Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 365 - Comeback!

outside world?

Zhang Feng was stunned, he didn’t know what the outside world was like!

However, before she could speak, she saw Caroline looking at herself with some resentment.

what happened?

Zhang Feng was a little unclear.

Zhang Xiaotang rolled her eyes at Zhang Feng at this time.

“Someone once said that his hometown is in the far east, but what else is there in the east besides the sea? Could it be a prison?”

When Zhang Xiaotang said this, Zhang Feng finally understood.

When he first came to Hongye City, Zhang Feng said that he was from the East because his origins were not well explained.

There was no problem before, but now because of the appearance of sea beasts, everyone knows that their continent turned out to be a prison!

Since it is a prison, there must be a place that is not a prison. Thinking of what Zhang Feng said – he is from the East, this has to make people guess that Zhang Feng is probably from outside the prison!

Curiosity is the nature of intelligent creatures. Everyone knows that there may be other continents in this world, and it may be a more fertile continent. Everyone is curious about the world outside the prison.

It’s just that Zhang Feng rarely mentions things about his hometown, and everyone respects Zhang Feng, so he didn’t take the initiative to ask.

But everyone’s curiosity about the outside world has never stopped.

That’s why Caroline just said that.

Zhang Feng, who understood, suddenly smiled bitterly.

Only he himself knew that what he said about the East and what they said about the East were not the same thing at all!

“Oh little sugar, I just sighed casually, what are you talking about!”

Caroline saw that Zhang Feng was a little embarrassed, and immediately pulled Zhang Xiaotang.

Zhang Xiaotang didn’t say much after seeing this.

This time, Zhang Feng was embarrassed. He thought about it and said:

“My situation is more complicated than you think. It’s not that I won’t tell you, but I can’t explain it to you right now. When the opportunity is ripe, I will tell you all about it!”

Zhang Feng looked at the girls and said sincerely.

Caroline didn’t dare to look directly into Zhang Feng’s eyes, she always felt that she just said something wrong.

And Zhang Xiaotang didn’t have so many worries, she turned her head and said to Zhang Feng seriously:

“That’s what you said!”

“Of course, I can still lie to you!”

In fact, Zhang Feng also wanted to make it clear to them, but now he can’t bring people through. When he can bring people, he will confess to them. At that time, facts will be more convincing than words.

In the evening, after dinner, Zhang Feng led everyone to start making cakes.

After all, he had already promised Hill that he would give her a chocolate cake the size of a house. Naturally, he could not break his promise.

Everyone was very interested, after all, they had never seen such a big cake.

Cakes are easy to make, but such a big cake can be a hassle.

To this end, Zhang Feng thought of a lot of ways, and finally everyone worked all night and finally made a giant cake.

Although Hill knew her age, she didn’t remember what her birthday was, so Zhang Feng simply regarded today as Hill’s birthday, and everyone celebrated together.

When Hill saw the finished product, he didn’t know what it was like.

After all, this is the birthday cake everyone gave her.

It can be said that today is the happiest time for her in these years.

Then everyone started to get busy again.

The entire Buck Kingdom is like clockwork.

After all, the danger of sea beasts has not disappeared, Zhang Feng has to strengthen his strength, including the army, infrastructure, food and so on.

These may not be able to directly improve his combat effectiveness, but these are his solid backing.

Soon, three days passed.

A week later, it is a very important day for Hongye City – the Spring Festival.

The Spring Festival last year is still vivid in everyone’s minds.

Seeing that another year of Chinese New Year is coming, the extreme north is showing a festive atmosphere.

However, in other places outside the extreme north, everyone was a little confused.

Spring Festival? what is that?

They had just received news from the Buck Kingdom that in a week, the most important festival in the country, the Spring Festival, was coming.

But for many people, Spring Festival is a completely unfamiliar term.

But fortunately, the communication facilities in the Buck Kingdom are already very developed. In less than a day, the explanation about the Spring Festival has spread throughout the Buck Kingdom.

Hearing that there will be free singing and dancing performances, free food, drinks, and free fireworks viewing on the Spring Festival, everyone was immediately excited.

They really haven’t heard of the Spring Festival before, but it doesn’t mean that they have poor understanding. There are so many free things on the Spring Festival day, so this is definitely a good festival!

The civilians in the entire Buck Kingdom don’t know about the sea beasts. They just feel that the pace of life has been a lot faster recently. For them, the pace is just a bit faster, and there is no pressure. Now after hearing about the Spring Festival, All of a sudden they were all excited.

