Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 286 - Musketeer! In one night, the whole army was wiped out

the next day.

Isabelle held a grand meeting in Hongye City, and all the nobles who could come came.

This is the second official court meeting since the fall of the capital. The first time was when the great lords came to Hongye City.

The main content of the meeting at this time was the issue of the heir to the Buck Kingdom.

According to the laws of the Kingdom of Buck, the relatives of His Majesty the King are entitled to the right of inheritance.

In descending order of priority, they are the king’s son, spouse, daughter, elder brother, younger brother, elder sister, and younger sister.

Apart from the rebellious Oran, there are currently only four immediate family members left in the Kingdom of Carey, namely his wife Isabelle, daughters Anne and Anna, and sister Delia.

Before, because of external and internal troubles, everyone didn’t care about these things. After all, whether the Buck Kingdom can exist is still a question.

Now that Zhang Feng has destroyed the Gamma Kingdom, the Buck Kingdom is unprecedentedly powerful, and the candidate for the king must be determined.

Isabelle had the highest priority, and she naturally became the new owner of Buck Kingdom.

No one objected to this, which is what everyone wanted to see, otherwise they would not have responded to Isabelle’s call.

Although there is no female king in the history of Buck Kingdom, who made King Carey not have a single male left.

In fact, Isabel didn’t want the position of the kingdom.

She knows how capable she is, and he doesn’t think he is a suitable person to be a king.

However, she didn’t want it, neither did Princess Anne and Anna, nor did Delia.

In theory, if Isabelle is unwilling to inherit the throne, she can abdicate, but the problem is that these few people who are eligible to be abdicated will not accept it!

According to the law, if they are unwilling to accept it, the person with the highest priority will be forced to inherit the throne.

So going around, this throne, Isabel has to take it.

Today is the coronation ceremony of Isabelle.

With the support of all the nobles, Isabelle was officially crowned.

From now on, she can no longer be called Her Majesty the Queen, but Her Majesty the Queen.

After the coronation was over, it was already afternoon.

But the meeting is still going on. Since the Buck Kingdom has a new owner, they should get some benefits from the dragon ministers.

This is what everyone is looking forward to the most.

But before that, Isabelle suddenly announced a decision.

“Because this king is unwell, he is temporarily unable to lead the internal and external affairs of the Buck Kingdom. Therefore, I have appointed Grand Duke Zhang Feng to do the work for the time being. The time is tentatively set for one year. From now on, Grand Duke Zhang Feng’s order is my order.”

As soon as the news was announced, the scene instantly fell silent.

Everyone looked at Zhang Feng with envy and envy.

Zhang Feng thought he would be opposed, but everyone just looked at him, and no one jumped out to sing the opposite.

After all, everyone is not stupid. Zhang Feng played a decisive role in their current situation. The Queen announced that Zhang Feng would be temporarily hosted, which is also a good way.

It seems that in the coming year, I have to have a good relationship with Zhang Feng!

Everyone gave Zhang Feng a kind smile.

Taking over the escrow business, Zhang Feng naturally has to take action.

These nobles, who had taken refuge in him from the beginning, should naturally be rewarded.

Now that the Buck Kingdom is so big, the territory is enough.

Every nobleman will smile when he gets what he wants.

In order to prevent a second Oran from appearing among these nobles in the future, Zhang Feng specially arranged a position called Supervisor.

In each private domain, there will be inspectors, and their duties are very simple. They do not participate in any management, but simply monitor these nobles to prevent rebellion.

The inspector directly obeys the king, and other nobles have no authority over the inspector.

As for the number of supervisors, Zhang Feng did not say, he only said that there must be at least two, one bright and one dark.

This is obviously a knife hanging on the heads of the nobles, but no one dares to object. After all, Zhang Feng’s reason is very straightforward – to prevent someone from rebelling like Oran!

If you dare to oppose this, doesn’t that mean you admit that you have rebellion?

Although this incident made the nobles feel a little bit stuck in their throats, on the whole, they still obtained a lot of benefits, and no one cared too much.

Time flies fast.

The extreme north has entered the coldest time of winter.

Those nobles have all returned to their respective territories, and there are many fewer people in the extreme north.

Although there are fewer people, the liveliness is much more than before.

After all, the development speed of the current extreme north is as fast as riding a rocket.

Heating, pavement, trains, high-rise buildings, etc., have been popularized in the extreme north.

Now it’s better here than anywhere else except that it’s a little colder in winter.

When the nobles left, they all looked reluctant.

Forget about them, even Isabelle didn’t want to leave.

Zhang Feng didn’t drive people away. No matter what, they are also Her Majesty the Queen now, so they have to save some face.

After Feng took over the affairs of Buckland, he found that it was easier than he thought.

Because the political system here is that the king controls all the nobles, and then the nobles control the local administration.

