Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 9 - can go back

“Tell Madam, someone outside is asking to see you, he said…”

When Caroline and Malorbek were discussing how to deal with the new lord, a servant told them that someone was asking for an appointment at the castle gate.

“what did he say?”

“He said…he is the new city owner of Hongye City!”

The servant said cautiously.

Caroline’s face turned pale, the new city lord finally came.

“Invite him in… No, let’s go out to meet him.”

“This castle looks okay, but the windows are a bit small, so it’s probably not enough light…”

Standing at the gate of the castle, Zhang Feng commented on the castle in his heart, and a servant stood respectfully not far from him.

Many people already know the news that Baron Charles’ noble title has been bought. Since Zhang Feng has taken out the noble medal, he thinks that his identity will not be fake, so the servants naturally dare not overstep it.


The gate of the castle slowly opened, and a beautiful figure came into view first.

A simple and wide white fine linen robe covered her tall figure, and her blond hair rolled up very dignified and noble. Her face was serious and a little cold, but the curly hair on her temples added a touch of natural beauty to her. Charming, so that it doesn’t look so strangers do not enter.

However, what attracted Zhang Feng the most was her pair of azure blue eyes. They were clear and pure, like a pool of clear springs, which made people want to immerse themselves in it.


It wasn’t until Caroline’s delicate earlobe appeared slightly pink that Zhang Feng reacted, and quickly looked away, coughed twice, to resolve the embarrassment.

“Cough, then, hello, my name is Zhang Feng, I just bought Charles’ title, and I will be the new city lord of Hongye City in the future, shouldn’t it be a problem?”

Zhang Feng took out the noble medal originally belonging to Baron Charles, and a lot of contracts.

“Of course, no problem.”

The medal is real, and the contract is real. Caroline has no right to deny it.

“I have seen Lord City Lord.”

“I have seen Lord City Lord.”

The two knights behind Caroline knelt down to meet the new city lord.

Only then did Zhang Feng realize that there were two people behind.

The two knights were tall and looked a head taller than Zhang Feng. They were estimated to be about 1.9 meters. They were wearing silver armor, helmets, and swords around their waists. feel.

All three were secretly observing the strangely dressed new city lord.

“Hello, everyone, get up.”

Zhang Feng quickly and politely helped the two up.

But this small act of his surprised everyone present.

Marlow got up quickly without waiting for Zhang Feng’s support. Baker was half a beat, but got up quickly. They never thought that a noble would personally support them!

After all, a knight is just a high-level commoner, and is a different class from the nobles. The pride of the nobles is engraved in their bones. It was the first time they saw a noble like Zhang Feng, and they were at a loss for a while. .

Caroline’s eyes lit up, Zhang Feng’s small action made Caroline feel that the new city owner might not be so difficult to get along with.

“From today onwards, I am the lord of Hongye City, and I hope to cooperate happily in the future.”

Zhang Feng quickly entered the state. Isn’t he a city lord? After all, we are also college students in the new century, standing on the shoulders of countless giants. Is it not good to be a city lord?

“Lord City Lord, my name is Marlo, and I am the head of the Red Leaf City Knights.”

Marlowe took off the knight’s helmet, revealing a weathered face.

“Sir City Lord, my name is Baker, and Marlow is my boss!”

Baker also took off his helmet. There was a scary scar on his face, but he looked very shy.

Zhang Feng is very satisfied with the two of them. Most of the people in the city are thin and short. Fortunately, his knight is not.

Seeing that both of them had introduced themselves, Zhang Feng looked at Caroline.

Caroline bit her lip and said in a somewhat uneasy tone:

“Sir City Lord, my name is Caroline… Yes, I am the wife of the late Baron Charles…”

It turned out to be the former baroness!

After knowing Caroline’s identity, Zhang Feng also looked away calmly. After all, she was the widow of the former city lord. See no evil, see no evil.

“Please come in.”

Caroline, with a somewhat unnatural expression, entered the castle with Zhang Feng and two knights.

She originally wanted to take Zhang Feng to visit the castle first. After all, the castle is very large. It is not only the living place of nobles and knights, but also the last fortress used to defend against the enemy. It is a building that has both military and civilian functions.

But Zhang Feng refused temporarily. He learned from Pan Xi that the current situation in Hongye City seems to be not very good, so he must first understand.

“Other things aside, I would like to first understand the current situation of Hongye City.”

Zhang Feng sat in the main seat of the hall and listened to Knight Marlowe reporting the current situation of Red Leaf City.

“The current food supply in Hongye City is running out. Even if the wheat that is about to be harvested is added, according to the current population of 1,321 people in Hongye City, it can last for a month at most…”

“Almost all the staff of the city hall have left. They are all of Charles’ team. Charles is gone, and they have all left. Not only that, they also took away a lot of supplies…”

“However, these people also took some servants away, which can be regarded as a disguised reduction in part of our Red Leaf City expenses. This is the only good news…”

Marlowe shrugged with a wry smile.

Originally, this kind of thing should have been reported by the city hall, but now that there is no one, Marlow can only make a cameo appearance.

After listening to Marlowe’s narration, Zhang Feng realized that the troubles in Hongye City were bigger than he imagined.

He has already learned that the winter in this world is extremely difficult. Every winter, some people die, either from freezing or starvation. This is still in the case of grain reserves. Now that the grain depot is empty, it is even more difficult.

But since he is already the city owner of Hongye City, Zhang Feng feels obliged to let his people live a good life.

“Baron Charles should have left some relics or property during his lifetime, right? It’s mine now, right?”

Zhang Feng asked suddenly. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

If Charles left a small vault or something, it might be able to solve the urgent need. He looked at Caroline, who had been standing beside him without speaking.

Caroline’s mood finally calmed down, but it fluctuated again in an instant. She bit her lip lightly and lowered her head, not knowing how to answer. For a while, her ear lobes turned red to the base of her ears, until her little face turned red, but she couldn’t say a word. Unable to speak.

What about you, you blushed like a hammer! Can we communicate well!

Zhang Feng groaned wildly in his heart.

Suddenly, Zhang Feng was stunned, and then his face showed ecstasy, but he covered it up in an instant, and the other three lowered their eyes and didn’t notice the change in Zhang Feng’s expression.

The door in Zhang Feng’s mind opened!

“Does it mean that I can go back?”

If he can really go back, Zhang Feng is not willing to stay in this backward and ignorant era, even if he is a noble now, isn’t modern food delicious, isn’t the Internet delicious, why are you blaming yourself!

“Ahem, that’s it for today. You can discuss it later, and I’ll go home first.”

Zhang Feng didn’t need their consent, so he just walked away. These three people knew each other after all. If he didn’t go back after the test, it would be very troublesome if there were some unexplainable situations. He didn’t want to expose his secrets. Or your own big house.

“Lord City Lord…”

Looking at Zhang Feng who left in a hurry, Caroline’s face turned pale instantly.

Her own hesitation just now seemed to anger the city lord!

In any case, the current Zhang Feng is the top leader of Hongye City. If you want Hongye City to get through the difficulties, the city owner is the most important.

“How can this be good…”


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