Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 372 - Retreat to the Sirius Empire and defeat each one!

“Father, haven’t they come yet? We’ve already lost a lot of people!”

Dean’s eyes hurt a little.

The loss of these people is not only the people of other kings, but also their flying wolf rider, which is the main force of their Sirius Empire.

If the flying wolves lost too much, even if they could stop the sea beasts from attacking, they would have no chance of defeating them.

Although the victory may still be small and pitiful, but after all, there are still not.

“Should be coming soon!”

Emperor White didn’t know where Zhang Feng had gone, but he could only comfort him.

To be honest, it was a very difficult decision to put hope on Zhang Feng, but there was no way. After all, Zhang Feng still had a glimmer of hope, at least it was much bigger than their own victory over the sea beast.

“Have the sea beasts from other places attacked?”

Emperor White asked again.

“Should have invaded the mainland, but the number of those sea beasts is relatively small, and all of them did not create tsunamis like these sea beasts. Relatively speaking, there is no threat of these sea beasts, but as long as the tsunami spreads to other places, they will sooner or later enter the sea. Yes, when the time comes, it will really be our doomsday…”

For the current situation, Dean also sees it very clearly.

Seeing that, before the sea beasts meet each other, they still have a chance. If they meet, the Heavenly Wolf Empire will definitely fall into a rout, and the entire continent will fall!


Emperor White nodded, and he ordered Dean:

“Let everyone speed up and try to bring all the orcs into the Sirius Empire before dark. Relying on the high terrain of the Sirius Empire, we can still block it for a while…”


The Orc Continent has fallen into chaos.

Those kingdoms who were notified by the Heavenly Wolf Empire, they never imagined that the Heavenly Wolf Empire would give up their resistance!

The word retreat might exist elsewhere, but how could it exist in the Sirius Empire?

This is the Sirius Empire!

However, the reality is that the Sirius Empire has retreated.

They lost the maximum protection umbrella.

Fortunately, the retreat of the Sirius Empire was obviously an organized retreat, and they did not give up on them, but because the retreat was rushed, none of their orcs could take much.

Even those royal palace nobles can only go into battle lightly.

The Sirius Empire would not allow anyone to slow down everyone’s retreat.

But then again, precisely because the Heavenly Wolf Empire chose to retreat, although the soldiers were killed and injured a lot, the civilians basically did not suffer too many casualties. Very strong, if the soldiers are really reduced to a certain level, they will be recruited among these civilians.

However, this involves a scale of tens of millions of people. Even if everyone brings a small amount of things, they are all lightly packed, which still causes a lot of confusion.

At this time, the Heavenly Wolf Empire used a heavy code.

Anyone who causes trouble for everyone to retreat, or even deliberately drags everyone down, kills without mercy!

In this way, after losing some people and killing some, these orcs finally arrived at the Sirius Empire before dark.

The Heavenly Wolf Empire is in the best position in the Orc Continent. The resources here are relatively abundant, and the weather conditions are not good. The most important thing is that the Heavenly Wolf Empire has a very high terrain.

For a while, the land of the Sirius Empire is not at risk of being submerged. Unless this huge tsunami can drown all the countries in the Orc Continent except the Sirius Empire, the Sirius Empire will not be in its turn.

Of course, this does not mean that the Sirius Empire is safe and sound.

After all, this is not a natural tsunami, this tsunami is created by sea beasts!

The tsunami can’t help the Sirius Empire for the time being, but it doesn’t mean that the sea beasts can’t attack the Sirius Empire!

So after returning to the Sirius Empire, Emperor White immediately ordered that all the soldiers of other kingdoms be stationed at the border of the Sirius Empire to build a city wall to stop the sea beasts.

Although Emperor White chose to trust Zhang Feng, he still did not give up the idea of ​​building a wall, and he had to prepare with both hands.

Although he also knows that if Zhang Feng’s plan fails, then even if he builds the wall, he will only survive, but even if he can live for an extra second, he cannot give up.

Moreover, he cannot let the people lose hope. Obviously, the high wall can temporarily stabilize the people and stabilize the hearts of the people.

Otherwise, it would be too useless if the people lost hope, had chaos, and disintegrated them from within!

