Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 200 - They are all decent people

A strange thing happened on the streets of Buck City.

But what is the specific thing, those who saw it, all hesitated.

This makes other people who haven’t seen it curious, but if others don’t say it, they have no choice but to see it for themselves.

But this time around, I can’t come back.

“Red Leaf Clothing Store’ opening a big deal, a lot of discounts!”

“Red Leaf Clothing Store’ opening a big deal, a lot of discounts!”


On the street, four strong men were pulling four carriages without a roof and were shouting vigorously, and in the carriages stood several “women” with graceful postures!

These “women” are dressed in luxurious, seductive, sexy, or cute clothes, appearing in front of everyone.

Some people have heard that there is a lot of excitement on the street, some people are introduced by friends, and some people are shouting through these strong men… Anyway, it was not long after these strong men came to the street, they have already attracted attention. There were many people, men and women, young and old.

But everyone’s focus is different.

Most of the men drooled when they looked at the hot models!

“It turns out that the woman’s figure is so beautiful! I have learned a lot!”

“Cough, I just want to know how this pose is made?”

“This…Aren’t they tired like this, but they look good!”

“Nonsense, this is a dummy, it’s definitely not tiring! But…why is it a dummy!”

“Why no face, why! Ahhhh!”

“I-I’m fine…”


Don’t get me wrong, these models prepared by Zhang Feng are not the eighteen bans, but serious models, but the clothes are more prominent and the poses are a bit tempting.

For these people who have not gone through the era of information explosion and have not experienced the poisoning of two-dimensional elements, the appearance of this kind of thing is simply an impact on their three views!

The men, no matter how old or young, are all fixated on these models. If the four strong men didn’t look a little vicious, they might have gotten used to it long ago.

But slowly, there are more women. Compared with these superficial men, their women are obviously much more careful.

Although they were also surprised by the figures of these devils, what surprised them even more was the clothes on these “people”!

These clothes are styles that they have never seen before. They never thought that the clothes could be so beautiful! This is completely different from the clothes worn by the nobles they envy.

Nobility is equally noble, but these more than ten pieces of clothing, while noble, can show the charm of women even more, unlike those noble ladies, each one is more bloated.

Beautiful things, everyone likes them.

These clothes make women unable to walk.

Of course, some people pay attention to “models”, some people pay attention to clothes, and of course some people pay attention to what these strong men say.

“Red Leaf Clothing Store? Does it sell clothes? They don’t sell such beautiful clothes, right?”

“But where is this red leaf clothing store? I’ve never heard of it…”


The voices of these strong men are not small, and for the sake of their lives, they shouted hard.

Slowly, whether it is people who pay attention to models or people who pay attention to clothes, they also pay attention to their words.

This “Red Leaf Clothing Store” that has never been heard of has instantly become a topic in everyone’s mouth.

However, because these strong men are too fierce and don’t seem to be easy to get along with, everyone dares not go up and ask. After all, they are all civilians. Behind this strong man must be a nobleman. Usually they see noblemen who are Going around, if this angers the noble master, it will be over!

However, although I dare not ask, it does not mean that there is no other way, such as following these people, it is enough!

When they go back, don’t they know where the shop is?

Soon, behind the four strong men, a small group of people followed.

At first, the people behind them just wanted to see where the store was, but when there were more people, it was not easy to control.

Now, apart from the first ones who still remember their own purpose, the other people don’t know what’s going on at all. When these people see that they are all following those beautiful dummies, they naturally follow.

So, this propaganda team is getting bigger and bigger!

“Boss, you said nothing would happen this way?”

Among the four strong men, one of them spoke with some concern.

“Should… be alright?”

The boss also has some that may not pay attention.

They were just here to promote the store, but how did they go about it and turn it into a parade?

Several people were a little nervous, but when they thought that there was a Marquis behind them, their waists straightened up!

“What are you afraid of, we have the support of the marquis’ people, as long as these people are not allowed to touch and touch, the rest has nothing to do with us!”

