Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 242 - The Elf in the Deep Sunset Mountains (6,000 words)


The surrounding air was instantly blurred, and the temperature rose sharply.

“You guys, **** it!”

With just a light drink, Hill stepped out.

Her dragon horns became hideous, her arms were covered with scales, and her eyes turned into vertical pupils… Her aura overwhelmed the audience!

The most exaggerated thing is that her body is getting bigger and bigger! Cover the sky!

“This is… this is…”

In the distance, Owen Cook’s eyes widened in shock. He was stunned when he saw that the little girl turned into a giant dragon like a hill that only existed in legends in the blink of an eye.


At the same time, there was an exclamation in the forest, perhaps a subconscious behavior. Although the exclamation still could not be heard, it returned to its original voice, a female voice.


After many months, Hill, who had regained her body again, felt the strong power in her body, and she made a majestic voice.

She doesn’t know where the person who shot the cold arrow is, but it doesn’t matter. Since you like to hide in the forest, then I will burn the whole forest!


The red dragon flapped its wings, and Zhang Feng, who was excitedly admiring the red dragon’s heroic appearance, was blown away by a gust of wind. He quickly grabbed the hand that Caroline handed over, and when he opened his eyes again, the red dragon had long disappeared from sight. middle.

“People – oh no, what about dragons?”

Zhang Feng was surprised.

“in the sky!”

Hearing Caroline’s words, Zhang Feng hurriedly raised his head, and through the layers of leaves, saw a huge red figure standing above the sky. She flapped her wings gently, her hideous head staring down, bloodbathed. The big mouth slowly opened, and bursts of red light flashed in the mouth.

“She… won’t want to attack indiscriminately?!”

Zhang Feng suddenly had a bad feeling.

But it was too late to hide now, and I saw Hill opened his mouth wide, and terrifying flames spewed out of Hill’s mouth like a waterfall.

Flying down three thousand feet!


The fox-eared girl and the wolf-eared girl, Caroline, subconsciously stood in front of Zhang Feng, who simply closed his eyes.

A wave of heat rushed towards his face. In addition to the scorching heat, it was also accompanied by a “boom boom boom” explosion, but the expected pain did not come, Zhang Feng quietly opened one eye.

He was surprised to see that this flaming waterfall drew a perfect circle with him as the center. The inside of the circle was stable and stable, without the slightest spark, but the outside of the circle was like a **** of flames.


Caroline was also the first to see Hill in dragon form, and she couldn’t help but be amazed.

“She has a conscience!”

Zhang Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief, he didn’t feed her for nothing these days!

“But with such a scorching heat and explosive dragon breath, it is estimated that Owen Cook was scorched…”

Zhang Feng shook his head helplessly. If Caroline hadn’t killed the enemy herself, she would have some regrets.

This dragon breath lasted longer than Zhang Feng imagined.

I heard Niu Dali’s description before that the dragon’s breath was like a mouthful of thick phlegm, and it spit out in one mouthful, but today’s situation is obviously different.




Especially with the sound of explosions in the middle, Zhang Feng doubted whether he was going to demolish the Sunset Mountain Range.

Finally, the dragon’s breath is over.

Zhang Feng, who had been sweating profusely for a long time, finally breathed a sigh of relief. If he didn’t listen to this, he didn’t know whether the enemy would die, but he knew that he was going to die, he was hot!

Looking up, the Sunset Mountain Range is no longer what it was before. Except for the intact land under his feet, the tall and dense trees in other places have long since disappeared, leaving a yellow and cracked area full of deep pits. soil of.

He could even smell the smell of meat. Zhang Feng suspected that the black thing in front of him was still burning, and it was the body of the giant bear from before.

Zhang Feng wouldn’t believe it if he hadn’t witnessed all this with his own eyes, this is a forest!

Zhang Feng stood on tiptoe and looked into the distance. The trees in the distance were still down, but the towering trees were all raging with flames!

Good guy, it also has continuous damage!

“Huh? That’s Owen Cook? He’s not dead?”

