a little puzzled by Zhang Feng’s words, because no one has ever hired orcs to work before, and she doesn’t believe or dare, so she has never seen such a situation.

But Hu Erniang didn’t ask any more questions. Since Zhang Feng said yes, then yes, she believed in Zhang Feng.

After the orcs talked in a low voice for a while, Zhang Feng said:

“You heard right, that means food and housing! Not only that, but there will be a fixed salary every month! But I also have conditions, that is, you have to help me work, as long as you are willing to work hard, food and housing are all provided. It’s just the most basic benefits!”

After hearing Zhang Feng’s affirmation, these orcs knew that Zhang Feng was serious.

The rat orcs are even more excited. No one knows more than him how much these orcs can eat. The food intake of these more than 200 orcs is definitely comparable to that of the more than 1,000 humans in Hongye City!

Most of these orcs are tall, but they are a little thin. Why, they are all hungry!

Not to mention how much Zhang Feng can make them eat, as long as he doesn’t starve to death this winter, he will be grateful to Dade!

“Then may I ask, Lord City Master, what does this salary mean?”

The Rat Orc spoke, and he asked for all the Orcs.

“According to the habit of our Red Leaf City, the salary is generally paid on a monthly basis, that is to say, if you work hard, in addition to the problem of food and accommodation, I will give you a sum of money every month. Do you want this money? Do whatever you want, whether you want to buy food, buy a house, or even get a wife, I don’t even ask.”

“What? There’s more money!”

“Money? Copper coins? Silver coins? Isn’t this something that only Lord Fox can bring back?”

The orcs are a little unbelievable. It seems that it is difficult for Mr. Fox to make money every time he goes out. He even gets hurt sometimes. Many orcs want to share the burden for Mr. Fox, but they can’t make money.

Is there a chance to make money now?

“Yes, there will be money, and I can guarantee that your salary level will not be less than that of humans!”

“Thank you, Lord City Lord!”

“Thank you, Lord City Lord!”

Under the leadership of the rat orc, the other orcs also began to thank Zhang Feng.

“But what does the Lord of the City need us to do? We don’t know many skills!”

The Rat Orc frowned.

It is good to have food and housing, and it is even more unthinkable to have a monthly salary, but the premise of all this is that they are competent for the work assigned to them by Zhang Feng.

But the Rat Orcs felt that this job must not be so simple.

In his impression, the jobs of human beings seem to be blacksmiths, carpenters, bricklayers, witch doctors…

Orcs can’t do these jobs!

“It’s very simple. At present, the job I’m giving you is a worker. Simply put, it’s a manual job.”

The construction of Hongye City is in full swing. Whether it is the construction of the city wall, or the construction of private houses and shops, many workers are needed.

If these orcs join in, Zhang Feng believes that the speed of construction will definitely increase a lot.

“Physical work!”

Hearing Zhang Feng’s answer, the orcs put all their hearts down.

If nothing else, as long as they are fed, there is no problem with doing physical work.

“Lord City Lord, put it down, we will definitely work hard!”

The rat orc hurriedly expressed his position.

“I hope you don’t let me down, just take a good night’s rest tonight, and start working tomorrow.”


Zhang Feng introduced Caroline, Marlow, and Amy to these orcs.

Caroline and Marlowe were okay, but Amy made these orcs a little weird.

They don’t know how the wolf orcs who have always liked hordes are alone in Hongye City, and they seem to have a good relationship with the Lord of the City.

However, even in a stubborn manner, these orcs are not stupid enough to ask other people’s privacy, especially the wolf orcs who are very difficult to mess with.

The orcs all bring their own tents, and sleeping in tents is accustomed to them, but for Zhang Feng, it is definitely not possible, it will affect the appearance of the city too much.

Zhang Feng called the rat orcs and told him to divide the orcs who could come to work tomorrow into two groups, one to build the city wall, and the other to build a house for them.

As for how to build a house, when the time comes, professional human beings will teach them, and they just obey.

“It’s an adult!”

Hearing that Zhang Feng was going to build a house for them, the Rat Beastman was very moved.

