Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 23 - more important than you think


Looking at Caroline with red eyes, Zhang Feng was a little speechless.

This is a bit exaggerated, it’s just a hamburger, is it really delicious enough to cry?

“Come on, you are so thin, eat more!”

Whether it’s because it’s too delicious or for other reasons, eat more if it’s delicious.

Zhang Feng pushed the chicken rolls, original chicken nuggets, big drumsticks, and French fries in front of Caroline. Seeing that she was so thin, it was okay to eat a few more pieces.

“Coke, it’s delicious.”

Zhang Feng gave a demonstration. After Caroline swallowed the food in her mouth, she followed Zhang Feng’s example and took a sip.

Instantly Caroline opened her eyes wide and her mouth bulged.

Rich bubbles bloomed in her mouth. This kind of stimulation made Caroline not used to it, but the rich sweetness on the tip of her tongue made her close her lips tightly, for fear that Coke would leak out accidentally.




Caroline’s ears turned red when she heard such an indecent voice. She can’t wait to find a crack to get in. For Caroline, who has received a good education since she was a child, it is unforgivable to be so rude at the dining table.

Zhang Feng snickered secretly.

Seeing that Caroline, who was drinking Coke for the first time, gave out three consecutive Cokes, Zhang Feng felt very interesting, it was exactly the same as when he was a child.

But after all, girls are thin-skinned, so Zhang Feng took a big mouthful of Coke himself in order not to embarrass Caroline too much.




The exact same voice sounded, and Caroline raised her head in surprise and looked at Zhang Feng who also hiccupped. She looked at Zhang Feng subconsciously and saw the smile in Zhang Feng’s eyes.

Caroline felt a warmth in her heart. Although her cheeks were still a little red, she was not as embarrassed as before.

After such an outing, the relationship between the two became much closer.


Caroline whispered something, and regardless of whether Zhang Feng heard it or not, she quickly lowered her head to eat the beef stew in her hand, but the corners of her mouth were slightly raised.

Zhang Feng has to admit that Caroline is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, with fair skin, long blond hair, delicate facial features, attractive red lips, blue eyes like lakes, and most importantly It was her innate elegance, even when eating.

Maybe another person is sitting here, and there is a high probability that she will devour without any image, but Caroline is not. Although she is not slow to eat, she seems to be so unhurried, and her voice is extremely low, no Affecting anyone, even nibbling on a chicken leg, has an indescribable sense of art. Zhang Feng felt that this might be an aristocrat, elegant to the core.

“Master Zhang Feng, you, don’t you want to eat?”

Seeing Zhang Feng staring straight at her, Caroline’s chewing slowed down, her face a little shy.

“Cough, it’s okay, you can eat as much as you can, there’s not enough left, by the way, you don’t need to call me an adult, it’s too unfamiliar, just call me by my name in private.”

Zhang Feng calmly looked away, seeing no evil, no evil!


Caroline hummed like a mosquito.

This meal was eaten for about an hour. This was the second time in recent years that Caroline had eaten so much, the first time she had breakfast today. Zhang Feng invited both meals.

Today, Zhang Feng can really understand what it means to have a delicious meal. Caroline still eats most of the food, but Zhang Feng doesn’t feel hungry at all.

Turning it over, two delicate egg tarts appeared in Zhang Feng’s hands.


Zhang Feng involuntarily shoved one into Caroline’s hand.

“This is?”

Caroline smelled a sweet milky scent.

“Egg tart, it’s delicious.”

Zhang Feng peeled off the tinfoil, and two bites solved it.

Caroline swallowed. Although her brain told her that she was full, she didn’t need to eat any more, but her hands did not obey her brain’s orders.

“Hmm~ sweet~ delicious!”

After eating and drinking, and taking a full nap, Zhang Feng woke up and felt that life in this other world was not bad.

This is an antique bedroom. The large bed covered with many layers of linen is still soft, and the white lace-edged quilt can smell a faint fragrance, which seems to be similar to the fragrance on Caroline?

It’s a pity that Caroline doesn’t have the habit of taking a nap…cough!

Banishing some of the thoughts of a gentleman, Zhang Feng washed his face under the service of the maids. The maids put on his coat for Zhang Feng, and Zhang Feng stood there and did not do anything.

“Ah! Corrupt noble life!”

“I like it a little bit!”

Caroline, whose earlobes were slightly red, appeared at the door just in time.

“Zhang, Zhang Feng, are we going to visit those slaves?”

It was the first time that Caroline was not used to calling Zhang Feng’s name directly.

“That’s right, let’s go.”

Zhang Feng strode forward, followed by Caroline.

Suddenly, Zhang Feng turned around.

“This dress is nice, I like it very much, thank you!”

Zhang Feng is no longer wearing the clothes on earth, but the clothes of the nobles of this world.

The top is a loose white gown that hangs down to the ankles. A red rectangular cloak was also draped outside.

The fabric is not very good, a bit rough, and the style doesn’t conform to Zhang Feng’s aesthetics, but after all, this was made by Caroline herself when she was bored. It was her heart, and Zhang Feng naturally had to say something nice.


Caroline hummed, looking very happy.

The two left the castle together.

Seeing these more than 100 slaves again, Zhang Feng clearly felt the difference between them. Not only was the appearance clean and odorless, but more importantly, the spirit was completely different from before. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

Previously, the eyes of these slaves were all dodging, they didn’t dare to look directly at people, and many of them even had dark eyes and looked like walking corpses.

But it’s different now. I took a hot bath with the medicated soap given by Zhang Feng, put on warm new clothes, and even had a lunch full of brown bread!

This gave the slaves a sense of rebirth.

And they actually felt that the Lord of the City attached great importance to them.

If there is a master who says that he takes his slaves very seriously, not to others, the slaves themselves will find it ridiculous.

Because from the moment of becoming a master, the life of a slave no longer belongs to him.

Although under normal circumstances, the master will ensure that the slave will not starve to death, but the master will also squeeze every strength of the slave.

Even if the slave is old and useless in the end, he will be sent to the battlefield by his master to make his final sacrifice.

A slave’s life is not a life at all!

This is the master in their impression.

However, their new owner, the city owner of Hongye City, Lord Baron Zhang Feng, is not like this at all.

Before letting the slave do any work, he gave the slave new clothes to wear?

To supply slaves with unlimited brown bread?

This is nothing short of a night talk!

Although the style of the clothes is old and the fabric is rough, although some people have the bread in their mouths taken away by the knight, the reason is that they are afraid of being stretched to death.

But they know that in other places, it is impossible to have this kind of treatment, and the Lord of the City attaches great importance to them!

And this is indeed the case, because Zhang Feng saw their first sentence again, which made all the slaves’ eyes widen.

“Your life is more important than you think!”

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