“Yes, boss!”

It didn’t take long for these movements to alarm the nobles in the city, as well as the city defense army.

“What’s the situation? There is a large gathering of people in the city? Go and see the situation!”

Pairs of soldiers in armor, armed with weapons, trotted to the street.

“This is?”

Looking at the situation in front of me, this does not look like a riot!

Especially those tall figures are too big… oh no, they are too beautiful!

“Knight Nellie, may I ask what happened?”

A noble asked the knight who led the team curiously. It is human nature to like to watch the fun. At this time, the nobles should have enjoyed delicious food and massaged by the maids at home, but listening to the lively outside, They couldn’t help it, and after letting the maid get dressed, they ran out.

“This… I’m not very clear. I’ll go ahead and check the situation.”

“Get out of the way, get out of the way!”

When the soldiers came, these civilians naturally did not dare to stop them and gave way.

The strong men are a little confused, they are just promoting the store, how come even the soldiers and even the knights are here!

“Lord Knight, please, what’s the matter with you?”

The leader of the strong man spoke humbly.

No way, in their line, they are naturally afraid when they see a knight, even if there is a marquis behind him, but this kind of attribute suppression is really impossible.

“What’s the matter with you…Leighton? It’s you!”

The knight did not expect that he actually knew this person and accurately said that Leiden was only released by him a few days ago.

“Ah? Knight Nellie!”

The boss of the strong man, that is, Leiden, was shocked. The last time he was caught by this Nellie knight, there was a shadow. I didn’t expect to meet him again today!

“What’s the matter with you!”

Knight Nellie looked at the models calmly, and praised inwardly, how beautiful! Too bad there is no face.

“Lord Nellie Knight, we are now working for Marquis Zhang Feng. This is the newly opened shop by Marquis Zhang Feng…”

Leighton explained quickly.

“Marquis Zhang Feng!”

The knight didn’t even bother to peek at the model, and quickly looked at it.

He knows Marquis Zhang Feng. Although he has never seen a real person, no one in the aristocratic circle of Buck City does not know Marquis Zhang Feng. After all, this outsider is too miserable!

But no matter what, he is a marquis after all, and ordinary nobles can’t afford to offend him at all, not to mention that he is not a nobleman, but a quasi-noble at most.

After listening to Layton’s explanation, Knight Nellie realized that these things were originally used for publicity.

He thought for a while, this did not violate the king’s law, and he breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise if the other party violated the rules, it would be a little difficult for him to be a little knight in the middle.

“Since you are helping the Lord Marquis Zhang Feng, then you should follow the instructions of the Lord, but there are so many people…”

Knight Nellie said after thinking about it.

“I’ll take someone to follow to make sure that nothing unexpected happens, what do you think?”

Seeing Knight Nellie being so polite and even asking himself, Leighton was stunned, when did he enjoy this kind of treatment!

But after all, he is also the boss of these three people. He quickly reacted and said quickly:

“Ah? Great, thank you so much for the inner knight!”

This is really what he needs. They did not expect the battle to become so big. If there is any accident, it will be really troublesome. If there are soldiers guarding it, it will be different. At the very least, there is an accident. Yes, the responsibility has to be shared.

With the knights leading the team, although the number of people is larger, it is more orderly.

The purpose of Knight Nellie is very simple, to befriend Zhang Feng.

Don’t care what people say about this foreign Marquis Zhang Feng, whether it is bad luck, bad luck, or stupid, but it is undeniable that this is a real Marquis, and this is also a rich Marquis !

If he can gain the appreciation of the Marquis, just revealing a little bit between his fingers will be enough for him to eat for a lifetime!

In this way, the team is getting bigger and bigger, and even these civilians spontaneously help Layton to advertise.

No way, they hope that Leiden will finish the task early and go back quickly. They are very curious about this “Red Leaf Clothing Store”!

