Otherworldly Castle Era

Chapter 110

Chapter 71 Food delivery 1 thing

With 20,000 catties of grain, the next step is to transport the grain back to the customs safely.

In the early morning of the next day, the caravans all sorted their goods in the hotel’s backyard. According to the plan, they were expected to stay in the city for another two days.

In the simple hotel lobby, long-term oil stains and black solid wooden benches, Chang Sun Sheng and Zhou Wu came out of the backyard and sat on both sides of a square table in the lobby on the first floor.

As soon as the two of them sat down, a hotel guy hurried forward to the table and poured a glass of water for each of them. This person smiled flatteringly at the two before bending over and turning away. .

Chang Sun Sheng took his gaze back from this not only the guy at the hotel, but also the boss, and said to Zhou Wu: “Twenty thousand catties of grain have been sold last night, and Captain Zhou can send a carriage from the country to transport it.”

According to Changsun Sheng’s observation, this person should be the owner of the hotel. After the caravan chose this hotel last night, because of his generous shot and the background of the lord, the boss was more pleased with the two.

Zhou Wu nodded and confirmed ably, “No problem, I’ll send someone back to inform!”

Chang Sun Sheng picked up the wooden cup, looked at the water in the wooden cup, frowned Zou, put down the wooden cup, no longer touched, raised his head and said: “Yes, Captain Zhou, when you send someone to transport the grain, remember Let the country send troops to protect it!”

Zhou Wu saw that Changsun Sheng didn’t drink the water in the glass, and was about to take the wooden cup’s hand. He concealed his back, folded his arms around his chest, and replied, “Don’t worry, Mr. Changsun, I’ll tell you everything. Xiao Xiao didn’t have any chance!”

Chang Sun Sheng glanced at the hands he hugged his chest, took out the letter from his arms, handed it to Zhou Wu, and sternly said: “You bring this letter back to the person in charge of Tianqiguan, the banquet last night was a bit unusual, for Just in case, it’s better to start early!”

After saying this, he sighed and said to himself: “I hope I think more!”

What the so-called first knight said in Kevin’s ear last night gave Kevin that expression. He thought about it for a long time last night. He had no choice but to rob him in the middle of the road!

But he is not afraid. With the strength of this territory, as long as he has defenses, he won’t even talk about it!

After Zhou Wu saw that Chang Sun Sheng had nothing to ask, he collected the letter that Chang Sun Sheng handed him, got up and walked towards the backyard, seeing the eagerness of walking quickly, as if there was some terrible monster driving him away in this hall.

Find the captain of the light cavalry squadron, Zhou Wu ordered to Zhu Cheng: “Zhu Cheng, you immediately send someone to give this letter to General Di at Tianchi Pass, or Staff Lu.”

“Yes, your subordinates obey!” Zhu Cheng took the letter with both hands and said with fists in a loud voice.

Zhou Wu said, as if thinking of something, he added: “Send two soldiers and go right away, right away, right away!”

“Yes!” After receiving Zhou Wu’s order, Zhu Cheng immediately dispatched two light cavalry and took the letter written by Chang Sun Sheng, and galloped toward the south.

Zhu Cheng has long been accustomed to following orders on the battlefield. Even if Zhou Wu didn’t say it, he knew that the military situation was urgent and could not be delayed!

“Drive ! Drive !”

“Taboo !”

In less than a quarter of an hour, the sound of riding a horse rang out from outside the hotel. After listening to the sound of horses’ hoofs away, Changsun Sheng relaxed his frowning brows. Now, he can do business in this small city for two days with peace of mind. !

After finishing the clothes and collars, seeing the others in the caravan rushing to the street in the carriage, Changsun Cheng walked out of the hotel and stood at the door with a smile on his face. He yelled to everyone in the caravan: “Go, set up a stall. go with!”

The businessmen of the caravan also smiled and replied: “Good Le! We are ready!”

talked and laughed, drove the carriage, and continued to the small square outside the castle, where he set up a stall.

Lord Kevin has agreed to use this square during the caravan’s business period to repay the ‘friendship’ of the caravan’s various gifts to him!

After the banquet last night, Changsun Sheng has basically emptied all the excess food in this territory.

As for why continue to set up a stall here? That’s because in addition to Lord Kevin’s request, Changsun Sheng had to wait for the arrival of the carriage for food.

Only after the handover is completed, can he really relax!

The small town of    was not far from Tianchiao Pass, only fifty kilometers away. Two light cavalry rushed to Tianchuan Pass in the afternoon of the same day, under fast horse and whip.

The two light cavalry were so tired that they were almost out of breath, and supported by the soldiers in the pass, they came to the main tent of the infantry brigade.

“General, staff, this is an expedited messenger sent back by the caravan!” The two assisted soldiers put down the two tired light cavalry and reported.

Di Qing gave a hum and said, “Go down!”

After seeing the soldiers go out of the main tent, he turned his head to the two hussars and said, “Thanks for your hard work, give me things!”

The two of them gasped, sweating, and glanced at each other with their knees on their knees. One of the soldiers tremblingly took out a wrapped package from his arms.

Although his hands were shaking, but the package was taken out of his arms very firmly!

Lu Su stepped forward and retrieved the package with both hands. When he took the package, he used a little force before he took the package from the trembling hand of the other party.

After retrieving the package, Lu Su immediately opened it, took out the heavily-wrapped letter, and handed it to Di Qing, saying, “Please look at the general!”

Di Qing hurriedly took the letter with both hands. After seeing that the seal was intact, he tore open the envelope, unfolded the letter, and quickly scanned it.

Within a few breaths, after Di Qing handed the letter he had read to Lu Su, he said loudly, “Come here!”

Lu Su quickly read the letter after receiving it. When the two soldiers entered the main account, he had read the content of the letter, collected the letter, and waited for Di Qing’s further orders!

“You two should notify the horse convoy in Shimonoseki, let them get ready, and set off as soon as they are ready, and go to transport food outside the Pass!” Di Qing gave the order and said.

“Another one goes to the regular battalion, so that the soldiers of the regular battalion are ready to go!”

“It’s General!” After holding their fists, the two soldiers left the main account.

After Di Qing gave the order, he turned to look at Lu Su and said, “This time the staff will make a trip by yourself!”

“Yes, General!” Lu Su also knew that the food delivery could not be delayed, so he directly clasped his fists to take his orders. Then he also withdrew from the main account, and by the way, took the two messengers who had been resting for a while out of the main account.

The grain-carrying horse convoy in Tianchi Pass was already prepared, with a total of fifty carriages in total.

Each carriage can transport two tons of grain, which is two thousand catties (kg). The harvest in the small city this time is 20,000 catties, and only ten carriages can transport it.

Other carriages will follow the caravan to other territories so that they can carry food with them. This is also part of the plan. If there is not enough in the future, additional carriages will be sent!

At the beginning, the caravan went to this small town for the purpose of doing business, and it was impossible to blatantly send so many people, so the empty carriage behind it was waiting in the Tianchi Pass.

Now that the deal has been concluded, the caravan can use too much food, and the caravan can’t transport it. It will send more convoys, otherwise, given the size of the convoy behind, this small town will not open the city gate and let them in.

Don’t talk about trading anymore, even more food!


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