Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 316 - Quick fight!

Three days after the official signing of the contract between the Hobro Kingdom and the Hongye Chamber of Commerce, countless steam cars appeared in the Danga Kingdom.

Many people thought that this was what the Hongye Chamber of Commerce was going to sell, and they were all excited. After all, it was hard to find a car from the Hongye Chamber of Commerce.

But unfortunately, these cars are not for sale, or they are not for sale now, because they have an important mission, which is to transport gunpowder to the dense forest that the Second Legion of Babus Kingdom must pass through.

Of course, aside from the strong and powerful Mouse, even the Jasmine Army Commander didn’t know about this matter.

Zhang Feng was afraid that there were spies among Jasmine’s soldiers, so he wouldn’t let too many people know about it until the last moment.

In this regard, Head Jasmine naturally wouldn’t say much, but she was very curious about what Zhang Feng was going to do.

She came out this time, and brought so many soldiers. In fact, it was to act together with the Hongye Chamber of Commerce after reaching a cooperation with the Hongye Chamber of Commerce. This is the only force they can gather from the Hobro Kingdom. Either defending the city or preparing to attack the Babs Kingdom.

If the Hongye Merchant Guild could hold back the Babs Army without using their soldiers, Jasmine would be too happy.

However, soon, Daqiang’s task came down.

“Dig a hole?”

Hearing Rat Daqiang’s words, Jasmine was a little puzzled. Could it be that she was going to make a trap? But traps may be useful for ordinary orc soldiers, but for the battle-hardened and experienced Babs Second Corps, they are not very useful.

“That’s right, it’s just digging a pit. You can just dig according to the requirements I gave. Don’t ask so much first, the president will not let you say more, and you will naturally know when the time comes.”


Jasmine agreed, but she also went to the scene to see what was different about the pit dug by the Hongye Chamber of Commerce.

Orcs have better eyesight than humans, and also have night vision, but only some orcs have this ability, so even if orcs have much higher mobility at night than humans, they will still choose to rest at night and act during the day.

But because of the cars and lights, the Hongye Chamber of Commerce chose to act at night.

Seeing a famous orc warrior getting into the car, the warm yellow headlights in front of the car turned on, even if she had seen the mystery of the Hongye Chamber of Commerce for a long time, she still looked surprised.

She circled around the headlights of a car a few times, but she still couldn’t understand how it was able to emit light when there were no torches in it.

Daqiang Rat shook his head mysteriously and didn’t say much – in fact, he didn’t know what the principle was, he just needed to know how to use it anyway.

This time, a hundred large trucks were dispatched. In addition to the orcs, the rest were digging tools and explosives.

The reason why they choose to act at night is naturally because the night is relatively hidden. Anyway, they have cars and lights, and they have already stepped on it during the day. As long as they follow the map at night, there is no problem.

This is indeed the case. From the country of Danga to the dense forest, they did not encounter any accidents along the way.

After getting out of the car, Daqiang Mouse let Jasmine lead her soldiers to start digging.

Originally, Zhang Feng planned to recruit people to dig by himself, but when he heard Daqiang Mouse say that Jasmine was bringing 30,000 to 40,000 orc soldiers, he felt that he could make use of the resources and let them do the work, so that he could save a labor fee.

Of course, Zhang Feng is not a black-hearted boss. In the process of helping to dig the pit, he still manages the rice.

Captain Jasmine became even more puzzled after watching Rat Daqiang’s digging. It would be too unprofessional to say that this was a trap. The digging was very casual, and the rise was very shallow.

Jasmine was a little hesitant to speak, but thinking of what Rat Daqiang had said before, she could only choose to believe it.

Digging the pit is very simple, but due to the limited time, I didn’t dig too much on the first night. Before the sun came out, Daqiang Rat greeted everyone to bury the explosives, and then left quickly. No one was allowed to stay. Here, he had to ensure that he would not be suspected by the Babs 2nd Corps.

Looking at the black explosive, Jasmine thought to herself, could this be the weapon in the trap?

It’s just that this looks like a black bread flour, what power can it have?

Could it be poisonous, after being discovered by the orcs of the Babs 2nd Legion, they were treated as food, and then they were poisoned to death?

Jasmine was amused by her own thoughts, and she also knew that this was impossible.

Soon, a week has passed.

After digging for a full seven nights, Daqiang was finally satisfied.

Now the jungle is basically full of explosives, and there may be some dead ends, but it is harmless. As long as the Second Corps of Babs comes in, not only will they die, at least they will suffer heavy losses.

