Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Chapter 55: Studies and Preparation (II).

Chapter 55: Studies and Preparation (II).

Analissa was offered to sit down right next to the one and only, Lady Serene Sinclair.

She sits down carefully, making sure to keep proper distance with the noble lady.

“I want you to design a frog costume for our play. It needs to be cute, precise and perfect for our prince.”

Hearing this new profound task Analissa has forgotten that she was depressed about being rejected a few moments ago. “Oh I see!”

Eyes sparkling looking inspired and excited to draw. Lady Serene moves a little further from her happy energy because just the mere smile of this blind girl was blinding. “Commoner, do you know how to draw?”

“Yes, I can draw. I promise I can help.” The heroine sounded a little desperate, making the lackey smile.

“Then I am right to accept your desperate begging. Here I have a pencil and an eraser, we need this done by the day so the costume team can get started on working. You can also check some of my reference sheets so you know what kind of style we’re trying to create. I also listed what possible materials on some of these costumes so go ahead and study them if you’d like.” She takes some of her finished reference sheets that she’s made a few nights before this, having a hobby of making clothing design proved to be helpful.

“Take this, commoner.”

The heroine takes the offered reference sheets and thanks her kindly, she politely ignores how Lady Serene calls her ‘commoner’ every time they talk though. “Thank you, Lady Sinclair. I won’t let you down.”

“You need not thank me. I know I am beautiful as I am generous.” She boasts, but deep inside she was reluctant to give Analissa a task.

‘I know she's annoyingly cheerful, positive and obedient… but at least she's easy to look at in the eyes.’ (Lady Serene) thought to herself, while the blonde girl was annoying in her opinion for easily gaining the trust of her best friend.

She took way much longer before she gained Evelyn's trust! She earned it!

What and now she just does her little googoo eyes and she's got Evelyn all smitten?!

“I'll go ahead and get started then.” (Analissa) takes the reference sheets, the materials available from the tailor shop having a list of available colors and fabrics.


‘Rich kids do not kid around on fancy school festivals in this world. The otome game is too careless in addressing some of these matters, no wonder in the story Analissa Blanchet was too carefree.’  The heroine was also surprised by the budget list of some of the fabrics that were listed.

It was a good thing that their expenses would be covered by investors/rich parents.

“Tell me when you're done.” The lackey busies herself with her own work, glancing often at the heroine who was drawing happily as the bird by her shoulder watched. ‘I don't trust you just yet. If you dare hurt my friend in any way I'll personally take you down myself.’

Lady Serene has a hunch on what could be happening around the villainess-

One, she's not hanging out with her other peers except for Analissa.

Two, Evelyn cared for Analissa when she was sick and even let her stay inside her dorm for a couple of days. She would never let anyone dare enter her forms unless it's urgent or she really considers certain people her close friends.

Three… the way she looks at her just-


Scratch… scratch…

The sound of a line being erased could be heard, Lady Serene has made a few mistakes on her design as her mind was running like a bullet train. No… she wouldn't accept her stupid hunch, never in a million years.

Analissa on the other hand was having fun completing her task. It was a good thing that the villainess' lackey was kind enough to let her do something instead of standing around in the corner doing nothing.

She actually feels useful this way.

A frog costume… a prince that was cursed by a witch and only a true love’s kiss can only turn him back to normal. It needed to be cute, friendly looking and one that would be popular with the crowd.

‘Well… it wouldn’t hurt to borrow a few inspired designs.’

The heroine draws quickly with the shape of two round eyes, separating several layers and noting down the fabrics and needed board shape prints for the head.

“Tweet?” (Losimer) tilts her little head seeing a cute frog costume being so cute. He’s never seen such a frog drawing before, it looks very appealing like you’d want to hug it or eat it.

“What do you think, Losimer?”

Analissa shows her progress to the little sparrow bird that was hiding inside her hair. Losimer studies the frog costume and compares it to the other one that red haired girl made.

“Tweet.” He says in a tone of approval the one that Analissa made is a dozen times better compared to the one that the lackey made.

“You really like it?” She whispers, seeing losimer nod Analissa decides to add a few more finishing touches before being completely satisfied with it, she decides to show the villainess’ lackey her work. “Please have a look, Lady Sinclair.”

The red haired girl stopped drawing, hearing her name being called.

