Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 117 - City wall completed

The sun and the moon are like shuttles, and the time is like arrows.

Three days passed in a flash.

In the early morning, before the sun rose, a carriage drove out of the castle under the protection of soldiers. In addition to Zhang Feng, there were Caroline and two beast-eared girls in the carriage.

The carriage looks old from the outside, but it is very comfortable inside.

On the soft slump, Zhang Feng lay on Caroline’s thigh, Caroline stretched out her slender hand and massaged Zhang Feng’s head.

Zhang Feng narrowed his eyes comfortably. He was a little tired due to the construction in the city these days.

A peeled seedless grape appeared in front of Zhang Feng, and Zhang Feng took it in one bite.

Hu Erniang withdrew her hand with a smile, and then glanced at Wolf Erniang provocatively.

The wolf-eared lady was naturally unwilling to be outdone. She stuck a small piece of cantaloupe with a toothpick and handed it to Zhang Feng’s mouth.

Zhang Feng also ate it unceremoniously.

The two beast-eared girls glared at each other, as if sparks were shining in the air.

Caroline didn’t pay much attention to their little actions, she said in a somewhat amazed tone:

“Master Zhang Feng, the construction of this city wall is a little too fast!”

Zhang Feng moved and adjusted to a more comfortable posture, his tone was a little sigh.

“I thought that with the participation of these orcs, it would be great to triple our construction speed, but I didn’t expect it to be more than ten times faster!”

Today is the day when the South City Wall was completed. Zhang Feng got up not too early in the morning. If it was left in the past and did not see the sun, Zhang Feng would not have gotten up.

“Thank you so much for Xiaotang. Without the more than 200 orcs brought by Xiaotang, we couldn’t be so fast!”

Caroline said with a smile.

“No thanks, no thanks!”

Zhang Xiaotang waved his hand quickly.

Zhang Feng glanced at her. Although Zhang Xiaotang said that she didn’t need to thank me, her smug expression clearly meant: Come and thank me quickly!

Zhang Feng looked at the big fluffy white tail on the soft collapse, and suddenly reached out and grabbed it.


Unfortunately, his speed was still too slow, and he missed out again.

But Zhang Feng didn’t mind, he said:

“It’s all a family, say thank you or not.”

Zhang Feng’s words brought a bright smile on Hu Erniang’s face. Although she knew that the family Zhang Feng said was probably not the same as the family she understood, it did not prevent her from being happy.

“Hee hee, yes, it’s all family!”

Wolf Erniang looked at the happy Fox Erniang, her ears drooped instantly, and she was unhappy when she saw that Hu Erniang was happy. Who is her family!

“Lord City Lord, here we are!”

Soldiers’ voices came from outside.

“Okay, let’s go down.”

Zhang Feng got up first, looked at the pouting wolf-eared girl, and touched her head.

“Amy, won’t you go down?”

Feeling the temperature of Zhang Feng’s palm, the wolf’s ears suddenly stood up.



After getting out of the car, Zhang Feng subconsciously shrank his neck when he felt the cold wind.

The other world is much colder than modern times!

He looked at Amy in a maid outfit, and at Zhang Xiaotang in a red Lolita dress, Zhang Feng envy for a while.

It’s good not to be afraid of the cold, you can wear whatever you want.

Caroline took out a furry robe and put it on Zhang Feng, which made him feel much warmer.

“Lord City Lord, in another hour, the southern city wall will be completed. You can wait in the car first.”

Knight Marlow looked at the pocket watch Zhang Feng had awarded two days ago, and said to him very intimately.

“It’s okay.”

Zhang Feng shook his head. Although it was cold in the morning, his heart was still hot.

In front of you is a tall gray city wall, fifteen meters high!

It was three meters higher than Zhang Feng’s original estimate of twelve meters! There is also a one-meter-high pheasant for soldiers to shoot arrows and look out.

And the wall is not only high, but also thick.

