Otherworldly Castle Era

Chapter 136

Chapter 15 The battle is settled

The last enemy held up his weapon, filled his body with arrows, and fell backward!

The battlefield is quiet!

The east wind blew the battle flag and drifted with the wind. The air was full of the smell of burning gunpowder, mixed with a thick **** atmosphere!

In front of the battle formation, the enemy’s corpses were covered. The arrows on the nearby corpses and the ground were like weeds, growing unscrupulously!

A little farther away, countless stumps and broken arms are scattered everywhere, and the crimson marks on the ground make the sunny sun become gloomy!

The faces of the soldiers after being tainted by gunpowder smoke, there is also a trace of fatigue in the calmness, although it is only two minutes of fighting time!

The face of firmness can’t relieve the fatigue of the soul, and a solid body is also a soul with feelings!

No matter how strong the will is, it is still flesh and blood!

Today is the sixth day of the expedition from Tianchi Pass. In just six days, there were three battles. On average, one battle per day!

After going out from Tianchiguan, the continuous battles have gradually made the soldiers accustomed to this urgent rhythm!

can only hope that the next battle will end soon!


Half an hour ago, reinforcements were approaching the small town where Kevin’s Castle was located.

“Cavalry, sir knights, the enemy is already lined up outside the city, waiting for us!”

A spy returned to the marching army and found the knights of this army!

Like another army that was destroyed, this army also had four knights, and Kevin’s second knight was one of these four knights!

At this time, the other two knights under Kevin’s were all buried in the small town, but I don’t know if they were buried under the wall or destroyed in the castle!

The second knight asked immediately: “The enemy is lined up outside the city? Did you see Lord Lord?”

The spy knew that Lord Knight was asking Lord Kevin, and replied: “My subordinates didn’t see it back to Lord Knight, but there was a lot of black smoke floating in the city, as if there was a fire in the city!”

Hearing the spy’s answer, the second knight slumped on the horn horse instantly, looking at the south with blank eyes!

I think he tried his best, and finally followed the other three knights to other territories to request reinforcements, now it seems that it is still a step too late!

The other three knights looked at each other and were a little surprised. I didn’t expect this city to fall so quickly!

But they didn’t worry too much, anyway, the enemy would return the city in the end, but they didn’t know how much it would cost!

Now I hear that there are enemies waiting for their army, which makes them a little angry. Is this looking down on their seven thousand army?

It’s as if the enemy is saying “Come and die” to them. Can this keep them from getting angry?

An older knight shouted at the second knight who was losing his soul: “Brother, wake up, cheer up, it’s here, do you have anything to say?”

The second knight was awakened by this somewhat older knight. After returning to his senses, he put away his tragic state, refreshed himself, and thought for a while and said: “The war is about to start, the enemy is waiting for us, and I have nothing to do. It’s easy to say, just a little bit!”

He took a serious look at the other three knights, and said solemnly: “The enemy has a very powerful weapon. The sound is loud, like a sky thunder. It is much more powerful than a trebuchet, but its attack speed is the same as that of a trebuchet. !”

“But we are crowded, so as long as we can rush over, we can win!” The second knight once again emphasized the strength of the enemy’s weapons!

But the other three people don’t think so. What’s scary about weapons like trebuchets, isn’t it that the sound is a little louder? Although the trebuchet is powerful, it can kill at most two or three people at a time. Just run faster!

Then the young knight replied: “Don’t worry, brother, we will pay attention, as you said, we have a lot of people, just run faster!”

“Okay!” The second knight nodded, looking at the waiting enemy ahead, and said: “Prepare all, we also start to line up, ready to attack!”

Then several people discussed the position of the army under their command, and they each returned to the army under their command!

The four knights lined up, riding on the corner horses, facing each other far away, nodding solemnly to each other, and at the same time ordered: “The whole army attack!”

What’s next? Four knights including the second knight met once. These so-called weapons are more powerful than trebuchets!

The so-called insight is to use their own lives to witness the power of this weapon!

In the first round of blows, three of the four knights were bombarded. The remaining relatively thin knight also turned into blood and blood in the second round of artillery bombardment!

So far, the three knights under Kevin have all returned to dust and dirt, blood stained the earth, and flesh and blood returned to nature!


“The battle is over!”

Lu Su didn’t know whether he was reporting to Di Qing or talking to himself!

Di Qing also nodded gently, and said: “Yes! It’s over!”

The war in the north has been decided from this moment-Xia Guo has won!

The enemy’s viable power has basically been completely wiped out, and the rest is no longer threatened-including the city wall!

Next, you only need to simply break through the other three cities and then plunder again-this is a very simple thing!

In the previous battle, Di Qing and Lu Su were bullying the enemy’s unstructured cavalry, otherwise, they would not dare to put the artillery at the forefront of the position!

As long as the enemy has a cavalry of about 1,000, he can take the risk of assault. After the assault enters the artillery position, these artillery will not pose much threat!

Of course If the enemy had cavalry, Di Qing and Lu Su would not develop such a tactic!

This battle should be regarded as the second field battle of the infantry brigade!

In the first battle, the two armies confronted each other across the passage, but the confrontation did not last long. The time was only one night and one morning.

The tactics of this first battle are very conservative. It is precisely because it is the first battle that Di Qing and Lu Su have developed relatively conservative but widely applicable tactics!

The result was a certain amount of casualties!

After discussing and collecting enough enemy intelligence, they decided that this tactic was too conservative, so they decided to let go of their hands and feet and make full use of their own advantages!

Now there is the tactic of the artillery in the second battle!

Facts have proved that such a tactic is very effective, even exceeding expectations!

They didn’t expect that the artillery would be so powerful when it was flattened and fired at close range! The cannonballs have plowed the enemy’s ‘gully’!

Logically speaking, artillery is originally a long-range strike weapon, and sometimes its deterrence on the battlefield is much more obvious than their actual combat power!

After this battle, the weapon that was later called the “God of War” has begun to show up!


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