Our Hometown

v6 Chapter 126 - chain reaction

Chapter 126 Chain Reaction

Chen Shuang is Gillian’s cousin!

This is very important.

Some words even Liu Che couldn’t tell Gillian.

Wang Wenshu went to Gillian with no qualifications and said, “You can raise King Changyi, but you can’t be too close to King Changyi.”

Wang Wenshu knew very well that if he said this, the stable in the Longmen Palace would be his bedroom. The emperor would never say a word for him.

Anyone who can’t help the emperor’s worries is waste, and the guilt of death is certain.

Therefore, Wang Wenshu came not far away, and his goal was Liang Chen, herdsman, Chen Shuang.

Yun Lang wanted to block it until Wang Wenshu came up with the will of the emperor to issue a cheap action, and he gave up the idea of ​​helping Chen Shuang.

The accusation is corruption and vain!

This charge is very unreasonable. Except for some officials who value their political life more than their own enjoyment, this charge is actually the daily life of officials.

Facing the frigid Lieutenant Mansion Wang Wenshu, Chen Shuang was not very afraid.

If Wang Wenshu wants to frame him, it is not necessarily a good thing for Wang Wenshu. Even if the frame is successful, he still wants to get out.

Wang Wenshu’s work is very solid. When he took someone to search for the property of seven or eight cars from Chen Shuang’s house, Yun Lang felt that Chen Shuang had done too much.

Chen Shuang’s blasphemy was turned into an indisputable iron case by Wang Wenshu. Yun Lang wanted to speak, but he didn’t know where to start.

In fact, Wang Wenshu wanted this result. Yun Lang had nothing to say, and Gillian, who had always been the mother of the world, naturally had nothing to say.

Yun Lang knew that Chen Shuang was close to Huo Guang, and there must be many unknown transactions between them.

Therefore, after discovering that Wang Wenshu pointed the goal of Qing Li to Chen Shuang, Huo Guang was not allowed to return to Guzang City in a short period of time.

It was not cost-effective to be bitten by a cool official like Wang Wenshu.

His purpose of catching Chen Shuang has nothing to do with greed, he just wanted to borrow Chen Shuang to talk to Gillian …

Yun Lang thought that Wang Wenshu didn’t know Gillian at all.

So it prevented Pei Liuzi’s plan to kill Chen Shuang on the way.

The emperor sent people to Liangzhou to find fault, if nothing could be found, there was always a fool! Liu Che can’t be a fool, then only Liangzhou magistrates will be the fool.

Huo Guang quickly grasped the master’s ideas.

His thinking is different from that of a master. He cares more about the interests of his own group of people. He believes that since he is a collaborator, he cannot easily give up.

Killing Chen Shuang should be the easiest way to solve things.

Thinking clearly, the time has passed not long, seeing Pei Liuzi actually picked a lot of wildflowers to weave into a wreath and put it on Yunyin’s head, the original calm heart became angry again.

“Six sons, come over to me. In more than a year, I found that you are already too fat. It is just because you have children and forget to practice martial arts.”

Pei Liuzi waved hands repeatedly: “You are revenge!”

Huo Guang sneered: “So what?”

He kicked it with a heavy talk …

Huo Guang has really worked **** martial arts. In addition, he is not rigidly practicing martial arts. With his superb learning ability, he is constantly improving in the process of martial arts.

This makes Huo Guang almost impossible to meet his opponent when his physical strength and energy are at its highest.

Even if his brother Huo went ill, he once thought that when he was Huo Guang, he was far from Huo Guangqiang.

Yun Yin looked at Pei Liuzi beaten with a smile.

Lvyi eloped with Pei Liuzi, she was reprimanded several times by red sleeves.

“Something to discuss …”

Pei Liuzi was kicked up by Huo Guang with a whip kick, and he was unwilling to get up after falling to the ground.

After Huo Guang distributes it and feels comfortable, he takes the water bottle that Pei Liuzi placed on the ground and takes a sip: “What is it?”

“We have known Liu Ling about the establishment of a horse farm in Da Ma Ying.”


Huo Guang was taken aback.

“Liu Ling actively sent people into the customs after being in a state of poison, and built his secret fortress along the Hexi area.

Da Ma Ying was the place where the champion Hou defeated the Huns. We built a horse farm here. Liu Ling thought that this place had been abandoned. He also secretly sent people to sneak into Hexi to prepare to build them at Da Ma Ying, our Shandan Race Course Secret fortress.