People are gregarious creatures, with a lively atmosphere that few people dislike.

Seeing the jubilant scene of the entire Buck Kingdom, Zhang Feng only hoped that for them, this was not the last Spring Festival in their lives.

Before the Spring Festival, Zhang Feng went to the Sirius Empire.

After all, I promised Amy that I would visit her often.

After seeing Amy again, Zhang Feng felt that Amy had changed a lot.

First of all, in terms of temperament, it feels more noble.

If she used to be like a little princess of a big family, now she is like a young empress.

Then there is strength.

Zhang Feng’s strength has improved a lot now, and he can see how most of his strength is, but Amy still has a feeling that he can’t see through.

Although Zhang Feng doesn’t know how much Amy’s strength has improved, it is definitely not low.

When Amy saw Zhang Feng, she rushed over happily and was hugged by Zhang Feng firmly.

Although the two hadn’t seen each other for more than ten days, to Amy, it seemed like a month had passed.

“How are you doing these days? Is the Heavenly Wolf Empire treating you well? Are you still used to the food you eat? Have you received all the food I asked the Hongye Merchant to give you?”

Zhang Feng put his arms around Amy and asked with concern.

“I’m doing okay. The people of the Sirius Empire respect me very much. Thank you for the food you prepared for me, but it’s a bit boring here… It seems that we are going to celebrate the Spring Festival. I really want to go back to celebrate the Spring Festival!”

There was longing in Hill’s eyes.

Looking at the pitiful Amy, Zhang Feng almost said to let her go back to the Spring Festival together, but thinking of what White said, it is best not to leave the Heavenly Wolf Empire until the bloodline is fully activated, otherwise it is very likely that the success will fall short.

So Zhang Feng rubbed her hair and said:

“You haven’t activated your bloodline yet, so you can’t leave me for the time being. Since you’re here, activating your bloodline is naturally the main task. I’ll wait for your strength to protect me!”

“Okay, I’ll listen to you!”

After meeting Amy, Zhang Feng went to see Emperor White again.

To be honest, White didn’t really want to see Zhang Feng. As for the reason, it’s a bit strange. Simply put, it’s a question of seniority.

The relationship between Zhang Feng and Amy is well known, and Amy is the ancestor of their Sirius clan, so what should they call Zhang Feng?

It’s a bit out of place to call Mr., and it’s a bit too exaggerated to call the ancestors.

They have no opinion on Zhang Feng, but his identity is really a headache.

Although Zhang Feng didn’t know what they were thinking, he could guess one or two, so he told White that they could call their own.

After all, Zhang Feng was young, and he didn’t want to be called old.

Zhang Feng’s words made White heave a sigh of relief. Zhang Feng could understand it, and it couldn’t be better for them.

The two sides had a friendly exchange of economic cooperation. Zhang Feng showed that he was very interested in the things on the sea beasts, especially those beautiful things, and he almost didn’t mention blue beads.

Zhang Feng knew that there were a lot of blue beads in their Heavenly Wolf Empire.

White didn’t think about it for a while, just said that if Zhang Feng needed anything, even if he mentioned it, they would definitely sell it at cost.

Therefore, Zhang Feng had no pity, and bought a lot of things related to sea beasts at once, among which the most important blue beads, directly bought 30 pieces.

Although these beads were of no use to White, they belonged to the sea beasts and were of great commemorative significance. He did not plan to sell them all, mainly because the price of Zhang Feng was not too attractive.

Zhang Feng can also understand that without force, these 30 should be enough for the time being.

If he paid a high price, he might be able to buy all the beads, but in this case, White would definitely know that these blue beads were unusual, so he might not sell them, so Zhang Feng chose to take it as soon as it was good.

Besides, Amy is still here. After Amy awakens her bloodline, she may become the boss of the Sirius Empire for a long time. At that time, she will directly ask Amy to take out all the blue beads in the treasury of the Sirius Empire. It is estimated that No one dared to object.

Zhang Feng thought happily.

After staying in the Heavenly Wolf Empire for a day, Zhang Feng went back.

During this day, in addition to accompanying Amy, I also discussed a lot of business with Emperor White. In the future, the two sides have a lot of needs to cooperate. If nothing else, Zhang Feng can make a lot of money from it.

