Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 306 - printing money

If you want to issue currency, the credit of the issuer is very important. If people don’t believe you, what you issue is a piece of waste paper.

In Hongye City, Zhang Feng’s credit naturally has to be said, higher than Queen Isabelle, but before the currency is issued, Zhang Feng can’t be 100% guaranteed to be successful.

So he also made an alternative, if the credit is not enough, then use gold as a credit guarantee.

As for banknote printing equipment, you only need to buy a few good printing presses from modern times, use some high-quality special paper, and then make some simple anti-counterfeiting signs. In this world, it is absolutely impossible to counterfeit them for the time being. of.

After discussing with the girls for a while, Zhang Feng went to Hyundai. This time, he didn’t bother Lin Yulan. He contacted him directly online, and no matter what brand it was, he could never go wrong by picking the most expensive one.

As for the design of banknotes, it is even simpler. I directly found a design team and said that it was to make props and let them design a complete set of currency.

Although this requirement is a bit strange, there is nothing that cannot be designed with sufficient design funds.

After constant revisions and revisions by Party A, Zhang Feng, finally, the final version of the design was finalized.

This set of currency is divided into banknotes and coins. The banknotes are divided into ten types: one cent, five cents, one dime, five cents, one yuan, five yuan, ten yuan, twenty yuan, fifty yuan, and one hundred yuan.

On the banknotes, there are the patterns of Hongye Castle, the logo of Hongye Castle, the logo of Buck Kingdom, etc. The complicated patterns have a special beauty.

As for the color of the banknotes, Zhang Feng just copied it according to the currency he actually used.

Coins are only one cent, five cents, one dime, five cents, and one yuan. These are made of various alloys.

In fact, compared to paper money, the cost of coins is much higher, but sometimes coins are indispensable, and considering that not everyone trusts paper money, coins can be used as a buffer.

The exchange rate is calculated on the basis that one dollar is equal to one silver coin, one copper coin is one cent, and one gold coin is one hundred dollars.

However, Zhang Feng suddenly thought that it might be inappropriate to use banknotes in another world, because paper is easy to be damaged, and the other world is not very peaceful, the damage rate must be much higher, and banknotes may reduce people’s trust, so Zhang Feng decided Use plastic as the banknote body.

The plastic banknotes used in many modern countries have proven feasible, are harder to counterfeit, last longer and are more environmentally friendly.

Although they changed their minds temporarily and made the design team a big head, they didn’t know that it was just a prop, just use some paper, why did they use plastic, as for it! This has to be revised again.

Although they complained in their hearts, they could only make corrections obediently. Who made Zhang Feng the father of Party A?

It took a month from buying the machine, to designing it, to finalizing it.

Zhang Feng looked at the pile of brand-new banknotes in front of him and smelled the faint scent of ink. He felt that his mood instantly improved a lot. Although there is still a big gap with modern banknotes in terms of craftsmanship, they can still be regarded as works of art. Zhang Feng Feng some put it down.

He never thought that one day he would be able to print money himself. This is probably the childhood dream of many people. This kind of feeling… is not an outsider.

As for coins, compared to colorful banknotes, they are relatively simple, and Zhang Feng threw them away after playing with them.

It’s definitely not because the amount is small, Zhang Feng doesn’t like it.

After everything was ready, Zhang Feng did not leave in a hurry, but put all the equipment in a factory he rented, and then turned on the fire and printed money frantically.

After all, Zhang Feng wanted to exchange the currency in circulation in the entire Buck Kingdom and the Orc Continent for red leaf banknotes. This amount must not be too small.

It has been a full month for Zhang Feng, and Zhang Feng has also traveled through and transported several times. When he feels that it is almost the same, Zhang Feng feels that it is time to pass.

However, before leaving, Zhang Feng did not forget to catch more than 20 ants.

In the evening, Lin Yulan was away. She went back to accompany her parents today. Zhang Feng sat on the sofa and closed her eyes as she looked at the twenty or so ants crawling around in her hands.

When I opened my eyes again, it was already the study room of the City Lord’s Mansion.

Seeing more than a dozen ants crawling slowly in his palm, Zhang Feng showed satisfaction. Although he could only carry ants, the number had increased to a dozen, which seemed to grow slowly over time.

