Otherworldly Castle Era

Chapter 160

Chapter 39 Launch an offense

Yang Song didn’t know that his second child was about to be born. He is now meeting Chen Ping in the study.

What can I do even if I know it? Could it be that he could leave the military affairs below and go outside the delivery room and guard him anxiously?

Even if he goes, what can he do? It’s not just anxious!

Yang Song also knew that when he was busy, he didn’t have time to pay attention to these things. Therefore, he invited the doctor and wife Wen into the mansion so that he could do things with peace of mind.

Since Yang Song married Xiaolan and Xiaojuan, he has recruited some servants. This is a must. It is also only after these maidservants enter the monarch’s mansion that this huge mansion has become a little angry!

“My lord, yesterday’s battle ended after the enemy retreats hastily. Today’s battle is very fierce. The enemy’s soldiers went crazy and attacked the pass desperately!” After receiving the morning report, Chen Ping added After finishing, he hurriedly reported to Yang Songhui.

Yang Song frowned and looked at the result. Yesterday, after the enemy’s probing attack on Ben Diqing easily repelled, he thought that the enemy was going to stop for a while, so today he dared to tease the children in the back garden so leisurely.

But he didn’t expect that the enemy would dare to press the whole army for a decisive battle only after yesterday’s hasty temptation. This was really beyond his expectation!

Yang Song read the battle report, and after putting it down, he said to Chen Ping: “Okay, Gu knows it, pay attention to it. If you have anything, you must report to Gu as soon as possible!”

“Yes, the minister obeyed!” Chen Ping was originally here to deliver the battle report, but now he is only doing his duty.

After Yang Song watched Chen Ping away, he then hurriedly opened the small map, zoomed in to Tianchi Pass, and carefully looked at the actual battle situation.

I saw outside the first city wall at Tianchi Pass. The corpses were almost piled up to the height of the city wall. You know, this is a 15-meter-high city wall—how many people have died!

Time goes back to before the war that morning.

“Report ! Report to the general, the enemy has launched an entire army charge!” The guard sentry outside pushed open the gate of the tower and reported to Di Qingzhen who was thinking.

Di Qing raised his head from the sand table on the table and listened to the shouts coming in from outside the door and outside the city wall. He hurriedly picked up the monocular telescope set aside, and made three steps in two, quickly making the tower, come Go to the city wall, face the telescope, and look out along the gap in the parapet wall.

He saw the densely packed enemy army, charging desperately, with a simple shield in the front row, followed by many soldiers carrying long ladders, under the command of the officers in the army, all charging up desperately!

The **** outside Tianchuan Pass is divided into three parts. The closer to the city wall, the greater the slope. The **** is more than 100 meters in front of the city gate. This **** is more than 30%. On this steep slope, every 30% The meter has a groove, which is prepared for the acceleration of the stone ball.

The **** of the middle part of    is a gradual gradient that drops from 20% to 10%. The distance is two to three kilometers. The bottom and last part of the **** will gradually become smoother, and the distance is the entire passage.

Slope refers to the degree of steepness of the surface unit, usually expressed as a percentage of the vertical height and horizontal distance of the slope. For example, a **** of 5 percent means that for every 100 meters in the horizontal direction, it rises by 5 meters in the vertical direction.

The location of Tianchiguan Pass is located in the middle of the mountain range, which is about one or two kilometers above the gentle ground.

Therefore, even though the enemy’s soldiers are charging upwards, they still run very fast. It only took ten minutes to rush to two kilometers from a distance of three kilometers, which is exactly the same as the speed of the army tested yesterday.

Looking at the enemy actually launching a general offensive today, Di Qing is also a bit unbelievable. It is reasonable to say that he has to fully test the defensive power before launching the general offensive? What did the enemy commander think? So desperately!

Yesterday the enemy’s temptation gave Di Qing a feeling. He felt that the enemy commander was a steady and steady man. I didn’t expect to surprise him today, but is this useful?

Suddenly, Di Qing saw through the binoculars that a row of large equipment was pushed out of the enemy’s army formation. It looked like a stone thrower or a catapult!

“Battle the drums! Blow the horn! Raise the flag!”

“Order! The siege artillery is loaded with solid rounds, and the large equipment behind the enemy army is targeted!” Di Qing looked at the large equipment in the distance, uneasy in his heart, and ordered the siege artillery with the farthest range to destroy the opponent’s equipment.

After giving the order, Di Qing’s heart was a little calm, watching the enemy ahead had entered a one-kilometer range, the charge became more vigorous, and he issued a series of orders.

“Command! Field artillery and defensive artillery filled with bombs, target, enemy outside the city!”

“Order! Strong crossbowmen and archers prepare for three-stage coverage shooting!”

“Command! The crossbowmen are ready, wait for the enemy to enter the range and shoot freely!”

“Order! All melee soldiers on the wall, prepare to meet the enemy!”

“Command! Rolling Stone keeps preparing for release!”…

Di Qing put down his binoculars and looked at the black and crushed enemy soldiers under the city, like waves, surging towards the solid city wall, but the result of waiting for them is already doomed!

“The long-range artillery is ready!”

“The field artillery and the defense artillery are ready!”

“Rolling Stone is ready!”…

In less than a minute, there was a series of messengers sending messages to Di Qing that the preparations of the various arms were completed.

“Logistics support is ready!”

At this time, Lu Su’s familiar voice rang in Di Qing’s ears. Di Qing turned his head and looked at Lu Su sternly. Lu Su hurriedly clasped his fists and reported: “General, there is more than a handful of staff on the logistics support side, you can rest assured!”

Lu Su also knows that the war is urgent at this time. If he leaves his post without authorization at this time, the logistics supply will not be available, which will cause very serious consequences!

So he used a very quick speech rate to explain his purpose of coming here: “The ability of the staff is very worthy of recognition, and he can handle it completely, and he took the initiative to let his subordinates assist the general in defense!”

After hearing Lu Su’s explanation, Di Qing nodded, and quickly replied: “Okay! Go and see if there are any loopholes!”

After hearing Lu Su’s voice, Di Qing gave Lu Su a stern look. The rest of the time, he watched the enemy forces outside the city.

“Yes! General!” Lu Su also knows that Di Qing’s pressure is very high now. This means that he has business. If other people do this, UU reading www.uukanshu.com accidentally will be subject to battlefield discipline. !

How much pressure did Di Qing feel? As long as you know that this war is about the lives and deaths of the people across the country, you can know. In other words, he now shoulders the lives of the king, himself and these tens of thousands of soldiers, and down to 300,000 ordinary people!

Under such a lot of pressure, he can stand calmly and steadily at the head of the city to direct the battle, what kind of psychological quality is needed! —Thinking about it makes people awe-inspiring!

Watching the enemy quickly dash through the 900-meter front line, Di Qing raised his right hand.

The messengers next to    stared at his raised right hand, waiting for the moment it fell!

850 meters! The right arm that was in the “long-awaited” gaze of the messengers fell down!

“Shoot !”

“The general has orders ! Fire the gun !”

Following the yelling of the messenger, the flag standing high up quickly waved!

” !” “Woohoooo ”

The sound of war drums and horns resounded throughout the pass!

The artillery commanding officer who had been waiting for a long time looked at the order of the flag and waved down the red pennant in his hand!

“Shoot !”


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