If it is not unqualified, they are not willing to live in tents all the time. After all, the houses of human beings are very delicate, and they look very good. Now I hear that Zhang Feng is willing to build such a house for them to live in. This is really the best thing that the rat orcs have encountered. Human!

Zhang Feng didn’t know, he himself was issued a good person card unknowingly.

Zhang Feng also has a general understanding of the situation of the orcs. Some are old and some are young, but no matter what they are, they are in good health, which makes Zhang Feng very envious.

Look at those refugees, all of them are like sick seedlings. If Zhang Feng had not managed their meals a few times, they would not be able to hold on.

After knowing Zhang Feng’s thoughts, Hu Erniang was a little strange.

“Do orcs get sick too?”

“Ah? Why didn’t I see it?”

“…because sick orcs can’t last here.”


Zhang Feng was suddenly at a loss for words.

With a simple sentence, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Not only sympathy for orcs, but also reverence for life.

To a certain extent, both humans and orcs are equally vulnerable!

“The otherworld version of the hospital is also on the agenda. Winter is coming, and there must be a lot of sick people.”

When Zhang Feng was thinking about the future construction of Hongye City, Hu Erniang suddenly said awkwardly:

“Zhang Feng, did you say before that you need coins to marry a wife?”

“Huh? I said that this is a custom in our hometown, called a dowry. It is usually for auspiciousness. Maybe our customs are different here?”

Zhang Feng is not opposed to the betrothal gift, but the sky-high betrothal gift is ignored.

Hu Erniang fumbled around for a while, then took out two silver coins and handed them to Zhang Feng.


“You are this?”

Zhang Feng took it with some doubts.

“This silver coin is all the coins on my body. This is my dowry gift. After you accept it, you will have to marry me in the future!”

Hu Erniang raised her head, revealing two cute little tiger teeth, staring at Zhang Feng with bright eyes.

Zhang Feng was in a daze for a moment, and then he said speechlessly:

“Are you stupid! The dowry is given by the man to the woman, so it should be counted as a dowry.”

“I don’t care, whether it’s a betrothal gift or a dowry, anyway, you accept it, you can’t be rude!”

Hu Erniang hugged Zhang Feng’s arm, as if afraid that he would run away.

Zhang Feng said angrily:

“You are a little kid, too young. Let’s talk about it when you grow up.”

Seeing Zhang Feng’s gaze swept across her chest, Hu Erniang stomped her feet angrily.

“Hey, I’m going to get bigger!”

For the sullen fox-ear girl, Zhang Feng touched her head as comfort.

But the moment Hu Erniang raised her head just now, Zhang Feng admitted that he was moved.

“Bah, beast, what are you thinking, she’s still a child!”

Zhang Feng quickly threw away some inappropriate ideas in his mind.

I don’t know what’s going on lately, it’s always easy to think wildly.

After returning to the castle, Zhang Feng was lying on the bed after washing up, always feeling as if something was missing.

“By the way, Caroline isn’t here!”

It would be a bit lonely to sleep only one person in such a big bed.

But after waiting for a while, no one knocked on the door.

Zhang Feng knew that Caroline would not come tonight.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Feng understood, it must be because of the fox ears last night. Although the three of them didn’t do anything, Caroline was still shy, and she was embarrassed to come over tonight.

This made Zhang Feng’s teeth ticklish towards Hu Erniang.

Unless Hu Er Niang came to help Zhang Feng warm the bed, he would never forgive her!

It’s a pity that the fox ears didn’t come.

With a touch of regret, Zhang Feng fell asleep.

Zhang Feng had another strange dream.

In the dream, it is a strange world, with very low visibility, a pink smoke filled everywhere, the smoke has a faint fragrance, a bit like jasmine.

Just when Zhang Feng wondered what the smoke was, a slender shadow walked out of the smoke, a little far away, Zhang Feng couldn’t see it, but Zhang Feng always felt as if he had seen it somewhere.

The figure slowly approached, she didn’t seem to be wearing clothes, but due to the smoke, Zhang Feng couldn’t see it clearly, he opened his eyes hard, and finally saw the other’s body and the other’s appearance at the same time.

A very seductive body, a charming face, a pair of amber eyes.

“Who are you? We… have we met?”

