Otherworldly Castle Era

Chapter 129

Chapter 8 End of the battle

“Let the infantry join the clearance sequence!”

After seeing that there were not many enemies who had fled and rushed into the battlefield, Di Qing immediately issued an order!

The infantry of the two battalions just stopped the attack, and the military orders followed!

In accordance with the military order, the infantry of the two battalions each selected an encirclement circle and steadily advanced past!

More than six hundred light cavalry rushed non-stop. As soon as they found a bunch of enemies that showed signs of escape, they rushed up and slashed, but before they really hit the enemy, most of them were killed by their hand crossbows. Shot!

The light cavalry of the infantry brigade is equipped with a hand crossbow, this hand crossbow has three crossbow arms, three crossbow strings, and three machine brackets!

So this hand crossbow can be loaded with three short crossbow arrows at a time! When launching, you can either shoot three times separately, or shoot three crossbow arrows at once!

Look at the explanation, this hand crossbow is specially equipped for the light cavalry. When the light cavalry initiates an impact, the crossbow arrows fired by these hand crossbows are the first blow!

But because the speed of the light cavalry is very fast, if it is other crossbows, they can’t shoot a few times when charging, so there is this kind of hand crossbow that is complicated to load, but has a very good power and rate of fire!

With this kind of crossbow, coupled with fast mobility, impressive offensive power, and heavy cavalry on the side to assist, they can surround and divide themselves two or three times with less than a thousand troops. The enemy!

The combat effectiveness and importance of the cavalry can be seen from this, far more powerful than the infantry!

But it is also easy to be targeted, as long as a trap, a horse pit, a low wall…

Therefore, the infantry is the main force on the battlefield, and the cavalry can only be auxiliary to a large extent!

Just like now, if the infantry does not join the battlefield, the cavalry will almost be unable to hold on!

The full body armor of the heavy cavalry makes them far less capable of fighting. It is impossible for the heavy cavalry to continue fighting with explosive power!

The long-term maneuvering of the light cavalry is also very consuming horsepower and energy. Don’t think that if you are running a war horse, there is nothing about cavalry. In fact, cavalry is also very tired!

As the infantry joined the surrender sequence, in addition to the roar of war horses, there were more tragic shouts of killing on the battlefield-most of them belonged to the enemy!

“First row, raise the gun! Stabbing ! Stop the gun!”

“Second row, raise the gun! Stabbing ! Stop the gun!”

“Third row, raise the gun! Stabbing ! Stop the gun!”

The    Pikemen array is divided into three rows under the command of the officers, and each row has an officer giving orders! Successively cycle back and forth, stab without stopping!

Looking at the enemies in a mess in front of them, the soldiers of the infantry brigade did not have any fluctuations. Under the leadership of the officers, they followed the tactics and approached the enemy step by step!

Every time the melee soldiers move forward neatly, a row of enemies will be ruthlessly killed on the ground!

Facing the indifferent and ruthless Xia Guo soldiers, the enemy could only crowd backwards, but there were all people behind him, unable to retreat at all. They could only face the soldiers in horror, and stomped on the ground vigorously, wanting more. Stay away.

But in the end, even if you kick the ground out of a pit, you still haven’t gotten so far away!

The enemy can only watch the **** gun head pierce his chest! Feeling the sharp pain in my chest, watching my blood spurt out along the blood trough!

Feeling the rapid passing of the power and heat in his body, the expression of horror and despair is the last scene of the enemy in this world!

It’s not that there are no enemies fighting back in absolute despair, but what’s the use?

In front of the army’s uniform order, these sporadic resistances are not even a spray!

The long-range warriors attack the central area where the enemy gathers, and they are not afraid of accidental injury, nor will accidental injury occur!

Repeated blows and strong crossbows made the enemy crowd become sparse, which gave the enemies who were still squeezing in front of them room for them. They stepped on their own bodies and regrouped towards the center!

The next attack is just a repeat!

Attack, advance, and encircle again and again, round after round! Until there are no more standing enemies!

It’s not that no enemy surrendered, but the soldiers of the infantry brigade couldn’t understand the other party’s words, so what if they did? In front of the king’s order that did not leave prisoners, no one dared to defy, including Di Qing and Lu Su!

Before going out, Yang Song said that this time he went out of the city to plunder, destroy, and kill!

The soldiers were all suffocating. These Beiyi dared to provoke Xia Guo unconsciously and anger the Lord. The most important thing was that they didn’t even look at the soldiers who defended their homeland!

Don’t kill now, when? If you are not venting at this time, when?

This battle was not over until noon!

Next is the time to clean up the battlefield, and it is also the time to make up the knife!

The soldiers of the elite infantry brigade didn’t say anything carelessly. When they cleaned the battlefield, they did it with the intention of not letting go or missing it!

The battle was only used for less than three hours, but it took an afternoon to clean the battlefield!

During the cleaning of the battlefield, I found a lot of enemies who pretended to be dead. The soldiers didn’t care about it. Anyway, if they were dead, they would shoot another shot!

Finally piled the enemies together, and then used the enemy’s clothing to ignite piles of fuzzy corpses, turning them into a black smoke!

In order to prevent the plague, this is a must! Burning can save a lot of digging time, and digging is not safe. Many beasts have their own burrowing skills, and there is a high probability of plague at that time!

At dusk, the soldiers returned to the barracks tiredly. They were greeted with warm porridge, followed by a rich meal!

After a rich meal, the soldiers returned to the camp in an orderly manner to rest, but the mid- to high-ranking officers such as Di Qing and Lu Su were not so easy!

“General! This is today’s battle report!” Lu Su handed a stack of paper to Di Qing with both hands, at the same time, his voice was a bit sentimental!

Di Qing frowned and looked at the battle report in his hand, and said with a heavy voice: “The remains of the fallen soldiers should be properly placed so that the militias in the post-insurance camp can be transported back to China! The injured should be treated well!”

“It’s General!” Lu Su clasped his fists and bowed his head, his voice was also extremely heavy!

War! There will be casualties if there is war! ——The last time the Nanban natives were captured was actually not a war, it was just a ‘hunting’! Even so, many soldiers were injured!

The battle report counted the casualties of this battle: Fifty-seven people were killed! More than 300 people were injured!

Most of the soldiers killed in battle came from cavalry. Among them, there were a little more light cavalry. There were 23 heavy cavalry and only nine heavy cavalry. The rest were infantry!

Most of the injured soldiers were slightly injured. Except for a few who fell off their horses and broke their legs, the others were all skin wounds!

Slightly wounded, after bandaging, there is no major problem, and some can even continue to fight. The severely wounded or the soldiers who have affected the continued fighting have been transported by the militia to the customs by carriage.

There are already a group of doctors waiting for them at Tianhou Pass! These brave warriors can receive the best healing here!

Enemy statistics, there are no injured enemies, only the number of deaths of enemies: more than 5,000!

This death ratio is still very scary, close to one to one hundred!

With such results, the soldiers who died in battle will not come to this world in vain!


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