Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 36 - comfortable~

Early in the morning, the neatly dressed Zhang Feng opened the door and happened to bump into Caroline.

“Good morning!”

“Ah… good morning!”

Caroline was still a little unaccustomed to this way of greeting, and her reaction was a bit slow.

“Master Zhang Feng, you are…”

Looking at Zhang Feng holding a cup, Caroline was a little curious.

“Brush your teeth.”

“brush teeth?”

Caroline was a little confused, she didn’t know what this “tooth brushing” was.

“It’s just brushing your teeth, or in other words, cleaning your mouth to prevent bacteria and odors in your mouth. You… shouldn’t you not brush your teeth?”

Seeing Zhang Feng’s disgusting expression, Caroline’s face flushed.

“No, I also brush… brush my teeth every day!”

Caroline took out a clove out of nowhere and showed it to Zhang Feng with some show off.


Looking at the little lilac in Caroline’s hand, to be honest, Zhang Feng was really shocked.

You must know that in another world, things like spices are very expensive. Their value is equal to gold, even higher than gold!

Although there is only one clove, it is also a spice! Spices for brushing teeth? Such a luxury!

“Prodigal girls…”

Zhang Feng whispered something.

Although Caroline didn’t hear what Zhang Feng was muttering, from his slightly contemptuous eyes, Caroline felt that Zhang Feng must be speaking ill of herself.


In fact, she usually seldom uses cloves to clean her teeth. After all, cloves are too expensive to be consumed even in his capacity.

Most of the time, she uses salt and hazel twigs.

Seeing Zhang Feng take out a set of tools that she had never seen before, but looked very professional today, Caroline subconsciously took out the lilac she carried with her, not wanting Zhang Feng to look down on her.

“Well, if you have money, you can do whatever you want.”

Zhang Feng shrugged. He came to the yard, found a random corner, squeezed the toothpaste, and took a glass of water.

“Gulugulu – spit, brush brush!”

Following Zhang Feng’s comical movements, a faint fragrance spread to Caroline’s nose.

Caroline really wanted to ask what Zhang Feng used to brush her teeth. She looked very fresh, but she just “returned a game” in front of Zhang Feng, and she was a little embarrassed to ask now.

After Zhang Feng brushed his teeth, he saw that Caroline was still standing beside him, and asked in a puzzled way:

“What’s the matter? Is there anything else?”

“That… I… I’m fine, fine!”

Caroline blushed and hesitated for a long time, but in the end she didn’t say anything.

Ever since she met Zhang Feng, the new city lord, Caroline felt that she was living in vain before.

Zhang Feng is the real noble.

Not only in his current diet, but also in other aspects, he is different from others.

For example, Zhang Feng loves cleanliness very much.

In terms of money, Zhang Feng is much richer than she is, but Zhang Feng did not use cloves, a luxury item that only royal nobles could use. Instead, he used strange items that he had never seen before.

Come to think of it, this kind of thing must be cleaner and more expensive than cloves!

Caroline really wanted to borrow it for her own use, and she also liked to be clean, but after all, it was Zhang Feng’s personal belongings, and it might be of high value, so she was too embarrassed to say it.

However, although Caroline didn’t say anything, she never took her eyes off the toothbrush in Zhang Feng’s hand. Even a fool could see the desire in her eyes.

So Zhang Feng shook the toothbrush tool in his hand and asked:

“Do you want to try it?”


Caroline blushed and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

“Okay then, I’ll get you a new set.”

Zhang Feng touched his body casually, and he took out a brand-new toothbrush and a bottle of toothpaste.

Caroline is no stranger to the fact that Zhang Feng’s clothes can hold a lot of things.

She took it with some joy.

“This is toothpaste, this is a toothbrush, and if you use it, it’s like this.”

Zhang Feng briefly taught her.

After all, it’s not a difficult operation, and Caroline can learn it as soon as she learns it.

“This smells good!”

“It’s mint flavor, I like it. You try it first, I’m going to prepare breakfast.”


Speaking of which, Zhang Feng is a real city lord anyway, but he has to prepare three meals a day by himself, which is a bit of a no-brainer.

But there is no way, the chefs here are too poor.

They couldn’t make what they wanted to eat.

Zhang Feng plans to wait until his spare time to teach these chefs how to cook. He also wants to experience the feeling of opening his mouth for a meal.

After eating the delicious lean meat porridge with Caroline, Zhang Feng went back to work.

In addition to this auction, he is still researching where the development of Hongye City will start.

First of all, needless to say about food, he has his own natural advantages, or cheating. It is completely possible to make Hongye City a luxurious food city.

Of course, just a gourmet city is far from enough in Zhang Feng’s opinion, or it is too thin.

To develop, it is natural to develop in three dimensions and in multiple directions.

For example, yesterday’s clothing made Zhang Feng feel that the clothing industry in the other world seems to be quite good, and this can be done.

Then there was the hotel that Zhang Feng criticized the most.

Obviously it is an industry that mainly sells services, but the service is so bad that there is no sense of user experience.

Zhang Feng thinks that they are such a good industry.

Hongyecheng can no longer be like before, how can people sleep with livestock? Going back has to be rectified.

And then there’s real estate.

No matter which world you live in, the house has always been the top priority.

For example, in Zhang Feng’s territory, many people want to own a house of their own in Hongye City.

But although Hongye City is small, the price of the house is still a bit high compared to their income. In fact, there are many empty houses in Hongye City. The former city owner would rather not sell them than sell them cheaply to these commoners~www.mtlnovel.com~ In Zhang Feng’s view, this kind of thinking is a complete waste.

But there is no way, the concept is different.

Moreover, the poor in the territory still occupy most of them. To develop real estate, people’s living standards must be raised.

Therefore, in the final analysis, it is necessary to improve the living standard and happiness index of the residents of Hongye City.

Only when they have money can they create greater value for Zhang Feng.

Thinking this way, Zhang Feng felt that he still had a long way to go.

When Zhang Feng was thinking about the future five-year plan and ten-year plan of Hongye City, time passed quickly.

“Master Zhang Feng, the auction time is coming soon.”

Hearing Caroline’s reminder, Zhang Feng put down the pen in his hand.

Several A4 sheets of paper on the table were filled with words. This was the result of his thinking just now.


After sitting for a long time, Zhang Feng raised his head and felt that his neck was very stiff and his shoulders were very sore. He was about to rub it himself when suddenly he felt a small smooth and delicate hand on his shoulder.

Zhang Feng pinched it subconsciously, it was soft and very comfortable.

“Zhang… Mr. Zhang Feng, you are tired, I’ll give you a rub.”

Caroline’s somewhat shy voice sounded behind Zhang Feng. She just saw that Zhang Feng was too tired and wanted to give him a massage. She didn’t expect that Zhang Feng suddenly squeezed her hand.

“Uh… ok.”

Brother Zhang quickly took back his salty pig hand.

At the same time, he felt a little relieved, because he had never experienced the treatment of being massaged since he was a child. Since he had the opportunity, he naturally wanted to feel it.

“Um~ Come a little to the left, ah yes yes yes, that’s all, ah ~ vain!”

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