Zhang Feng asked.

But the other party didn’t mean to answer at all, she just smiled, and then she walked over slowly, stretched out her hand to hug Zhang Feng gently, feeling the other party’s body temperature, only then did Zhang Feng realize that he was not wearing clothes either.

Yin and Yang are intertwined, and play a beautiful movement.


A charming night.

Zhang Feng seems to have never slept so well.

Early in the morning, Zhang Feng felt that he was being held down by a furry thing. When he opened his eyes, he saw that it was a big snow-white tail.

Hu Erniang stood pretty beside the bed, and when she saw Zhang Feng wake up, she showed a big smile.

“Zhang Feng, good morning!”

“Morning! But why are you in my room?”

“Today is the first time the orcs work. I’m afraid you forgot to sleep, so I came here to remind you!”

Zhang Feng was a little skeptical.

The fox-eared mother of clothes and so on is ready, Zhang Feng puts on her clothes with her back to her.

Under normal circumstances, Zhang Feng used his space ability to put on his clothes in an instant, but now that Hu Erniang is here, he is not easy to expose, so he can only wear it slowly.

However, this kind of clothes is good-looking and good-looking, but it is a little cumbersome, and sometimes it is not easy to wear, such as now.

Seeing that Zhang Feng’s clothes were stuck, Hu Erniang winked and ran over to help him fix it.


Zhang Feng thanked him, then moved his nose suddenly.

“The scent of jasmine… have you sprayed perfume?”

“Perfume? What is that?”

Fox Erniang was a little stunned.


Zhang Feng remembered that there may be no perfume in this world, at least not in Hongye City, and he has not found a suitable opportunity to take it out.

Zhang Feng shook his head a little, always feeling as if he had forgotten something.

However, this sleep was really cool, Zhang Feng even felt that his physical fitness had increased again.

“Come on, let’s have breakfast.”

Zhang Feng rubbed Hu Erniang’s head, and of course the most important thing was to touch her two fox ears, which felt great.


Hu Erniang was holding Zhang Feng’s clothes, but her beautiful amber eyes were rolling around for a while, and she didn’t know what she was thinking.

After breakfast, Zhang Feng brought a few human construction workers to the orc’s tent.

The orcs were divided into two parts by the rat orcs. Most of them went to work for Zhang Feng, and the remaining orcs were left to build houses for themselves.

Zhang Feng didn’t say anything after seeing this, he could only say that these orcs were sincere.

“You just follow these workers. You can do whatever they ask you to do.”


Zhang Feng also found an interesting phenomenon, these orcs can be regarded as all dispatched, no matter the old or the young, they are all ready to work.

This kind of dedicated attitude makes Zhang Feng very satisfied.

“We have always treated people who work hard. You can go after breakfast.”


Some large buckets were brought over, filled with white, sticky objects, and occasionally a green leaf floated past.

This is the muddy batter that Zhang Feng made people cook.

Zhang Feng felt that it was too torturous to eat black bread for breakfast. Perhaps these orcs were unwilling, but since it could be improved, Zhang Feng would not be stingy.

The method of battering is very simple, and Zhang Feng’s is still a simplified version.

It is to stir the flour into a batter, then pour it into the pot, add a few vegetables, chopped green onion and an appropriate amount of salt.

Because there are many orcs, and they have a large appetite, Zhang Feng naturally cannot be so delicate, at least not now.

In Zhang Feng’s opinion, these batters are much better than black bread, at least they won’t gnaw their teeth.

Not only these orcs, but also the breakfast of those human workers.

The orcs were startled when they heard that there was still food to eat in the morning.

What they understand is that there is one meal a day and a place to set up a tent.

And now I heard Zhang Feng’s explanation is that ~www.mtlnovel.com~ will build a new house for them, three meals a day.

All the orcs were shocked.

Even the huge bear orcs had tears in their eyes.

“We must work hard for the Lord of the City!”

The orcs are tough, but they are not stupid. They can see clearly who treats them well.

Seeing the majestic orcs stepping into the construction post, Zhang Feng felt that this breakfast was not in vain.

However, in the following work, Zhang Feng found that he still underestimated the power of the orcs!


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