Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Chapter 7: The Heroine is so weak!

Chapter 7: The Heroine is so weak!

For the past three days before Analissa could receive the new uniform sent to her by Lady Evelyn.

The classes have been mundane and she hasn't had the opportunity to talk with Lady Evelyn because of one annoying obstacle.

Analissa was about to try and talk to the villainess once more but-

"Your ladyship-" she calls out to Lady Evelyn but without even a few seconds a hand separates them from talking.

"Commoner. I believe you have other duties to attend rather than disturb Evelyn." It was Lady Serene forbidding them to interact in any way. For some reason, Lady Evelyn is saying nothing.

Wasn't she the one who told her to never leave her side?

Then again... she also told her that she doesn't care what Analissa does as long as she doesn't stray away into the crown prince's arms. Analissa already promised to stay away so she can't really use anything for blackmail.

"Urgh!" Analissa bites her finger in annoyance.

Sure she can see the Villainess every six hours of the school day but who knew it would be so dreadful that she can't talk to her! "No matter what, I should focus on the next plan on getting stronger." (Analissa) smiles looking at Lord Ein who rests his head onto the palm of his hand listening to the lectures of their teacher.

He told her to meet each other on private training grounds only a few have access to.

And she comes in for the past three days on time. However...

"First we'll need to run some tests at what level of strength, agility and other things right now." (Lord Ein) says holding a wooden paper clip by the hand with some drawings listed on what she needed to do.

Analissa wore their p.e uniform for this occasion. It was their first day of training and she looked so excited if she had a tail it'd be wagging like crazy.

She never had the chance to do much outdoor activities before- all she did was gaming but now that she doesn't have a computer anymore Analissa might as well try getting onto some new helpful hobbies!

"Alright let's test your strength. Grab some weights you think you'll be able to carry." he points at the weights to the side. Immediately Analissa runs towards them and observes the medium weight that was the size of her head.

Surely she can carry something like this.

"Hngh..." she utters out in pain trying to lift the circular weight with both hands. Sweat was starting to form on her forehead and the color on her face changed to bright red. She has her eyes closed so she can't really tell what was going on but the adrenaline rushes her completely.

"Am I... hngh... lifting it?" she asks in excitement but keeps her eyes shut.

Lord Ein covers his mouth wanting to laugh. She's barely lifting it and it was a ten kilogram weight- how weak is this girl?

"Barely. Open your eyes and see for yourself." he tells Analissa and she could barely follow but she did what he told. She saw the weights barely above her knee and gave out.


The weight was let go and we have a puffing Analissa who was running out of air. "Ugh... hold on, that was still a big looking ball. I still did good right?" she says proudly wiping the sweat off of her head.

"Actually the metal on the weight you tried pulling up was only ten kilograms. My dog can carry heavier things than you." (Lord Ein) comments on how weak she was and Analissa groans.

Come on! The heroine is this weak! No wonder she's easily tortured and kidnapped in the game. Literally a full blown damsel in distress.

"Oh come on-" she complains holding her stomach for support.

Lord Ein shakes his head giving Analissa a few more minutes of rest. "The next test is agility. Your arms might be weak but your legs might have some strength in them." He points at the Heroine's noodle looking legs before leading her to the tracks.

Analissa was placed onto the starting grounds and waited for the go signal. "Go!" (Lord Ein) shouts and she runs.

The Heroine was actually running smoothly. Well those noodle looking legs are not to be underestimated apparently. Lord Ein smiles, raising his hands, "[Water Magic]." he chants out and Analissa sees a glowing magic circle near him.

"Hey! Why are you using magic?!" she shouts in fear and looks around. Isn't this some agility test?! To see how fast she can run?!

The magic circle formed and glowed a bright blue color before a rainy cloud appeared on top of her. It thundered for a bit and rumbled, she could feel the air around her suddenly turning chilly.

"Uh oh..." (Analissa) muttered feeling that something bad is about to happen and she was right.

Lord Ein smirks, snapping his finger. Snap! "[Drop]."

The rainy cloud thundered once more before huge drops of rain landed everywhere in her area. "Shit!" (Analissa) cried out and started avoiding all of the drops.

It looked like she was dancing in a beautiful rain. It was a pretty scene, there wasn't a drop hitting her or anything.

On the other hand Analissa was actually cursing every five second a raindrop almost hits her on the head. "Shit! Shit! Shit! Fuck!" she continues feeling her stamina was depleting. How long will this spell last?!

After a few more minutes, she was moving slowly and sloppily now because Analissa was feeling tired and plop! A huge drop of water hit her on the head.

Lord Ein, having enough of her fun, snaps his finger once more and the spell immediately disappears. He grabs a towel and gives it to Analissa who glared at him. "Good note on the agility test. You're very agile and you only have one drop of water hit you. Imagine if it was shards of ice, you'll be dead though." he laughs.