Of course, he did not cheat on White. While making money, Zhang Feng would definitely not be vague in cooperation, in order to achieve a win-win situation.

After returning to Hongye City, Zhang Feng began to manufacture armor.

The armor made this time is for Hill.

After all, she had already promised her, and she could not break her promise.

After a trip to the Sirius Empire, Zhang Feng brought back a lot of gold coins, plus Hill’s previous treasure, almost enough.

When Hill saw that the house was full of treasures with his own scent, he rolled his eyes at Zhang Feng.

After nearly two years, I finally saw these former treasures again.

Hill’s golden armor is different from others, because Hill can have three forms, one is a humanoid loli, one is a half-dragon man, and the other is a giant dragon.

Therefore, it would be very troublesome to make armor.

If you make a set of dragon armor, wouldn’t it be a waste to wear only the dragon form. But if you make three sets, it seems to be a waste, and you can’t wear one set on your body, and carry two more sets with you, which is too inconvenient.

Zhang Feng originally thought that this was a difficult problem, and he had never had a good solution, but he didn’t expect that to Hill, it would not be a problem at all.

According to Hill, as long as she drips her own blood on the armor and connects with her bloodline, the armor can change with her size.

This is a unique ability of the dragon family.

Zhang Feng was surprised, but he chose to trust Hill, so Zhang Feng made her a battle armor according to the size of the dragon.

After all, the dragon-shaped armor has the largest volume, the most solid materials, and the strongest increase in combat power.

After three days, Zhang Feng and Hill finally made this huge golden armor.

From a distance, it looks as mighty and domineering as a golden dragon.

“Hill, try it out and see how it goes.”


Blood dripping or something has already been dripped when making the armor, so there is no need to bother.

Hill put his hand on the huge armor, brushed it, the dragon armor in front of him disappeared, and a set of golden armor appeared on Hill!

Sure enough!

Zhang Feng was amazed.

But he has seen too many magical things, and it is not surprising to encounter anything again.

This armor is different from others, and can be freely changed according to Hill’s mind, including color, shape and so on.

When Hilton thought about it, the shape didn’t change much, but the color did change to red.

Hill prefers red.

“Zhang Feng, how is it, does it look good!”

“Good-looking… But this shouldn’t be the focus of attention! How much can you improve your combat effectiveness by wearing this armor?”

Zhang Feng asked urgently.

Because this set of armor is different from others, and Hill’s combat power is already very strong, it is not clear how much Zhang Feng can improve.

Hill stretched out his hand and punched lightly, only to hear a bang, and a sonic boom sounded directly.

Then Hill said:

“About twice the combat power…”

Hearing that the increase was only doubled, Zhang Feng was a little disappointed at first, but he quickly realized that this is Hill, this is a giant dragon!

It can increase the combat power of the dragon twice, which is definitely a perverted level!

Hill is already very powerful, if the combat power is doubled, it will be absolutely terrifying!

Of course, since Hill’s armor is too large, its energy consumption is also terrifying.

According to the normal design, this armor can store about 10,000 scales of energy, but this 10,000 scales is not enough.

So, Zhang Feng fused the blue beads into the armor!

That’s right, it’s the kind of blue beads with a million scale energy in the sea beast!

And not one, but three!

I have to say, fortunately, this armor is big enough, otherwise there is no way to design it like this.

As a result, it looks good now, and Zhang Feng is very satisfied.

“I really want to fight!”

Hill looked at Zhang Feng eager to try.

“Don’t look at me, go find Nora, only the two of you can be opponents!”

Zhang Feng said helplessly.

But he was also curious whether Hill could defeat Nora now. After all, Nora also has a golden armor. Although that armor is not as strong as Hill’s, it is not weak.

“Okay, I’ll go find her!”

When Hill was about to leave, he suddenly turned back and whispered:


“It’s all a family, you’re welcome!”

Three days later, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Buckland was in full swing, and the much-anticipated Spring Festival finally came.

Whether people in the extreme north or other places, everyone is very excited about the arrival of the Spring Festival. After all, it is a major festival only once a year, and the various benefits are simply drooling.

Although the weather is still very cold, it can’t stop everyone’s enthusiasm. The city is decorated with lanterns and the streets are full of people.

At the same time, deep in the sea.

Horrific monsters slowly emerged from the bottom of the sea. They were lined up neatly, like an army, without making any sound, silently moving towards the isolated island in the distance.

The sea beast has appeared again!

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