Our Hometown

Chapter 30 - Business behavior in feudal society

Chapter 30 Business Practices in Feudal Society

The convoy entered Yanglingyi the next afternoon.

This is already the most densely populated place in the Great Han Dynasty. Since the Emperor Taizu established the Great Han in Mishui seventy-six years ago, Guanzhong has never stopped building as the dream capital of the great ancestor.

The biggest reason why chose Chang’an was Qindi Fushu. After the initial emperor unified the six kingdoms, he moved the rich households of the six nations to Guanzhong and Shuzhong. Although they experienced a brutal war, they caused the destruction of wealth and the exile of the people.

However, after the war, he was exactly one of the first awakened and revitalized lands. Compared with the rest, the wisdom here is also the most civilized place.

Farmers working in the fields are not much different from Gongnu. The only difference may be the clothes they wear.

At least, in Yanglingyi, people wear clothes.

Don’t look at this is just the difference of a piece of clothing, but I do not know that this distinguishes people from slaves.

When the slave saw the noble, he would hide it, or he would kneel on the ground and not dare to let the noble see their faces.

Farmers are not. They walk on the road together with the nobles. Although they still respect the nobles, however, they are very indifferent to the big merchants such as Zhuo. When they see the Zhuo team coming over, they just retreat to the roadside. , Is obviously a convenient courtesy, not respect.

Houses on the Loess Plateau are naturally earth walls made of rammed loess, coupled with roofs, doors and windows. Strange half-sided houses are common even in later generations. In this era, it is a popular trend.

The city guards and soldiers in Yanglingyi seemed to lack sufficient respect for Zhuo Shi. At least, there was no exemption for them from entering the city because of Zhuo Shi ’s horses and horses. From the ugly face of the accompanying housekeeper, they knew that After the negotiations, the city tax may be paid more.

The city walls of Yanglingyi are not tall, it is estimated to be more than four meters high. The outside is the city Guo, the inside is the main city, and the standard city of three miles is seven miles of Guo.

The emperor of Han Dynasty not only relied on these castles to defend against foreign enemies, but also guarded against the use of these castles by his subordinates to oppose him. Therefore, the height of the city wall is a question worth studying.

After experiencing the metropolis of tens of millions of later generations, the city of this era is more like a filming place, but the mass actors are more simple and more authentic.

The shops on the streets look gray, but they are relatively new. After all, the city is still developing.

Glanced at the goods on both sides, and was very disappointed. Whether it was pork crawling with flies or satin satin placed on the container, there was nothing to look at.

As for bamboo dragonflies, spinning tops, bamboo horses and other things, it made him see sighs again and again.

The only thing in the market that attracts Yunlang is the vendor who sells blank slips.

He bought a lot in one go. When he was on the mountain, he made his own slips. The complicated process was a kind of torture for people.

Smoke smoke is still loose, that is, the kind that will be scattered if it is accidentally dropped into the water, and it is not comparable to the ink sticks that will not change in the water after ten days and a half.

As for the pottery, Yun Lang shook his head when he saw it. The black pottery and gray pottery here are not as good as what he made.

Yunlang’s various expressions fell into Pingshou’s eyes.

Only accompanied Yunlang to turn a street, he found that there was no way to make this young man work hard for Zhuo Shi by relying solely on buying.

Whether it was the treasure of the treasure shop, or the beautiful woman in the courtyard of Goulan upstairs, they failed to keep Yun Lang’s gaze.

Even when she sees extremely outstanding beauties and treasures, Yun Lang’s eyes only have the color of appreciation, but no greed.

People didn’t understand why a man who was expelled by a teacher and pushed by a clan would have such a high vision.

Individuals have weaknesses, some are greedy for money, some are greedy, some have good names, some have good power, some people are good for wine, some are greedy for food and even perverted, and there are killers.

Yun Lang seemed to be very good money, but he spent the money more like running water. The five-two-dollar silver that he picked up from the ground yesterday only walked half a street, and he spent all his money.

Among them, I bought a simple paper and a pen and ink. Pingshou understood very well. He bought a lot of ingredients, and Pingshou could understand. After all, it was from Jin Yun. This family is known as gluttonous, delicious, and greedy.

As for throwing the remaining three-two good silver at random to a dragged three children kneeling on the side of a corpse ready to sell a funeral husband, is it okay for the ugly woman who buried her father and the dirty child?

“Let’s not have money to eat in the iron workshop?”

Yun Lang, who has become a poor light egg again, asked Ping-Sou with his head on his side.

Ping Suo sighed and said: “Don’t pay, there are servants bringing meals every day.”

Yun Lang smiled and said: “The treatment is good, but let them send a set of kitchen utensils, I am going to make it myself.”

“Why is this?”

Yun Lang despised a glance at the food in the roadside food shop that was not as good as pig food: “I can’t believe it.”

People patted his forehead and said: “No one will be poisoned.”

Yunlang refers to those selling hot food to Pingshou: “What’s the difference with poison?”

