Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 367 - Tens of thousands of sea beasts attack, the Golden Knights fight!


In the sky above Yunhai City, in a huge airship, Zhang Feng put down his telescope and his face was very serious.

Two hours have passed since the alert ship lost contact, and the speed of the sea beasts came earlier than he expected.

“The bombing team is ready, go and blow it up first!”

Regarding the strategy of fighting the sea beasts, Zhang Feng didn’t have anything particularly good. For the time being, according to the conventional practice, before the sea beasts reach the coast, bombard a wave first, and let’s talk about it.

Under Zhang Feng’s order, dozens of large airships on standby in the air immediately flew into the sea.

These airships look big, but there are very few people inside because they are full of bombs.

This is a bombing airship that has only recently appeared. In conventional battles, bombing airships is definitely a terrifying existence, but Zhang Feng is not sure whether they can cause damage to sea beasts.

Everyone also picked up the binoculars and watched these huge bombing airships fly into the distance. Their faces were full of anticipation.

Some people even seem to have seen the scene of these sea beasts being blown apart and then destroyed.

However, after seeing the number of these sea beasts, everyone was instantly awake.

On the endless sea, there are all the small black spots!

Every little black dot represents a sea beast!

“This number is really terrifying…”

Zhang Xiaotang, who has always been fearless, also felt a chill in his body.

In a head-on battle, the destructive power of a sea beast is unimaginable, but now, these sea beasts can’t be counted!

It is much larger than the sea beasts seen in the Orc Continent before.

Last time there were about 1,000 sea beasts, but now it is estimated that there are 10,000!

This number is truly terrifying!

“I hope these bombs can bring some threats to the sea beasts…”

The crowd prayed silently.

Soon, the bombing airship flew over the sea beast. At this time, everyone could see the sea beast without binoculars.

call out–

One after another, the sound of whistling sounded, and countless small black dots fell from the airship, like rain, and fell among the sea beasts.


I don’t know if the sea beast didn’t react or ignored these bombs. They didn’t dodge at all, and had a close contact with the bomb.

In an instant, a sea of ​​fire formed on the entire sea surface, and the waves were layer after layer, like a tsunami, and the city of Yunhai felt the vibration.

Due to the cover of the flames, Zhang Feng and others could no longer see the specific situation on the sea, but through a neigh, everyone knew that explosives could hurt sea beasts!

This made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as it can hurt the sea beast, it is a good start. I’m afraid that after preparing so much, even the fur of the sea beast can’t be hurt. If that is the case, it will hurt everyone’s confidence.

However, everyone soon discovered that they were too happy!

Soon, in this sea of ​​fire, huge sea beasts came out, and they didn’t seem to be affected too much except for some day shifts on their armor-like skin.

“Hey – doesn’t that hurt them!”

Zhang Xiaotang took a breath.

When these bombs are dropped, whether it is the shock wave generated by the explosion, the violent high temperature, or the flame that can continue to burn, this is an extremely terrifying killer.

But with so many big killers combined, still can’t hurt the sea beast?

“Keep bombing!”

Zhang Feng doesn’t believe in evil, although he knows that these bombs cannot kill sea beasts, but it’s impossible for them to have no damage at all!

There were a lot of bombs on the bombing airship, enough for several rounds of bombing, and it was useless to keep them anyway, Zhang Feng ordered the bombing to continue.

call out–


The deafening voice sounded again.

But this time, Zhang Feng found a problem, those sea beasts actually dived underwater!

This is obviously dodging!

If bombs are useless, why do they hide?

Obviously, the bomb still has some effect!

When Zhang Feng spoke out his observations and speculations, it was undoubtedly exciting news.

However, this joy also did not last long.

When the third round of bombing was about to come, countless water columns suddenly shot up into the sky, like cannonballs, hitting the bombing airship with great precision.

call out!

In just an instant, several airships dodged in no hurry, and were directly pierced by the water column.

Then the entire airship disintegrated in the air, and with a rumbling sound, the bombing airships became a beautiful fireworks display.


Zhang Feng just clenched his fist, and before he had time to think, he immediately ordered.

“Retreat! All bombing airships retreat!”

The news of the retreat was very timely, but in the rapidly changing battlefield, it was still a little late.

