Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 70 - Otherworld\\\'s first restaurant

These female slaves are very important to Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng needs some loyal and available people, not some dispensable vases.

It’s not that Zhang Feng has any special hobbies. He is only willing to use female slaves, but male slaves are relatively rare, and there are no slave traders in Hongye City. Even if he wants to buy male slaves, he will have to wait until next year.

Zhang Feng gave these female slaves a few words of encouragement, and immediately everyone was as motivated as a chicken blood.

When Zhang Feng fought chicken blood before, these slaves were unmoved, that was because they did not see Zhang Feng’s actual actions, and they did not know whether what Zhang Feng said was true or not, but now, as a slave, all After being treated like a normal person, each of them firmly believed in Zhang Feng’s words.

What Zhang Feng said, they all believed that Zhang Feng could definitely do it. If he didn’t do it, it was just time.

It has to be said that Zhang Feng himself did not know that some of his acts of kindness won the trust and loyalty of all the slaves.

“I have one more thing to do today. There will be a lot of fish delivered in the past two days. I need you to clean up the fish and hand it over to the chef.”


Erica respectfully said yes.

Since yesterday, Zhang Feng has ordered those fishermen to start working.

Although the freshwater fish in this world are despised by many people, these fish are not much different from the fish on the Blue Star, and they are all edible.

The only thing to deal with is the fishy smell.

For Zhang Feng, this couldn’t be easier. In addition to removing the fishy lines and those black films, it was enough to put some onion, ginger, and garlic cooking wine when cooking.

Zhang Feng brought a lot of these seasonings, enough to use.

Zhang Feng is going to try out a restaurant today to see the situation, and fish will be the current main dish to test the water.


By the Senro River.

Knight Baker personally directed the work of many fishermen.

“Lord Knight, what do we catch so many fish for?”

A curious fisherman asked Baker while he was resting.

Baker’s face turned straight:

“This is the order of the city lord, don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask!”

Baker subconsciously licked his lips as he spoke.

In fact, Baker had never eaten fish, or in other words, had never eaten fish made by Zhang Feng, but he heard Marlowe say that if you eat it once, you may never forget it in this life!

He was looking forward to these fish being served on the table.

“Yes! But I’m just curious!”

Knight Baker, he looks very rough, but in fact he has a very good temper. Under normal circumstances, everyone is willing to chat with this amiable and approachable Lord Knight.

Knight Baker thought for a while, but Zhang Feng didn’t say any confidentiality policy, so he said mysteriously:

“These fish are for eating.”

Hearing Knight Baker’s words, the fisherman was a little stunned.

“Who eats it? Cats? But with so many fish, we don’t seem to have so many cats in Hongye City, right?”

Hearing the fisherman’s words, Baker turned his eyes towards the turtle.

You don’t even know that fish can be eaten? Foolishness!

Inexplicably, Baker felt that he was a lot more noble. This has nothing to do with identity, it is completely at a higher level.

The fisherman naturally saw Baker’s contemptuous eyes, but he didn’t care. It was normal for him to be looked down upon by knights and nobles.

However, it was obvious that the fishermen also saw that these fish were not for cats. Seeing that Baker didn’t speak anymore, the fisherman was a little itchy, but he didn’t dare to ask any more.

With the efforts of these fishermen, big fish were caught.

The strong fishy smell also emanated from the pier, and the workers on the pier stayed far away, as if this were some kind of beast of a flood.

Baker once again showed contempt.


Since the fish in the Senro River are almost never caught, the fish here are large and plentiful.

Soon, boxes of big fish piled up on the pier.

In addition to the day of fishing yesterday, these fish should be enough for the time being.

“Raise all these fish and come with me!”


Knight Baker took the soldiers and personally delivered the fish to the Red Leaf Restaurant.

Hongye Restaurant is the name Zhang Feng took for the first restaurant in Hongye City.

“Master Zhang Feng, all the fish caught so far are here.”

Smelling the strong fishy smell, Zhang Feng glanced at it and waved his hand.

Erica immediately instructed the female slaves to take the fish.

Zhang Feng gave Erica how to deal with the fish, and she gave it to the female slaves.

After the belly was cut open, the fishy smell was even more smoky to the eyes.

Zhang Feng quickly left this place.

The number of people is powerful, and it didn’t take long for so many fish to be cleaned up.

The chefs of the restaurant were transferred from the castle, and there were five in total.

As for what to do with these fish, the difficult methods could not be taught for a while, so Zhang Feng just taught a few relatively simple ones.

As long as the seasoning is in place, no matter how you do it, the taste will not be too bad.

When the chef started to get busy, Zhang Feng was ready to promote his restaurant.

The method of publicity is also very simple. Anyway, Hongye City is not big at the moment. Zhang Feng directly asked a team of soldiers to walk through the streets with a banner.

“The first restaurant in Hongye City has started its trial operation. All Hongye City public servants can try it for free today! All Hongye City residents can taste it today at the preferential price of ‘buy one, get one free’!”

Because it is the first trial operation, Zhang Feng is not stingy. Not to mention the intensity of the activity, he has also made a mode similar to a buffet~www.mtlnovel.com~ You can eat for an hour as long as you pay once, in this section You can eat all you can within the time, but you can’t waste it. If there is waste, you will be fined twice.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately attracted the attention of all the residents of Hongye City, especially those officials of Hongye City.

They all stood out from many competitors and became the civil servants of Hongye City, a profession that almost everyone in Hongye City envied, not to mention the high salary and various benefits.

But after so many days, it seems that there are no benefits. Although everyone doesn’t care much. After all, the salary is so high, what else do they ask for, but when the benefits do appear, they are still very excited.

Salary represents one’s own income, and these benefits can represent one’s face.

I didn’t read that the Lord of the City said that only the civil servants of Hongye City can try it for free today!

Regardless of whether it is delicious or not, or what you eat, as long as it is edible, as long as it is food, everyone will be very satisfied.

After all, in a tough place like Hongye City, they are not picky eaters.

At noon, these civil servants all rushed to Hongye Restaurant.

In addition to these civil servants, some ordinary residents also came. You must know that after this half-price meal, you only need 15 copper coins, which is about the same price as brown bread, and they can fully afford it.

Moreover, this is the restaurant opened by the Lord of the City. If you don’t say anything else, you have to come here.

After all, the city lord has exempted most of the taxes in Hongye City. These people are very grateful to Zhang Feng, the city lord.


PS: Ask for a recommendation ticket~

Thank you fatly brother for the 500 coins reward! grateful!


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