Otherworldly Castle Era

Chapter 498

Chapter 55 Development and construction

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After an endless birthday banquet, Xia Guo ushered in a new tomorrow.

At the North Korean meeting at the end of March, in addition to the regular reports, officials also mentioned the development and utilization of the Xia Yuan mainland.

However, Yang Song didn’t go to develop the New World so early, because Xia Guo’s land of several million square kilometers has not been developed yet.

At this time, if we shift our energies to the New World, it is estimated that not only will it not increase Xia’s national strength, but it may also hinder Xia’s development process.

“His Majesty, the minister thought it was too early to develop the Xia Yuan Continent at this time.” No, before Yang Song could refute this proposal, Xun Yu raised an objection first.

However, as the king of a country, Yang Song would naturally not rush to express his opinions. Even if Xun Yu’s opinions are in line with his ideas, he now has to let the ministers express their opinions first.

“Leader Xun, what’s the explanation for this?” Yang Zhong, who proposed the development of Xia Yuan Continent, asked puzzledly: “Now I have a long and stable life in Daxia, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. Now there is Xia Yuan Continent. It is the time for further development. , How can it be early?”

Upon hearing this, Xun Yu first glanced at Yang Song on the stage, then bowed his hand to Yang Zhong, and replied: “What the head Yang Ge said is true, but my country has not yet been developed in Daxia. What about such a vast piece of land in the Yuan Continent?”

After answering Yang Zhong’s question, Xun Yu turned his hand to Yang Song and many ministers: “Your Majesty, my colleagues. Some and many colleagues agree with Chief Yang’s opinion, but don’t forget, I’ve made it before Daxia. The plan is not complete yet.”

“The main railway roads outside the Guanzhong, Guanzhong, and inside the Guan have not yet been completed, not to mention the planned secondary arterial roads and branch lines, as well as the railway connecting the ice kingdom…” Xun Yu slowly stated the current situation of Xia Guo again.

“…Presumably, the head of the Treasury Pavilion Zhang has the same opinion as the old man.” In the end, Xun Yu also carried Zhang Juzheng out, meaning that the development of the New World still requires money.

Zhang Juzheng heard that Xun Yu suddenly mentioned him at the end. Although he was a little uncomfortable as this lining, he really did not approve of developing Xia Yuan Continent now.

So Zhang Juzheng also stood up and reported to Yang Songhui: “Your Majesty, the minister agrees with the opinion of the Chief Xun. Now my finances in Daxia have just been eased from the replacement of the navy’s ships, and there is no need for development. The territory of the country has already been planned. If you want to develop the Xia Yuan mainland, you should wait for the finances to get better.”

“In this case, the development plan of Xia Yuan Continent is suspended for the time being.” Since both Zhengge and Caige did not agree to develop the New World, Yang Song also suspends the development of Xia Yuan Continent.

When it comes to the development of the New World, in addition to the rigid financial requirements, it is also related to the comprehensive strength of a country. For example, it must have a sufficient population to colonize new land, and for example, it must have a set of effective management, development, and development. The new land system…

And now Xia’s population has exceeded 200 million, and the demographic conditions have long been met. As for system issues, Xia has occupied and developed a lot of new land in the past few decades, and this is certainly not lacking.

But as Xun Yu said, Xia Guo has not yet completed the development of the 4 million square kilometers of land outside Shanhaiguan, the Linhai Basin, and the south of Tianhou Pass. Not to mention that there are some kingdoms north of the Jiehe River that pose a certain threat to Xia’s borders, so Xia cannot relax.

Most of the four million square kilometers of land that Xia Guo currently owns on the Xiaqi Continent is conducive to living in. Even the mountainous and hilly terrain that occupies nearly half of it also has such various resources.

Until now, Xia Guo has not completed the development of this piece of land. At most, it has carried out a strategic layout for the main areas, which are mainly concentrated in flat areas.

However, in mountainous areas, hills, southern rainforests, forests and other areas, there is not much development. There are only some residential areas developed due to resource extraction.

All this is because Xia Guo or Yang Song started urbanization in various parts of Xia Guo from the beginning. After all, Xia Guo has entered the steam age, and all the conditions for urbanization are basically met.

Urbanization, urbanization, and dismantling are actually the construction of cities and towns, but it does not mean that there is no rural area. On the contrary, there are a large number of villages around each town in Xia State.

After so many years, Xia Guo has already established a complete and effective procedure for the development of new land.

First of all, every time Xia Guo develops a place, he first looks at the geographical environment of the place and analyzes how many states and counties can be built in this place.

Then each state chooses a place to establish a state city, and each county also chooses a place to establish a county city, and then analyze again within each county to plan out several towns.

Then build cities and towns according to the plan, and then build villages around the cities and towns…Finally, it is the natural development of various places and the joint efforts of local officials and people.

If a county develops well, it will naturally develop some towns into cities and villages into towns, and then proceed with the next step of expansion and development until all the land in this area has been developed.

If a region has a rich population after the development is completed, the court will move these rich populations to the next place, and then proceed to the next “reincarnation.”

Of course, the migration of the population is entirely voluntary. Anyway, the people of Xia have tasted the sweetness of developing new land. There is no plot to leave their homeland, but they are all willing to go to a new place.

The people of Xia are not unhappy and unreality. Some people are willing to join in the fun and live in the city. If this city doesn’t like it, they can choose the next city.

And people who like quiet country life are not uncommon, so choose a place with beautiful scenery and pleasant climate to live and work in peace and contentment, farming, fishing, grazing…and so on. Each profession can choose what they want. If the profession is not good, you can also find the local government. Vocational training institutions (subordinate institutions of Taiyuan Academy of the Court)

Of course, there are hard-working people who are willing to use hard work in exchange for a lot of money, such as mining, building roads, moving…These harder industries have high rewards-no one wants to go if there is less money-this It is also the choice for market development!

In order to make the migration of the people more comfortable and safer to make the movement of the people more convenient, many businessmen in the private sector have seen business opportunities in this area, and therefore there has been a lot of responsibility to help the people migrate and move. company of.

The emergence of private companies played a very important role in assisting the court. At least it made the court and local governments worry less about it. Some places are still willing to hire these companies to do things. This can be regarded as another phenomenon of public-private cooperation.

In short, Xia’s imperial court and local governments are responsible for general planning, development, management, and service to the people, and many other aspects are left to the market to develop on its own.

But it is precisely because of this that Xun Yu, the head of the cabinet, who is in charge of government affairs, is so opposed to developing the Xia Yuan mainland now. After all, he has the most say in this regard.

In addition, if the Xia Yuan Continent was developed first, it would have developed better than the Xia Qi Continent, then the phenomenon of weak and strong branches will soon appear, which is not conducive to the stability of the entire Xia State.

Therefore, Yang Song still chooses to be more pragmatic and to develop Xia Guo in the mainland of Xia Qi.

Anyway, Xia Yuan Continent existed there, and would not run away with long legs.

And Yang Song wanted more. If he had developed the Xia Yuan mainland now, where would his successor, Yang Xian, come from?

Yang Song didn’t have the need for this, because the entire country of Xia was established step by step under his leadership. To put it personally, Yang Song still had to pave the way for Yang Xian.

So instead of developing the dispensable new continent now, it is better to give this land to future generations to develop.

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