Amy suddenly pointed to the front and said, and everyone looked for fame.

I saw a man with dry and cracked skin lying on the ground in the distance. There were still sporadic flames remaining on the ground around him, but the poisonous ground, which was about a square square, was not attacked by the dragon’s breath.

Obviously, he has also been paid attention to, but compared with Zhang Feng, the difference between the two is huge!

The place Hill left for Owen was too small. Although there was no flame that directly burned him, there were flames all around him. Let’s not say whether the oxygen would burn out or not, just say that the terrifying flame was so close to him, that’s all. After a while, the moisture on his body was almost dried up, and now he is alive, purely because of his great life!

Zhang Feng glanced at it and couldn’t bear it anymore.

It’s really miserable, it’s better to die!

But then again, the enemy who shot the cold arrow should be dead.

Zhang Feng didn’t think that someone or something could survive in this apocalyptic flame. He didn’t see so many beasts and it was cold enough—no, it was hot.


A figure that covered the sky and the sun slowly landed in front of Zhang Feng, and the dust splashed onto Zhang Feng’s face.

“Cough, then, Shir, are you alright, cough~”

Zhang Feng shouted in a loud voice while patting the dust.

With Hill’s huge size, Zhang Feng was worried that she wouldn’t be able to hear.


The giant dragon spit out human words.

Compared with her human form, Hill now looks more majestic, even if she just replied a sentence, there is a feeling of surrender. No wonder she has always called herself the king before, and she is born with a tyrannical spirit!

Originally, Zhang Feng also wanted to ask her to take him to fly around, but now Zhang Feng is a little too afraid to say it. Who knows if Hill’s temper will change after the transformation. What to do if your own flies.

But Zhang Feng didn’t mention it, Hill himself spoke first.

“The enemy hidden in the dark is not dead.”

“What? It’s not dead yet?!”

Zhang Feng was surprised, even the beast-eared women were also surprised.

Hill’s ultra-long-lasting dragon breath is extremely perverted in terms of power and range. They think they are facing it, and it is impossible to avoid it!

But even so, this enemy is still alive?

Could it be that the enemy is at the same level as a giant dragon?

“It ran away.”

The giant dragon Hill shook his head, as if he was a little puzzled.

“It is very good at moving in the woods, the trees that hinder others are unobstructed for it, and it can even use various plants to speed up. I only saw a vague shadow, similar to your human size. .”


Human size, female, good at fighting from zero and shooting cold arrows…

Based on the information he got, Zhang Feng always felt that this was a bit like a legendary race.

“But she can’t escape, dare to destroy my cake, I want her to die!”

Hill spoke solemnly. She glanced at Zhang Feng and asked:

“Do you want to be together?”

The girls turned their attention to Zhang Feng.

“Ah? You mean… want to ask for it!”

Zhang was immediately excited, he was finally going to be a dragon knight!


Zhang Feng saw a big claw grabbing at him, and then the sky turned around for a while. After the vision was clear, he found himself, Caroline and others riding on a huge claw.

Zhang Feng: “…”

I want to be above, not below!

Zhang Feng’s face was lifeless.

“Wait, this person hasn’t dealt with it yet!”

He quickly stopped Hill who was about to take off. Hill looked at Zhang Feng with some doubts.

“Caroline, here, use this.”

Zhang Feng handed s686 to Caroline.

Caroline took the shotgun. Although she has never used it, she has used a bow and crossbow. All she needs to do is pull the trigger. The operation method is similar to Caroline.

Caroline picked up the gun with both hands, took aim, and with a bang, her shoulders only shook slightly. Looking at Owen again, she was directly shot in the head and beaten into a sieve.

“Thank you, Mr. Zhang Feng!”

The enemy was slaughtered, and Caroline suddenly felt relieved.

“What do you want to thank me for, let’s go, Hill!”


The huge wings flapped, and Zhang Feng felt that his eyes were dark. He subconsciously hugged Ka Lulin in front of him. When he opened his eyes again, he was already above the sky. Looking down, a non-standard ring flame was under his feet. .

