Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 28 - good fragrance

In the end, Marlowe still ate canned fish, but the iron can that contained the fish was a little appalling.

“Fish is so delicious!”

Caroline licked the corners of her mouth, still in disbelief.

“There should be a little difference between my fish and the fish in the river behind us. After all, one is a sea fish and the other is a freshwater fish, but as long as it’s delicious, the difference won’t be very big.”

Zhang Feng briefly explained it, and then continued speaking as if he had remembered something.

“I will recruit some people to work for the City Lord’s Mansion tomorrow. Puyu is one of them. I’ll leave the task of Marlow to you for the time being, no problem?”


Marlowe solemnly tapped his chest, and the frame of the armor rattled.

The fish was discovered by accident. Zhang Feng did not expect that these people would not eat fish. To the north of Hongye City, there is a Senluo River that surrounds the Sunset Mountains. It is a good source of food, and Zhang Feng will naturally not let it go.

Zhang Feng picked up more than ten packets of instant noodles and a few bags of ham and handed them to Marlow.

“You take all these, and look back to Beck and the soldiers stationed there.”

“Sir City Lord, this is too precious!”

Marlow didn’t dare to take it. Although he had never eaten instant noodles, but looking at the colorful packaging, he knew that it must be a good thing. Besides, he ate a ham sausage, which can be put together with the ham sausage. Certainly not bad.

“If you want to take it, take it. This is an order. I will tell you how to eat instant noodles… When you eat, you must be in a place where there are people, and you must not eat it secretly, remember?”


Although I don’t know what Zhang Feng’s purpose is, since it has risen to the level of an order, Marlowe will naturally follow it strictly.

Zhang Feng’s idea is very simple. Now Hongye City is not only short of food, but also of people.

It is very tiring to manage Hongye City with just a few of them. Zhang Feng plans to recruit a few more people. From the top to the bottom, he needs manpower.

And the way to attract people is very simple, that is to improve the treatment.

The treatment can be reflected in terms of clothing, food, housing and transportation.

Judging from the current living standard, Zhang Feng felt that the most attractive thing was definitely gold coins, but the most direct thing to the senses was probably eating, and both hands had to be prepared.

Especially the rich taste of instant noodles is invincible to those who have never eaten it.

Zhang Feng is not the kind of person who likes to eat instant noodles very much, but he still gets greedy when he smells the taste of instant noodles. I believe that in this world where spices are comparable to gold, no one can resist the bombardment of such seasonings.

Knight Marlowe was holding a lot of things, and he had some strange emotions in his heart.

Zhang Feng, the city lord, has been in office for four days, and this is the first time that Marlow has gotten to know him up close.

How should I put it, this Master Zhang Feng is different from the nobles in his impression.

Pride, arrogance, selfishness, greed, jealousy and other such aristocratic faults – he has none of them.

Marlowe felt that Zhang Feng was the real aristocrat.

He is approachable, loves cleanliness, and regards the lives of his people as very important, and his life is also very delicate. Just these delicacies that he has never heard of are just like before.

Mr. Zhang Feng never hides these valuable things. The thing in that strange black package is worth at least a few hundred gold coins. You must know that the entire title and territory of Baron Charles only sold for 100 gold coins!

On the other hand, Master Zhang Feng trusts him very much, and he is not worried at all about running away. This kind of trust makes Marlow feel moved by the death of a confidant, and his heart is warm.

Especially Mr. Zhang Feng gave him a lot of instant noodles and ham sausages. Zhang Feng even let himself share this precious food with the soldiers. Marlow could never have imagined this before.

Thank goodness for those greedy nobles who don’t find a reason to deduct your salary.

You expect them to share with you? It was something that was not in a dream.

Maruo has lived for more than 40 years, and he feels that apart from the master who knew him well back then, Zhang Feng might be his master.

With this complicated mood, Marlow came to the north of the city.

There is the only two-meter-high stone city wall in Hongye City, all made of black stone. The city wall is built on the Senluo River and the wharf, facing the Black Stone Forest.

Because of the riots of forest beasts before, the pier suffered heavy losses. The previous city lord spent a huge price to build this city wall, but he didn’t see the city wall’s meritorious work before he died.

Although it is almost winter, the beasts on the mountain should not be dispatched, but the defense still has to be defended.

Knight Baker led several soldiers to guard here.

“Hey, Knight Marlowe.”

Baker seemed very happy to see Marlow coming.

Baker is a knight taught by Marlowe, and he always regards Marlowe as his elder brother. When he used to perform tasks, the two of them were together. For such a garrison task, another knight was responsible for it.

But now that there are only two knights in the city, Baker can only take on this unpleasant task. After all, it’s boring to stay here every day.

Baker was delighted to see Marlowe visiting him.

“Hey, Baker, I brought you some delicious food.”

Marlowe waved to Baker, holding a pile of things in one hand.

“which kind of food?”

Baker is very curious, delicious food? White bread?

But he remembered that there didn’t seem to be much white bread in the castle. Could it be that Mrs. Caroline rewarded her when she saw her hard work?

The soldiers standing guard next to them were also a little curious, and some even swallowed when they heard the food, because they had not eaten enough since the city lord’s mansion ordered them to eat only one meal a day.

However, after all, they were only soldiers, they didn’t dare to go beyond them, they could only observe in the dark.

“You, and you, go and prepare a pot, a spoon, and boil water.”

Marlowe named two soldiers.


The soldier was a little curious and didn’t know what Knight Marlowe was going to do, but he still carried out the order meticulously.

“What is this? It’s pretty.”

Baker had already seen the things in Marlowe’s hands. Looking at the colorful packaging, he was a little curious. This kind of bright fabric is not something ordinary people can own, but it doesn’t look like fabric.

“You’ll find out later.”

Marlow sold it for a while, but to be honest, he didn’t know what instant noodles looked like. This was the first time.

Soon, the soldiers brought a large pot and set it up directly. Another soldier brought firewood, lit fluffy tinder with flint, and then ignited the firewood with the tinder.

This series of actions of the soldiers was not concealed, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Because it is next to the pier of Hongye City, although a lot of people have left Hongye City, there are still quite a lot of people on the pier.

After Marlowe the water boiled, he tore open the package and poured the instant noodles and seasoning directly into it.


As soon as he tore open the seasoning packet, Baker, who had a more sensitive nose, could smell the fragrance.

And when these seasonings are all melted, the instant noodles placed in the tuyere exudes a rich aroma and spreads directly.

“It smells good!”


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