Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 65 - For the vast number of female compatriots in other worlds

“…A person with a good figure, such as you, looks even better when you wear it!”

Hearing Zhang Feng say that she will look better when she wears it herself, Caroline was both shy and surprised.

Although this topic was a bit embarrassing, she couldn’t help but ask:

“Will it really look better…this…how to wear this!”

Zhang Feng beckoned, hehe smiled, rather like a bad uncle with bad intentions.

“Cough, come and sit, I’ll teach you!”


However, Zhang Feng didn’t take advantage of others, he just made gestures on Caroline, and then told her how to dress.

Fortunately, Zhang Feng had learned some secretly on the Internet before, otherwise he would not be very good at it.

After hearing Zhang Feng’s teaching, Caroline shyly fiddled with her for a long time, but she never put it on.

“Uh…why can’t I wear it?”

After seeing Zhang Feng, he said angrily:

“I said it’s underwear, I want to wear it inside. You have this big robe outside, how can you wear it without taking off your clothes?”

“Ah? I… should I take off now…”

Caroline was a little embarrassed, she didn’t dare to ask Zhang Feng’s eyes in a low voice.

Seeing that the topic was developing in an indescribable direction, Zhang Feng hurriedly stopped.

“Are you stupid! Don’t think about it! Just take the underwear back and study it slowly. The underwear is also matched with underwear. Look at this shape, I don’t need to teach you how to wear it!”

Zhang Feng picked up a smaller piece of clothing, opened it and compared it in front of Caroline.

Caroline wasn’t really stupid either. Looking at those little clothes, she understood after a little imagination. She couldn’t raise her head in shame, and gave a low hum.


The wealthier women from other worlds like them all wear wraps inside their clothes. Except for the possible differences in the fabric, there is no change in the style and so on. They are all the same.

As for the poorer women, it would be nice to have a coat to wear. There is no such thing as a wrapping cloth, and even some are so poor that it is not impossible for the family to wear one coat.

For Caroline, the underwear Zhang Feng brought opened the door to a new century. She never imagined that the “wraps” she wore inside could look so good!

Talking about this kind of question made her very shy, but she would be attracted by this kind of beautiful underwear, and she would imagine what she would look like after wearing it… For Caroline, who has a thin skin, discuss with Zhang Feng. The underwear thing is really too shameful.

Zhang Feng naturally didn’t know Caroline’s inner thoughts, but Caroline’s shyness was expected by Zhang Feng. After all, Zhang Feng himself was a bit unnatural, but in this castle, he was familiar with Caroline. You can’t just find a female slave to communicate with, besides, the female slave is not as good-looking as Caroline! cough cough…

“Then let me introduce you to this shoe — high heels.”

Zhang Feng took out a pair of black high heels with red soles.

When he measured his body data before, he also roughly measured the size of Caroline’s shoes. There are many sizes of these shoes, and there is always a suitable one.

“Stretch your feet!”

Zhang Feng gave the order, Caroline bit her lip, lifted her long skirt, and stretched out her feet.

Caroline was wearing a pair of flat shoes made of unknown leather. Zhang Feng didn’t feel very beautiful. He crouched down and helped Caroline take off the shoes.

Caroline’s slender feet are small, white and delicate, very clean, without any odor. Her nervous instep arches slightly, and the tendons connecting her toes are stretched out.

“Don’t be nervous, relax.”

Zhang Feng comforted him, and then held a jade foot, feeling tired and a little cold.


Caroline’s body froze suddenly, and she made a strange sound.

Zhang Feng glanced at her suspiciously.

Caroline hurriedly turned her head, dodging her eyes, not daring to meet Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng didn’t think much about it, he put on the high heels for Caroline, not too big or not too small, just right.

With fair jade feet and black high-heeled shoes, Zhang Feng thinks it looks good.

“The other foot.”


Caroline obediently stretched out her other foot.

After all dressed, Zhang Feng got up.

“Come on, stand up and let me see how it goes.”

Caroline didn’t care about being shy and stood up cautiously. She wasn’t very used to high heels, she was a little wobbly.

These high-heeled shoes are 5 centimeters long. Caroline is about 1.75 meters tall after wearing them, which makes her figure taller and more graceful.

“So lovely!”

Zhang Feng nodded with satisfaction, feeling like he was playing a dress-up game.

Hearing Zhang Feng say it looks good, Caroline was a little overjoyed, and she took a cautious step.


Suddenly one of them became unsteady and was about to fall.

Zhang Feng quickly reached out and hugged her.