“Good guy, this is the start-up speed!”


Hill looked for a direction and flew directly over.

Zhang Feng turned back and glanced at the ring of flames, and suddenly thought, should the fire be put out? If it burns the Sunset Mountain Range, it would be a big sin!

However, Hill has been chasing people without looking back, and Zhang Feng only thinks about it in his heart, and will talk about it when he comes back.

And this chasing, one chasing lasts three hours!

It’s not that this person is fast, but because she is very cunning and knows how to use various tricks.

Because there are a lot of trees in the Sunset Mountains, Hill can only fly higher if he wants to fly fast, but once he flies higher, he can’t see clearly due to the shade of trees.

The other party took advantage of this point and frequently escaped from Hill’s hands.

Although Hill was angry, she didn’t lose anything. She knew that as long as she persevered, the opponent’s physical strength would be exhausted first.

Zhang Feng was very excited at first. Although he didn’t ride on the dragon’s back, the dragon’s claws were also dragons!

This kind of feeling of swift and fast speed is unmatched by any vehicle!

But after a long time, Zhang Feng felt a little uncomfortable. Not to mention the hard buttocks and uncomfortable riding, he just said that it told Feifei that the wind was blowing like a knife on his face.

The only good thing is that Hill is a fire dragon with high temperature, Zhang Feng felt the warmth around him, otherwise it would be even more uncomfortable.

He suddenly felt that being a dragon knight is not necessarily good, it is still the most important thing for him.

Compared with Zhang Feng, Hu Erniang and the others are much better, and they have always been excited. After all, this is the first time for them to go to heaven.

Zhang Feng thought to himself, is it necessary to build something that can fly? After all, this kind of flying without any protection is really unbearable for ordinary people…

I have to say that the Sunset Mountains are really big.

I don’t know if I don’t see it, I was startled when I saw it.

I hadn’t felt it in the woods before. When Jean flew up and looked down, Zhang Feng was not shocked by the Sunset Mountain Range.

He doesn’t know how high it is from the ground now, but it’s high enough, but even at this distance, looking at the forest in the Sunset Mountains, he can’t see the head!

The forest burned through by Hill has long since disappeared. Zhang Feng doesn’t even know where he is now. There are towering giant trees in his eyes, and he can’t even tell the east, west, north and west.

Fortunately, Hill can fly, otherwise if he gets lost, he will probably be trapped here.

However, before Zhang Feng was lucky, he heard the giant dragon Hill suddenly say:

“I’m running out of strength…”

Everyone: “…”

No, it’s only been a few hours, and you’re out of gas?

Zhang Feng asked nervously:

“How fast are you?”


“Huh? What does that mean?”





As soon as the voice fell, the giant dragon Hill swooped and charged directly towards the dense forest below. Zhang Feng subconsciously hugged his claws and screamed.



Dozens of towering trees were broken, countless small plants and animals were crushed into powder, a circular shock wave radiated from the giant dragon Hill as the center, and countless trees were destroyed.

“Cough cough~ Pooh!”

Zhang Feng, who had eaten a mouthful of ashes, crawled out from under the dragon wings, and Caroline and the others followed closely behind.

“Huh? I’m actually fine?”

Zhang Feng was a little surprised to see his intact arms and legs.

“Hill helped us block most of the impact…”

Caroline looked worriedly at the red dragon who smashed a deep pit.

Zhang Feng quickly tapped the dragon’s wings.

“Hey, hey, Miss Hill, are you alright?”

Speaking of which, before coming to the Sunset Mountain Range, Zhang Feng had considered all kinds of crises that he might encounter, and made certain precautions.

But Zhang Feng really didn’t expect such a thing as a plane crash, otherwise he would have to parachute his entire height!


The giant dragon Hill moved his wings, and before Zhang Feng could speak again, he saw that the giant dragon Hill quickly shrank, and in the blink of an eye, he became Lolita Hill again.

Lolita Hill opened her eyes and got up from the ground.

