Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 12 - time travel

An hour later, Zhang Feng was lying on the bed with a pale face, his legs were shaking, and he felt hollowed out.

“I finally figured it out…”

The door in his mind has two functions, one is a time-space shuttle function, and the other is a storage function.

The time-space shuttle function is that you can travel to the other world before, and after passing through, you can travel back again, and you can carry things back and forth.

Based on my previous situation, I guess that I can only bring things that I have in contact with, and the size should not be too large.

The storage function is that he has a certain size of storage space, and the space has the function of stopping time. Simply put, it is what things look like when they are put in and what they look like when they are taken out.

Zhang Feng estimated that the entire space was about one cubic meter in size, and he felt that the size of this space was not static. Maybe it reached a certain time, or some other conditions were met. Anyway, it can definitely become larger.

Zhang Feng wanted to put things in or take them out in a single thought. Of course, you must have access to the items yourself, and the storage space can hold it,

At the same time, he also discovered a fun thing, that is, he can change a set of clothes in an instant. Zhang Feng thinks this skill is very useful in winter. As we all know, the coldest time in winter is the time to get up and get dressed.

Time travel and access to items are limited, or it is more accurate to say that there is consumption. Zhang Feng calls this consumption mental power.

If the mental power consumption exceeds the limit that the body can bear, there is a high probability that the brain will burn out and become an idiot!

Zhang Feng can feel that the time travel is best used every three days or so. This way there is no burden on the body.

At least once a day, but in that case, there will be a certain burden on the body, such as physical exhaustion, lethargy or something.

If it happens more than once a day, it will be troublesome and life-threatening.

As for the storage and retrieval items, the consumption is relatively much smaller, and it depends on the size of the items. According to his current volume of one cubic meter, it is no problem to use it a dozen or twenty times a day.

Zhang Feng just experimented with the storage space for about half an hour. It was used for storing items and changing clothes. He used it hundreds or even thousands of times. He played too much and didn’t pay attention. collapsed.

Zhang Feng is fortunate that he did not forcefully teleport to another world, otherwise there may be big trouble.

She forced her tired body to take a shower. After she came out, she fell asleep. When she woke up again, it was noon the next day.

“Hey~ it’s okay, it shouldn’t be a big problem.”

Looking at himself in the mirror, except that his face was a little pale, he was still as handsome as before, Zhang Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

After a brief wash, Zhang Feng found two WeChat messages and a missed call on his phone.

When he opened it, he saw that it was all Lin Yulan.

The main reason was to ask him how his health was, whether there were any sequelae, etc., and then he mentioned that her father was not at home for the past two days, but the appraiser in the store was there. Zhang Feng could pick up the “antiques” on the mountain. “Take it and show it to the old master.

The word antique is marked with double quotation marks.

Zhang Feng didn’t care either, he just had the idea of ​​giving it a try. Anyway, he had already brought it back, so it would be fine to have someone identify it.

He contacted Lin Yulan on his mobile phone. He first thanked her for her concern, and then said that he wanted to invite her to a meal and thank her for taking care of her.

Lin Yulan was not polite to him either, she happily agreed and sent Zhang Feng an address.

Zhang Feng first checked the navigation, determined the target location, and then set a location at a nearby restaurant with good reviews online.

Although Zhang Feng, who graduated from college a year ago, didn’t save a lot of money, he still had a little money, and he could occasionally have a luxury meal when he was alone.

“Zhang Feng, here!”

Since Lin Yulan was relatively close to the restaurant, she was waiting for him in the restaurant now.

Today, Lin Yulan wore an off-white chiffon dress that Zhang Feng couldn’t recognize. With a black one-shoulder backpack and high heels, she looked both enchanting and noble.

It was the first time Zhang Feng saw Lin Yulan like this, and she was really amazed. After all, she was usually carefree and dressed like a boy.

“Sister Lin, you are so beautiful today!”

Of course, Zhang Feng didn’t stingy with praise.

“How sweet mouth!”

Lin Yulan is a little happy. Because she likes to travel, she rarely wears this type of clothes. Now it seems that the effect is not bad.

Zhang Feng ordered four dishes and one soup, and the two of them didn’t need too much.

I have to say that the taste of this restaurant is really good. Remembering that most commoners in other worlds eat black bread mixed with sawdust, Zhang Feng is very fortunate that he lives in modern times.

However, while eating, Zhang Feng discovered a problem. It seems that he has a bigger appetite? Usually, he is absolutely full of these, and now it seems that he is at most 70% full.

After eating two more bowls of rice, Lin Yulan took Zhang Feng to a nearby antique street.

What catches my eye are all kinds of small stalls, and many items that look very old are randomly placed on the ground, giving people a feeling that they can be picked up at any time.

Of course, Zhang Feng knew that this was an illusion. He was still a little self-aware of himself. If he wanted to pick up leaks from the stalls, he might as well buy a lottery ticket.

“These are almost all lies.”

Lin Yulan whispered in Zhang Feng’s ear, obviously she knew more about this line of work.

“Well, let’s go, go directly to your store.”

The further back the Antique Street was, the fewer stalls there were. Lin Yulan brought Zhang Feng to a quaint shop.

Lin’s antiques.

This is the name of this store.

“You call this a small antique store?”

Zhang Feng looked at Lin Yulan with admiration.

Lin’s antique shop has three floors, covering an area of ​​more than 300 square meters, adding up to more than 1,000 square meters. To have such a large area in this place with an inch of land and a lot of money, this Lin Yulan is a little rich woman and didn’t run away!

Zhang Feng wanted to say, rich lady, it’s too late to ask for support now!

“Uh, big stores and small stores are secondary. I don’t like it anyway. I’ll take you to find Master Wang.”

Lin Yulan took Zhang Feng to the reception room on the third floor and met the gray-haired Master Wang.

A few words of courtesy, Zhang Feng didn’t talk nonsense anymore, he took out a bowl brought from another world from his bag and gave it to Master Wang.

“Master Wang, I picked this up from the mountain a few days ago. It feels like an antique. Are you tired and have a look?”

Master Wang’s name is Wang Boyu, and he is one of the oldest appraisers of the Lin family’s antiques. If the lady hadn’t greeted him in advance, he wouldn’t have wasted his time here.

Antiques picked up on the mountain?

How can there be such good luck, if this antique is like a stone on the side of the road, you can pick it up casually.

It’s just that he is a friend of the young lady after all. Although Wang Boyu didn’t think he would gain anything this time, he didn’t put on any airs on his face, but was very enthusiastic. He just wanted to quickly finish the appraisal and send Zhang Feng away.

Zhang Feng put the bowl on the table, Wang Boyu wearing white gloves, carefully picked it up.

Originally, Wang Boyu, who was still a little unconcerned, took a few glances, and his expression gradually became serious.

“It seems interesting!”


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