It can be seen from the doorway that the bottom base is ten meters thick!

According to Zhang Feng’s understanding of the world, even a trebuchet can’t smash this ten-meter-thick, fifteen-meter-high city wall!

And this is a city wall mainly built of reinforced concrete. Taking a step back, even if it is smashed, it only needs some concrete and it can be repaired in a very short time!

At this time, the city wall was still missing the last few stones. I saw Niu vigorously carrying a large stone and ran from outside the city to the city wall, and then handed the stone to the bear orc who was waiting here.

The bear orc gestured to the top of the city wall.

There are naturally stairs on the city wall. In the middle of the city wall, on one of the stairs, a pig orc waved to the bear orc.

The bear orc took a deep breath, then lifted the big rock above his head and threw it upward.


Such a big rock flew straight up and hit the pig orc with great accuracy.

The pig orc was unhurried, borrowed a clever trick, and caught his head at once.

Then he shouted towards the city wall, and another bull orc appeared.

Like the bear orc just now, the pig orc threw the stone, and the cow orc at the top also caught it at once.

Such a piece of stone weighing several tons came down to the city wall in twos and threes.

At the same time, there was a bang on the city wall. It should be the cow orc who shattered the stone and used it to mix cement and sand to make concrete.

Everyone can’t see the situation on the city wall, but they can imagine that the broken stone must have been given to Huo Huo by the “human-shaped mixer”.

From a stone outside the city to a pile of concrete on the city wall, the process took less than thirty seconds.

Even if it wasn’t the first time I saw it, Zhang Feng was still shocked when he saw it again.

Even the strongest human Maro knight in Red Leaf City twitched the corners of his mouth unnaturally.

Monsters, a bunch of monsters!

Orcs use their own way of working to show humans what is the aesthetics of violence.

“Great, really great!”

Zhang Feng sincerely praised it.


Hearing Zhang Feng’s praise, Hu Erniang was naturally very happy, and her little brothers gave her a long face.

“By the way, do you two have such great power?”

Zhang Feng suddenly looked at the two beast ears and asked curiously.

The wolf-eared girl quickly shook her head. The orcs were basically similar to humans. Generally speaking, male orcs had better physical fitness than women.

And the wolf-eared girl is not known for strength, she is good at speed.

As for the fox ear girl, she said with a smile:

“I don’t know, but I think I can throw little Amy on it. Would you like to try it?”

Hearing Hu Erniang’s words, Wolf Erniang subconsciously grabbed Zhang Feng’s clothes and looked at Hu Erniang with great vigilance.

Zhang Feng pinched Hu Erniang’s ear angrily, but Hu Erniang didn’t resist, and let Zhang Feng be violent, and even seemed to enjoy it.

Marlowe said it was an hour, but it only took more than twenty minutes.

“Lord City Lord, the south city wall of Hongye City has been completed, please check!”

Marlowe gave the standard knightly salute.

Zhang Feng nodded, then said to the crowd:

“Go up.”


When he came to the fifteen-meter-high city wall, Zhang Feng opened his arms and looked at the small orcs under the city wall.

“Lord City Lord, we have such a city wall, let alone horse thieves, even the regular army of the kingdom can’t attack it!”

Marlowe’s tone was a little excited.

“Ha ha!”

Zhang Feng first smiled happily, but then said:

“The words can’t be so full. If it’s a regular army, we probably won’t be able to stop it. After all, others don’t necessarily have to attack the city.”

After hearing Zhang Feng’s words, Marlowe was thoughtful.

Surrounding but not killing, poisoning in water, etc. There are many ways to siege a city. You don’t have to attack it hard, and it will kill Hongye City. After all, Hongye City is still a little too small. If it is several times larger , that is another case.

But for Zhang Feng, it is enough now. In the future, Hongye City will definitely have to be expanded.

