Otherworldly Castle Era

Chapter 124

Chapter 3 The north of the moat

Really wait until Tianchi has a crisis, and then it will be a dead end and a fight!

Yang Song will let all of Xia’s power be used here: regardless of age, young or old, men and women, all must defend the Heavenly Pass!

“Hey ! I hope this situation won’t happen!” Yang Song sighed in his heart.

After the worst happened, even if Xia Guo finally won, there was nothing left in the end!

After more than three years of hard work, he finally had a place of this size. He didn’t want to go back to three years ago!

“Please rest assured, you! The final will definitely not let this happen!” Di Qing held his fist to Yang Song and solemnly said: “The final will take the life of the entire brigade as a guarantee!”

Yang Song waved his hand, and said, “This is just the worst case. The art of war says:’Unexpected victory, pre-expected defeat’! I’m just planning for the worst!”

turned to Zhang Wei and said, “Zhang Wei, you must guard this place. This is Xia Guo’s throat, and you must not lose it!”

“Yes, your prince, the minister must guard the sky barrier!” Zhang Wei held his fist and accepted the order solemnly!

The first city wall of Tianhou Pass has not been completed yet. According to the report of the construction team, it will take at least one month!

From opening up the passage and discovering Tianma Pass, the construction was completed in the first time. Now, it has been built for almost half a year. The wall facing the northern forces is basically almost completed, and the rest is just some supporting facilities that have not been erected. !

is like a watchtower on the city wall. The enemy platform has not been built; there are not many defensive materials such as falling rocks, wood, and kerosene.

The one-kilometer-long pass city wall is twelve meters high and seven meters thick. It uses boulders as the main material, steel bars and cement as filling materials, and special city bricks are used to build ancillary facilities.

Such a city wall, not to mention indestructible, is also a dangerous place. It was Yang Song who learned that the wall of the pass had been built, so he dared to transfer Commander Di Qing’s infantry brigade out!

With the pass of Tianchi Pass, with Zhang Wei’s guard camp and the assisting militia, it has been possible for Yang Song to have no worries about the future!

And this city wall is the first side, and it is expected to build another side on the **** outside this city wall. In this way, after the completion of the Tianmaguan Pass, there will be two walls in the north, one high and one low. Defensive capabilities will be doubled!

Even if the enemy takes over the first wall, our soldiers on the second side can still strike condescendingly!

Then equipped with artillery on the two walls, the firepower of the two walls will defy any enemy’s attack!

Think about it, the enemy is attacking the pass in a tumultuous manner. After facing up to the **** with difficulty, he will face endless artillery attacks. There are cliffs on both sides of the slope, and the enemy has nowhere to escape!

Even with the huge battle damage, rushing to the wall ignoring the casualties, only to find that this place can’t even push the siege weapon!

The enemy’s soldiers can only look at the copper wall and iron wall in front of them, and under the attack of Xia Guo’s defensive soldiers, they can only hate it!

But the strongest city wall in the world has to be guarded by someone. A pass without people has no meaning!

Finally, after Yang Song finished all the instructions, he stood up, took a deep breath, and said loudly, “This battle must be won !”

Other people also stood up and shouted together: “We must win! We must win!…”


In order to prevent Xia State from sending troops, the Kevin Territory set up several checkpoints on the northern passage. These checkpoints are used to monitor and transmit enemy information backward.

After half a year, even the most confused people will find the existence of the passage.

There is a **** of several kilometers to the north of Tianhouguan, and then there is a mountainous area, and the small city where Kevin is located is on the edge of the northern mountainous area!

In the middle section of the mountainous area, there are many mountain people who belong to the territory of Kevin. Without this passage, these mountain people have difficulty getting out of the mountain.

Although the current passage has caused a lot of damage to these mountain people, it also facilitates their travel in disguise!

is on such a passage, but now there are no civilians, some only have a few checkpoints.

“Hans, you said that we have been here for more than half a month, will that territories in the south be scared?”

A boring militia who stayed in the checkpoint chatted to the equally boring companion on the side.

The companion stretched lazily, yawned, and replied with slurred words: “Why don’t you blame me!”

The militiamen looked at the yawns of their companions, and he couldn’t help but yawns following them.

The companion blinked, wiped the big eye **** with the back of his hand, and said, “Isn’t it okay if you don’t come? I just want the lord to put me back earlier. The homeland is still waiting for me to go.”

The militia nodded and agreed: “Yeah, I don’t know what’s going on. The lord called us up. Hey, I can have a bite to eat here, but I don’t know what’s going on at home? ”

The militiamen finished speaking and were waiting for their companions to answer, but saw that his companion was looking forward, his back turned to himself, and ignored himself, he asked in a dissatisfied tone: “Hey, why are you not talking?”

After the militiamen asked, he felt something was wrong with his companion. He walked around behind his companion but saw that his companion was staring straight ahead, and his body was still a little trembling.

He followed his companion’s eyes and looked in that direction, my God!

The militiamen looked at the south of the passage, tremblingly pushed against their stiff companion, and shouted in fear: “Yes…yes…the enemy! Run!”

I saw an army abducted from the end of the passage to the south of the checkpoint, and pressed it over!

The other people at the checkpoint were the same as the two. Seeing that there was an army coming to attack, they all fled towards the rear in a very embarrassed manner.

The purpose of these checkpoints is to monitor and report. There are not many people, so they escape so fast.

And the army they saw was the vanguard of the infantry brigade sent by Xia Guo-the regular battalion!

1100 regular battalion With the task of clearing obstacles, Di Qing gave them the task of cleaning up the various levels on the marching route and clearing the way for the main force of the whole army!

At the same time, they also have the effect of attracting the enemy’s attention.

There is no need for Xia Guo to carry out a surprise attack. The slogan he uttered this time is: Discipline unbelief!

As long as this slogan is in place and an upright sending of troops to attack, the intervention of the other three territories can be prevented to a large extent!

In addition, because the infantry brigade has only 3,500 troops, but it has strong firepower and superior combat power, it is suitable for a head-on confrontation!

And even if there is a surprise attack, under the guard of the opponent’s checkpoints, it will only be of no avail.

The enemy has long been prepared to deal with it. Since he dared to intercept the caravan, the enemy would dare to face me!

In short, based on the combination of various reasons, in this war, Di Qing and Lu Su decided: Break the enemy with strength!

“Enlighten General! Pioneer Army Report!” On the march, the messenger returning from the front took the letter and passed it to Di Qing.

Di Qing slowed down, reversed his horse whip, opened the letter, opened it, and read it.

After reading it, he smiled slightly, handed it to Lu Su who was looking at him, and said: “Let’s take a look at the staff too!”


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