Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 170 - To take care of Zhang Feng!

“Oh? Then tell me, what’s the difference?”

Delia adjusted a comfortable sitting position and looked at Zhang Feng with interest. She wanted to see it. It was obviously the same. How could Zhang Feng say it.

Zhang Feng did not answer directly, but asked a question first.

“You said, this Mor City is yours?”

“Of course! How can this be fake?”

Delia’s face is a little unhappy, she is the city lord of More City, who is it that More City is not hers?

“Well, let me ask you again, is the ‘Moore First Hotel’ yours?”

“Yes what’s the matter?”

“Cough, this doesn’t count, let me ask again, is the ** hall yours?”

“Of course not.”

“Is the Morgan Tavern yours?”


“This kind of industry that doesn’t belong to you should be a lot in More City, right?”


“So, do you still think More City is yours?”


Delia was silent for a while, then said:

“Although these are not mine, they have to listen when I speak!”

“It’s yours and listening to you, it’s not the same. It’s your industry, you can do whatever you want, even if you go out of business, no one dares to say anything! But those industries that listen to you, you Let them go out of business, do you think they won’t listen to you?”

“…So, what do you mean?”

Delia’s peach blossom eyes squinted, Zhang Feng’s words have a feeling of provoking discord, if he really has such thoughts, hum!

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to sow discord!”

Zhang Feng saw Delia’s bad eyes, he quickly explained, and then continued.

“I mean, you seem to own the city of More, but in fact, strictly speaking, you do not own the city of More, at most it is the most powerful one among the many people in the city of More, and you have the right to order them. , but they also have the qualifications to resist, don’t deny it, if you go to order the ** pavilion to be closed from now on, you will definitely resist.”

Zhang Feng’s remarks made Delia ponder. Although Zhang Feng’s words were very unpleasant, it seemed to be the truth.

“Mo’er City’s forces are intricate and complicated. Although I am the city owner of More’s City, I can’t manage all the business. Do you want me to take all these businesses? In this way, there is indeed money to buy a steam car, but This is impossible, let’s not say whether I want it or not, even if I want it, others won’t, they are all earls, even the property of marquis and dukes, we are just a cooperative relationship.”

Delia thought that Zhang Feng wanted her to take full control of More City, so she explained it out loud~www.mtlnovel.com~Receive a red envelope] Follow the public account [Book Friends Base Camp~www.mtlnovel.com~ draw up to 888 cash red envelopes] !

In fact, she doesn’t want to have complete control, but it involves all aspects. Even if no one objects, she may not be able to control it. As I said before, running a city is not playing a family. All lose, this way of multi-person cooperation and bundling of interests is the mainstream today, which is also suitable for most people.

“No no no, I didn’t say that!”

Zhang Feng quickly waved his hand.

He can completely control Hongye City, one is that Hongye City is relatively small, and the other is that he has this confidence and ability.

In fact, from an objective point of view, the operation method of More City is very reasonable.

Perhaps because of the large number of forces in the city, some orders from the city lord that involved their interests could not be completed quickly, and were even rejected.

But on the other hand, everyone is a grasshopper on a rope, and they have common interests. If the city lord’s order is wrong, if it is harmful to others, they will definitely stop it.

This can also be regarded as restricting part of the power of the city lord, preventing the city lord from bringing the entire city into the ditch.

What if you said that the city lord’s order was wrong and everyone else in the city agreed?

Then there’s nothing to say – there’s no help, just die!

Every day in the world there are cities rising and cities falling every day. This is normal.

“It is impossible and unnecessary to completely control More City. Your business model is very good, so there is no need to change it. I mean, since you are the top leader of this city, then you have to use your identity. Get yourself some perks, like buying a car in the name of Moore City!”

Zhang Feng showed a smile that you know, but it’s a pity that Delia still doesn’t understand.

“I…seem to understand a little, but I don’t seem to understand…”

Facing Delia’s doubtful eyes, Zhang Feng hated that iron was not steel.

“You are really stupid, so let me ask you, is the profit of More City divided into two parts? One is saved into your own small treasury, and the other is left in the City Hall as the development of More City. The funds for construction and the salaries of civil servants. And this second part includes both the gold coins you earned for More City and the gold coins they earned for More City in the ** Pavilion. It is your common property, isn’t it? so?”

“how do you know!”

Delia is a little strange, most people should not know this kind of thing.

It’s not hard to guess this kind of thing. The ** Pavilion and the others can develop so well in More City. They must be taken care of by Delia. On the other hand, Delia is not taking care of it in vain. They also have to pay something, such as taxes. , such as contributing money to the construction of More City, this is a normal exchange of interests.

“You don’t care how I know, you just say yes!”


Facing Zhang Feng’s rude words, Delia glared at him and said yes through gritted teeth.