In fact, in terms of time, there are still two days to prepare, but for the sake of insurance, Zhang Feng still called it off. Compared with other plans, if this plan is successful, it is a plan with the lowest loss, so Zhang Feng Accidents are not allowed.

Till this time, Jasmine still didn’t know what they were burying, what kind of role those dark things could play. While she was nervous, she also had some expectations.

In three days, the First Corps of Babs was about to leave, and the Kingdom of Hobro finally began to act.

Countless large armies were dispatched, aiming directly at the kingdom of Babus.

Because there were too many soldiers dispatched, coupled with the well-known Hobro Kingdom, in an instant, the news that they were preparing to attack spread.

Several small countries near the Hobro Kingdom shivered, for fear that the other party would come to them.

Compared with Hobro, the eleventh-ranked country, those more than 30 of them are all small countries.

Fortunately, after a day of marching, the soldiers of the Hobro Kingdom did not attack them. Everyone quickly opened the map and looked in the direction of the Hobro Kingdom’s march, and suddenly opened their mouths.

“Babs Kingdom!”

“Their target turned out to be the tenth-ranked Babs Kingdom!”

“My God, they want to attack the Babs Kingdom by themselves. This is too bold!”

“Hehe, the Hobro Kingdom really thinks that his eleventh and tenth are simply separated by one? Naive! The Hobro Kingdom will definitely lose! Maybe we can still get a bargain…”

“I heard that Babs’s Second Army is not there now. Is it because of this reason that they dare to attack?”

“Do you really think the Babs Third Army is vegetarian? Although they are not good at attacking, they are invincible in defense. As long as they are there, it is impossible for the Hobro Kingdom to attack. Wait until the Second Army, which is good at attacking, comes. , under the front and back, the Hobro Kingdom will die!”

“Hey, it seems that the Hobro Kingdom is dispatched in full force. I don’t know how many people are stationed there!”

“Wait, if there is news that the Hobro Kingdom is about to fail, let’s go to King Hobro to comfort the injured royal family…”

At this moment, none of the nearby countries felt that the Hobro Kingdom could win.

Even they are still wondering if they can get it cheap.

It can be seen that although the Hobro Kingdom is courageous, they cannot fail, otherwise not only the revenge of the Babs Kingdom, but also other surrounding countries will also take advantage of the chaos.

In many eyes, the Hobro Kingdom is destined to be wiped out after making this absurd decision. From then on, the Hobro Kingdom is likely to become history.

The news spread quickly, and the Babs Kingdom also got the news that the Hobro Kingdom army was moving towards him.

Unlike the others, after hearing the attack of the Hobro Kingdom, the aged king of the Babus Kingdom frowned.

He couldn’t understand King Hobro. The other party was not a reckless person. The two countries were even more enemies. Not to mention that the Hobro Kingdom wanted to replace him. Even the Babs Kingdom wanted to kill the Hobro Kingdom. After all, it was a headache to be missed by the Hobro Kingdom every day.

The reason why they didn’t do it was the same reason why the Hobro Kingdom was unwilling to take the initiative.

If they attack the Hobro Kingdom, there will definitely be some losses. After all, the Hobro Kingdom is not ordinary. If there are only two countries in the world, the Babus Kingdom will definitely attack, but the surrounding countries are too More, even the tenth-ranked Babs Kingdom has to consider the ideas of other countries.

If certain losses were caused by attacking the Hobro Kingdom, the surrounding countries might not let them go easily.

Although it is different from the failure of the Hobro Kingdom, it is impossible for the surrounding countries to defeat them. At most, those countries can pull the Babus Kingdom down to the tenth place. Compared with the Hobro Kingdom, They have two lives. But they managed to get the tenth place, and naturally it is impossible to give it up!

Therefore, even if they disliked the Hobro Kingdom very much, they never took the initiative to attack, and they were afraid that their status would be threatened.

But now the Hobro Kingdom is taking the initiative to attack, making King Babs feel that it is an opportunity, and at the same time thinking, does the other party really have any certainty of victory?

“They have an alliance?”

the king asked cautiously.

“No, the Hobro Kingdom came alone, and the surrounding countries have also shrunk in order to avoid our misunderstanding.”

The subordinate quickly explained.

“Oh, then they think that without the Second Army, we can’t beat them? Ridiculous!”

Hearing that there was no alliance, King Babs was instantly relieved.

