Otherworldly Castle Era

Chapter 23

Chapter 22 The drill continues

“Heavy shield soldiers can perform very effective defenses with heavy shields, so soldiers are not equipped with armor, only a set of leather armor, and a leather cap on the head. The weight of the heavy shield is not light, and this set of leather armor can also reduce the load.”

Yang Song looked at the clothes of these heavy-shields. The inside was a dark cotton shirt with a primer. The outside was not armor, but yellow-brown leather armor. The leather cap on the head looked very delicate.

The heavy shield soldier actually has nothing to rehearse. After demonstrating the shield wall, he then demonstrated the shield circle that moves forward in unison, three hundred and sixty degrees of defense.

“Lord, next is the long-range attack unit.” Lu Su explained competently as always: “This squad is strong crossbowmen, equipped with single-shot crossbows, and requires foot cooperation to wind up. The effective range is as long as three hundred and five. Ten meters, although the rate of fire is relatively slow, but the power is very powerful.”

The strong crossbowmen of this small team went out to demonstrate. Facing the target, step on the tread ring of the crossbow with one foot, bend down and use both hands to lift the bowstring up to jam the bracket, lift the crossbow with both hands after winding, press the crossbow back against the abdomen with the left hand, and free the right hand The backhand takes a long crossbow from the back arrow bag and puts it in the arrow slot of the strong crossbow. In this way, all the actions of one winding are completed.

The left hand is holding the crossbow body at the front end, and the right hand is holding the trigger behind, aiming forward, ready to shoot!

“Target, two hundred meters ahead! Prepare!”

“Let it go!”

Give an order! Twelve thick and long barbed Mitsubishi heavy crossbow arrows roared out! In the blink of an eye, the crossbow arrow hit the target!

The whole process of the crossbow arrow flying in the air is very short, indicating that the muzzle velocity is very high, and the naked eye can only see a dark shadow passing by, and it should hit the target without giving any feedback at all!

The strong crossbowmen did not look at the flying crossbow arrows, but began to reload the second shot as soon as they shot. Even for such a skilled soldier, the entire reloading process is still very time-consuming! After a few rounds, Yang Song estimated that it was about five to six rounds a minute.

“Lord, these crossbowmen are at their peak of physical strength, with a rate of fire of six to seven arrows per minute. With the passage of combat time, soldiers’ physical strength will decrease, and the rate of fire will also decrease.” As expected, Lu Su’s explanation appeared in time. . “But on the battlefield, multi-teams cooperate tacitly, and under the effective command of the officers, they can shoot in stages, which not only extends the combat time, but also improves the attack efficiency of the strong crossbow.”

“As for the division of shooting, it depends on the battle situation. This is also the basis of a qualified officer!” Listening to Lu Su’s introduction, some terms and very “modern” quantifiers popped up from his mouth from time to time. , Yang Song is no stranger to it. If Lu Su was talking about old sayings like how many steps, it would make him unable to understand!

Because of Yang Song’s unified measurement of the degree before, all kinds of new personnel now have relevant knowledge, which also saves these people from the process of relearning and saves him a lot of unnecessary time for the territory! This makes Yang Song have a lot of good feelings about the system!

“The crossbowmen wear the same leather armor as the heavy shield soldiers, but they belong to the lightly armed mid-range and long-range infantry. In addition to the stepped crossbow in their hands, they also have a standard short knife at their waist. The short swords and heavy shield soldiers of the strong crossbowmen It’s the same, it’s a protection weapon in case.”

The    strong crossbowmen team then practiced what Lu Su said in the segmented shooting. The three-segment shooting divided the twelve-man squad into three groups and three rows, each with four people in each row. The first group of the first row is loaded immediately after shooting. When the first group of four is loaded, the second group moves forward a few steps and crosses the first group to shoot. After shooting, it is loaded on the spot, and then the last group comes forward. Shoot, wait for the third group to shoot, the first group of crossbow arrows have been loaded and ready to shoot, so the cycle, there is basically no gap in attack!

When the shooting drill was divided into two sections, it was not as fast as when it was divided into three sections, and there was a clear interval between the attacks.

“Three-stage shooting is the most commonly used split attack. When you need a intensive salvo, you don’t need to shoot in stages. When you need a faster attack, you need to increase the stage. Also, when the physical strength of the soldier decreases, you should also increase the stage. In short, the use of crossbowmen is single-minded!”

“Lord, you must have discovered that this unit has a large proportion in the army.” Lu Su saw Yang Song nodded and continued.

“Yes, the crossbowmen are a very important attack force in the entire army! The crossbowmen give the enemy the most powerful blows in the medium and long range awards, which is the most obvious manifestation of the army’s philosophy!” Lu Su has been explaining, Yang Song sees It was a bit painful, but he didn’t know how to persuade him when he saw the excitement when Lu Su explained it!

After the crossbowmen team finished the exercise, Yang Song prepared to let people take a look at the archery target in the distance, but he gave up the idea after thinking about it in a blink of an eye. He decided to go to the archery target in person to see the power of the crossbow. .

