Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 4 - draw a circle

Cotton didn’t expect that he would be able to see Zhang Feng, a good-natured nobleman, again, in the new house he just bought.

It was a coincidence that Zhang Feng met Cotton’s son Bart on the street, the thin young man who had led the carriage.

Hearing that the nobleman was looking for his father, Keton, Bart didn’t dare to neglect, and hurriedly brought Zhang Feng to his new home.

Bart is very grateful to Zhang Feng. If he hadn’t given his father a piece of “noble food”, their family would not have owned a property within Hongye City. Although this house is not much bigger than the previous one outside the city, its significance It’s completely different, it represents the status, the circle, and from now on, they are also city people.

After Zhang Feng informed his intention of coming, Cotton quickly put down his work and gave Zhang Feng an idea seriously.

“Sir, if you are willing to give those greedy merchants some sweetness, they will gladly sell you a nice property.”

Then Keton explained a little embarrassingly. He sold the biscuits given by Zhang Feng to a Hongye City merchant, and exchanged this rather good property from him.

To be honest, Keton had no way of understanding what Mr. Zhang Feng said about a place that was clean and tidy and had no peculiar smell, because he had never seen it before, especially if he could not be under the same roof with livestock, he could not think of anything other than the castle. There are places that don’t keep livestock. He even thought that more than half of the castle might be livestock—if he was the city lord, he would have ten cows, ten horses, and thirty sheep!

However, although I can’t understand it, it doesn’t prevent Coton from coming up with ideas. The easiest way is to buy a property. Master Zhang Feng can hire someone to decorate the house as he likes.

Zhang Feng was taken aback by Corton’s words, which sounded pretty good.

Before, his concept had never been converted, and he still stayed in another world. You must know that in the current world, in this Red Leaf City, Zhang Feng is already a rich man with the things in his backpack, and he can afford a house.

“It’s a good idea, but I’m not very familiar here…”

“Sir, you can completely entrust me with the task, and I will not disappoint you!”

Cotton knew that his chance to perform was coming, and he immediately promised.

Zhang Feng was waiting for his words. He compared Cotton’s “60-square-meter house for a small compressed biscuit”, and after thinking for a while, he said:

“Okay, I’m relieved to leave it to you, but I have a small requirement. It is the most basic thing that the house is clean and tidy without peculiar smell. As for the location, it doesn’t matter, but if it is far away from the crowd, it is within the protection of Hongye City. The house is the first priority, preferably one that has not been lived in for a long time, without much trace of ‘life’, and then is big enough, the bigger the better…”

Following Zhang Feng’s words, Keton’s mouth got bigger and bigger.

Seeing Keton, whose face was gradually stunned, Zhang Feng was immediately discouraged.

“Forget it, I didn’t say anything about the previous one, only the last one, the bigger the better!”

This time, Keton understood, and immediately patted his chest, assuring Zhang Feng that he would be able to complete the task before dark.

Zhang Feng’s idea is also very simple, as long as my house is big enough, no odor can get in!

The big deal is to hire more people to clean up. Zhang Feng feels that he has this condition now.

Colton did not disappoint Zhang Feng, but the people he brought were somewhat beyond Zhang Feng’s expectations.

“Your Excellency Zhang Feng, hello, hello, I’m Pan Xi, the manager of Hongye City City Hall.”

The visitor was a huge middle-aged man, like a moving Roshan, he trotted over, Zhang Feng felt the ground shaking.

His face was as bloated as his body, Zhang Feng wasted a lot of energy to see that he had eyes, and seeing him madly wiping sweat, it was hard for him to run over.

This is the first time Zhang Feng has seen such a fat person in Hongye City.

“People from other worlds live in dire straits” is already a false proposition, at least some people are still living well.


Zhang Feng greeted politely.

Through the introduction, Zhang Feng knew that Pansy was not the big businessman that Coton mentioned, but a person from the Hongye City City Hall, in short, an official person.

Pan Xi didn’t talk nonsense. After expressing his admiration for Zhang Feng, he directly took out the sheepskin roll and rolled it out.

“I already understand your needs. There are still a lot of tradable properties in Hongye City. You can see which area you need. If it is suitable, you can decide now.”

Seeing Zhang Feng’s first glance, Pan Xi knew that a big order was coming today.

Judging from Zhang Feng’s clothes, skin and appearance, he is definitely an aristocrat, and he may be older than Baron Charles. At least he has not seen such delicate fabrics and delicate skin on Baron Charles. This is not an ordinary person. can have.

