Otherworldly Castle Era

Chapter 459

Chapter 16 The fleet goes north

After receiving the help of Xia Guo, Benedict Keogh immediately sent the envoys to take the battleship back to the Ice Kingdom to report the letter, but he himself stayed in Xia Guo Zhongjing, preparing to return with Xia Guo’s army.

Because of this, this allowed Benedict Keogh to spend a culturally strong Mid-Autumn Festival in Xia Guo Zhongjing, allowing him to experience the power of Xia Guo from another angle.

Just less than ten days after the festive season, Benedict Keogh received Xia Guo’s notice and told him to get ready and set off soon, which made him marvel at Xia Guo’s high efficiency.

On August 25th of the third year of Qiyuan (Thirty-two years of the Apocalypse), Benedict Keogh and General Li Baozheng, the Minister of the Navy of Xia State and the commander of the defensive fleet, set off by train from Zhongjing to the north. Ninghai City.

Here, the expedition unit of the defensive fleet and the Marine Brigade have been assembled, and they can go overseas only after an order is given.

Also here, Benedict Keogh saw a corner of Xia’s military power at such a close distance for the first time.

The full 15,000-man Marine Brigade requires nearly fifty large and medium-sized transport ships, but there are fewer than ten warships to escort. If a well-matched interception fleet appears on the way, this will be a piece of cake. Very dangerous thing.

Fortunately, there is no such “evenly matched” hostile force, otherwise Li Bao would not have agreed to such a risk.

With fifty or so mighty ships set sail, in the eyes of unknowing outsiders, such a huge fleet would not dare to provoke.

Having said that, even if it is fighting with a transport ship, the Marine Brigade is not a vegetarian, and it can give the enemy a powerful counterattack.

It was the first time for Xia State to project a brigade of troops to a place more than 1,000 kilometers overseas at a time. Even if the preparations were sufficient before, it was discovered that there were still many problems when it started to be implemented.

For example, there are too many transport ships used to transport soldiers and the naval warships are not fully escorted, or the demand for logistical supplies is large, or the civilian transport capacity is too large and the cost is huge.

But these are not too big problems, and the fleet’s departure will not be delayed at all.

In fact, there is no way to avoid these problems, as long as the first batch of dispatched marine brigades are adjusted to one or two or three battalions.

This is also the case in previous exercises. If beach landings are required, not many troops will be the first to conduct landing operations. As long as they occupy a beachhead with the support of naval warships, the remaining troops can be slowly transported.

It’s just that you don’t need to land on the beach this time, you only need to transport the army to the destination. Anyway, running a few times is the same effect, but it takes a long time, so Li Bao decided to take a little risk to transport one brigade at once In place.

If it is to make a beach landing not too far away, the nine supply ships of the defensive fleet alone can deliver 4,500 troops, that is, the strength of three battalions, and there is no need to requisition civilian transport forces.

Therefore, this naval expedition has set many firsts in the history of Xia, the first expedition thousands of miles away overseas, the first time to project a brigade force from the sea…

The expeditionary fleet sailed north for three days before reaching the southernmost archipelago of the Snow Kingdom. From here, it traveled more than 450 kilometers northeast to reach the Snow Island of the Snow Kingdom, and it sailed nearly 500 kilometers northwest. Arrived at the destination of this trip-the last city on land in the Kingdom of Ice and Snow.

No matter what this city is called in the Ice Kingdom, Xia Guo named the city “Weihai City”, which means the place where the Great Xia Empire is in Beihai!

Although Xia Guojun was still on his way to “Megatron Beihai” at the moment, whether it was Li Bao or Benedict Keogh who was following him, they believed that this was unquestionable.

The expeditionary fleet did not stop here. After finding the right direction, it went straight to the destination. This is what Benedict Keogh expected, because Weihai City may be broken in the next moment, so the supporting force is one minute earlier. Upon arrival, Weihai City was also safe one minute earlier.

According to Benedict Keogh, as long as the huge fleet in front of him arrives in Weihai City, it represents the absolute safety of Weihai City. After all, he has personally experienced the invincibility of this army at close range. Power.

In Li Bao’s view, the same is true. According to the plan, if the battle is fought, then this expedition will be a one-man show for their navy, and there will be nothing about the army at all. So in this “good start” battle, he had to win a complete victory no matter what.

After the fleet passed the North Sea Islands, it was obvious that the weather was getting colder day by day, which made Li Bao couldn’t help feeling that the difference between distant regions was like a different world.

When he arrived in the North Sea Islands and felt the temperature change, Benedict Keogh was still regretting why he hadn’t reminded Xia’s army to prepare warm clothes before he saw that Xia’s officers and soldiers were wearing them. After wearing obviously cold-proof clothing, he couldn’t help feeling how well Xia Guo was prepared.

Regardless of Benedict Keogh, who once again felt the powerful side of Xia, after another two days of voyage, the expeditionary fleet successfully arrived at Weihai City in the Kingdom of Ice and Snow.

Off Weihai City, the expedition fleet was of such a large scale, of course, it could not escape the eyes of the Ice and Snow Kingdom and the Northern Cold Kingdom, but both parties who received the news were happy and worried.

The knight commander of the Northern Cold Kingdom, Livette Atwick, was the commander of the attack on the ice kingdom When he learned that a powerful fleet of unknown flags had appeared on the sea, he couldn’t help feeling a little worried. .

Because after such a long battle, Rivet Atwick knew how he couldn’t beat the ice kingdom at sea, so now a new fleet has appeared on the sea, and it doesn’t take much to know that this is the opponent’s support force. .

Only according to the spy’s report, this time the opposing team came from the south, and the style of the warship had never been seen before, which made Riviette Atwick feel a bad premonition.

After repeated inquiries, I finally learned who this unique fleet belongs to-it turned out to be the mysterious Great Xia Empire from the southern part of the mainland-which proves that Rivet Atwick’s Have a bad feeling.

In the past, every time when the support of the Ice Kingdom came, they would launch a counterattack against them, with the intention of repelling them, but for Livet Atwick, this was just an act of sending him to death again and again.

Rivet Atwick, although he is strong and powerful, plus the scar on his face, he feels like a reckless man, but as a knight commander who has entered the kingdom, how could he be a man? What about a brash man who doesn’t know anything

Rivet Atwick, who has some commanding ability, knows that it is best not to let Xia’s army go ashore, so this time he concentrated the entire army of nearly one hundred thousand troops to face the long-standing Weihai before his opponent’s counterattack. The city launched a total effort.

Rivet Atwick hoped to break Weihai City before Xia’s fleet docked, preventing Xia’s army from landing, but how could the army of the Ice Kingdom in Weihai city give up at this time? Isn’t this a waste of all previous efforts?


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