Analissa takes the towel and dries her head. She added another strength quality in the list of the Heroine.

She can charm men and she can avoid things like a pro.

Her weakness for now is that her stamina is at an all time low, broke, physically weak, and her heroine halo doesn't affect women so she can't really befriend the other noble ladies easily.

"What's next milord?" (Analissa) gives the towel back and he puts it away.

"Well there's the weapon test but... I think you'll need to work on your arms first before holding anything sharp and heavy." he suggests and Analissa frowns.

She wanted to try out what weapons might be suitable for her because in every isekai novel she read it was always a sword! She wants to hold one and wave it around like a maniac.

"How do I work on my arms? Should we meet up often here?" (Analissa)

"No we don't have to. If we meet up often people will suspect we're having some sort of intimate relationship with each other if we're caught. This place is usually used by the other military students for training." (Lord Ein) writes something in his clipboard before handing it to Analissa. She takes it gratefully and reads the contents. Was it some sort of fitness schedule she has to follow?

"For the next two weeks I need you to exercise and strengthen your body on your own and let's see if you'll be ready by then. I gave you a list of exercises you can do in your dorm room with no problem." He places a hand on his hips and smiles widely.

Unexpectedly, he had... a lot of fun with her.

"Thank you, Lord Ein." (Analissa) smiles in return feeling like they've sort of bonded but as friends.

"You can also use this place during Sundays. Every student is out on that day and only the janitors are the only ones who visit this place by then." he moves over to grab his bag and Analissa grabs her stuff and follows behind him.

It was late in the afternoon so not many students were around. The both of them walked in silence but Lord Ein broke it by asking... "I know I already asked this before but you're doing this whole thing to protect someone right, Miss Blanchet?" (Lord Ein) asks, having those curious eyes flicker.

Analissa nods. "Yes."

"They must be one lucky person." he mutters having to use the word 'they'. The moment Analissa heard it, her heart leaped with joy. Maybe he's not that bad after all?

She takes a deep breath and nods. Maybe for once she'll let something slip because she really can't keep all of this feeling anymore inside. "She doesn't even know I'm doing this for her sake... all I can say is she... deserves so much more than-" she stops. Maybe that's enough for now.

Analissa waits for Lord Ein to respond. He was grinning widely, giving a teasing stare. "So they're a she. What a lucky girl." (Lord Ein) already has a hunch on who it is but he didn't dare say her name.

He'll just watch for fun and see if the two of them develops into something more.

"Lord Ein, I trust you not to tell anyone about this."

He scoffs rolling his eyes. "If I told anyone that, where's the fun in it? I won't be able to tease and torture you myself if the word gets out. No one would probably believe me anyways so worry not."

Analissa for some reason felt safe. Is he still the same masochist from the game? He acted so different and more... genuine? Still she liked this version of Lord Ein and they walked together in peace saying their goodbye to one another.



Analissa tried training in her dorm room that had a recent lock change. She had to buy the new lock herself and install it because the school wouldn't bother any of their attention if she complained about the bullying the other girls did.

Noble ladies can get away with anything as long as they're a noble.

"Ten... Eleven... T-Twelve..." (Analissa) has her hands onto the floor carrying her weight doing push ups to make her arms a bit stronger.

She already did her homework about basic magic incantation. It was easier if you understood the basic concept of it which she was thankful the game also mentioned before.

She would've done it faster if she had her computer and keyboard with her. Jeez she had to use a quill to write. What's a quill you ask? It's the main feather of a bird that's used to write in the old days.

The boomer days.

"F-Fifteen..." Analissa's hands gave out on her and she happily plops down into her floor feeling all sweaty. "Finally I can only get to five before- after three days I can get to fifteen!" she raised her hand in victory and fell asleep right after.

Thump! Thump!

Tweet! Tweet!

Analissa was sleeping peacefully onto the floor but she heard several noises on her window. It was a bird tweeting again and something was hitting the window.

"Ugh? A bird again?" she groans looking around her room. "Is it... the same bird who woke me up?" She stands up quickly, opening the window.

"Hello-! Agh!"


The bird of the Villainess carries the uniform before deciding to throw it at Analissa and flies away. Losimer was giggling a little bit as he flew his way back to his master.

Analissa on the other hand fell onto the floor with the paper bag in shock. She runs up to the window once more to tell the bird off. "Hey what was that for?! I'll turn you into fried chicken the next time you visit me, you hear!" she clicked her tongue but noticed the thing that bumped her head.

She opens it curiously thinking it was some sort of bomb but... "A uniform?" She takes it out of the bag and inspects it. "It's even my size? What the hell-"

Analissa could only look back on the open window in confusion. I can't blame her honestly because if a bird showed up with some new uniform exactly the same size as you the narrator would freak out and call the police on this stalker bird.

"Umm... okay?" (Analissa) unsure on what to do decides to keep the uniform.


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