Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 165 - The way to make money, Delia

It’s morning, and there’s still a long way to go before the dinner.

Since the problem of the lion orcs has been temporarily solved, there is no need to leave. Zhang Feng is still very curious about the city of Mor, and he has not had time to take a good stroll, but just went to an ecstasy hall.

For breakfast, Zhang Feng originally wanted to invite Niu Jiao Niang and the lion orc to be with him, but they were probably a little unhappy with Zhang Feng, so they didn’t agree, saying that they had food for themselves.

Zhang Feng didn’t force it either, so he saved himself a meal.

After eating, Zhang Feng took Marlowe and Abe out.

I didn’t drive, I was ready to walk. Before the city lord of More City didn’t express his attitude, he was still a little low-key.

Although there are still snowflakes outside, there are still many pedestrians on the road. From this, it can be seen that the prosperity of More City is still very high.

Zhang Feng wore two more clothes, it was too cold outside.

Zhang Feng did his homework in advance on the question of which places in More City were the most prosperous. In addition to the Ecstasy Hall, that was the Morgan Tavern and the Slave Market.

These three places are best known in Moore City.

There is a saying in More City: In More City, there is no place more prosperous than Ecstasy, unless you are in the daytime.

It can be seen how terrifying the ability of the Ecstasy Hall to absorb gold at night is, and Zhang Feng has already seen this.

If the ecstasy is the king of the night in the city of More, then the king of the day is the slave market of the city of More.

The slave market is only open during the day. It opens when the first ray of sunshine hits the ground, and closes when the last ray of sunshine leaves. It is so punctual every day, no matter who comes.

It stands to reason that this kind of place that doesn’t know how to adapt will definitely not be very good, and it will even cause some trouble unknowingly.

But the slave market has been doing well for so many years.

In addition to having a large number of slaves, there is another most important reason, that is, the real owner behind it is the Lord of the City of Mor!

It is the only commercial place in More City that directly belongs to the Lord of the City!

The reason why it is directly under the control is because in More City, some places do not belong to the city owner herself. She only collects taxes and does not participate in management.

On this issue, we have to talk about the city of another world.

The lord of a city, although nominally has absolute control over the city, the city is privately owned.

But many times, you can’t completely control it. For example, if you are a viscount, but there is a shop in your city that is opened by an earl, you must give it to the other party, and you have to turn a blind eye to some things. one eye.

This kind of thing is very common, and even these city lords are happy to do it, because in addition to strengthening the relationship between the two sides and cultivating a community of interests, there is another, and the most important point.

That is, not all city lords will run their own cities, and they want those capable people to come to their own cities to do business!

Running a city and your own territory is not that simple. It is not a game, and there is no chance to come again. If you lose the city by accident, then congratulations, you have become a noble without territory, that is, People often say that the aristocratic aristocracy.

After becoming a desolate noble, basically, apart from the reward, it is impossible for someone to give you territory. If you want to become the owner of a land again, you can only buy it with money.

But not to mention that buying territory requires a huge amount of gold coins, it is a question whether you can buy it or not.

A good territory will naturally not be sold by others, and a bad territory will be more difficult to operate, and it is likely to repeat the same mistakes.

Therefore, almost most of the city lords will not be too involved in the affairs of the entire territory, which is troublesome and not very beneficial. They only focus on the general direction.

Especially in the city, the city is one of the two most important sources of gold coins for the Lord of the City. As for the other one, it is food.

As for those other places, just leave it to others, the city owner only needs to collect taxes.

For example, More City, although it is a little special, its business model is similar to other cities. Many places in More City are sold to other people, including merchants, nobles, and even their own subordinates.

The city owner doesn’t care how others are doing business, as long as the other party doesn’t violate the laws of More City, she only needs to collect taxes.

This is very easy for the city owner, and you don’t have to worry so much, and the other party will definitely be very careful in their management. It is also very good for those who buy shops and sites. After all, in business, the bigger the plate, the better.

Moreover, due to some rules and restrictions, those who buy properties in the city, although they are buying freehold property rights, are limited to the case where the city owner recognizes them.

That is to say, if the city lord is replaced, or the city lord is killed, the contract they signed with the former city lord will become a piece of waste paper.

Therefore, for their own interests, these people must support the rule of the city lord. For the city lord and the merchant, this is a win-win situation.

Just like the nobles of the Buck Kingdom, they must support the rule of King Buck. Otherwise, if the king is killed, their aristocratic status will be lost.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything. For example, if you just want to rebel and become a king, then you will definitely not support it, or you will violate the law. This kind of thing has been seen a lot in the long history of history.

There are people in the country who want to rebel, and in the city owner’s territory, there will naturally be people who want to replace them, and they want to be the city owner.

Therefore, how to manage these people is also a required course for a good city owner.

And these are precisely what most city lords are good at. After all, they were born in aristocratic families since childhood. Basically, they have several brothers and sisters. They can stand out among them.

The above is just talking about business. As for military matters, the city lord basically won’t let anyone interfere. After all, the armed forces are the real backing of a city, and they can be assured in their own hands.

Speaking of the city of More, the only industry publicly owned by the city owner is this slave market.