That is to say, the king only needs to take care of his immediate subordinates, and he does not need to take care of the rest.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that the king can’t control it. With Zhang Feng’s current strength, no one dares to ignore his orders, but it’s not necessary for him. As long as the society is stable, no matter what the system is, Zhang Feng doesn’t care.

But it just happened that Zhang Feng wanted stability, but others didn’t.

“An earl was killed and his territory was plundered? Do you know who did it?”

Zhang Feng looked at Isabelle and asked.

He promised Isabelle to help take over the kingdom of Buck, but don’t come to him when it comes to big things.

As for what’s the big deal? That’s the things that make Isabelle difficult and difficult to make decisions, like now.

“I don’t know, but the earl’s territory is at the junction between us and Luoyan Kingdom. Now some nobles and even the public know the news…”

There was a sad look on Isabelle’s face.

She didn’t finish her sentence, but the meaning was obvious. This was most likely done by Luoyan Kingdom.

That’s why she can’t make up her mind.

Now that the Buck Kingdom has just stabilized, and everything is waiting to be done, she feels that it must be a prerequisite for stable development.

But if Luoyan Kingdom really did it, if she didn’t act accordingly, it would not only increase the prestige of others, but also disappoint the people, thinking that her new king was a weak person.

That’s why she asked Zhang Feng’s opinion.

“I’ll ask someone to investigate first—forget it, there’s no need to investigate, since the news has come, then whether it’s them or not, they’ll have to take the blame.”

Zhang Feng originally wanted to slow down and take action against Luoyan Kingdom, but since it happened so coincidentally, it would be better to hit the sun instead of picking a day.

“Huh? What do you mean?”

Isabelle didn’t quite understand.

“Since the news has spread among the people, then we must not show our cowardice. Isn’t it a kingdom of falling flames, it will be destroyed!”

Zhang Feng shrugged.


Isabelle was a little stunned. Can the life of a little earl lead to a national war?

Her original intention was to negotiate through diplomatic channels first, and then ask Luoyan Kingdom for the murderer and compensation. How did you get to Zhang Feng and start the fight right away?

Although he had defeated the Gamma Kingdom before, Zhang Feng said that it was because he launched an attack while the main force of Gamma Kingdom and Luoyan Kingdom were fighting, and won by strategy.

Now that there are only two countries left in the mainland, Luoyan Kingdom is definitely guarding them, and it is impossible to give them this opportunity again.

Isabelle was a little less confident about whether she could win the Kingdom of Fallen Flames.

But for Zhang Feng, both the Gamma Kingdom and the Luoyan Kingdom are of the same level in his heart. Since the Gamma Kingdom can agree, it will definitely be no problem to shoot down the Luoyan Kingdom.

It’s just a matter of whether he wants to or not.

Originally, he planned to let Luoyan Kingdom linger for a while, but since it was so unfortunate, don’t blame him.


The Buck Kingdom, which had been quiet for a while, suddenly became lively again.

Through the radio, Zhang Feng, in the name of Isabelle, summoned all nobles to send troops to attack Luoyan Kingdom in a certain proportion!

The nobles are also very confused. Didn’t they promise to be stable for a period of time before, why did they start fighting again?

However, compared to Isabelle, these nobles were much more decisive.

Zhang Feng wants soldiers?


Give as much as you want!

Even some small nobles were afraid that Zhang Feng would not want the soldiers in his hands. They took the train to Hongye City in person, just to have their own people in this army.

As for why everyone is like this, the reason is very simple – follow Zhang Feng to eat meat!

The last time I went to the Gamma Kingdom, the interests were divided according to how much each of them contributed. The more contributions, the more benefits.

In addition, many nobles went with Zhang Feng at the time, and they knew how terrifying the strength of Zhang Feng’s soldiers!

Although the Luoyan Kingdom is very strong, is Zhang Feng kidding you with an army of 300,000 to wipe out a million army?

As long as Duke Zhang Feng leads his troops, he will definitely win!

The recruitment went very smoothly.

In just half a month, a full one million troops were handed over to Zhang Feng.

These soldiers include the descendants of the previous Gamma country, as well as newly recruited soldiers, and of course, there are also veterans who participated in the previous war.

With the current size and population of Buck Kingdom, it would be easy to come up with one million soldiers. Even if Zhang Feng spoke, two million or three million would be no problem.

After all, as long as there is enough interest, they can even take a hoe.

But Zhang Feng doesn’t need so much.

Luoyan Kingdom has lost so many elites before, and its vitality has been greatly damaged. Now even if it recruits soldiers again, the training time is so short, it is definitely not feasible.

As for most of the million-strong army led by Zhang Feng, it is also a matter of recruits.

Zhang Feng can only say:

Sorry, the weapon gap is too big, and it cannot be made up by the number of people.

Among the millions of troops, only 100,000 belonged to Zhang Feng.

Among these 100,000 soldiers, in addition to the familiar chariot army, wolf cavalry army, and orc army, there are two new terms – air force army, musketeer army!