She decided that if Zhang Feng couldn’t say anything to satisfy her later, she would let Zhang Feng know why the flowers were so red based on the attitude of Zhang Feng talking to her!

“That’s right, since you are not willing to spend your own small treasury, then you can use the small treasury of More City!”

In order to say this sentence, Zhang Feng has prepared a lot of things. If Delia still can’t understand it, then he really has nothing to do.


Delia was a little stunned, and she spoke in a daze.

“…Not so good, the money is shared by everyone, and it is for the construction of More City. If I use it to buy personal items, I will not convince the public…”

It’s not that Delia didn’t think about these gold coins, but it was a long time ago. The more she manages Mor City, the more she knows that compared to these gold coins, the most important thing is that their alliance is strong.

These gold coins are earned through the joint efforts of everyone, for the construction of Moer City, and can only be used for the construction of Moer City. If she uses it without a legitimate reason, it will definitely cause some objections. If she insists on doing it, then everyone will no longer trust her.

Distrust is a terrible problem.

If everyone withdraws capital from her city of Mor, then the construction of Mor city will be stagnant, and she will have to pay gold coins by herself in the future, so how can her small treasury still be able to save it? No, don’t talk about saving money, and even rebate it!

“So, you need a reasonable excuse.”

Zhang Feng feels that More City is like a big company, and Delia is the chairman. Although she has the most voice, there are still some major shareholders with good background and strength under her. Shareholders will naturally not object to favorable things, but if the interests of others are sacrificed, or even the interests of all shareholders except the chairman, they will certainly not easily agree.

At the very least, you have to have a convincing reason.


Delia didn’t know what excuse could make everyone agree to spend a huge sum of 100,000 gold coins.

“Excuse, it’s very simple, like when you explain to them, you can’t say ‘me’, you have to say ‘we’!”

“Me? Us?”

“Yes! For example, when you buy a car, you can’t say that you bought it for your own enjoyment. This is to improve the work efficiency and external image of More City, and even improve the character of More City. For example, other great nobles come to More. When talking about business in the city, or when you go to other cities, if you have such a car, you have face, Moer City has face, Moer City has face, and these people also have face, they go out more than others. Be straight!”

Zhang Feng was talking endlessly. In order to sell this car, he was exhausted.

“It seems to make sense…”

Delia was taken aback by Zhang Feng’s words.

“But I feel that there will still be dissenting voices…”

“If you still object, then you can add fire. For example, this car was bought through the name of More City. As long as these people don’t quit More City, then nominally, they also have the right to use the car. It’s like a lot of you bought this car together, and each of you only gave out a few gold coins on average, I don’t believe it, those people are not interested!”


However, as soon as Zhang Feng’s words came out, they were denied by Delia.

“Huh? Why?”

“I won’t let others touch my things! Not even a car!”

Delia said it unequivocally, this is her personal cleanliness.

“Is that so? But I’ve been in your car before?”

Zhang Feng remembered that he clearly got on Delia’s carriage in the morning, okay?

“Giggle, little brother, can you be the same as everyone else!”

Delia smiled coquettishly.

Just one sentence made Zhang Feng think a little bit. He knew that the other party must have done it on purpose. Zhang Feng couldn’t help but curse in his heart, what a seductive fairy!

“Cough, you can’t stick to these outdated ideas, and when the car is bought back, it is in your hands, and the right to speak is also yours. You can use it for whoever you say it is for! Similarly, you don’t want to give it to you. They don’t have to give it, of course, you can’t say it outright, you can give some more difficult conditions, or keep delaying, etc. There are many ways!”

Zhang Feng always felt that he would teach people bad, but he thought again, this Delia is not a good person, and it is easy to say some misunderstood things. In this case, it doesn’t matter how bad it is.

After listening to Zhang Feng’s words, Delia’s eyes lit up, she finally fully understood Zhang Feng’s thoughts.

“Little brother, your method… is amazing!”

Even though Delia was very conceited, she had to say something to Zhang Feng.

Simply put, it is to use everyone’s gold coins to buy an item that everyone has in common, but the right to use this item is in Delia’s hands.

It can only be in the hands of Delia, after all, she is the boss of More City, even if the background of other people is also good, but this face still has to be given.

“But there is one last question. If they want to use it all the time, even if I can delay it for a month, two months, or even a year, it’s not justified if I don’t use it for them…”

Delia still has some concerns.

“It’s not easy, just buy another one! Drive one by yourself, and one for everyone. It’s much easier after the first time and half-push the second time!”

Zhang Feng said without hesitation, if he could sell another one for 100,000 gold coins, he would wake up laughing from his dreams!

“Oh? This is also a steam car. Do you have another one, little brother?”

Delia narrowed her eyes.