“Go, accompany me to the archery target, Zijing, it’s hard for you to say so much and so much detail! Haha!” Yang Song laughed and joked. This way, you can also make Lu Su His voice rested.

“The lord is joking, and the subordinates are ashamed! The subordinates are ashamed of this point. As long as the lord and all my colleagues can know the strength of this army, what is the next point!” Lu Su is also a personal spirit. After hearing his lord teasing himself, he repeatedly arched his hands to show his fear!

“You, you! Hahaha!” Yang Song really didn’t know what to say about Lu Su, shook his head, laughed and walked forward to the shooting range quickly.

Yang Song really took the mouth of Lu Su, and he deserves to be a celebrity in the Three Kingdoms period. He said helplessly, but in fact it was very helpful in his heart!

“It seems that I am just a layman!” Yang Song laughed at himself in his heart!

When I came to the target of the shooting range, I saw crossbow arrows all over the ground. There were many crossbow arrows on the walls, underground, and the densest target! Seeing this scene in front of them, Yang Song and others were surprised! You must know that this is just the output of a team of twelve soldiers. Although they have shot a lot of rounds, the picture in front of them is also very shocking!

He bent down to pull up a crossbow bolt that was inserted into the ground, but he did not expect that it took a lot of strength with one hand to pull out the crossbow bolt. After pulling it out, it was discovered that this crossbow arrow had a length of nearly ten centimeters deep into the ground.

Yang Song looked at the crossbow arrow in his hand, then looked at the ground, and stomped his feet, even more surprised.

Lu Su saw Yang Song’s movements and couldn’t help but explain: “Although the ground here is the dirt floor with the least damage to the arrows, it has been repeatedly compacted and attacked from a distance of 300 meters. The arrow that fell here still has this power, think about what it would be like if a real person stood here!”

Lu Su couldn’t help but shudder when he explained this, and other people also imagined based on his explanation. In the end, everyone couldn’t help feeling terrible!

Yang Song looked at the crossbow arrows that came out of the target, thinking that if he were a real person, he might not all die miserably! It’s really a terrible weapon!

As the saying goes, you cannot wear Lu at the end of a strong crossbow! But the strong crossbow in this conventional infantry brigade seems to be different, maybe the reason that 300 meters is far from the limit of this strong crossbow! Doesn’t it mean that the effective range of the crossbow is 350 meters? What will happen if it exceeds 350 meters?

Yang Song thought of this question, and immediately asked Lu Su unceremoniously: “Zi Jing, what happens if the range exceeds 350 meters?”

Lu Su did not expect that Yang Song would ask this question. He thought for a while and said, “Lord, after more than 350 meters, the power of the crossbow arrow will decrease to a certain extent, but it will not decrease too much. After this distance, the impact will be greatest. It’s accuracy!” Yang Song seemed to be a bit clear and then replied.

“Attack beyond the effective range will prevent fighters from aiming accurately, because human eyesight is limited. A person from 300 meters away is extremely small! Once fired, there is no way to know where the crossbow arrow will fly!”

Yang Song thinks about it, even if there is a distance sighting ruler on the crossbow, as the speed decreases after reaching a certain distance, the kinetic energy carried by the arrow will decrease rapidly, and in the end, it is just like the saying that “cannot wear Lu”!

Isn’t this a parabola? Yang Song was shocked. When UU read the book www.uukanshu.com before, they didn’t have any experience of these theories. Only then did they realize that science is really everywhere!

After seeing the power of the powerful crossbow, he returned to the stands. After the soldiers re-arrange the shooting range, they will continue to demonstrate other units! The strong crossbowmen team also closed the team and stood in the last column.

“This is a small group of Lienbowmen. The main weapon is Zhuge Lienbow. The effective range is only 100 meters, but the rate of fire of Lienbow is extremely fast.” Lu Su said.

“Liannu team! Go ahead!”

With the order, the continuous crossbowmen squad in the first column turned right and lined up facing the shooting range, marching in unison!

Di Qing is the commander of this conventional infantry brigade. In this exercise, he has been commanding the various teams as the commander of the exercise. From his proficiency in issuing various commands, you can know his familiarity with various arms. He is really an excellent general!

Di Qing waited until the crossbowmen squad came within range before giving an order: “Standing shooting!”

I saw twelve soldiers standing in a row, and the Lienbow in their hands was shot at the target in front of them!

One after another short crossbow arrows were fired out in succession, and the crossbow arrows shot by the twelve soldiers formed a small-scale arrow rain! Continuously, without stopping. It didn’t stop until the ten crossbow arrows in the Lianbow quiver were all shot.

Yang Song was thinking that when these continuous crossbow soldiers were about to stop loading the crossbow arrows, he did not expect the soldiers to take off the quiver from the continuous crossbow, take out another quiver from the waist and put it up, just like changing the magazine, it’s not right. , This is to change the arrow box!

This operation really surprised Yang Song. Changing the arrow box is not a tall technology, but it is a concept, and this concept is very advanced.

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