Otherworldly Castle Era

Chapter 490

Chapter 47 Awaiting success

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In the next time, Xia Guo organized the manpower to build a railway from Ninghai City along the coastline to connect the ice kingdom on land, while developing the domestic livelihood and building a new type of warship.

The breech guns required by the new warships are manufactured by arsenals in various parts of the Xia State, and the marine steam engines and other supporting equipment are also manufactured in special factories. It can be said that these three warships currently use the power of the whole country of Xia.

The ships are built by the shipyard of the Navy City in the south. The Navy City can be described as the birthplace of the Xia State Navy, and the shipbuilding industry here is also the most developed.

In the well-equipped Naval City Shipyard, at this time, in the three dry docks, each has three large, medium and small keels placed in it. The large, medium and small here are only relatively speaking, even the smallest one is more expensive than the civilian ship next to it. Make a big lap.

In the dock on the other side, an apparently civilian hull was completely shut down at this time. The shipyard of the Navy City has said that all manpower and material resources are concentrated on these three new warships.

The keels of the three new-style warships are obviously different from those of the previous wooden ships. Instead of using whole logs, they used steel. The shape should be an I-beam.

Moreover, not only the steel used for the keel, but also the steel used for the support of the bottom isolation layer, if it weren’t for the neatly piled mountain of wood placed next to the dock, it is estimated that some people would think that the ship would be made of steel.

“Director, can’t it be faster?” Next to the slipway, Zhuang Weicha looked at the progress of the battleship and was still a little dissatisfied.

“Door Zhuang, you see that we are doing our best to build these three warships. If it were not for the lack of manpower, the speed could be faster.” The director of the Navy City Shipyard could only respond with a wry smile. A senior second-grade member like Zhuang Wei is not something he can offend.

“Insufficient manpower?” Zhuang Wei frowned. He also knew that the current manpower was already all of the shipyard, and the rest of the ship’s construction plans were all given to the team for this.

Zhuang Wei thought for a long time, and he also knew that Yang Song attached great importance to these three new warships, so he secretly made up his mind and said: “How many people are needed? Not enough to transfer from the other shipyards.”

“That’s great!” The director couldn’t help being overjoyed when he heard this. He knew that the other shipyards had always capable teams, and now he can call and update the shipbuilding technology.

Although the shipyard in Navy City is the earliest shipyard in Xia State, after so many years of development, the other large shipyards have developed their own unique skills.

Now that he can “steal the teacher and learn the art” openly, how can the factory manager be unhappy? You must know that the competition in the shipbuilding industry is still great. The ability to enhance the core competitiveness of the Navy City Shipyard is something he never dreamed of.

But when he was happy, the factory manager couldn’t help being a little worried. He asked Zhuang Wei: “Will the other shipyards release people? The officials know that their manpower is not very sufficient.”

“Dare not let anyone go?” Zhuang Wei sneered at this, and sternly said: “This is your majesty’s will! Even if you go to ask someone, the governor can’t believe that there are people in my Daxia who dare to resist the order and disrespect it!”

“Yes, yes, the subordinates have made a mistake, and the subordinates will do it now.” When the director heard Zhuang Wei’s words, his face was suddenly pale with fright. Who would dare to violate your majesty’s will? Although he is a competitor with the other shipyards, he dare not say that such a crime is impounded on his opponent.

As Zhuang Wei said, as soon as the letter from the director of the shipyard arrived, the other shipyards sent people over.

In fact, there is no need for the director of the shipyard to worry about some of these. The other shipyards will send people over and they will not go back, and the final credit will be divided.

As for technical issues, these shipyards already have a “owner”, and Yang Song divided them into several locations to increase competition and share risks.

Now that the shipyards have learned from each other after a technical exchange, they are also able to “know oneself and the enemy,” and there are only benefits and no harm for future development.

After nearly half a year of overtime work, the construction of the three new warships was finally completed, and they were immediately put into sea trials after outfitting.

Sea trials are also very tight, equipment debugging, marine steam engine testing, maximum speed testing, cruise testing, operability testing, stability testing…

After three months of sea trials, the three new warships were officially delivered to the Navy. Of course, the sea trial was completed after a lot of fine-tuning and corrections.

At this time, the time has come to the end of March of the eighth year of Qiyuan. In the military port of Linhai City, three new-style steam-sail hybrid wooden ships and iron-clad battleships stand among them, and they are full of flags waiting for Yang Song’s inspection.

On March 27th, Yang Song, Li Bao, Li Jing and other important officials rushed over by train from Zhongjing City As soon as Yang Song arrived at the military port, what he saw was the dock in the military port. Three particularly conspicuous new-style warships.

These three warships of different sizes have a common feature-the towering chimney at the rear of the midship has replaced one of the masts of the previous sailing warship, but there are still two masts full of sails in front of the warship. The three warships have not completely abandoned the traditional power source of sails.

In addition, the huge body is equally eye-catching. Compared with the other warships in the military port, the smallest destroyers of these three new warships are also comparable to the cruise ships next to them.

Moreover, the new-style cruiser can also be compared with the previous sailing battleship, even the new-style battleship has the same size as the super battleship next to it.

“Your Majesty is here!” With Wang Wei’s loud shout, everyone in the military port bowed their hands or held their fists to Yang Song or gave a big salute: “Farewell to your Majesty!”

“No gift!” Yang Song raised his hand to signal, and then quickly walked to the front of the new battleship, holding his head up and looking at this extremely oppressive hull. He looked up at the hull covered with steel armor and was a little surprised. .

After a while, Yang Song came back to his senses, but he still didn’t turn his eyes, and Yang Song didn’t know how to ask, “How big is this battleship?”

“Your Majesty, this new battleship is 78 meters long, 12 meters wide, 18 meters high, and has a full-load draft of 5 meters, and a full-load displacement of more than 5,600 tons. .”

Although Yang Song didn’t ask anyone a specific question, Li Bao, who knew everything well, answered it.

“Isn’t this three meters longer than the previous super battleship?” Yang Song was surprised, and then asked, “What is the speed? What about the endurance?”

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