“Of course – no! I said, my car is unique, how can there be another one, but if you buy this car, I have enough money to continue to develop it, and sooner or later I will build another one. Get out!”

Zhang Feng’s face did not change.

“That’s it, okay, I’ll think about it…”

I don’t know if Delia believes it or not, and she didn’t mention it anyway.

“Well, I promise not to lose!”

Zhang Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief and almost missed his mouth, but fortunately he was witty and made up for it in time.

Just because Zhang Feng said that this car is unique, it can sell at such a high price, otherwise it is possible to fold the price in half.

“Giggle, knowing your little brother really surprised me, my sister!”

Delia raised the glass with a smile. Zhang Feng touched her. Although this spiced red wine is not very tasty, since the other party is her potential customer, let’s do it!

“Don’t dare, don’t dare!”

Zhang Feng is still relatively modest.

“I’m a little reluctant to let you go! You look good, and your brain is flexible…”

Delia looked at the scarlet liquid in the crystal cup and spoke like a joke.

But these words startled Zhang Feng.

This girl seems to be able to do it!

“No way! I have to go back and continue to build steam cars! Besides, I’m just a small character, and it’s useless to stay by my sister’s side!”

Zhang Feng quickly waved his hand.

I was careless, and Delia took a fancy to it!

Excellent people really shine everywhere!

Zhang Feng was narcissistic in his heart, but he understood that he had to ask Delia to dispel this idea. Now the two get along pretty well, and he didn’t want some unpleasant things to happen. Zhang Feng could not stay in Moore. In a “small place” like City, his Red Leaf City has unlimited potential, and sooner or later, it will surpass that of More City.

“Sister, am I so scary? Are you so afraid of me?”

Delia gave Zhang Feng a charming look.

“It’s not fear, it’s respect, how can a small role like me be needed for such a powerful elder sister!”

Zhang Feng continued to decline.

“Humph! A ‘little character’ that costs 100,000 gold coins to open your mouth, I have never seen my sister in my life!”

Delia’s tone was a little unhappy. Zhang Feng has never let go of the price of this car, even if it may not be his own money in the end, it is still 100,000 gold coins, so distressed!


Zhang Feng stopped talking and chose to act silly and bewildered. One hundred thousand gold coins must be obtained!

Delia stopped talking, and concentrated on eating the food in front of her, which made Zhang Feng relieved, and he also took two bites.

Just suddenly, he felt something under the table touched his calf, neither light nor heavy, Zhang Feng had some doubts that it was Delia.

But looking at the scene where she was concentrating on fighting her own food, Zhang Feng doubted whether it was an illusion.


Zhang Feng’s body stiffened, and he clearly felt that there was something on his calf, with a touch of warmth.

“Cough cough!”

Zhang Feng coughed twice, but Delia didn’t look up at all.

Zhang Feng was sure, it was definitely Delia.

Although Zhang Feng found out and even reminded her, Delia didn’t restrain herself, but intensified.

Zhang Feng could clearly feel that a small foot slowly slid up from his calf, and then stopped directly on his thigh.

Seeing that he touched a place that the website could not describe, Zhang Feng squeezed hard.


Delia snorted, her eyes full of peach blossoms, and she looked at Zhang Feng with radiant water.

“Little brother, what are you doing?”

what I do? I also want to ask what are you doing!

Zhang Feng complained in his heart, but his expression remained unchanged.

“What’s wrong?”

Since Delia doesn’t talk about martial arts, Zhang Feng is not so particular about it. He controls your legs and sees how funny you are.


Delia snorted and rolled her eyes at Zhang Feng, but she stopped talking, not even her feet were struggling.

Zhang Feng glanced down secretly, and sure enough, a small white and tender foot was being pinched by his legs. Those round toes and delicate fingernails all had the urge to play…cough!

Zhang Feng quickly looked away.

I really can’t tell, this Delia looks like she is in her thirties, but she is so well maintained! Compared with the girl in the flower season, it is not much better.

However, as a gentleman, Zhang Feng naturally won’t look at it too much.

Maintaining this strange posture, Delia finally ate almost.

She picked up the napkin gracefully, wiped her mouth, and said helplessly:

“Okay, let me go.”

“what are you saying?”

Zhang Feng is still pretending to be stupid.


Delia pulled hard, but didn’t pull away, she stared at Zhang Feng badly.


Zhang Feng also knew that he couldn’t make further progress, so he quickly let go of his legs.

“Count you acquainted!”

Delia said something cruel, but she didn’t take any extreme actions, which made Zhang Feng relieved.

This can’t help but make Zhang Feng feel a little emotional, it’s really not easy to make money!

Delia got up after tidying up her dress. Zhang Feng could see her bare feet under her long dress, and she didn’t know if it was cold or not when she stepped on the floor.

Zhang Feng also got up quickly.