Therefore, the backstage of the slave market is very hard, and the city lord can mobilize all her resources at any time, even force, to support the slave market, so it is not too much to say that the slave market is the king of More City during the day.

Many people even think that if the slave market is open at night, the business may be better than that of the Ecstasy Hall. After all, the richer the place, the less worry about the sale of slaves.

Of course, this is just an assumption.

As for the other Morgan Tavern, it is a relatively balanced place, open 24 hours a day. It can’t compare to the slave market during the day and the Ecstasy at night, but on the other hand, it is better than the Ecstasy during the day and better than the slave market at night.

Zhang Feng is naturally very interested in this Morgan tavern. He wants to see how the tavern here is different from his tavern in Hongye City, and whether there is any place for him to learn.

However, the tavern is open all day, and you can go at any time. Now Zhang Feng’s destination is the slave market.

If it is said that in the city of More, the slave market, the psychedelic hall and the Morgan’s tavern are the three most well-known places, then outside the city of More, the first impression of the city of More is mentioned by others – this is a slave city.

Like Abe and Annie, although they have never been to More City, they also know that this is a city famous for selling slaves. This shows how powerful this slave market is.

But after a while, Zhang Feng realized that this slave market is really far away.

Zhang Feng’s hotel and psychedelic hall are both in the east of the city, the tavern is in the middle, and the slave market is in the west of the city. The city of Moer is very big. It would take a lot of time to walk there.

And Zhang Feng didn’t find any means of transportation in the city, let alone a carriage, not even a rickshaw.

On the street, Zhang Feng looked at the snowflakes floating in the sky and felt a little uncomfortable. Do you want to go back to drive or not!

Let’s drive, he’s gone so far, wouldn’t it be a pain in the **** to go back.

Don’t open it, it’s still so far away, it’s probably noon if you walk past it.

It’s not that Zhang Feng doesn’t have this physical strength, he’s just lazy.

“Hey, why don’t you even have a rental carriage in such a big city of More! These people can’t make money!”

Zhang Feng complained helplessly.

Marlowe and Abe were also helpless.

It was Zhang Feng who didn’t take the car himself. He said he was walking more and exercising. As a result, he just walked a few steps, and he didn’t want to leave. It was a nobleman!

Even if he is as good as Zhang Feng, he has the common problem of nobles, that is, laziness.

When Marlo was about to speak and allow Zhang Feng to let him go back to drive, an ordinary carriage passed by Zhang Feng and stopped beside Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng raised his head in doubt, the window of the carriage opened, and a mature and charming female face was revealed. She looked in her thirties, but she was not old at all. Instead, she had a delicate face and fair skin like a little girl.

But the most attractive thing is her peach blossom eyes with slightly upturned tails, a kind of intimacy of the big sister next door.

“It’s you?”

The voice is soft and sweet.

Hearing the other party’s words, Zhang Feng was a little puzzled.

“Huh? Do we know each other?”

After searching in his mind for a long time, Zhang Feng has no memory of the other party. After all, as long as a person with such good looks has seen it, it is generally impossible to forget it.

Regarding Zhang Feng’s doubts, the woman smiled and said indifferently, “Maybe I’m mistaken.” Then she spoke very familiarly.

“I heard you say renting a carriage just now. May I ask what you mean? Where’s your car? Where are you going?”


The other party asked a few questions in a row. Zhang Feng was stunned for a moment, and then he understood that this woman must have seen herself and the steam car when she entered the city yesterday, otherwise she would not have asked questions about the car.

Seeing the other party’s attitude is very good, Zhang Feng has nothing to hide, he said helplessly:

“I was going to go to the slave market, but I didn’t notice that the city of More was bigger than I thought, a little far from the slave market. I didn’t plan to drive before, but now I want to take a car, only to find that there is no taxi or even a rickshaw on the road. , such a good business, the city lord of Moer City doesn’t do it, this is…”

The woman who heard the word “rental carriage” again was a little puzzled.

“Rental carriage? Business?”

“Yeah, you see so many people walking on the road. If there is a carriage on the side of the road that can be rented, as long as the price is not very expensive, someone will definitely be willing to ride.”

“The cost of the carriage is not low. It seems that this business is not very cost-effective.”

The woman shook her head. Naturally, there are carriages for sale in More City, in a special horse market, but the price is not cheap, and an ordinary carriage costs fifteen gold coins.

If you are in this business of renting a horse and carriage, if it is too expensive to carry a person once, it is better to buy one, but if it is too cheap, how many people will it take to get the money back, the time is too long, it is not cost-effective, not cost-effective!

Seeing the woman shaking her head, Zhang Feng was a little strange.

“Why isn’t this worth it? Considering a carriage with 15 gold coins, or 150,000 copper coins, for such a long distance from the east of the city to the west of the city, the carriage is charged according to the distance, and one hundred copper coins for one person is not excessive, right? ?”

“Not too much, but…”

The woman nodded. The price is really not expensive. One hundred copper coins can buy three large pieces of black bread. It may be a little distressing for people in other places, but this is the city of More, and people who can live in the city of More, or More or less, they have some savings, otherwise they would have been driven out of More City long ago.