“Hmph, you’re done? Well, let's see your design. Just know I’m not that easily impressed- oh.” (Lady Serene) takes in the drawn picture of a cute frog character in commoner clothes as well as a formal attire befitting for a prince.

“This is actually very… mediocre.” She held her chin, studying the cute drawing of the heroine. Lady Serene scoffs, looking unaffected but really her real thoughts were- ‘This is really good-! It’s cute, flexible and the children watching the play would love this costume once it’s made.’

“In order words it's alright?”

“Mediocre and alright are not quite the same but this is passable. What is this strange art style and how come this is much cuter compared to what I did?”

Analissa giggled a little before replying, “I've actually been inspired by several artists but mostly this frog design has been inspired by the famous character called kero keroppi.”


Kero kero what now?

“What? Can you repeat that one more time?” She was instantly baffled by the name. What kind of character name of a frog named kero keroppi and why is it… kind of cute?

“Kero keroppi.” She repeats once more, it's a popular character from the hello kitty series and being made by the famous company sanrio-


Lady Serene stares at her in a deadpan manner before staring at the frog, then back to her once more. “If it must be famous how come I've never heard of this- kerow kero… frog?”

“Umm.” (Analissa) leaned back nervously, this was only a frog that she usually watched on the tv and bought a few merches of it when she was in gradeschool for being popular in her past life.

She needed a good believable excuse to trick Lady Serene, “I mean it's famous in my local area! My home! It’s just- a mythical frog in my hometown and someone made an artwork of it that I got inspired by.”

“There’s also a white cat with a ribbon, um… a rabbit, a dog, a penguin and um… yeah just the many of our mythical creatures in my hometown.” She continues, telling her the many characters of Hello Kitty and friends.

A bead of sweat rolled through the side of her head and was sort of dying inside. ‘That should be enough to get her off my back right?’

“So this is the frog costume that I'll be wearing? Quite nice.”

Lord Ein suddenly pops out behind them, holding his chin and taking the costume design that Analissa made from his fiancé. “In my opinion even if I had stayed as a frog I would've been irresistible.”

Analissa and Lady Serene jolted a little from their seat but soon calmed down after realizing it was only Lord Ein.

“How long have you been there?” The blonde girl asks, placing a hand on her chest a little frightened. Losimer frowns slightly, not liking Lord Ein for sneaking up on them like that.

“A while, the whole time you both were focusing on drawing.” (Lord Ein) smiles in satisfaction after seeing the frog costume design. It looks cute… but definitely not on him though.

“Tsk, what are you on about Lord Ein? You're disturbing our work and I would disagree with your statement. If you were a frog I would've stomped on you with no hesitation.”


The lackey and the bird agreed with one another without knowing. The two crossed their arms as Lord Ein laughed seeing the usual grumpy face of his fiancé. “You wound me, my dear. I thought you'd be happier seeing me.”

“Don't call me that. You might as well drop the act, the commoner is the only one watching your flirting, she's no one of importance.” (Lady Serene) felt unbothered by his shameless and forced flirting.

Analissa sat there and took the insult, laughing awkwardly hearing the two’s conversation. ‘Well ouch.’

“No importance? Well, your best friend doesn't seem to think the same. Evelyn wanted to find her after our practice, but I told her council duties were called.”


The red haired girl went silent, looking at the costume design of the princess- one she's worked hard on for her good friend that was there when she needed her felt like she'd been replaced.

“So what if Evelyn was trying to find the commoner? Our bond is stronger. We've been friends since we were toddlers.”

“You make it sound like a competition. I'm just making a small point, like it or not Miss Analissa is a big shot around here.”

“I'm uh… sitting literally right here.” (Analissa) wanted to excuse herself for a moment because she doesn't like getting into fights like these- more like a quarrel actually.

“I don't dislike or like her reputation. I couldn't care less of whatever you do,” She turns to Analissa with a cautious stare before continuing. “I just want for her to not do anything that will hurt or put my best friend in danger, such as using her only for personal gains.”

Analissa clenched her fists, she knew in her heart that she would never do anything like that but she couldn’t be mad at her either because… her worries were valid, being raised in the lives of nobility would mean there would be a lot of people taking advantage of you in some way.

“I would never do that.” She tells Lady Serene who scoffs, sassily placing a hand on her waist belittling her words.

“That's what they all say.”