Delia is shorter than Zhang Feng, and she needs to raise her head slightly to see Zhang Feng’s face, which makes Delia very uncomfortable, but Zhang Feng is already up and can’t press it any more.

“Little brother, are you really not thinking about it?”

Delia’s tone was soft and charming, and when she was close, Zhang Feng could smell a faint body fragrance, which was rare in other worlds. It could be seen that Delia paid great attention to personal hygiene.

“Considering what?”

Zhang Feng pretended not to know.

“What do you say!”

Delia took another step forward. The two were almost next to each other. Zhang Feng could clearly see his reflection in Delia’s black eyes.

“Sister, stop joking, it’s impossible for me to stay in More City!”

For his future, Zhang Feng has a plan, and any temptation is useless.

Delia stretched out her hand, gently stroked Zhang Feng’s cheek, and pressed her body against Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng had no choice but to sit on the chair again, but Delia didn’t give up, she almost lay on Zhang Feng’s body.

“Don’t talk too much, little brother, you have to think carefully, stay in More City, I will give you what you want, even… Even I am yours, let alone the entire More City, sister Although I don’t say how many gold coins there are, it should be enough for you to spend…”

Delia stared at Zhang Feng with a smile on her face, and the enthusiasm of her words was exhaled on Zhang Feng’s face. She observed Zhang Feng up close, not to mention, it was really beautiful, and she was almost tempted.

Facing the temptation to be naked, Zhang Feng took a deep breath, and then in Delia’s exclamation, he suddenly hugged her waist, and then Zhang Feng turned around and stood up, instead pressing Delia. on the chair.

Ignoring the soft touch just now, Zhang Feng said helplessly:

“Sister, don’t bother, if you want to take care of me, you really don’t have enough money!”


Delia was not used to being looked down on, she wanted to get up, but Zhang Feng held her shoulders firmly and couldn’t move.

“Okay, let’s not do those fake things. After you buy my car, I will tell you some of the current problems and improvements in the slave market, which are considered bonus benefits.”

“Is there a problem with the slave market?”

Delia was stunned, the slave market has always been her most satisfying masterpiece, and the slave market has also brought her a lot of benefits. She felt that there should be no problems.

“Of course there is a problem. According to the current daily flow of the slave market, the gold coins you earn are definitely more than that much. I will give you some advice. If you don’t say too much, it is no problem to at least double it.”

“Two or three times!”

Delia’s eyes widened, she was sure she heard correctly, not two or three times, but two or three times!

“Of course, but that’s all for later, I’ll tell you later!”

Zhang Feng sold something, he didn’t get the money, it’s impossible to say.

According to the scale of the slave market today, Zhang Feng estimates that there is at least 300,000 gold coins in income every month, but according to Delia, there is only 30,000 to 40,000 gold coins in a month, which is ten times worse!

Zhang Feng used some modern business knowledge to improve it. Not to mention too much, turning it over two or three times is a piece of cake. As for whether he can make more money? Of course it can, but Zhang Feng doesn’t have to waste time.

“Giggle, little brother can really talk big!”

Delia didn’t seem to believe it, but in fact she wanted Zhang Feng to talk more. Based on this meal alone, Zhang Feng’s strength, Delia had already experienced.

But Zhang Feng doesn’t want to eat this set, and he will know when the time comes.

“Okay, I’m done talking, I’ve eaten, I should leave, or those three guys should be in a hurry.”

Zhang Feng’s words contained a hint of threat.

Those three guys were Marlowe, Abbe and Felix.

He was afraid that Delia would force him to stay.

Delia could naturally hear the hidden meaning in his words, and gave her a sullen look.

“Little brother really don’t think about it anymore?”

Zhang Feng chose not to take her words again, otherwise it would be endless, but just turned around, Zhang Feng seemed to think of something, turned around again, and pressed Delia who had just stood up again.


“Forgot to mention, we can be regarded as a cooperative relationship now. I don’t ask you to show me much respect. As long as you can get rid of the ‘small’ word, I will be very satisfied.”

Zhang Feng felt a little uncomfortable being called little brother all the time.

“Hmph, I haven’t seen it before~www.mtlnovel.com~ How do you know if it’s small or not?”

Delia stretched out her pink and tender tongue and stared straight at Zhang Feng, as if she was going to eat Zhang Feng.

Female hooligan!

Zhang Feng secretly shouted that he couldn’t be provoked, he couldn’t be provoked.

Then he stopped talking to her, turned around and went downstairs, just looking at the back, there was always a feeling of running away.

Delia watched Zhang Feng leave with a smile in her eyes, and muttered to herself:

“What an interesting little brother…but is there really something wrong with my slave market?”

Delia frowned.

“Come on, clean up this place! Also, let Daisy come to my room tonight.”


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