Otherworldly Castle Era

Chapter 165

Chapter 44 Fight 2 corner

Li He quietly listened to the captain’s explanation. He thought he was a smart person. Although he was excited in his heart, he still quietly listened and watched everything in front of him.

“Do you know everything?” Sun Yi habitually asked aloud at the end of the explanation.

“Got it!” When the soldiers heard the question, they also habitually replied in a loud voice.

After Sun Yi asked, he knew that he shouldn’t ask. After hearing the reflexive answers from his brothers, he had to grin slightly.

He looked at Li He, who has always played the image of a taciturn beautiful man among all his men, and asked: “Beautiful man, tell me, what do you think of today’s battle and the enemy?”

“Beautiful Man” is Li He’s nickname in the team, and his name can be said to be well-known throughout the camp. It is jokingly called the face value of the whole camp—this matter has even been passed to Zhang Wei. In the ears.

Li He was very helpless about his nickname. After fighting for a period of time to no avail, he was forced to figure it out: “You are envy and jealous of my handsomeness, huh!”

Li He heard his captain’s question to him, thought about it, didn’t say much, only said one sentence that silenced the whole team: “My sister lives in the central town behind me!”

Yup! They are all soldiers recruited from ordinary people, not the soldiers of the infantry brigade alone, they all have their own families, and even the soldiers of the infantry brigade, most of them now have their families!

In the barrier, the relatives living after the barrier need their protection, they don’t even dare to imagine the result of the breakthrough here-rather die than retreat!

Luo Cheng also thought of his parents and younger brother in Mu Shou Town, and then thought that if he hurt them because of fear and weakness, his body could not help but tremble!

“I would rather die than retreat!” So he said this to himself in his heart, and also said these four words in a husky voice in a low voice.

Sun Yi looked at the silent comrades and clenched his fists secretly. Suddenly, he heard something wrong from Luo Cheng, but he didn’t hear clearly, so he asked: “Luo Cheng, what are you talking about? ?louder!”

Luo Cheng suddenly raised his head with red eyes, and said, “I would rather die than retreat!”

Then, regardless of the expressions of other people, stood up, clenched his fists, raised his head to the starlight, and shouted: “I said I would rather die than retreat! I would rather die than retreat !”

Everyone looked at Luo Cheng’s expression and listened to Luo Cheng’s shouts. They were all very surprised. Luo Cheng, who is usually a little timid and timid, was able to make and say such a thing.

Immediately afterwards, everyone stood up and looked at Luo Cheng with their chests ups and downs. Sun Yi agreed: “That’s good, I’d rather die than retreat!”

“You kid can do it today. That’s right, my grandma is still waiting for me at home! I’m like you, I would rather die than retreat!” A teammate who usually bullies Luo Cheng also took a heavy shot at this time. Luo Cheng’s shoulders.

“Yes, my parents are still in a small village next to Gufeng Town, waiting for me to go back to marry a wife! I would rather die than retreat!”…

“I would rather die than retreat!” In the end everyone roared!


Early the next morning, Li He and the others were ready to fight.

looked at the enemy forces outside the pass regrouping, without any warning, directly launched an onslaught.

“Ready to fight !”

“Fire !” The roar of the artillery was deafening, and the militiamen began to rush to carry ammunition.

“Drop the rolling stone!” With the order to drop the rolling stone, all the melee infantry began to roll the rolling stone, pushing the rolling stone behind to the front, and the one in front had already been pushed down the city wall.

“Strong crossbowmen! Three-stage shooting…” The crossbowmen, archers, and even the crossbowmen beside them all fired their own anger towards the outside of the pass.

“Infantry thunder preparation!” Listening to the command of the officer, Li He put down the spear in his hand, and Luo Cheng carried a large box of grenades to the side of the wall, opened the box, and distributed the grenades.

Until now, although their melee infantry did not see what the enemy looked like, they also started their own battle until…

“Melee infantry starts to throw mines!”

After this order was issued, Li He discovered that he did not know when an arrow belonging to the enemy had fallen by his side.

They were all busy on the wall, they couldn’t see at all, and they didn’t have time to see the enemy. They could only judge that the enemy was not far away by ordering.

Because of the protection of the city wall, even if they are not far away, they can hear the shouts of the enemy, but it was not until the casualties of their comrades around them that they were awakened instantly. It turned out that the enemy was really here!

So the enemy is really close! It turns out that we are really fighting!

Although they are psychologically prepared, they all know the meaning of this battle, but in fact, until just now, these ‘recruits’ haven’t had a comprehensive and accurate understanding of the war—the danger of death is closer to them than ever!

Seeing that his comrade-in-arms was accidentally shot by an enemy’s arrow on his unprotected arm, yelling with pain.

Looking at the blood flowing from the shoulder wound, it is even more shocking!

But they have no choice. The enemy is going to attack them in this war, for… whatever it is for, they can only fight desperately!

Li He roared and lit the fuse of a grenade. Without looking at the outside of the city wall, he just lifted the wooden frame of the grenade and threw it out one after another without stopping.

After hearing a series of explosions outside the city, followed by the screams of the enemy, he let out a little bit.

After a long period of good training, even though Li He and the others are just “recruit eggs” who have never seen blood, even if they have emotions such as fear, fear, and tension, they still insist on fighting in an orderly manner!

An orderly battle is not a mess. Each soldier has his own combat position. Strong crossbowmen don’t go back to throw grenades, and melee soldiers don’t bow and shoot arrows.

The battle continues like this!

Sun Yi was injured. He was shot in one eye and was lifted off the city wall.

Luo An died heroically. When throwing a grenade, he stretched his head out of the wall and was hit by an enemy arrow at the door. Finally, he realized that it was an enemy archer who shot him. .

The soldier who was going to go home to marry his wife was also injured and lost one ear.

And Li He is also hungry, he was grazed by the enemy’s bow and arrow, and his handsome face also had an extra hole.

According to the order of not getting under the city head with minor injuries, these soldiers are just some wounded soldiers who have been holding on to the city wall.

It’s just-they are really tired!


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