Otherworldly Castle Era

Chapter 77

Chapter 38 Siege of Jiadi

These losses now are just for greater gains in the future!

Yes, the casualties of these indigenous people are in his eyes, that is, it is the loss of Xia Guo.

He didn’t have any pity, he just felt that the speed is a bit slow now, but there is no way, for the safety of these recruits, they can only practice first!

“Speed ​​up! Try to finish cleaning the battlefield before dark!”

Zhang Wei saw the soldiers who had gone through several battles turned into an elite group, and ordered to speed up.

I should have experienced it. After a few days of training, I have completed it. The next step is to complete the task of the Lord!

The sky has completely dimmed. The soldiers rested in the camp that originally belonged to this tribe. After a long time of fighting and cleaning the battlefield, they are all tired now!

When the soldiers were cleaning the battlefield, they would pay for them when they saw the disabled. If they pretended to be dead or surrendered, they would tie them up and send them to the security post. They would arrange for the militias to **** these prisoners.

Those who can be escorted to the rear are ‘young and strong’, not old or weak! The way to deal with the old and the weak who stayed behind is very simple…

Zhang Wei was in the main account, looking at the intelligence in his hand, which was sent from several other places.

In the intelligence, the second and third columns are progressing smoothly, and they have reached the expected combat positions. The encirclement of the light cavalry array has also shrunk as they attacked.

Make sure that no fish that slipped through the net can escape from their encirclement, the light cavalry can be said to be very busy.

patrolling all the time, when encountering the aboriginals who fled, they went forward and drove them away, and solved the problems on the spot.

Because of time, these cleaned up indigenous corpses were not taken care of. As a result, as the encirclement shrinks, many remains are left on the wasteland. From now on, this place can be regarded as a paradise for wild beasts!

went all the way, cleaning and driving all the way, in the end, after encountering a tribe, they hadn’t started attacking yet, the other party had already abandoned the camp and fled!

Even on the eighth or ninth day, a large number of empty camps appeared in front of them, and Zhang Wei and the others did not need to drive them away, and the other party consciously fled towards the center of the surrounding!

tenth day! It’s time to launch a general attack!

At ten o’clock in the morning, Zhang Wei was still riding his beloved war horse, standing on a high place, looking down on the battlefield!

At this moment, all the soldiers in the guard camp have surrounded this large camp!

At the outermost part are the three hundred and fifty hussars running around the battlefield to prevent the enemy from running out of the siege!

The infantrymen are divided into three directions to face the middle array, the first column in the north, the third column in the southeast, and the third column in the southwest!

are all waiting for the moment when they attack!

The large tribe surrounded by it is also very turbulent.

Because of being expelled, the large tribe of ‘A’ is already overcrowded. According to the information collected, it is estimated that there are more than 2,000 or nearly 3,000 young and Zhuang natives!

At this time, under the organization of this large tribe, they all gathered in this camp. There was a mess, and there was not much heart to fight!

This is the credit that Zhang Wei did not order to kill him, let the enemy know his horror, and hit the enemy’s morale!

Zhang Wei saw that the encirclement was completed, and said to Yu Shu: “Sima, let the people from the Intelligence Bureau persuade you to surrender!”

In order to facilitate communication between the two parties, Yang Song asked Chen Ping to send a few intelligence personnel who could speak native languages ​​to support Zhang Wei.

“Yes, the subordinates are here!” As the second person in the guard camp, Yu Shu has a face full of wind and frost after more than ten days of exercise on the battlefield!

Yu Shu was a scholar before joining the army. Although he joined the army and was reused, his body is not as strong as these long-trained soldiers!

Soon, he rushed out of the rear, ran to the tumultuous crowd on the opposite side, and shouted!

The crowd across from    looked at this ‘devil’ who could speak their language! Another commotion!

After a while, a sturdy native walked out of the crowd on the opposite side, holding a thick stone rod, and shouting to this side as well!

said a word, yelling and communicating. Before I exchanged a few words, I saw the sturdy native yelled in anger and turned and walked into the crowd!

The intelligence personnel sent to persuade him to surrender also turned back to Zhang Wei and reported to him.

“Campaign Zhang! The other party is unwilling to surrender, saying that they have so many people, and we only have so few people who are not their opponents, and that letting him surrender is humiliating him! The other party is about to launch an attack!”

“Haha you still want to attack first?” Zhang Wei laughed after hearing the report, and said, “Thanks for your hard work, let’s go down and rest. The next thing is our business!”

Zhang Wei didn’t expect the opponent to surrender, and the opponent could not surrender.

If he is a “warrior” who has nearly 3,000 people himself, and the opponent has only a little bit more than 1,000, he will not surrender!

But, there are more people in battle and war than anyone else. Maybe it’s in this wasteland. The idea that more people means powerful is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

And he Zhang Wei is going to teach these Nanbans and natives today, but sometimes it doesn’t mean much that there are many people!

“Command! Infantry Xiang speed up the rendezvous with the main formation!”

Although the other two columns are not in the same direction as the team, they are not far away, because this camp is only so big, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, so they are only a few hundred meters away from the first column!

Zhang Wei gradually calmed down after seeing the other party’s crowd after a riot. This was a sign of an attack that was about to be launched!

He then gave an order: “Order! The light cavalry array is assembled in the eastern part of the battlefield, ready to charge!”

Since the opponent wants to fight him head-on, there is no need for the light cavalry who is going to defend and escape to patrol the perimeter!

Soon, the second column and the third column joined him, and they lined up on the left and right sides of the first column.

At this time, the crowd on the opposite side began to attack with sticks, wooden spears, and stone guns amidst a burst of shouts!

Although he is not worthy no matter what, but watching the other party wait until he finishes his lineup before launching an impact, Zhang Wei wants to laugh a little!

“Stupid!” Zhang Wei said while watching this scene, and ordered.

“Command! Fight the drums !”

“The defensive formation unfolds!”

“The light cavalry is ready to burst into battle!”

The leader opposite should be planning to destroy his guard camp in one go!

Zhang Wei looked at the impact on the opposite side, and the group of nearly 3,000 people charged, and it still looked spectacular!

“Order the long-range attack brigade, once the enemy is in range, you don’t have to be polite!”

Zhang Wei’s order was issued, the rhythm of the war drums also changed, and the sound of the horn began to make an offensive sound!

With the command of the flag, the officers and soldiers on the front line will not miss every command he issued!

“Sima, let me know when the light cavalry formation is over!”

Zhang Wei is now looking at the battlefield in front of him attentively, he is afraid he will not notice!

Yu Shu immediately clasped his fists and said, “Yes! Battalion commander!”

Seeing the enemy is getting closer, getting closer…

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