As the name suggests, the Air Force Corps is a regiment composed of airships. Its main function is to transport some valuable materials and drop bombs.

Zhang Feng is very clear about the role of such homemade bombs on the battlefield, so the air force must be developed by him.

As for the Musketeer Corps, the weapons in the hands of the soldiers in this Corps are no longer cold weapons such as swords and spears, but hot weapons—muskets!

Of course, it was impossible for Zhang Feng to bring in all the modern firearms. He used a flintlock gun.

The basic structure of a flintlock gun is to use the impact of the flint on the hammer to generate sparks that ignite the gunpowder.

The production process of this kind of musket is simple. After several experiments, Zhang Feng made it.

Ammunition is also simple to make. Use greased linen or buckskin sheets to wrap the projectile and fit it into the muzzle.

Of course, this kind of gun is incomparable to modern firearms in terms of accuracy, power or rate of fire, but for those who are still using cold weapons in another world, this is not an exaggeration to say that it is a dimensionality reduction blow.

Although compared with bows and arrows, this flintlock gun does not seem to have much advantages, the shooting distance is short, and the reloading speed is slow.

But he has an advantage that the bow and arrow can’t compare, that is, the musketeer can go to the battlefield with a little training!

And archers not only need talent, but time is also very important, ranging from three to five years, and as many as decades to train.

The learning cost of the flintlock gun is much less than that of the crossbow!

With these flintlock guns, Zhang Feng can use an invincible tactic—exploding!

As long as you are a person, as long as you can hold a gun, you can go to the battlefield!

As long as he has enough guns in his hand, he is absolutely invincible until the other party has no weapons of mass destruction!

There is not much else in the Buck Kingdom now, but there are many people!

The reason why Zhang Feng only needs one million people is for no other reason, simply because he doesn’t have many guns in his hand, and the number of people is not enough.

He asked these tens of thousands of musketeers to be teachers, each leading more than a dozen apprentices, and the training time was almost a week.

A week later, the army of millions of musketeers is fresh!

Fallen Kingdom.

The king was a little flustered.

He was also fascinated, and he followed the advice of the minister and went to test the Kingdom of Buck.

After all, it has not been a short time since the Buck Kingdom destroyed the Gamma Kingdom. It stands to reason that there should be some movement. There are only two countries left in this continent, and they have no ambitions?

As a result, according to the spies’ report, Buck did not move any troops at all in the country, not even training soldiers. Instead, he focused on construction.

Could it be that they also suffered heavy losses during the melee? Can’t even recruit soldiers now?

That kind of powerful thing that can be thrown from birth may be a one-time item, and it is estimated that it is used up now.

Otherwise, why didn’t they come to attack Luoyan Kingdom?

Thinking from another perspective, if I stand in the position of Buck Kingdom, with such a powerful force, I will never let Luoyan Luoyan Kingdom be spared! Domination of the continent is right in front of you!

Unless there is only one possibility, that is, the other party has no ability to attack them anymore!

Thinking about it carefully, this is also very reasonable.

After all, the Buck Kingdom was one enemy two at the beginning, and their losses are definitely not small!

Soldiers cannot be cultivated overnight, it takes time and cost!

Unfortunately, there are not many other things in Luoyan Kingdom, that is, there are many soldiers!

As early as ten years ago, they began to consciously gather troops. Perhaps the economy of Luoyan Kingdom is not good and the living conditions are relatively poor, but in terms of military strength, Luoyan Kingdom is the strongest among the Three Kingdoms!

It’s just that, compared to the Buck Kingdom and the Gamma Kingdom, which have always been in conflict, the Luoyan Kingdom has been developing silently and rarely took action. They are looking for the right time, looking for an opportunity to wipe out the Buck Kingdom and the Gamma Kingdom!

So the king followed the advice of his ministers, and he sent someone to secretly create a little trouble – kill a small earl, and rob some insignificant wealth.

I want to test the reaction of Buck Kingdom.

If the newly enthroned Her Majesty’s reaction is fierce and strong, then he will admit it and lose some gold coins.

If the other party is cowardly, then he knows it in his heart, and he can discuss how to attack the Buck Kingdom later.

But what he didn’t expect was that, aside from the Buck Kingdom, what does it mean to gather a million troops directly at the border?

What about the process?

Could it be that the one person he casually killed was your queen’s long-lost brother? Wouldn’t it be so coincidental!

The King of Luoyan Kingdom was a little panicked.

The other party is so strong and confident, isn’t it what he thinks? Do they really have hidden power?

Seeing that the king was a little worried, a minister comforted:

“Your Majesty, rest assured, the other party must be bluffing! They can’t have a million army, and even if they do, they are just recruits. It is estimated that they have never seen blood. We sent 500,000 elite troops to guard the frontier yesterday afternoon, which is enough. …”

However, before he finished speaking, he saw a staggering figure rushing into the hall.

“Report – Your Majesty the King, the entire army was wiped out! Overnight, the whole army was wiped out!”

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