Soon, Layton and others turned around the main places in Buck City. Buck City is not small. With so many of them, it is impossible to turn them all around.

But this is enough, the news spread faster than expected, and even the inside of the palace knew that someone had opened a clothing store, and there was a lot of movement.

Of course, they have more news. They know that the owner of the store is Zhang Feng, and they know the specific location of the store.

However, the relationship between Zhang Feng and His Majesty the King is not bad now, and he has not come out to look for things.

The queen was very curious when she heard the news. She heard that the models made by Zhang Feng were very strange, but they couldn’t understand what these people said.

This seduced the queen’s curiosity, but if you go now, there will definitely be more people there, and there will be many people with mixed eyes, so we have to wait and see.

In the store, Zhang Feng and the beast-eared girls personally hung some clothes in the store.

The carpenters also made a lot of models. Of course, these models are all simple versions. They are not so much models as clothes racks. Although they are not like those models parading in the streets, people are fanciful, but it is enough to show clothes.

However, because Zhang Feng considered that he would leave in a few days, the clothes he prepared were not attracted by price, that is, impulse.

Otherwise, no matter how much you leave behind, if there is no supply of goods, it is estimated that it will be gone for a long time.

“These clothes look so good!”

Cat Erniang spoke enviously. Although Niu Jiao Niang didn’t speak, her eyes were also bright.

Although they knew that Zhang Feng had a lot of clothes and good-looking clothes in his hands, but they knew that it was different from what they saw with their own eyes.

Especially, these clothes are so many and good looking!

Fox Erniang and Wolf Erniang are relatively calm, after all, they have already seen these things.

“Do you like it? You can choose whatever you want.”

Zhang Feng did not mind and said to the cat ear girl.

“Ah? Really!”



“In exchange for your dried fish.”

“do not want!”

After teasing the cat-ear girl, and then looking at the bull-horned girl who looked like a stuffy gourd, Zhang Feng shrugged, the cat-ear girl is still funny.

“Huh? Is there someone outside?”

Hu Erniang suddenly shook her ears, and she heard a lot of footsteps.

“someone is coming.”

The wolf-eared lady also found it.

Then came Niu Jiao Niang and Mao Er Niang. When Zhang Feng heard the movement, these people had already arrived at the door of the store.

No way, humans are still inferior to orcs in some respects.

Zhang Feng was not entangled, but he was a little surprised when he saw so many people outside.

“I can understand whether there are civilians or nobles. Why are there still knights? Their uniforms look like the city defense army. Is the city defense army so busy?”

Zhang Feng is a little confused, but it seems that the other party has no malicious intentions, so Zhang Feng is relieved a lot, not just looking for trouble.

“Lord Marquis Zhang Feng, we have brought these ‘people’ back safely, don’t worry, no one has ever touched them!”

Zhang Feng glanced a few times, but he didn’t see any black handprints.

He didn’t want people to touch it, he just didn’t want someone to get his clothes dirty or even torn, which would make them difficult to sell.

“Well, yes, but what’s going on with these people?”

Looking at the dark people behind them, Zhang Feng was a little puzzled.

“It’s the Marquis Zhang Feng like this…”

Layton quickly explained ~www.mtlnovel.com~ and introduced the Nellie Knight to Zhang Feng, who nodded to him, and the Nellie Knight was not at all unhappy, after all, the gap in identity was here.

“Excuse me, Marquis Zhang Feng, how do you sell this, this ‘person’?”

Several nobles appeared in front of Zhang Feng, both male and female, they were very polite, and at the same time they were a little embarrassed to ask.

Looking at the other party’s medal, it is the Marquis.

“Sorry, we only sell clothes, these models are not for sale.”

Zhang Feng didn’t understand, what did these nobles want to buy this wooden stake for?

“Ah? Not for sale!”

A few people were stunned for a moment, and they came all the way over, but they didn’t expect to get this answer.

The clothes are amazing, but that’s not what they want.

Are they for these few clothes?

Serious people who like clothes!

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