But there is a problem. If a person only needs 100 copper coins and can pull 10 people a day, it will take 150 days to earn back the money from the carriage. This does not include the salary of the driver, the feed for the horses and the carriage. Maintenance work, etc., so it is actually far more than 150 days. If the horse is sick or something, it may not be able to return to the original for half a year or even a year.

If it were in another city, the business might work, but not in Moore City.

In Moer City, it takes more than half a year for the business to return to its original value, and it is all unqualified. The competition here is too fierce, no one will give you such a long time to prepare, and listening to Zhang Feng’s words, it is obvious that he is going to buy a lot of carriages. If you go on like this, the investment is very large. Unless you have endless gold coins in your hand and have no worries at all, it is impossible to survive in More City!

“But there are some problems…”

The woman said everything she had just thought about.

Zhang Feng was a little surprised. He originally thought that the two were just chatting casually, but he didn’t expect the other party to really understand business.

But after hearing her words, Zhang Feng was a little speechless.

“I said eldest sister, are you stupid, a carriage pulls one person? How can you be so extravagant!”

“Just like your current carriage, it’s totally fine to ride ten people, or even more, but it’s a bit crowded.”

“Assuming that ten people are counted, and you just carried people ten times a day, then the return time is ten times earlier, and the return is fifteen days! Even if the driver’s salary is added to the horse feed, it will only take twenty days at most. , I’ll ask you, did you make any headway in the 20-day payback business?”

“As for the horse’s illness, unless there is a plague or something in a short period of time, there can be no problem with it. After all, when you buy a horse, you will definitely pick up the good ones.”

“Even when you buy a horse, you can sign a contract with the seller, for example, let them guarantee that the horse you bought will be fine within a month, otherwise it will be returned. Of course, you can raise the price a little bit. I believe that most of the business is Merchants will do it, as long as their horses are fine, the money won’t be for nothing!”

“In this way, with the flow of people in Mo’er City, within a month, it will definitely return to the original!”

This is indeed a good business. Zhang Feng feels that if he is in Moore City, he will definitely open a “rental company”.

The reason why Zhang Feng’s Hongye City did not do this is that Hongye City is relatively small, and whether there is a “taxi” has little impact for the time being. We will talk about it after it expands. Another is that there are not many horses in Hongye City, and Zhang Feng plans to manufacture it in the future. The “rail steam car” is used as the traffic of Hongye City, so there is no need to get these for the time being.

“Carry ten people at a time?”

The woman muttered to herself, and Zhang Feng’s explanation brightened her eyes, as if she was suddenly stunned.

After thinking for a while, she felt that Zhang Feng’s words made sense.

“Of course, but you can also carry a little more or a little less, but this is another way of playing, and even in addition to its own passengers, you can also have some additional benefits, such as…”

“Like what?”

Zhang Feng suddenly stopped speaking, and the woman asked subconsciously.

“Why should I tell you?”

Zhang Feng shrugged. He felt that he had said enough. If this woman listened to it, she would definitely earn a lot of gold from this. If the other party thinks she is talking nonsense, it can only be said that she is not suitable for work. this.

Zhang Feng also just combined the situation he encountered, and it happened that another person was willing to listen, so he told it, otherwise he would not talk too much.

Didn’t you see that both Maruo and Abe were confused, even if Zhang Feng told them, they might not understand.


The woman was stunned by Zhang Feng for a while, but she was not angry at all. Instead, she showed a bright smile, like a hundred flowers in full bloom, especially her slender double peach eyes, which smiled like a crescent moon~www.mtlnovel.com ~ very charming, very friendly, and even a kind of heart-warming feeling.

However, Zhang Feng, who had already read countless beauty, quickly calmed down.

“If you say you can’t win, you’ll be fooling yourself? Still want to seduce? Fortunately, my determination is strong!”

Zhang Feng secretly complained and was unmoved.

What he said were relatively simple things, and when his Red Leaf City developed in the future, a person with a flexible mind would understand it at a glance, and it was nothing.

As for the rest, it is relatively high-level, and Zhang Feng naturally won’t say it casually.

Seeing that Zhang Feng still didn’t let go, and the woman didn’t mind, she restrained her smile, and then said tentatively:

“I also happened to go to the slave market. If you don’t mind, we can go together. Please don’t refuse. I think we may have many topics in common. By the way, I still have some small questions. I hope you can answer them. Of course, I will Pay you. By the way, my name is Delia.”

Zhang Feng was a little surprised by Delia’s words. It seemed that she had listened to her own words, and she was obviously very thoughtful.

At the same time, Zhang Feng also knows that the other party’s financial resources should not be weak. After all, this business requires a lot of investment in the early stage, and it is really impossible to play without any financial resources.

“Delia? Thank you very much then.”

Zhang Feng agreed.

After all, the other party is so polite, long people and animals are harmless, and he just happens to be going to the slave market. Moreover, neither Marlow nor Abe gave Zhang Feng a warning, indicating that the other party did not have the strength to threaten him.

Of course, the most important thing is that the other party does not prostitute for free, it is paid.

Zhang Feng likes paying for knowledge.

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