Otherworldly Castle Era

Chapter 16

Chapter 16 1 year later

If you recruit soldiers from scratch, train soldiers, and then form combat effectiveness, let alone time, the resources consumed are not a small number, which greatly affects the development of the territory.

But it doesn’t work if there is not enough army. Territory needs strength to guard. After all, a country without an army will die, and the people without an army will be chaotic.

The territory needs the protection of the army, the people need the protection of the army, and he, the monarch, also needs the protection of the army.

This makes him very entangled. The army does not want to have it, so fortunately there is this task reward to make him look forward to it.

It is estimated that the system is trying to tell him that if the territory is developed well, there will be an army. With such obvious reminders, Yang Song knew what he should do next.


One year later!

Counting the time, I have been in this world for three years, and the research on the calendar not long ago yielded results.

After two years of research and calculation, the time in this world is a bit different from the previous world, but the difference is not too big. There are three hundred and eighty days in a year and twenty-six hours a day.

For this reason, the number of days per month has been re-divided, and each day has been increased by two hours. This world also has a “moon”, the satellite is also locked by the tide, and the speed of one rotation is exactly equal to one round of the “earth”.

And I don’t know if the satellite is bigger or closer to the ground, it looks much bigger than the moon. The light emitted during the full moon shows a clear night blue, which is very beautiful, and the usual light also shows a faint blue light.

By the way, this world also has a blue sky, which is close to the color that it looked like on the plateau of the previous world. It seems that this world also has a large ocean area!

The revised calendar stipulates that there are twelve months in a year, divided into small and small months, 31 days in small months, 32 days in large months, and eight large months in a year.

The new calendar is called: Apocalypse Calendar, which stipulates that the year that comes in this world is the first year of the Apocalypse, and that the day of arrival is the sixth day of June every year as the advent day (National Holiday?!), and a five-day holiday .

stipulates a new work and rest time: each month is divided into thirty days, each ten days has ten or eleven days, there are two or three days off-this is a legal holiday. In addition, there are also traditional festivals that also have holidays. The Spring Festival also has holidays. The annual Spring Festival holiday is half a month.

Of course, these are official holidays, which are mostly implemented by officials or factories and in the public system. The actual situation varies according to different industries, especially after the implementation of private ownership.

Yes, the time has come for private ownership of the territory.

After a year of development in the current territory, under constant recruitment, the number of people has approached 50,000.

The number of towns has not increased. They are still the original ones. However, large and small villages have been established around each town. There are hundreds of people in each village. They are all rationally planned and there is no previous world. In the natural villages, there are no scattered households scattered deep in the mountains.

Every village has a village head, who is recommended by the villagers in the same village as in the previous navy village. It is stipulated that the term will be held every five years. If there is a fault during the term of office, the person can be replaced in advance.

There is also an accountant in each village, who is in charge of the village’s finances; a village guard, who is in charge of public security. These three people form the village-level administrative staff, and they are also the officials (not officials) who have the most contact with the people, and they are called the “three elders” by the people.

Now the largest town is Gufeng Town, with about 10,000 people. Because they are all reclaiming wasteland to grow grain, eight new villages are built around Gufeng Town, one in each direction, evenly distributed, and the town’s population has increased to 5,000. The population of every other village is about the same, with more than 600 people.

In addition to diverting the population, such a plan also has the function of reasonably and quickly reclaiming wasteland. Evenly distributed villages can use the fertile land here more quickly.

For this reason, the construction of supporting facilities in each village, such as schools and post stations, has been very busy for a while. Fortunately, the construction of the cement plant started during this year. Otherwise, I don’t know when the construction is completed.

This is also a work that can only be done under the public ownership system. You can concentrate your efforts on one thing, but the disadvantage is that you can only do this thing-the productivity is not enough!

Soon after the crusade against the invading tribe, a coal mine was found in the mountainous area to the north, and the corresponding mining site was quickly established. The coal mine was some distance away from the iron ore, which was very inconvenient for transportation and costly. For a while, I used black powder to open a mountain and build a road.

At first, Yang Song was still worried that there was no coal in this world. Now that he discovered that there was coal in this world, he finally felt relieved.

You must know that in the previous world, the energy in the early industrial era was coal. Without energy, if we talk about industrial development, we just don’t know if there is oil in this world.

With coal and iron ore, the iron-making blast furnaces in the industrial towns were also established. Special personnel were responsible for these aspects. Yang Song didn’t have to do everything for himself. Besides, he didn’t know how to build iron-making furnaces. Don’t understand, but someone understands it.

Now the territory has matured in all aspects, and the time for private ownership has finally arrived!

“Everyone, the enthusiasm of the people in the territory is very unsatisfactory. It is time to implement private ownership!” Yang Song said this day at a meeting held in the Council of Parliament.

“I believe you have discovered that no matter how effective supervision is, it is not a solution. Only when it is related to your own interests can you maximize the enthusiasm of people.”


“Not bad”!

“it’s time”!