He believes that one day he will be able to bring a complete person here, just hope it won’t take too long.

Silent all night.

the next day.

Zhang Feng came to the underground of the City Lord’s Mansion.

There was an underground cell before, and there was a treasure room below the cell.

It is a relatively deep place. Zhang Feng didn’t use it much before, but now he can use it. He put all the money printing equipment in it, and then modified the energy supply system of the money printing machine to use mysterious crystals. As energy, and then find some trusted subordinates, you can start printing money.

This thing Zhang Feng has been adjusted, just put the material, press a few buttons, and operate it like a fool.

Then, Zhang Feng came to Hongye Bank and explained something.

Soon, a heavy news came out from Hongye Bank – Hongye Bank is going to issue a new currency!

This news, like an earthquake, quickly spread throughout Hongye City, and then spread to the entire Buck Kingdom.

Isabelle already knew about this in advance. She was just a little puzzled about Zhang Feng’s sudden change of currency, but she did not stop it. After all, she absolutely trusted Zhang Feng.

Compared with Isabelle, others were a lot surprised. Those officials and nobles didn’t know where Zhang Feng was playing.

The gold coins and silver coins in the past were not very good, why did they suddenly change? Is it to print his own picture?

Everyone was talking.

Slowly, more and more news came.

For example, this new currency is completely different from the original gold, silver and copper coins. It is a brand new material, very light and thin, easy to carry, and there is no way to forge it!

Compared with the thin and portable belt, everyone has never experienced it and has no concept, and they are more concerned that there is no way to forge it.

There are also counterfeit coins in the other world. It is not the kind of latte that is used as gold. After all, it is not stupid. This kind of material can still be distinguished. kind of.

This is not easy to prevent at all, because you can’t cut it open every time you receive a gold coin.

Moreover, the currencies circulating in the Buck Kingdom are mainly divided into three types, namely, the Buck Kingdom, the original Gamma Kingdom, and the original Luoyan Kingdom. These currencies are not uniform in shape and even in weight, so it is very troublesome to convert. of.

If the currency can be unified, it will definitely be beneficial to everyone, but Hongye Bank also said that these new currencies are a special material, not gold, silver, brass, etc., which makes many people feel a heartbeat. Question mark.

The reason why these things are used as gold coins is because these metals are valuable in themselves. If they are not used, are there other valuable things?

If it’s not worth the money, why use it?

Soon, another news came.

This new currency is to be exchanged with the original currency. One copper coin can be exchanged for one penny, one silver coin can be exchanged for one yuan, and one gold coin can be exchanged for one hundred yuan.

Gold coins can be exchanged for new currency, or new currency can be exchanged for gold coins.

Hearing that it can be exchanged at any time, everyone’s heart was relieved.

In addition, I heard that this new currency was promoted by Master Zhang Feng and guaranteed by Master Zhang Feng, and everyone’s doubts slowly turned into curiosity.

They would like to know what this legendary new currency is.

The news spread in Hongye City for a day, and it became a hot spot.

The next day, Zhang Feng, Caroline and others were upstairs in Hongye Bank, where the hall could be clearly seen, but they could not be seen from the hall.

“Zhang Feng, I’m still a little nervous…”

Caroline spoke a little embarrassedly.

Although, if this new currency fails, it will not cause much loss to Zhang Feng, but Caroline is very nervous.

“It’s okay, it’s just a currency, let’s wait and see.”

Zhang Feng put his arms around Caroline gently, and he looked down with some anticipation.

At nine o’clock, Hongye Bank opens on time.

There were a lot of people queuing outside for a long time. Seeing the door opened, one by one walked in consciously.

The bank notified that the currency exchange will be opened today, and they naturally want to come and see what this new currency is.

“Huh? Are these beautiful things paintings?”

As soon as they entered the door, everyone saw a glass booth at the front, with a set of exquisite “arts” on it.

Everyone can’t take their eyes off it, thinking in their hearts: Is this thing for sale?

“There seems to be the logo of our Red Leaf City on it, not only these, but also the logo of Buckland, and…”

Soon, everyone saw a lot of elements from these exquisite works of art, and the more they looked at them, the more shocked they became. How could it be possible to fuse so many elements together and not look messy at all?

