Otherworldly Castle Era

Chapter 173

Chapter 52 Attack the mall

“Hahaha !” Cave was relieved when he heard the report from his subordinates, and laughed happily.

Charlie Bigg gave a timely compliment: “Congratulations, Lord Baron Cave, for repelling the enemy’s offensive, we will never have to worry about it anymore!”

Cave was even more happy when he heard this: “Haha That is, as long as there is the Lord’s Commercial City, you don’t have to be frightened, it’s the safest place in the Lord’s castle!”

“Thank you Lord Cave, I must remember your help!” Antin Fitch followed timidly and praised.

He saw that his neighbor to the east got a lot of benefits from flattering a few words, and he wanted to try it, because he was so difficult!

Antin Fitch is the only city whose four walls have been destroyed, and he is also the only lord who has been captured by the enemy-and one is already dead!

It’s usually very difficult. Now he doesn’t have to think about what his territory is like. How can he live in the future!

So he gave it a try, to see if he could get some benefits, he didn’t want to feel hungry.

Then, there were many lords who thought like Antin Fitch.

“Your Excellency Cave is a wise man!” This is a compliment from Lance Lane.

“Baron Cave should be a viscount after this time!” This is Lily Bill’s compliment. Although she still has a baron husband, she also wants to get help on her own.

In the end even Quill and Mike praised Cave.

For a while, Cave is the center of this hall, the protagonist of this party!

Cave laughed in response one by one, he seemed to have seen the moment he was upgraded to Viscount!


“Counsel Lu, is there enough ammunition for our army?” Di Qing asked Lu Su.

Di Qing ordered to retreat and set up camp, he has been thinking about how to break through the city in front of him.

It was already that night when I asked this. Di Qing was sitting on the upper seat of the newly established camp.

The reason he asked this was that he had already figured out how to break the city!

“General, please don’t worry about the logistics supply. The militiamen at the rear are delivering a steady stream of ammunition supplies!” Lu Su sat in the first place on the lower left. After hearing Di Qing’s question, he stood up and clasped his fists in reply.

Zhang Wei sits in the first place at the bottom right of Di Qing. He also wanted to hear what Di Qing had to break the city.

Di Qing nodded in satisfaction and said: “Very well, this general will talk about how to break the enemy city.”

As he said, he also looked around at the many officers present: “It’s very simple, that is to use cannonballs to flood the enemy city!”

said it was submerged. In fact, it is not so exaggerated. Everyone knows what Di Qing meant. What he meant was to bombard the enemy city with artillery all the time.

Di Qing actually thought about rushing in from the enemy’s gate, using infantry to **** the city wall, and then cannibalize the city step by step, but this way, the casualties of the infantry are bound to be very large, which is not in line with the direction of Xia Guo’s army.

This traditional method of siege is suitable for situations where there is little difference in technology between the two armies.

If Xia Guo did not have artillery as a big killer, perhaps there would be a lot of cold weapon era siege equipment such as catapults/machines, rush cars, ladders, and wells in the current barracks-although it is still very much placed in this place Just advanced!

Now that he has a technological advantage, in order to cause unnecessary casualties, Di Qing chose this time-consuming and material-consuming method of tactics.

There are very few soldiers in the Xia Kingdom, only more than 8,000. These soldiers who can be called soldiers are professional soldiers, and their combat power is not just comparable to that of militiamen who have undergone some basic training!

Although these professional soldiers are not head-on, but now that they have such a big advantage, why bother to give up their strengths?

is like a cavalry. The existing cavalry in Xia State only serves as a supplement to the army, and is not a separate army. According to the army’s arms configuration, the cavalry is actually just a secondary unit.

But even so, Di Qing took out all the cavalry alone in order to maximize the practical strength of his hand, and Zhang Wei, a brigade general, would lead this single cavalry unit.

Di Qing asked Zhang Wei to command the cavalry, but not only because Zhang Wei, the major general, had nowhere to settle, but also because of the limited combat effectiveness of the entire army.

Whether it is containment, harassment, or pursuit, the role of cavalry alone is very large!

In this case, you can see the huge difference between an ordinary general and these famous generals.

Ordinary generals command step by step to use the power in their hands, while a famous general like Di Qing will use the power in his hands to live.

Infantry brigade is not so simple that it only uses infantry, and the guard brigade is not so simple that it can only defend.

Even an army commander can become a force in his own hand!


The soldiers of Xia State who had been groomed for the night came to the outside of Shangdao City again in vigor, and lined up their troops one kilometer away from the city.

The artillery was also pulled out, and two rows of artillery positions were arranged in front of the whole army.

Field artillery is filled with blooming shells, and siege artillery is filled with solid shells.

In the familiar ‘fire gun’ command, they all launched a bombardment towards the inside and outside of the walls of Shangdao City!

Field artillery attacked the city’s head and inside, mainly attacking the enemy’s soldiers; siege artillery bombarded the city wall, the two had a clear division of labor, cooperated with each other, and were about to break the enemy city.

Because there was an order in advance, today’s bombardment does not need to be too fast, so the artillery all fired at a fixed frequency.

Because of this, as long as the artillery fires every time it is fired, as long as it cools down in time, it can continue to attack continuously for a long time Unlike normal field battles, desperately speeding up the rate of fire, although it is strong in a short period of time The firepower strikes, but it will not last long, and it will cool down for a long time.

Don’t underestimate the power of black powder. The temperature of black powder can reach over 1,000 degrees Celsius in an instant, and the volume of gas produced by combustion can expand to nearly 10,000 times its original volume!

Although it is not as powerful as TNT, it is not to be underestimated.

Di Qing ordered the field artillery to attack the soldiers at the front of the city. Another purpose was to drive the enemy troops off the city wall, so that he could get the artillery close to the city wall.

After    approached, I just bore holes and filled them with gunpowder, and then ignited them. Finally, with a loud sound, a section of the city wall flew up into the sky, and the rest was easy.

This goal is just Di Qing’s backup plan, he still counts on the power of the siege artillery!

After the two-day siege, there was no trace of the enemy on the wall, and the siege artillery did not disappoint Di Qing.

After concentrating thirty-six siege artillery to attack a section of the city wall, the strong city wall couldn’t stand such a high intensity bombardment and collapsed.

Siege Artillery used their power to let the world know that its name was not taken randomly-it lives up to the name of “siege”!


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