After enjoying the scenery at the highest place in Hongye City at present, Zhang Feng checked the city wall again and went down after confirming that there was no problem. It was still too cold above.

“Our southern city wall is well built. Although it looks a little rough, it doesn’t have much impact, as long as the defense is strong enough. The remaining three city walls should follow this standard.”

Zhang Feng said to the crowd.


The other three city walls were actually built together with the south city wall, but since the orcs were all in the south city wall, the construction of the south city wall was the fastest.

“Our orcs are also temporarily divided into three parts, and the construction of the remaining three walls will start at the same time, and strive to be completed as soon as possible.”


The Rat Orc hurriedly replied.

Zhang Feng looked at the orcs in front of him, and suddenly said:

“You don’t have a name yet, do you?”




It is natural to say that some are Niu Dali.

Speaking of which, since Zhang Feng helped Niu Dali get a name that day, Niu Dali started to brag when he went back, making other orcs really envious.

It is a very happy thing to be named by the Lord of the City in person.

But there are very few people who can have this opportunity. For these orcs who don’t know a single big character, Niu Dali is naturally the object of envy of others.

Zhang Feng felt that it would be very inconvenient if there was no name, especially when humans communicated with orcs.

So Zhang Feng said:

“Then I’ll give you a name, so I don’t call the wrong person in the future.”

Hearing Zhang Feng’s words, the orcs were very excited.

“Big Bear, you are called Xiongba, a domineering tyrant!”

Zhang Feng pointed at the bear orc.

Bear Orcs are the burliest of these Orcs and deserve the name.


The bear orc is still stable after all, although he can see from his eyes that he is very excited, but he still bears it, unlike the Niu Dali, who is in his 30s and 40s, and still looks like a child.

Zhang Feng looked at the rat orc again.

“You are called Rat Daqiang.”

“Xie City Lord, Xie City Lord!”

The rat orc looked very grateful, but Zhang Feng always felt that he was not sincere.

But it doesn’t matter, Zhang Feng just needs a name to remember them. If they are not satisfied, they can change it by themselves.

“Then all of your other orcs have to have names too. Go back and get them.”

“I won’t take names…”

Xiongba scratched his head in embarrassment.

“It’s simple.”

Zhang Feng said directly.

“They belong to that clan, so just use the clan name as the surname. For example, if you belong to the bear orc clan, your surname is Xiong. As for the last name, you can take it as you see fit. If you really don’t know, just one, two, three, four. come…”

Xiong Ba was stunned for a moment, his expression seemed to say, is this okay?

“Okay, let’s talk about the name first. Remember, you must give them good names. Our Hongye City implements a household registration system. If you don’t have a name, you can’t be considered a real Hongye City person!”



Hearing Zhang Feng say this, Xiong Ba and Mouse Daqiang also understood the seriousness of the name, and immediately promised to help all the orcs get a good name and register it.

“Well, in addition, it is reasonable to say that we have to celebrate the completion of the city wall, but now that the time is tight, I will not take a holiday, but there will be no less rewards. At noon, the barbecue from Hongye Restaurant will be delivered, everyone. You can eat it open, and everyone present will have a share!”

“Thank you, Lord City Lord!”

Hearing the barbecue~www.mtlnovel.com~ everyone drooled unconsciously, even Marlow Knight was no exception.

Hongye Restaurant’s barbecue is different from other barbecues, this is a barbecue with spices!

How expensive are the spices, as everyone knows, to put spices on a barbecue? Luxurious!

Not to mention, the taste of this grilled meat is so delicious that after eating it once, you may never forget it for a lifetime.

Of course, these spices can’t be put without money like in modern times, otherwise Zhang Feng can’t support it. Now these barbecues have very few spices, but they are different from other worlds that don’t put anything, not even salt. Than, better to do not know where to go.

The sun and the moon are like shuttles, and the time is like arrows.

Ten days are fleeting.


PS: There is a chapter later, ask for a monthly pass!

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