Those sea beasts are also very smart. When they saw that the orcs had retreated to the territory of the Heavenly Wolf Empire, they tried several times. After finding that the tsunami could not drown the Heavenly Wolf Empire for a while, they stopped trying, but surrounded the Heavenly Wolf Empire, and then Crazy destruction of infrastructure in other places, waiting for the moment when the tsunami drowns the Sirius Empire.

Of course, the sea beasts did not mean that the Heavenly Wolf Empire had been so much better. From time to time, sea beasts would come ashore and attack them.

Sea beasts are not afraid of death at all, and they even feel that they even feel pain, they only know how to kill.

The landing of sea beasts brought a lot of pressure to everyone, especially the soldiers of those kingdoms. When did they fight with monsters of this size, and this contact was basically slaughter.

In this regard, Emperor White did not stop it. It was not because he was indifferent, but now he had nothing to do. The number of flying wolves was decreasing sharply.

Part of the defense can only rely on orcs from other countries.

Although the orcs were killed and injured a lot, there were also a lot of them, and with the weapons and food provided by the Hongye Chamber of Commerce, they could barely stop these sea beasts from going ashore.

The situation has temporarily stagnated.

But at this time, stalemate is already the best result for everyone.

After Emperor White dealt with some matters, he picked up the communicator and was about to call Zhang Feng again and ask where Zhang Feng was when suddenly, the communicator rang first.

“Your Majesty, I’m Zhang Feng, we have come to the Orc Continent, how are you? Are you okay?”

Hearing the voice on the communicator, Emperor White felt that this was the most beautiful voice he had ever heard in his life.

Taking a deep breath, Emperor White said:

“Mr. Zhang Feng, all the orcs in our continent have retreated to the Heavenly Wolf Empire. Due to the relatively high terrain of the Heavenly Wolf Empire, the tsunami will not be able to submerge us for the time being, but I estimate that according to the current situation, it may only take one arrival. Two days, at most three days, if there is no solution, our Heavenly Wolf Empire will not be able to escape the fate of being submerged! At that time, even if we are alive, we will not be the opponents of sea beasts…”

“One to two days… Enough, we only need one day, I hope you will stick to another day! Leave the rest to us!”

While Zhang Feng’s words made Emperor White excited, he also slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

One day, he could still wait.

“Okay, then we’ll hold on for another day. If you need our support, please send me a message. My Flying Wolf Cavalry Corps is always ready!”


After Zhang Feng ended the call with Emperor White, he turned to Hill and said:

“Hill, it’s up to you now… But don’t put too much pressure on you, it’s okay to let them go.”

Lolita Hill, who has recovered to her adult body, patted her chest and said:

“Don’t worry, I’m already familiar with the aura of the dragon fish, and with the thin dragon blood on them, I can easily find them!”

“Well, we will support you, you can speak at any time if you have any orders!”


After speaking, Hill’s body began to change, his height rose from one meter three to two meters, scales, bone spurs, and wings appeared all over his body, and the hot breath permeated.

The whole momentum has changed from a harmless little loli to a terrifying half-dragon.

Then jumped directly from the airship deck and landed on the rough sea.

This time, Hill did not become a dragon, but a dragon man.

Although the strength of this form is much lower than that of the dragon form, the breath of the dragon family is also much reduced. Her mission is not to fight sea beasts, but to catch the dragon fish hidden in these sea beasts.

The dragon fish is not strong in nature, plus it will be suppressed by Hill’s blood, let alone dragon people, they are in human form, and they are not opponents.

If you want to catch these dragon fish, you must first be able to perceive their location. As a giant dragon, Hill can perceive the blood of other dragons within a certain range, even if it is not pure.

Then it is to hide the breath, otherwise if it is discovered, those arowanas will definitely slip away like the one they caught before.

Hill, who is in the form of a half-dragon, can hide his aura within a certain range. He is very concealed and has a lot of strength. If he encounters an attack by a sea beast, he can deal with it calmly.

So her form of “beheading operation” is perfect.

After Hill entered the sea, Zhang Feng and others were not idle. They quickly began to arrange, leaving some people to deal with the sea beasts, and the rest were sent by Zhang Feng to follow Hill, ready to support at any time.

After all, the dragon fish said that they are very fast in the sea, and they may be slipped away by it if they are not careful.