Countless water columns shot into the sky, just like a heavy rain. The heavy rain from the bottom to the top instantly tore apart the bombing team.

When the sea beast’s attack ended, only a dozen airships escaped, and the rest were shot down and exploded.

This result was unexpected. In other words, this was the first time they fought against sea beasts on the sea. Zhang Feng, including Zhang Feng, underestimated the combat effectiveness of sea beasts. You must know that sea beasts have long-range attacks in the sea. means!

Ordinary sea water, in the hands of the sea beasts, immediately turned into sharp arrows for killing people. Although those bombing airships were not slow, they lacked flexibility. In addition, the sea beasts basically attacked indiscriminately. If it doesn’t fall, it will be broken down in an instant!

After the bombing airship is penetrated by the water column, it will either cause the ammunition in the airship to explode, causing the airship to disintegrate, or it will fall on the sea and be swallowed by those sea beasts bigger than the airship!

As long as it is penetrated by the flying tower, it means that it has been declared dead, it is nothing more than a little later!

The indiscriminate bombing attack failed.

It turns out that these sea beasts are not avoiding bombs, but small things that want to destroy these mortals!

Although it was expected, Zhang Feng was still a little uncomfortable. After all, it is not easy to train these airship pilots.

But now is not the time to be sad, he immediately ordered:

“The Golden Knights are ready to strike!”

If you want to defeat the sea beast, relying on other powers seems to be impossible. Only divine power can hurt and kill the sea beast!

Whoosh whoosh!

With an order, countless golden knights stepped on the aircraft, formed a battle formation, and flew towards the sea beast.

They bent bows and arrows, and shot decisively after a certain distance from the sea beast.


Countless golden arrows with divine power flew towards the sea beasts, and the sea beasts that did not hide in the face of large-scale bombardment suddenly started dodging!

Regardless of the size of the sea beasts, they are still very flexible in the sea. More than half of the arrows were directly avoided, and only a small part of the arrows could hit the sea beast and penetrated into the hard skin of the sea beast.

“This… the sea beast can dodge?”

Everyone was a little incredible, because the last time they fought against the sea beasts in the Orc Continent, they didn’t seem to know the option of dodging.

This is also one of the reasons why everyone can kill so many sea beasts. Although sea beasts have rough skin and thick flesh, they still have the possibility of death in the face of a certain number of people who can break through its defenses.

But now, I didn’t expect these sea beasts to dodge!

It sounds like this is a very normal thing, but Zhang Feng knows that this is not normal at all, because it means that the intelligence of the sea beast has become higher and it knows how to think!

Sea beasts are originally very scary, but their intelligence is relatively low, and they seem to have been acting within a specific rule. Taking advantage of this, it is not impossible for human orcs to join forces to defeat sea beasts.

But when these sea beasts know how to think and be flexible, it is definitely not a good phenomenon for people on the mainland!

Could it be that the sea beast evolved in the last battle?

Zhang Feng thought silently.

If this is the case, then it will be even more difficult to defeat these sea beasts!

However, Zhang Feng didn’t think about it so much for the time being. These are all speculations. The specific situation depends on the next battle.

The reason why the golden knights missed so many shots just now was that they subconsciously felt that the sea beasts would stand there and let them shoot. After all, that was what the instructor told them when they were training.

Now that the actual situation does not match what they have learned, the knights are not panicked, after all, moving target shooting is also their strong point.

“Pull the bow, shoot!”

Under Marlow’s command, the golden knights immediately bent their bows and arrows, aimed at the sea beasts, and then fired another salvo.

But this time, everyone is not shooting at certain positions fixedly, but cooperating with each other.

Some people aim at the current position, some people predict their movement trajectory, and some people block their back roads.

Under this kind of siege, more than half of the arrows successfully hit the target!

After all, the size of these sea beasts is too big. If you really want to give these golden knights time to shoot, they can definitely shoot the sea beasts into hedgehogs!

But these sea beasts will not give them a chance.

Again, again, again, not three times!

After being attacked twice in a row, before the third shot came, these sea beasts started a counterattack!


