Otherworldly Castle Era

Chapter 170

Chapter 49 Coming to the town again

“General, Bill City is ahead!” As a light cavalry scout, he came to report to Zhang Weihui.

After chasing for a day, Zhang Wei led the cavalry to the nearest city to the Tianchi Pass—Bill City!

He has long been ‘looking forward’ to this small town that dared to provoke Xia Guo for a long time. This is the first time Zhang Wei has come to this territory that no one knows in Xia Guo.

“Oh? This is Bill City? This general has a reputation for it! Seeing it today, it really is unique!” Zhang Wei sighed as he looked at the tattered city.

He looked at the city in front of him. At this time, the city of Bill was no longer a city. The two lost walls were full of dilapidated houses, not the slightest look that the city should have, but more like a slum.

If it wasn’t for the conspicuous castle in the middle of the city, Zhang Wei would have thought he had found the wrong place!

After Kevin was defeated and released, although he returned to his castle, the torched city did not even have the money to repair his dilapidated castle, not to mention the city defense facilities.

In desperation, he had to take the tightly hidden treasure to his son-in-law in exchange for some support, which avoided his sad fate of starving to death.

As for a huge project like a city wall, he doesn’t have the ability to recover, so until now the location of the original city wall on the east and south sides of the city is still in ruins!

Zhang Wei saw this unprepared “city” and immediately decided to attack the city. He decisively and simply commanded the whole army loudly: “Attack!”

Under the command of the horn, the cavalry decisively launched an impact on this city without two walls!

Although Di Qing ordered him not to attack the city easily, it is not ‘easy’ now, but a real need.

And this ‘city’ is no longer a city, at most it is a gathering place with a castle, even if it is attacking, it’s not a violation of the order.

According to Zhang Wei’s order, the cavalry began a new round of offensive. The cavalry easily jumped over the ruins of the city wall and attacked the city.

Along with the collapse of low-quality houses, the few civilians left in the city screamed.

At this time, there were only some civilians who could not escape in the city of Bill, and the others were some newly arrived fleeing enemy soldiers.

As early as a few days ago, when the coalition forces arrived, all the civilians in and around the city could run away, and they fled with the very little food that was most important to them. They didn’t want to go back to what was two years ago. Situation-although it is of no use!

The various armies of the coalition forces, because they are different from the city of Biel, have the order of arrival.

But these coalition soldiers don’t have any good discipline, and since it’s not their hometown, they will drive freely, and the civilians here will suffer.

Fortunately, civilians have endured all kinds of hardships in this remote territory, and they are already ready to escape. So within a day, the whole city became empty, and there were only some old and sick people who could not escape.

Now, after Zhang Wei invades the city, he doesn’t have to be in the wild, it’s just as easy!

After Zhang Wei learned about the general situation of this place, he frowned Zou’s brows and ordered: “Go ahead and aim for the northern city of Fitch!”

A small territory located in the north of Bill City is Fitch City, which belongs to the Fitch family and is the only territory of one of the lords captured by Xia Kingdom.

The only second captured lord was named Antin Fitch. He was a young man with a weak personality, and he didn’t know how such a personality was cultivated.

The situation in Fitch City is similar to the situation in Bill City. At that time, Di Qing, in order to meet the caravan trapped in the north, just in case, in order to return to the back road is not cut off like a caravan, he ordered the use of the remaining precious Ammunition blasted through the four walls of the city.

In Di Qing’s view, this is just a tactical implementation, but in the eyes of the lord of Lance Lane, the lord of Lane, such a situation is that Xia’s army did not accept Xia’s surrender conditions under the lord of Antin Fitch. Later, he made a retaliatory attack.

This also led to Lord Lance behind, his appearance of actively surrendering, but in the eyes of Di Qing and the others, this situation can be regarded as a mistake!

Now Di Qing is still commanding the army behind, and it is Zhang Wei who came here. He looked at the gathering place where the city wall was completely gone in front of him, and he chose to attack in the same way!

Although Zhang Wei has never been outside the customs, he is clear about the situation outside the customs, because as an army commander, understanding the enemy is the most basic ability.

This is also the reason why he chose the northern territory instead of the other two territories after attacking the city of Bill!

Zhang Wei’s pursuit was not only an attack on the remaining forces of the enemy, but also a careful thought of occupying more cities. He wanted to use this attitude to show that even if he was commanding a cavalry, Zhang Wei could still attack the city. Zhai, he Zhang Wei is not weak and human!

Like this normal competition, Yang Song tacitly agrees. As long as it doesn’t affect the overall situation and the overall situation, he even encourages it.

From the perspective of management, only a system with a competitive mechanism is a benign system, otherwise it will make the people below lose the mind to work hard.

That’s why Zhang Wei dared to do this on the battlefield!

Although Di Qing has always maintained an equal treatment towards Zhang Wei on the surface, he has not really valued Zhang Wei in his heart before, but now Zhang Wei has become a brigade commander with the rank of major general at the same level as him. It is a lie to say that there is no pressure in his heart-this is the result Yang Song wants!

Although Zhang Wei ‘occupied’ the two cities with cavalry, he still knew that this situation was due to historical reasons. He did not swell to the point where he believed that he was invincible. He still had self-knowledge-this was Zhang Wei’s greatest strength!

So instead of attacking other cities with intact walls, he continued to clean up the scattered enemy soldiers in the wild.

Zhang Wei, he has finished his performance now, and the rest of the work is for the infantry behind!

In fact, what Zhang Wei didn’t know was that there was only one empty city left in the other two small territories.

Because most of the civilians in the city escaped from the city before the cavalry arrived, but they still remember the tragic situation of the previous two years!

In fact, after these civilians learned that the coalition was about to attack the territory in the south, they were always worried and even prepared to flee at any time.

At this time, they learned the news of the defeat of the coalition from the soldiers who fled from the south. Those terrible troops won again, and they are about to suffer another suffering.

In these two cities, whether it was the incomparably frightened civilians, or the frightened dignitaries and forces, all fled their homes.


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