For a moment, she was full of fragrant jade, which made Zhang Feng feel her beautiful figure covered by the robe. Zhang Feng felt a little strange in his heart, but now is not the time to think wildly. He was afraid that Caroline would smash her feet, so he asked with concern. :

“Are you alright?”

“No…it’s okay…”

Caroline’s voice trembled a little. She bit her lip, and water seemed to drip from her blue eyes.

Only then did Zhang Feng realize that his hand seemed to be in the wrong position. He coughed twice and let go of her without showing any trace.

After all, Caroline is also a person who is “armed with martial arts”, her balance ability is very good, and she quickly adapted to high heels.

“It’s a little weird…”

Caroline took two steps and felt that after putting on high heels, she needed to lean forward slightly and straighten her upper body, making certain parts more upright.

“It’s good to get used to it, but I don’t recommend that you wear high heels all the time. It’s too tiring to wear it too much. I don’t have any other purpose. I just want to borrow your hand and promote it, including these underwear. These things can be enlarged. Feminine charm, and caring for women, I think you women need that.”

Zhang Feng said righteously.

He is not for himself, he is for the vast number of female compatriots in the other world!

Of course, by the way, make a little money to keep your eyes on the eye or something.

Caroline looked at Zhang Feng, who had a serious face. She was not sure whether Zhang Feng’s words were true or not, but she still chose to believe him.

“Yeah! I trust Lord Zhang Feng!”

“By the way, I almost forgot. There is one more thing that goes well with high heels. This is it.”

Zhang Feng flipped through his clothes and found a bag of unopened stockings.

“This is?”

Looking at the long flesh-colored stockings, Caroline was a little curious.

“These are stockings, which are worn on the feet. They can modify the legs, prevent cold and keep warm, prevent edema, prevent sweating from the sun, and cover up some small flaws.”

“Ah? How do you wear such long feet?”

Caroline is a little curious, she doesn’t have such long feet!

“Cough, actually, I don’t understand it very well, anyway, it’s like this, like this, then like this…”

Zhang Feng gestured to Caroline.

Hearing that the stockings were worn directly from the toes to the thighs, Caroline didn’t dare to say what she had planned to ask Zhang Feng to help wear.

“These things, including the clothes I gave you today, are all tailor-made for you. If you put them on and try them on, there should be no problem, but if there is any problem, you can give me feedback.”

Zhang Feng looked at Caroline and said.

After all, the size is not measured by the designer himself, so Zhang Feng’s measurement may have errors.


Caroline blushed and nodded.

“Okay, you can take all these things. You can wear them yourself, or you can give them away if you can’t wear them. You can do it yourself.”


Caroline left with a bunch of things in her arms.

Seeing her trembling walk in high heels, Zhang Feng thought it was quite funny.

“My underwear or something must be the only one in other worlds. They say that women’s money is easier to make. I wonder what price those noble ladies are willing to pay…”

Zhang Feng wanted to earn more gold coins, so he naturally couldn’t sell too many things.

Food such as salt, sugar, and polished rice will definitely be sold again, but other aspects must also be started.

For example, the clothing industry, Zhang Feng has always thought that it is a good industry, especially in the other world, Zhang Feng believes that as long as he can popularize these advanced clothing, those nobles who love face will definitely not refuse.



Zhang Feng finished washing up and was about to go to sleep when he heard a knock on the door.

Boom, boom, boom.


“Master Zhang Feng, it’s me.”

Hearing Caroline’s voice, Zhang Feng was a little surprised. In the middle of the night, why did she come to find him? Is it possible…

“Ahem~www.mtlnovel.com~ Please come in.”


Caroline gently pushed the door open.

Seeing Zhang Feng neatly dressed beside the bed, she took a deep breath and walked over.

da da da~

“Huh? You all put on new clothes?”

Approaching, with the help of the light on the bed, Zhang Feng realized that Caroline had changed into the clothes Zhang Feng brought, especially the high heels rattling, Zhang Feng thought for a moment that she had returned to the modern feeling.

“Master Zhang Feng, do you think I look good in this?”

Caroline shyly held up her skirt and turned around in front of Zhang Feng.

“Good-looking! Very beautiful!”

Caroline, who is like a fairy descending to earth, Zhang Feng was stunned by him.

Seeing that Zhang Feng’s expression didn’t seem to be fake, Caroline took a deep breath. She slowly walked over, bit her lip, and said to Zhang Feng:

“Lord Zhang Feng, I…”

Looking at Caroline who was getting closer, Zhang Feng didn’t know what to think, and was a little nervous and expecting a little.

Is it difficult…

“I want to tell you something, I hope you don’t get angry…”


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