First, the tens of thousands of sea beasts collectively let out a hissing sound. This kind of sonic attack is extremely penetrating. Even if the Golden Knights had expected it, some of them reacted a little slower. Before they could plug their ears, they were instantly dizzy.


Those golden knights who didn’t have time to defend, couldn’t control their flying machines, and fell on the sea like dumplings.

Zhang Feng in the distance looked distressed. These golden knights are almost all the knights in the Buck Kingdom. Zhang Feng has invested heavily in their training, plus the golden armor on them, it can be said that every Knights are sky-high!

At this moment, dozens of people fell into the sea, which was definitely a major loss for Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng only has 50,000 golden knights in his hands. It is impossible to improve in the past five years, because the next generation of knights is still being cultivated. It can be said that one of these knights has died now!

“Bernice, come on!”

Zhang Feng immediately said to Bernice beside him.


Bernice walked to the airship deck, made strange gestures with both hands, and muttered to herself:

“God of light…”

Suddenly, white lights flew out from her body and flew towards all the golden knights.

Bernice is good at boosting, which includes both attack and defense, and resisting sonic attacks is a type of defense.

When these white lights entered the bodies of the golden knights, they instantly felt refreshed, and those disturbing sounds disappeared instantly.

“Keep fighting! Prepare to throw spears!”

Marlowe gave the order decisively.

The power of these golden spears was much greater than that of golden arrows, but they were bulky and heavy, and each knight carried very few, only five.

The quantity is very small and cannot be wasted. Every throw must be used on the blade.

At the same time, Bernice, who had boosted tens of thousands of golden knights on the battlefield, lost her strength in an instant, and she felt the world spinning.

Seeing that he was about to fall to the ground, Zhang Feng appeared in time and put his arms around Bernice’s waist.

Bernice’s face was pale and was about to say something, but she suddenly felt a burst of warmth coming from Zhang Feng’s palm.

The weak body began to regain strength, and the depleted divine power was slowly replenished, and even the mental exhaustion was slowly disappearing.


Bernice finally uttered a complete sentence.

After all, her strength is limited, and the people who have increased so much all at once are still powerful knights, which is indeed beyond her ability.

Normally, in one battle, she can also increase this time, which is already an overdraft for her, and the next increase must be at least ten days, or more.

But because of Zhang Feng’s special ability, he can absorb the divine power in the blue beads at will, and can also transfer it to other people or objects, so he can replenish Bernice with energy, just like a human-shaped charging treasure. It didn’t take a few minutes for Bernice to recover.

Those charging machines made for the Golden Knights can only be used for the Golden Armor, not Bernice.

“No need to thank you, it’s just me thanking you.”

Zhang Feng shook his head.

He knew that for him, it might be a small matter of transferring divine power from the blue beads to Bernice, but for Bernice, it was not the case.

Bernice is not a mobile phone and cannot be charged while playing. When she is using the boosting ability, she cannot receive Zhang Feng’s divine power transmission. That is to say, every time Bernice uses the ability, she will experience a collapse, even The feeling of dying, although Zhang Feng had never tasted it, he knew it was definitely not good.

People who are not strong in their hearts really may not be able to accept this kind of “torture”.

So Zhang Feng said thanking her is fine.

Bernice smiled palely.

She understands very well that now everyone is both prosperous and damaged~www.mtlnovel.com~ She can still survive if she contributes, but if she doesn’t do anything, she will die. Compared with death, this pain is nothing. .

The golden knight who acquired the sonic resistance ability was basically no longer affected by the sea beast, and immediately launched an attack on the sea beast.

These sea beasts tried a few more sonic attacks, but after finding no effect, they immediately gave up the sonic attacks and replaced them with indiscriminate water column attacks.

In the distance, Zhang Feng narrowed his eyes when he saw that the sea beast gave up the sonic attack.

Sure enough, these sea beasts have become smarter and very disciplined!

However, the golden knights are not like airships. They are much more flexible than the airships. In addition, the defensive power of the golden armor is strong. As long as dozens of water columns attack at the same time, the sea beasts cannot help the golden knights.

The scene turned out to be a stalemate for a while.

But there was no joy on Zhang Feng’s face, because the sea beast’s means were far more than that. And in the distance, there are more sea beasts coming!

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