Otherworldly Castle Era

Chapter 73

Chapter 34 Conquering Chuyi

In the endless wilderness, Zhu Cheng was ordered to lead his soldiers to the southern barbarian!

His squadron is the forward of the entire vanguard light cavalry formation.

One day ago, the light cavalry line commander asked his squadron to act as the vanguard of the entire squadron, but his squadron commander let his squadron be the vanguard of the whole squadron…

Zhu Cheng recalled this experience and exclaimed that life is really full of surprises!

But he thought in a blink of an eye, the squad leader under his hand was really ‘lucky’—he was sent forward to inquire about intelligence, as the vanguard of this squadron!

Zhu Cheng sighed with emotion, the light cavalry of the entire squadron slowly drove forward!

“Report!” A light horse galloped in front, stopped in front of him, and fisted at him: “Report to the squadron leader, there is a small tribe ahead!”

“Where? How far is it from here? How many people are there?” Zhu Cheng asked a series of questions: “Did you find you?”

“Back to the squadron leader, this small tribe is about 800 meters away from here, behind a small dirt bag with a leeward wind, there are about a hundred people, the other party did not find us!”

The cavalry’s answer made him very satisfied, recalling what the captain said to him before the expedition.

“Zhu Cheng, as the vanguard of the whole army and the whole battalion, you must pay attention!” The captain instructed him individually.

Zhu Cheng clasped his fists and said solemnly: “Thank you, captain, your subordinates will pay attention!”

“Well! You have to pay attention, your squadron, as the vanguard of the brigade, once you find the enemy, you must report to me immediately, don’t make any claims!

Zhu Cheng heard the command of the captain and said, “Yes, subordinates obey orders!”…

Now this is not the enemy’s situation! So Zhu Cheng ordered: “All squadrons stop advancing!”

“Let the vanguard team keep their distance, keep hidden, and continue to monitor the enemy!” This is an order to the cavalry in front of you!

Immediately afterwards, he ordered a cavalry directly under him: “You go and report to the captain that you have found the enemy, please give instructions!”

“Yes! Captain!” The cavalry took the command, turned the horse’s head, “drove”, flicked the whip, and galloped away!

After waiting for the two cavalrymen to pass their orders, Zhu Cheng ordered the team: “Pause and dismount and rest!”

He is waiting for the news to come, while preparing for the upcoming fight!

On the other side, after the captain learned the information, he immediately sent someone to report to the line commander, and at the same time ordered Zhu Cheng in front of him to stand by and stay alert!

The commander of    also relayed a message to Zhang Wei, and at the same time ordered the former cavalry brigade to stay alert and increase the scope of investigation!

As soon as the vanguard’s cavalry squad found the enemy, Yang Song also knew the enemy’s location from the small map!

Since the guard battalion set off, Yang Song has often followed the small map and watched the cavalry search and advance little by little.

He is like a god, looking down at the army’s every move, but unfortunately, he can’t operate each unit like a game!

Therefore, the on-site command still depends on the commander’s abilities!

When Zhang Wei received the information from the front, it was already a few hours later!

When Zhang Wei learned that he had reached Nanban’s sphere of influence, he looked at the map in front of him, thoughtful!

Zhang Wei looked at the location of the enemy based on the information contained in the intelligence, and he quickly found the small bag on the map.

He looked at the map and said to the messenger: “The light cavalry formation, the forward squadron’s position to conduct a horizontal reconnaissance!”

He got some information about the tribes in the south from Chen Ping.

From this information, he learned that the tribes in the south are not the same, some are close, some are far, and they often move and live in pursuit of prey, which changes a lot!

But the information still gives the approximate range of activities of these tribes, which basically matches the location where the pioneer sent the message.

It is very difficult for Chen Ping to analyze this information from the clues. You must know that Nanban’s appearance and living habits are completely different from those of Xia Guo’s people, and there is no way to send an undercover agent!

The reason why Zhang Wei ordered a horizontal investigation is because they have entered the range of activities of the various tribes in Nanban. The next step is to find out the specific locations of these tribes!

It is good to provide the basis for the next action, provide intelligence, and he can also decide when to attack, where to attack, how many troops to use, etc.!

With the order of Zhang Wei, the three cavalry brigades of the light cavalry array dispersed and carried out dragnet-style reconnaissance in the form of small teams.

The information ahead finally gathered in Zhang Wei’s hands, and the map on the table also marked dense dots.

Each dot is a tribe, and the population of the tribe is represented by color. The red one is more than one thousand, the orange one is five hundred to one thousand, the green one is less than five hundred, and the gray one represents the stray hunting team!

So far, there are not many red ones, only three, followed by orange ones, with seven or eight, green ones with the most, ten and twenty, and few gray ones, only seven or eight!

After three days of investigation, the army has been completely surveyed within a range of more than ten kilometers in the north-south direction and dozens of kilometers in the east-west direction in front of the army!

Zhang Wei finally ordered: “Order!”

Yu Shu Sima immediately spread out the pen and paper, ready to record Zhang Wei’s order!

“The light cavalry united its troops and sent a brigade to clear out all the stray hunting teams as soon as possible! Report to me after the clearing!”

Yu Shu finished this order very quickly. After UU read www.uukanshu.com asked Zhang Wei to sign and print it, let the messenger pass it to the light cavalry formation ahead at the fastest speed!

Zhang Wei wanted to clean up these unstable factors before the war started, because these stray hunting teams are very mobile, so don’t take prisoners in this operation, what he wants is a quick word!

Soon, after receiving the order, the commander of the light cavalry formation ordered that, except for the first brigade, the other two brigades targeted him and united their troops.

and the first brigade is going to perform the cleaning task!

Unfortunately, Zhu Cheng’s brigade is the first brigade in his head, and the brigade commander ordered the squadron to be cleaned up separately!

And his squadron will be responsible for cleaning up two stray hunting teams!

Zhu Cheng looked at the two goals given on the map, and thought to himself: “I am really a hard-working man. I didn’t expect these two goals to be the farthest two!”

But the other two squadrons are not very good either. The other two squadrons are each responsible for cleaning up three stray hunting teams, and they are all scattered. The two stray hunting teams he cleaned up are far apart, but they are relatively close.

He can only comfort himself so much now, at least less but a lot of transfer time!

“Go, let’s go, aim for the southwest!” Zhu Cheng stood on the hillside on horseback, looking at the wasteland below the slope, vigorously ordered.

This is his second time on the battlefield. The last battle was two years ago. At that time, he was only a very long man. Unfortunately, he was sent to clean the battlefield even when he saw the enemy face to face!

The **** Linlin battlefield gave him the first experience of the cruelty of war, even though those were the corpses of the enemy!

This time he is about to start the first battle in his true sense!

is also the first real war before and after Xia Guoliguo!

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