Zhang Feng looked at her appearance and didn’t seem to be injured, so he was relieved.

“Hill, are you alright?”

The crowd quickly gathered around.

“Something happened.”

“Ah? Where is the injury? Does it matter!”

Zhang Feng was a little nervous. Now that he can’t go to the village or the store, he still expects Hill to take him back!

“I’m hungry and have no energy.”

“… Scared me to death, it’s fine if you’re not injured, or hungry, and we’ll hunt some game to eat later! But then again, didn’t I say before, you’d better save some energy, you have to plan Well, why do you suddenly lose your strength?”

Zhang Feng breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he was okay, he was puzzled by Hill’s sudden strength.

“Uh, I made a plan. I had been flying for so long, and I still had half the strength, enough to fly back, but because of the previous dragon breath, I used too much strength, I forgot to include it…”


Well, Zhang Feng has nothing to say. Sure enough, pretending to be a B has to pay a price.

“But, where are we now? How far is it from Hongye City, and where is that enemy?”

Caroline asked worriedly.

Now that she had lost her bearings, and it was getting dark, he took out the compass that Zhang Feng gave her, and found that the compass was malfunctioning.

This is going to be bad, but I’m really stuck here!

“I don’t know how far it is from Hongye City…”

Hill scratched his head in annoyance, and then said somewhat contentedly:

“But I know where the enemy is. It’s near here. I just fell here on purpose! If you dare to destroy my cake, I must kill her!”

Hearing Hill’s words, Zhang Feng instantly became nervous. Looking at the dense trees around him, he felt that the enemy might appear at any time.

At the same time, Zhang Feng complained wildly in his heart.

Eldest sister, aren’t you strong enough? I don’t know how to cowardly, you even killed a hammer!

Everyone was on guard carefully, but after waiting for a while, they were not attacked.

Zhang Feng thought about it and said:

“Leave this enemy alone and think about how to get out of here.”

The enemy is in the dark, and you are in the light, which is inherently disadvantageous. In addition, the strongest combat power is now in cooling, so it is not appropriate to take the initiative to attack.

As long as the other party dares to show up, she won’t necessarily be able to deal with the little red dragon, just the fox ears.

But speaking, this enemy is a bit weird. After chasing for so long, he didn’t even see a shadow. On, for Hill, it was really a bit embarrassing.

Perhaps he knew that he had trapped Zhang Feng. Although Hill was a little indignant, he still didn’t say anything about killing the other party.

A few people briefly discussed it for a while, but there was no good solution. All the survival tools Zhang prepared were invalid here. The sky was also gray and the sun could not be seen clearly. Zhang Feng could only pass the position where the sun set, roughly. Determine the direction.

But before taking two steps, after the sky was completely dark, the sky was full of stars that Zhang Feng didn’t know, and the method of trying to identify the direction by the stars also failed.

“It seems that there is only one last way!”

Zhang Feng finally turned his attention to Hill.


Hill is a little strange.

“Feed Hill and let her take us out!”

Zhang Feng said firmly.

“It seems to be a way…”

Lady Fox Er nodded her head.

“Then let’s rest at night and hunt during the day tomorrow!”

Zhang Feng felt that it was not suitable for action at night, and it was better during the day.

“Uh, it seems that we can’t wait for the day…”

The wolf-eared lady sniffed and said.


Before Zhang Feng finished speaking, he saw that in the not-so-bright starlight, a giant tiger that was taller than the city wall of Hongye City came over.

“I feel that it is more powerful than the giant bear before…”

Zhang Feng looked a little bitter.

In nature, large animals are generally very powerful. The previous giant bear in front of this giant tiger was the same as Zhang Feng in front of the giant bear!

“It’s a lot, we might be in trouble…”

For the first time, a serious look appeared on Hu Erniang’s face.

The trouble she was talking about didn’t mean the giant tiger. No matter how powerful the giant tiger was, a few of them, or even she alone, could solve it.

The trouble is the current location. I wasn’t quite sure before, but now that I saw such a huge tiger, Mother Hu Er knew that they were in the depths of the Sunset Mountain Range!