Even the best painters can’t do that!

Everyone thought silently in their hearts that if these things were sold, they would definitely buy them without hesitation, just hoping that the price would not be too expensive.

Just as everyone was watching, the bank’s lobby manager came over.

“Sir, this is not a painting, but a new currency issued by our Hongye Bank!”

The words of the lobby manager made the messy lobby quiet.

This… new currency?

What is the currency like?

Everyone was stunned.

Is this a work of art? Why is it currency again?

Someone asked weakly:

“Excuse me, if I exchange gold coins now, can I exchange this new currency?”

“Of course!”

The lobby manager said with a smile.

“Then I want to exchange!”

The man said nothing, and immediately prepared to exchange.

If he hadn’t seen the currency, he might have hesitated, but after seeing it, he felt that it was definitely worth changing!

Because in his opinion, this is not a currency, but a beautiful work of art, and maybe it will appreciate in value in the future!

And this currency is so beautiful, the quantity will definitely not be very large, and if you exchange one, you will lose one. If you don’t change it now, you will regret it later!

“Okay, please queue up here for currency exchange…”

Before the lobby manager could finish speaking, a series of urgent voices sounded in an instant.

“I want to exchange too!”

“I also want!”


“Don’t worry everyone, our new currency is enough, please line up in order…”

Greeted by the hall manager and several orc security guards, everyone lined up.


“Wow! Looks like our new currency is a success!”

Zhang Xiaotang clapped her hands happily.

Everyone else also had a look of joy on their faces.

But Zhang Feng shook his head and said:

“No, it’s too early to say success, if I guess right, these people are mostly curious and invested, and they don’t exchange too many new currencies, and even the new currencies they exchange are not at all. Don’t spend it, but stay at home as a family heirloom.”

“Oh no…”

Zhang Xiatang didn’t quite believe it, but when the statistics came out at night, everyone looked at Zhang Feng with admiration.

Sure enough, as Zhang Feng said, many people exchanged new currency on the first day, but the overall amount was not many, and they exchanged in sets, obviously not as currency, but as collectibles .

“What can I do, if it doesn’t circulate, it’s not currency…”

Zhang Xiaotang frowned. After listening to some explanations from Zhang Feng in the past few days, they learned some knowledge about currency.

“Don’t worry too much, these are what I expected, and it seems that some incentives are needed…”

Zhang Feng smiled and comforted.

On the whole, Zhang Feng is still satisfied, because there is no credit problem today, no one doubts the value of the currency he issued. It worked.

So, the next day.

To celebrate the launch of the new currency, Red Leaf City held a three-day discount campaign.

As long as you pay with the new currency in Hongye City, you will enjoy a 20% discount.

This time, the already lively topic of currency has been taken to a new level.

Before the currency issuance, some people were skeptical, some people wanted to collect it, and some people watched the play, but they all had a feeling that it didn’t matter whether they used the new currency or the old currency, they could use it anyway.

But it’s different now, discounted with new currency!

Although there are only three days, during these three days, the new currency is worth more than the old currency! This is closely related to them.

As a result, more people came to exchange the new currency.

It was only when they traded with the new currency that they discovered that, let alone, it was more convenient than metal currency!

The money in this purse is much more than before! Seems like this is fine too?

Zhang Feng is very strict in issuing currency, and he will release as much currency as he exchanges.

It is currency after all.

Although he has the right of distribution, he can’t print money indiscriminately, otherwise, if too much is released, it will cause inflation, depreciate the currency, and lose people’s trust, and then they will no longer use the new Currency…it’s a vicious circle. Zhang Feng absolutely cannot open this hole, at least not now.

Hongye City is a pilot project. After three days of activities and occasional publicity, everyone has gradually become accustomed to using the new currency.

This beautiful new currency is more and more pleasing to the eye.

After waiting for another two days, after confirming that there was no problem, Zhang Feng extended the new currency to the entire Buck Kingdom.

Because Hongye Bank is all over the country and it can communicate in real time, it is not difficult to promote it.

It is only a matter of time before the gold is collected and the national currency is replaced.

Zhang Feng contacted Rat Daqiang at this time, and it was time to talk to King Bennett about currency issuance.


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