“I swear on my life, my name and everything that I hold dear. I will never put Lady Evelyn in danger for my sake or use Lady Evelyn for my personal gain.” With a determined look she stands up from her seat. “I'm here to save her.”

“...” (Lady Serene) stood still for a moment, hearing such hogwash about a frail young girl saving her from who knows what made her feel certain things.

“You're not the only one trying to keep her safe, Miss Blanchet. I've been friends with her since we were children, she was someone who stood upon a podium that was hard to reach. I've seen her succeed over and over again.”

“It took me a long time before I could even climb an inch of that podium but I decided to stay right where I am.” (Lady Serene) also stands up her seat leveling up with Analissa maintaining eye contact with one another. “Right in the bottom with the rest of the grabbers trying to take her down. Because if she falls, I'll be there to catch her when she needs it.”

Analissa nods, reading about the magazine article of the Otome game on the side note of the character it was said that the well known lackey of the villainess was one of Lady Evelyn's true friends in the game.

“I know, you're protecting her in your own way. That's why- you weren't much of a fan of me because of my reputation around school and that's a valid reason to have, if I was in your shoes I would've done the same.”

“Lady Sinclair, you're an amazing friend anyone could ask for.”

Lady Serene looks a bit reddened after hearing her words. Was her face always that tolerable to look at?

N-No! She looks ugly and unattractive as ever! She’s not a good girl to trust around her bestfriend! A commoner like her should just know her place!

“Our free time is almost over, you've done well for a commoner but don’t think we’re buddies.” She goes through her things, a little clumsily but she manages to compose herself and hide the redness in her cheeks. “Your design will be submitted and if the rest of the costume tailors like it then we'll go through with it.”

“Thank you, do you need any more help here?” (Analissa) asks, the other girl looks around and bites her lip seeing the mess she’s made while working.

“Cleaning up the crumpled papers on the floor would be good.” (Lady Serene) replies in a rather soft tone.

“The ones that you threw?”

“Yes, but don't open any of them. My failed designs should never be seen for the pride and honor of my family could be tarnished if that gets out.” The red haired girl takes all of her things, neatly packing them up into her bag and all of the designs organized in a brown folder.

“And you-! Not a word of this, I don't want to hear anything coming from you.” She leans in close to Lord Ein, glaring at him like it could kill.

“Hey I'm just here existing.” (Lord Ein) raises his hands in defeat, it seems that she's still not charmed by the blonde brick of obliviousness. He thought what a shame.

Lady Serene eyes the frog design of the costume that was still in his hands and takes it quickly, crumpling the paper a little bit before bidding her farewell in a curtsy. “Good day.”

Lady Serene took all of her things, planning to submit her designs onto the costume makers to check and Analissa stopped to look at Lord Ein who was still there looking a bit out of place.

“So um… why are you here again?” (Analissa) asks, and Losimer felt comfortable enough to get out of his hiding.

Lord Ein chuckles seeing the bird that belonged to Lady Evelyn, guarding her like a loyal dog. “What? A friend can't visit another friend? I’m also here to check out the costume to see if I can get some alternative sizes.”

“Ah I see… you can visit me, Lord Ein but for some reason your obvious grin on your face just makes me very unsettled. It’s like… no offense, you’re planning something I won’t like.” She didn’t even sugarcoat what she felt, honestly, if people could see this side of him they would think he’s planning to take over the world or something.

But Lord Ein assures Analissa that he’s not going to do something bad. “When you see me smiling means I'm happy, but don't let my smile fool you. As much as I'm in a good mood, I have found myself in a pickle about that small favor that you owe me.”

Analissa blinked in confusion as she started bending down and picking up the mess that Lady Serene Sinclair did with her failed designs. “Which favor are you talking about?”

Lord Ein sees her picking up trash so he helped as they talked. “The one in the capital city, where I saved you from the crown prince where you worked.”

“Ah that one- thank you again, so what can I do for you in that favor?” (Analissa) asks, following the instructions not letting her intrusive thoughts win and not open the failed designs of the lackey.

“Oh nothing big, just- helping me memorize every single inch of my script and the actions too.” The Knight extends his hand forward giving a good pat on the back and his million gold smile. “I look forward to working with you, my acting coach.”

“...your acting what now?”

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Andres Gtz


Asteria Urbanska

Blake Roberts




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