As far as she knows, no one has been able to walk out of the depths of the Sunset Mountains alive!

After Hu Erniang told everyone what she knew, everyone’s face was not very good.

Only Hill’s expression doesn’t matter – he is not afraid of anything but hunger!


The giant tiger’s eyes were slightly red. Looking at the delicious food in front of him, it couldn’t bear it any longer, and rushed straight up.


Hu Erniang and Wolf Erniang rushed over quickly from left to right. Caroline pulled out her knight sword and guarded Zhang Feng. Hill didn’t have the strength to say much now, and hid at the end with Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng took out a black sniper rifle.

There are three types of guns in his space, shotguns, sniper rifles, and pistols, all of which were “picked up” in the shooting club at that time.

It’s a pity that this sniper rifle is very ordinary and not very powerful. It would be nice if it was an anti-material sniper rifle.

Normally, Zhang Feng likes to use a shotgun. After all, it is very powerful, and you don’t need to aim at close range, which is very convenient.

But now it’s not very suitable. If he is close to the giant tiger, I’m afraid he won’t be slapped with a slap.

Although Zhang Feng felt that after he became golden, he could defend against the giant tiger’s attack, but it’s better not to try unless it’s necessary. After all, defense can defend, but the pain afterward is really painful.

The giant tiger is very powerful. After all, its size is there, but the two beast-eared girls are not vegetarian. Their bodies are flexible. In less than half a minute, they beat the giant tiger all over the body.

Zhang Feng was half-kneeling on the ground with his sniper rifle to aim at the back. The sniper should not be in a hurry, otherwise it would be embarrassing if he hit his own people. Zhang Feng was looking for an opportunity.

When Hu Erniang smashed the giant tiger into the air with one punch, Zhang Feng’s pupils shrank.

This is the time!

He quickly adjusted the aiming direction and set up the gun in advance at the position where the giant tiger landed.

The giant tiger seemed to sense danger, and let out a roar like a subwoofer, but it was in the air and couldn’t exert any force at all.


A deafening gunshot sounded. Due to the fire, Zhang Feng’s eyes were temporarily blinded for a moment. When he recovered, he saw that the giant tiger had fallen to the ground.

One of its eyes was broken, but this was not its fatal injury.

What really killed it was the wolf-eared lady who took advantage of the giant tiger’s injury and had no time to care. She quickly stepped on the giant tiger’s claws and climbed onto the giant tiger’s body, shattering the giant tiger’s skull with one punch.

Seeing the death of the giant tiger, everyone was very happy, but Zhang Feng, the great hero, suddenly turned ugly.

“Lord Zhang Feng, what happened to you?”

Caroline looked at Zhang Feng strangely.

“I…I really want to make a mistake…”

Zhang Feng looked at the sniper rifle in his hand and wanted to cry without tears.

Everyone followed Zhang Feng’s gaze and looked at it, and was immediately stunned.

I remembered the loud noise of the shooting, which was much louder than the roar of a giant tiger!

“It shouldn’t attract—”






Caroline hadn’t had time to comfort~www.mtlnovel.com~ A piercing cry came from all directions.

They are surrounded!


Listening to the voice, without saying too much, there must be hundreds of giant beasts!

Zhang Feng looked at his storage space, looked at the gunpowder inside, and took a deep breath.

This can no longer be called gunpowder. It is more appropriate to call it explosives. It was originally just a precautionary preparation, but now it will come in handy…

Explosives are too dangerous, and Zhang Feng is not completely sure that he will not hurt himself, but at this time, there is no time to think about it!

“You listen to my orders, wait-“

“Hey, you come with me!”

Suddenly, a crisp female voice came from the tree, and Zhang Feng and the others changed their expressions. At such a close distance, they didn’t feel anyone!

They looked up and saw a woman covered in starlight with a beautiful face standing on the branch.

She was holding a bow and arrow, and her expression was a little nervous. The most noticeable thing was her pointed ears!


“An enemy hidden in the dark?!”



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