“It seems that our Third Army has been underestimated because we haven’t shown up for a long time…”

The king shook his head, not to mention the strength of the third legion, that is, the second legion, which has now completed its mission and will be back in a few days. At that time, it is estimated that the people of Hobro had just arrived at their door. , At that time, under the front and back, they will surely die!

“Let everyone be on alert and inform the Second Army that I want to make Hobro’s people come and go! If they underestimate our Babs Kingdom, they will have to pay the price!”

“Yes, Your Majesty the King!”

The Babs Kingdom has been prepared in a stable manner. Although they are not afraid, they will not underestimate anyone. If they can become the top ten countries, no one is a fool.

And the army of the Hobro Kingdom, after leaving the sight of many people, immediately turned a corner and came to a valley, where there were steam cars one after another!

The soldiers got into the car quickly, seemingly rehearsed many times and very familiar, and then immediately left in the other direction.

There are several routes from King Hobro to the Kingdom of Babs. He took the closest one before, but they will not go there foolishly, but are going to go around and hit the Kingdom of Babs by surprise.

And because of the steam car, not only did they take a detour, but it was much faster!

Speaking of which, it is also thanks to the caution of the surrounding countries that the soldiers of the Hobro Kingdom can detour so smoothly.

Because they were afraid of being misunderstood by King Babus as an associate of the Hobro Kingdom, these countries shrunk and did not even send out scouts. They counted the time and waited until almost the soldiers of the Hobro Kingdom came to Babu. When the Kingdom of Sri Lanka came down, they came out again to inquire about the news.

In this way, the Babs Kingdom will not be misunderstood, nor will they miss this battle.

They thought well, but what they didn’t expect was that the Hobro Kingdom didn’t plan to take the shortest path at all.

This led to the fact that the army of the Hobro Kingdom didn’t have to bother to shake off the scouts at all.

Of course, apart from the surrounding countries, not even the Babs Kingdom knew that the scouts they dispatched were still on the way.

In fact, with the assistance of these steam cars, the Kingdom of Hobro can be more concealed, and the Kingdom of Babs was caught off guard, but King Hobro didn’t want this, but wanted to tell the Kingdom of Babs clearly that they Hobro The kingdom is attacking!

Of course, this was also related to the help of the Hongye Chamber of Commerce. If the Hongye Chamber of Commerce hadn’t promised to stop Babus’ Second Army, King Hobro would not have dared to be so arrogant when he was killed.

I have to say that the information channels of the Babs Kingdom are very large. In just one day, they found out some things about the Hobro Kingdom. For example, they sent some people to a country called Danga Kingdom. The place seems to be going to deal with the Hongye Chamber of Commerce. This deal is likely to be one of the motivations for this operation of the Hobro Kingdom.

Hearing this news, King Babus sneered.

Regarding this Hongye Chamber of Commerce, in their circle, it is not well-known, but it can be regarded as a reflection. In their opinion, this Hongye Chamber of Commerce is also a deceiver and a clown. They are nothing more than cheating money.

Even if the Hongye Chamber of Commerce can really improve the ranking of some small countries, do you really think that their top ten are the same as those small countries?


If you haven’t been in the top ten in person, you will never know how powerful the top ten is!

So this piece of information will be skipped when it only shows up here with King Babs.

Compared with the news of the Hongye Chamber of Commerce, he was more concerned about the tens of thousands of orcs who were trading in the Hobro Kingdom.

Relying on his own intuition, King Babs felt that these tens of thousands of orcs must not have seen the transaction, but went to the Second Legion!

Although he felt that there were only tens of thousands of people, it would not have any impact on the Second Army, but for the sake of safety, he still asked people to pass the information to the Second Army, and let them pay attention not to be attacked by the army of the Hobro Kingdom. hold on.

After all, as long as the Second Corps and the Third Corps form a double attack, the Hobro army will undoubtedly lose!

Soon, the second legion of the Babus Kingdom, which had already completed its mission, had already reached the vicinity of the dense forest.

At this time, the commander of the Second Corps had just taken down a letterbox from the foot of an eagle.

“Huh? The Hobro Kingdom came to intercept us? Only tens of thousands? It’s really courting death!”

Seeing the above information, several generals of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com shook their heads.

“You said, will they be ambushed in the jungle ahead?”

Suddenly a knight spoke up.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly laughed.

“It seems possible, this is the only way we must go.”

“Haha, I wish they were actually in there!”

“Yes, this just saves us time!”

“If that’s the case, then let’s go in, according to His Majesty the King, if they are really there, then we will fight quickly!”


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