“This thing is the first name of Shang Bazhen-the cannon dolphin, which is cleaned and peeled with the fat manure with steel mane upright, and the jujube in the belly is covered with wet mud and roasted and dried.

Then peel off the mud and take out the fat, and then apply the rice flour paste to the body, fry it thoroughly with juding, cut into slices, mix with fruits and vegetables, and then put it in the small tripod, put the small tripod again in the big wok In the middle, simmer for three days and three nights with mild fire.

It is said that when the lid is lifted, the spirits will gather together. Isn’t such a good food into Xiaolangjun’s eyes? “

Yun Lang tried his best to remove his gaze from a person who was digging fat with a wooden spoon.

Different times and different ways people eat, this is not surprising.

Oil and fat is the best delicacy in the world for the Han people. He is the most important source of calories.

A pig came to the kitchen, and the chefs considered how to use all the fats in it to the extreme, rather than consider the taste.

Like the difficult times experienced by Yunlang, people prefer fatty meat to delicious pork ribs and lean meat.

The initial role of food is to supplement calories, not to satisfy the desire of the mouth.

Ironware workshop was opened in the best area of ​​downtown, where the smoke was thick and the sound of iron hitting was endless … This is the characteristic of this era, they prefer to lively.

Yunlang was divided into an auricular room, the room was not big, at least half as small as Pingshou’s room, there was only a bed, a short table, two futons, and a suitcase.

A maid who looked like a canine dolphin sent an oil lamp, hurriedly left after lighting an incense burner, and dared not stay in Yunlang’s room for a moment. It seemed that as long as she stayed for a while, Yun Lang would press her On the bed.

Pingshou’s maid there was more crowded. Yunlang saw her more than once and sneaked away from Pingshou’s room with her clothes half naked.

For three days in a row, Yunlang was very happy. Every day, he was either strolling around in Yanglingyi or standing under the windows of some colleges to listen to the lectures.

One day or two didn’t matter, and as time went on, some servants asked Yun Lang to bring two porks. If they didn’t mention pork, they couldn’t continue to stand outside the classroom.

So, Yun Lang is not used to other people’s faults, and never goes to any study to attend classes.

Not because he was reluctant to eat two pork, but because he did n’t understand or dared to understand what people said.

Encourages his son to cut meat and cook soup for his mother, this kind of thing sounds anti-human.

If you have no money, it ’s boring to go out. On the street, I met the mourner who sold himself that day. The family of four who buried his father continued to sell himself. The bodies under the reed mat are already smelly, and the family of four is still waiting for it. , Want to meet a fool like Yun Lang again.

Iron pan, shovel, iron stove is what Yun Lang waited for three days.

Disappeared for three days. After these three things were sent, it appeared.

This thing is really amazing.

Put a little lard in the iron pan, and then stir the chopped green onions and eggs together, and when the fat in the pan starts to smoke, pour the salted egg liquid into it, and after a tingle,

A small amount of egg liquid swelled rapidly, and was turned over twice by Yun Lang’s grip on the iron pan, and a dark yellow quiche with a fragrant smell appeared.

In order to satisfy the curiosity of Pingshou, Yun Lang had to repeat this process three times. It is said that the last time was for Zhuo Ji.

People said that the people who went to Qinling to find Ye Sanqi had already returned ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Under the fast whip, three days later, someone had found this kind of thing in Lantianyu according to the appearance drawn by Yun Lang.

This is a good news, but also brought back a bad news, that is, the servants of the Princess Changping family also found Ye Sanqi in that area …

Yunlang is very happy that there are enough Ye Sanqi for soup. He never has too many good things.

In front of powerful people, the businessman is basically a scum.

The general general came to a small official, visited Zhuoji, and Zhuoji smiled repeatedly to assure people that Zhuo’s search for Ye Sanqi was only for his family’s consumption.

Yun Lang originally thought that Zhuo Ji and Ping Man would be very disappointed. As a result, the two of them still smiled broadly after the young official had left, and did not mean to be half-sullied.

This is very obvious, there is a transaction between them, this transaction is very beneficial to Zhuo Shi.

Today’s weather was not good at all. The heavy rain was disturbing. After seeing a large piece of pork belly and yam in the ingredients, he decided to eat braised pork yam stew tonight.

He has star anise and Zanthoxylum but lacks soy sauce or frosting.

Yun Lang looked at the bowl of soy sauce with rotten flesh in front of him very unhappy. I wanted to break my head and thought about the process of making soy sauce without using fresh meat!

Fish sauce is something that is marinated with small fish and shrimp, fermented and boiled.

Could fresh meat also produce the same effect?

Just as Yun Lang was troubled by soy sauce and frosting, Zhuo’s Iron Works became an industry under Princess Changping’s name.

‘S family property was taken away by people, Ping Shou, Zhuo Ji smiled and opened the flower, generously rewarded the domestic servants, people like Yun Lang who were indifferent to things, also received a pound of good silver reward.

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