After being discovered by me in April, some people were killed, but some people escaped.

Recently, the Huns came again and brought a letter to the husband. “

After Pei Liuzi finished speaking, he took out a letter from his arms and handed it to Huo Guang.

Huo Guang didn’t even see it, and threw it directly into the fire lit by Yunyin, staring at the burned letter, and said quietly: “Identify the person who sent the letter, and cut the grass to remove the roots.

Pei Liuzi said in surprise: “Liu Ling already knows, what is the use of killing the messenger?”

Huo Guang watched Pei Liuzi gritted his teeth and said, “Do you think it’s possible to go from body poison to Da Ma Ying in less than two months?”

Pei Liuzi said: “Reluctantly!”

Huo Guang took a deep breath and said: “Liu Ling is not a god, this may only be the judgment of the other party’s spy, and is testing you.”

Pei Liuzi said: “I haven’t stopped the matter of killing and committing crimes. In fact, I came here from the horse farm to chase down the Huns.”

Huo Guang looked around and slowly pulled out the long sword from his waist: “Have you met the general?”

“Meet them, they camped two miles ahead, and I didn’t disturb them.”

Huo Guang sighed: “Calling all horses, we enter the glacier again.”

After finishing this sentence, Huo Guang’s back oozed a layer of fine sweat.

Yun Yin stared at Huo Guang and Pei Liuzi for a while, then suddenly laughed, and drew his dagger from his waist. He was excited and said: “The enemy is in the glacier?”

Huo Guangdao said: “The wolf should not be a lone wolf, nor should it run down the mountain, the mountain is its better refuge.”

Pei Liuzi said: “If it wasn’t for the hail yesterday, we might have caught up with them.”

Huo Guang asked again: “Where was the glacier in the past?”

“Montenegro! The terrain is dangerous, and I have sent people there.”

A loud whistle echoed through the valley. Without much effort, a small group of cavalry ran from the other side of the valley.

At the same time, several shepherds wearing leather jackets came out of the pine forest at the foot of the mountain.

When they saw Huo Guang and Pei Liuzi, they relaxed their vigilance. Huo Guang pointed to the glacier road behind him: “The people inside, kill without pardon!”

The glacier valley is not a place where war horses can go, and the generals quickly flooded into the valley with the herdsmen.

Pei Liuzi looked at Huo Guangdao and said, “Aren’t you going in?”

Huo Guangdao: “Ayin is more important than those people.”

Yun Yin said angrily: “I don’t need your care.”

Huo Guang said angrily: “Shut up!”

Yun Yin shut up immediately.

When Pei Liuzi smiled, he followed the herdsman and his family into the glacier.

“Fighting on the glacier, we can’t take advantage of it. The environment there is harsh, and we are very strange, even if there are 10% of the military force to 50% ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ This is why I don’t allow you to enter the glacier.

Yun Yin kicked the gravel under her feet and ignored Huo Guang.

Huo Guang walked to the side of Yun Yin and said: “These Huns can actually guess that the Shandan Racecourse is the force under our ambush, which shows that this group of Huns is not necessarily the Huns, it is likely that they belonged to Liu Ling. Ghost slaves, the leader is likely to be someone very familiar to us. “

Yunyin turned his head and said, “You are smart, you are always right! This is how you grew up, and it’s still the same when you grow up!”

Huo Guang laughed: “Do you know why I want to keep you here?”

“Don’t worry about me, I’m afraid I’m cumbersome!”

Huo Guang shook his head and said: “There are already guarded people in the Black Mountain Pass. Those people can’t escape. The glacier is not only cold but also lacks food. They can’t stay in the glacier for a long time, they will definitely come down.

So, the enemy is nearby. “

After hearing Huo Guang’s words, Yun Yin was refreshed, holding the short sword in his hand and said, “Do you want to lead them out?”

Are the two of us bait? “

Huo Guang sat Yunyin down and brought the warhorse to surround Yunyin. He stood straight and kept walking around.

“Use a girl beside you!”

Not far away, a burly-looking man in reverse sheepskin drilled out of the grass, and came to Huo Guang in two or two steps, pointing to stand in the horse group and peek at their cloud sound.

Huo Guang looked at the thick iron rod in the hands of this burly man: “The rest of you, you can’t do it alone.”

The sturdy man smiled and said, “One person is enough.”

Huo Guang’s eyes were full of incomprehensible colors, pointing to the warhorse behind him: “Don’t you want warhorse?”

The big man laughed and said: “All!”

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