Through pressing questions, Zhang Feng knew that there are very few members of the dragon fish clan now. In order not to fail this time, it can be said that they came out of their nests.

Including the one that was caught, there are only ten dragon fish in total!

That’s right, there are only ten dragon fish left in their entire group.

Speaking of which, this is also a kind of sadness. This number is not far from the extinction of the family.

But Zhang Feng wouldn’t feel bad for them. After all, everyone would kill him. Zhang Feng was not the Virgin.

He wanted Hill to capture these arowanas alive, naturally, for these war arowanas, or sea beasts.

Sea beasts are real weapons of war, Zhang Feng admitted that he was tempted.

If you can master the ownership of the sea beast, if you don’t say anything else, at least you, including your subordinates, can swim in the sea!

No one is not tempted by this kind of stuff.

But then again, tempted to be tempted, his first task now is to solve the sea beast crisis and let everyone survive!

If there is no way to capture it alive, Zhang Feng will not be soft-hearted, just kill it!

Besides, Hill, as soon as he entered the water, fire flashed in those golden eyes.


I didn’t expect to be so lucky, I just found it when I came down!

Hill could clearly feel that in a ruin not far east of him, there was a dragon fish and three sea beasts beside it.

These dragon fish basically command sea beasts from a distance and will not fight on the front line. After all, there are so few of them. If one of them dies, it will be a very sad thing.

Hill hid his breath, and the dragon fish didn’t find it at all, but in Hill’s eyes, as long as the dragon fish was within a certain range, it was like a beacon in the dark. The dragon’s bloodline was too obvious that time!

Hill quietly approached.

At this time, the dragon fish didn’t realize that it was being targeted at all. It was still using some means to direct a large number of sea beasts to create a tsunami.

The three surrounding sea beasts surrounded it in the middle, providing adequate protection.

At a certain moment, Arowana suddenly opened its eyes, and it suddenly had a bad premonition, as if it was being stared at by something terrifying!

The naturally cautious dragon fish did not move, but directed the three Taihai beasts to see if there was anything around.

Although the sea beast is the well-deserved overlord in the sea, the dragon fish is not, so it is very cautious.

However, when it was about to command these sea beasts, it suddenly heard a voice that seemed to come from ancient times.

Desolate, ancient, majestic…

A terror from the bloodline made it breathless.


The dragon fish seemed to wake up the memory deep in his mind, and instantly became smart.


This is its first thought.

Although its ancestors were servants of giant dragons, when the ancestors promised to guard this prison, they were already betraying the giant dragon!

Although it was said that the dragon had disappeared at that time, it made no difference whether they betrayed or not, but betrayal was betrayal, especially when they felt the breath of the dragon, the fear that came out of their blood made them subconsciously. Just want to run.

But obviously, when Hill released his own breath, it was too late to run.


Arowana only felt a flower in front of him, and a half-dragon man stood in front of him.

Feeling the breath of the dragon at close range, seeing her majestic eyes, the dragon fish’s whole body softened in an instant, let alone resisting, it didn’t even have the strength to escape.

The three surrounding sea beasts fell into sluggishness because they heard Hill’s dragon fish. Hill grabbed the dragon fish effortlessly, and then surfaced to the sea. The airship was already waiting for her in mid-air.

After handing the dragon fish to the golden knight, Hill dived again.

Soon, the sun sets, and the whole wild sea turns red.

The sea beast is still tirelessly creating a tsunami, spreading to the entire orc continent.

Suddenly, some of the sea beasts stared blankly for a while, then stopped moving, instead of creating a tsunami, they began to swim aimlessly.

Almost no one noticed this little episode~www.mtlnovel.com~ But soon, one after another sea beasts lost their targets. They were no longer creating tsunamis and started to swim dumbly, as if they had lost their backbone.

Without the movements of these sea beasts, the whole sea seemed to be much calmer.

In the middle of these sea beasts, there is a dragon fish larger than other dragon fish.

If Zhang Feng were here, he would find that this dragon fish was not like the ones he caught, but more like a sea beast, looking very hideous.

Of course, its size is still much smaller than that of the sea beast.

When some sea beasts stopped working, this dragon fish felt that something was wrong. When more and more of these sea beasts did not work, it was startled.

He quickly contacted the clan through his special talent, but found that he couldn’t get in touch!

Something went wrong!

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