Zhang Feng is tall and has three-dimensional facial features. He has both the exquisiteness of an oriental person and the profoundness of a westerner. In the aesthetics of this group of people from other worlds, he can definitely be called a beautiful man.

Zhang Feng looked at this hand-painted map. The entire Hongye City was roughly a circle, with the castle as the center and radiating to all directions. There were churches, central squares, city halls, markets, workshops, residential areas, docks, etc. Although In Zhang Feng’s view, this city is small in scale, but it can be regarded as a small sparrow with complete internal organs.

Of course, it would be better if the hygiene situation could be improved.

Judging from the situation marked on the map, it is obvious that the price is different in different regions, the most expensive in the middle, and the cheaper it goes out.

Zhang Feng thought for a while, then took out a few things from his backpack and placed them in front of Pan Xi.

“Lord Pansy, look at how much gold coins these things I can be worth, or in other words, what kind of real estate can I exchange for?”

Zhang Feng didn’t have any gold coins, but his backpack was filled with food he prepared while traveling. Judging from Keton’s exchange of a compressed biscuit for a suite, there should still be a market for these things.

Seeing a few things Zhang Feng took out, Pan Xi’s squinting eyes suddenly widened a lot. Zhang Feng even saw a ray of light, and he didn’t know if it was an illusion.

There are three things in total, four compressed biscuits wrapped in paper, a can of beer and a whole piece of milk toast bread. The trademark can be torn off, but it doesn’t matter if it can’t be torn. Anyway, there is a big gap between Chinese characters and foreign characters. , don’t worry about revealing your identity.

Seeing the compressed biscuits and canned beer, Pansy still looked relatively indifferent – this is a must for doing business, and the emotions and anger are not visible, so that he can take the initiative in the subsequent negotiations. It comes from these.

But when he saw the milk toast bread that Zhang Feng took out, he couldn’t control his expression any longer, as if he had seen some sacred object, he asked with a trembling tone:

“Sir, can I take a closer look at this piece of bread?”

“Of course.”

Zhang Feng did not refuse. Judging from Pansy’s performance, it seems that he has seen similar bread?

Pansy picked up the bread carefully, first pinched it lightly with his big fat hands, and after feeling the incomparably soft touch, put it on the tip of his nose, looking intoxicated.

“Mr. Pansy?”

Seeing that Pan Xi was as quiet as holding a rare treasure in his own world, Zhang Feng had to interrupt.

“Sorry, Your Excellency, I’m so excited, I didn’t expect to see the legendary Queen Bread in my lifetime!”

Pansy said with a holy face.

“Queen’s Bread?”

Zhang Feng was stunned for a moment. He bought this bread for five yuan at the supermarket. How could it be called Queen Bread?

“It is rumored that there is a kind of white bread in the palace. It takes more than a dozen people to take turns to sieve the flour. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com uses the finest flour, and adds eggs, milk, vanilla, honey and other rare ingredients. , and then invite the chefs with the best baking skills in the entire kingdom to bake them in person. If there is any problem in the middle, this perfect queen bread cannot be made. The supply has always been in short supply in the palace, and there is no way to make it out, because Even for the king, it is impossible to eat it regularly!”

Pansy searched the only knowledge about Queen’s Bread in her mind, and said it all at once.

To be honest, Pansy had never eaten Queen’s Bread, but that didn’t prevent him from judging that it was Queen’s Bread. It was a white bag, soft to the touch, a touch of milk, and even his nose was very sensitive. He could smell a hint of sweetness. !

Everything shows that this is Queen Bread!

“Uh… Then which property do you think this piece of bread can be exchanged for?”

Zhang Feng was taken aback by what Pan Xi said. If it wasn’t for the fact that he bought it himself, he would have almost believed it. But he didn’t forget his purpose. To Zhang Feng, it didn’t matter to Zhang Feng. The house was the most important thing.

Hey, it’s heartbreaking to talk about. They’ve already traveled to another world, and they have to worry about the house.

“Are you really sure you can trade this piece of Queen’s bread?”

The person who can bring Queen Bread out of the palace must have an unusual background. Pan Xi believed that Zhang Feng was a prince, so he confirmed it again.

“Of course, I’m pretty sure.”

Zhang Feng nodded.

Pan Xi, who was affirmed, looked happy. He took out a quill and quickly drew a circle on the map, and said to Zhang Feng very flatteringly:

“Your Excellency Zhang Feng, starting today, the ownership of the central residential area of ​​Hongye City—is yours!”

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