At the meeting, after Yang Song finished speaking, all the important officials at the bottom started talking and agreed that it was time to implement private ownership.

“This meeting will discuss how to implement private ownership and formulate rules and regulations.” Yang Song continued without waiting for them to continue their discussion.

“Moreover, once private ownership is implemented, currency will be involved. What kind of currency is used, paper or precious metal? I will start by discussing this issue.” His first thought was the issue of “money”. No way, this is also the most important and conspicuous issue.

“Lord, his subordinates think it is best to use precious metals for currency, because gold and silver are real, and the people are more at ease in their hands.” Yang Zhong stood up and suggested that he is in charge of civil affairs and knows the people’s ideas best.

“Lord, the subordinates think paper money is the best, and the subordinates manage finances. The usual material management is very troublesome. If paper money is used, it is light and convenient to store, and it also saves the cost of coinage.” Qian Liang then suggested that he is responsible The financial one has the most say in financial matters.

“Lord, his subordinates think that banknotes are not good, banknotes are too easy to counterfeit, but precious metals don’t have this trouble.” Li Xi also suggested, and also talked about the shortcomings of banknotes that are easy to counterfeit from the technical aspect.

Yes, let alone now, just before, the counterfeiting of banknotes has never been cut off. Yang Song once encountered counterfeit money that was enough to be fake, and he suffered a lot of losses.

“Lord, the subordinates think this is not a problem. Some time ago, the paper mill produced a special kind of paper. It was accidentally made in experiments. It is soft and can be folded repeatedly and is not easily damaged. I believe it can be used as banknotes. It can be faked.” Zhang Yu is responsible for managing industrial production, and he understands the emergence of new technologies best. After speaking, he gave Li Xi a triumphant glance.

“Subordinates think…”.

Next, the officials are divided into two factions, each supporting the use of paper money or coins, and each has its own reason. Yang Song sat in the upper position and listened quietly to their speech.

Yang Song found that both banknotes and coins had their own advantages and disadvantages. He also began to hesitate for a while, not knowing which currency to use.

There are a lot of paper money, but the common people’s sense of identity is not that strong, and it is necessary to consider future exchanges with the main civilization of this world. The use of precious metals as currency is the most secure.

And precious metal currency has a lot of versatility, but it is inconvenient to carry and store, and there must be enough precious metal reserves. This is the biggest disadvantage of metal currency. Paper currency is much more convenient and effective.

“Lord, his subordinates feel that the two can actually be used together, that is, using banknotes and coins to learn from each other’s strengths, and have the best of both worlds.” Zhu Xi, who had been listening silently, stood up and said.

After listening to Yang Song, his eyes lit up. Yes, the two currencies can’t be used together. Although it seems troublesome, there are not many problems at all. Moreover, it has been over a period of time at present, and after getting used to banknotes in the future, finally Surely all will switch to banknotes.

“Okay, yes, just use the two together.” He said with his eyes shining when he heard it.

But Qian Liang then explained the materials he managed: there were only one hundred catties of gold ingots, one thousand catties of silver ingots, and ten thousand catties of copper ingots in the warehouse. The metal that can be used as currency cannot issue much currency. The source of precious metals will cause a shortage of money sooner or later.

“Hey, it seems that all paper money can only be used as currency.” After Yang Song heard about the lack of precious metals such as gold and silver, isn’t it impossible to issue metal currency at all!

Discussed here for a long time, but the result was already doomed. It really made him and everyone sitting here feel speechless for a while, UU reading www.uukanshu. Fortunately, com is not in vain negotiations, at least we know the pros and cons of various currencies.

“Is there any way to prevent the abuse of currency and protect the use value of the currency?” Since this is nowhere, it can only be achieved in one step.

Anyway, sooner or later, you can only use banknotes. If you issue an experiment as soon as possible, you can also save a lot of frustration and trouble when your territory develops to a certain scale.

After a long period of discussion, it was finally decided to issue a credit currency, with the official credit and the material resources of the territory as a guarantee, and finally to prevent the depreciation of the paper currency or to maintain the value, and stipulated the exchange ratio of the paper currency denomination and gold.

The last rule linked to gold is actually a helpless move. It is also a prudent act, and it is also to comfort the hearts of the people in the territories. Although it cannot be honored, at least for the people, there is a comparison and comfort for the issuance of banknotes.

But with the future economic development, this rule will be cancelled sooner or later.

Yang Song was originally prepared to use metal currency, so that he can experience the feeling of using gold and silver coins. Whether it is previous movies or other works, there are aspects of depicting gold and silver.

The free and easy in the tea house, and the heroic of the restaurant are indispensable. Even the various virtual gold and silver currencies in the game play an important role all the time.

But the reality is that these fictitious things are fictitious, which are not in line with the actual situation, and his little dream is shattered.

Because precious metals can naturally serve as currency, but their source is the biggest problem.

Currency actually acts as a general equivalent, used as a value expression in transactions, and a general expression of various resources. As long as the government guarantees these functions of banknotes, it is only natural that they will be accepted by the people.

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