Otherworldly Castle Era

Chapter 119

Chapter 80 Smooth transaction

As soon as it got bright the next day, everyone in the caravan came to wake up under Zhou Wu’s loud voice.

Quickly organize the fleet, prepare the goods to be sold today, decide who to stand out, and other people will take care of the carriages and goods left in the hotel.

“Hurry up ! Hurry up, it’s bright!”

In Zhou Wu’s urging sound, three horse-drawn carriages, full of dangdang goods, drove towards the stall area of ​​the city.

Changsun Sheng learned his lesson, this time he will never sell sensitive goods anymore. Even refined salt will only be sold in small quantities as the final product.

Therefore, in today’s booth, in addition to the small objects collected in Kevin’s territory, there are only three things: flower cloth, pottery, and drinks!

When the three carriages came to the stall area in the city, there were already a lot of stalls here. This is because they live closer to this place, otherwise, when they arrive, it is estimated that others will all close the stalls!

Soon, the three stalls were set up, all next to each other. The flower cloth, pottery, and wine were placed in order, neatly stacked, and a small jar of wine was opened, so that the aroma of the wine would diffuse in the wind and attract customers.

After a while, many customers stopped in front of the booth, looking at these exquisite goods, smelling the wine, and starting to bargain!

“This floral cloth is so beautiful and of good quality, it feels not rough to the touch, and one hundred copper coins per meter is very cheap!” The businessman Xia Guo promoted in a lame local language.

Opposite the merchant was a middle-aged woman. After hearing what the merchant Xiaguo said, she shook her head and counter-offered: “One hundred copper coins are enough for me to live for a month. You can only buy some floral fabrics. Fifty copper coins, I won’t buy it if I don’t!”

When the merchant Xia Guo heard this, he hurriedly said: “Fifty copper coins are too few. We have worked so hard. This is not enough for the cost. You can buy a rice cloth at most, and I am giving you a wooden bowl. You What do you think?”

The woman still shook her head and said, “It’s still too expensive. For such an expensive floral cloth, only a wooden bowl is given as a gift, and a little more is almost the same!”

In fact, this middle-aged woman has already been tempted. The price was so low just now that she didn’t want to get some cheap and good-quality goods. It was the first time she saw this, and she would never let this opportunity pass.

The merchant Xiaguo knew that this business was about to be completed when he heard the woman, and said, “Well, then I will give you another wooden cup. If this doesn’t work, then I have no choice but to stop selling it!”

After hearing this, the woman probably had reached the limit of the other party, so she said: “Well, let’s do it. Bring me two rice cloths. Remember, I want to give me two wooden bowls and two wooden cups!”

The merchant Xia Guo laughed when he heard that the other party placed the order, “Hole, I will wrap it up for you. Is it this red floral cloth?”

Seeing the woman nodded, the businessman Xia Guo took out a half-meter-long ruler, measured it four times, and let the woman look at it. After the other party confirmed it again, he folded it in half vertically and compared it with the ruler. Draw a line, then cut it along the line with scissors, fold it several times, and hand it to the woman.

“Okay, come on, your cloth!” After the merchant handed it to the other party, he took two wooden bowls and wooden cups from the carriage on the side, handed them to the other party, and said, “This is the wooden bowl and wooden cup for you. !”

The middle-aged woman touched the red floral cloth in her arms with satisfaction, took out a purse, took out two pieces of parchment from it, and handed it to him. The merchant Xia Guo took it and saw that they were two pieces of 100-bronze. Securities.

After confirmation, the merchant of Xia Guo said: “I will accept you two hundred copper coins, and you are welcome to come again next time!”

This parchment securities was only discovered after I came to this city. It seems to be issued by a large cross-regional business group. With this securities, you can find this business group’s shop to exchange for copper coins, and there is no handling fee!

In addition to no handling fees, the most important thing is that the anti-counterfeiting is very good. If there are artificial fakes, they will all be sanctioned after they are discovered by the business group!

Because of this convenience, there is a guarantee that this kind of securities will circulate soon. Although it is not popular all over the continent, it is still very influential in this southern region!

“Hehe You really know how to do this business. Look at your face. I haven’t seen it before. Where did it come from?”

The middle-aged woman saw that the transaction was completed, and when Xia Guoren looked a little different from them, she was very curious and gossiping.

The businessman from Xia Country chuckled and said, “Fortunately, it’s okay. It’s just a bite to eat from the expensive land. All of us come from the south. It’s normal to have never seen it before!”

After doing most of the trade in this prosperous city, the caravan still obtained a lot of information.

For example, there are more people in this world. There are northern icemen with white skin, big nose, and more hair; there are brown sandmen who live in the western desert. But the most are the races that resemble the yellow race in front of us!

Therefore, people in this city have seen a lot of people. When they entered the city, the guards did not question these obviously different merchants!

The middle-aged woman was even more curious when she heard that the merchant Xia was from the south, and asked, “Isn’t there only three small territories in the south? How come there are other people?”

The businessman from Xia Country heard this question and thought for a while. This answer was not within the scope of confidentiality, so he replied: “The big mountain range we come from in the south is still south!”

The middle-aged woman widened her eyes and said, “Wow, you are here from the mountain side. No wonder, I said why I have never seen someone like you before!”

The two exchanged a few more polite words, Xia Guo businessman saw that the business had come again, and succumbed, UU reading www.uukanshu.com no longer took care of the middle-aged woman, but went on to do business.

Chang Sun Sheng collected all kinds of information in a low-key manner. He also heard the conversation between the businessman Xia Guo and the middle-aged woman and summed it up in his heart.

“It looks like, depending on the tone, this middle-aged woman is not simply an ordinary civilian, at least middle-class people in this city!”

If you think about it, if you are not a small and wealthy person, you will not come to buy these luxury goods that are quite high-end compared to ordinary people!

Fortunately, when I came to this city, the wealth of this place is a bit unbelievable. Chang Sun Sheng thought that this place would be a little better than Kevin’s Territory at best, but after a day of trading, Chang Sun Sheng admitted that he was a little underestimated in this world. Up!

What he didn’t expect most was that securities similar to paper money were born in this place. Unlike Xia Guo’s credit currency, this so-called securities is secured by the wealth and reputation of a business group!

The main civilization of this world uses gold and copper coins as the common currency, and the exchange ratio is as high as one to ten thousand!

There is no intermediate currency as an adjustment, only these two currencies! Under the circumstances that these territories are in their own jurisdictions, are not under the control of each, and there is no unified political power, there is even a currency system that unifies the whole continent!

This is a bit interesting!


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