Our Hometown

v6 Chapter 144 - Full of bitter Liu Yu

Chapter one four four four full of bitter Liu Yu

“I do everything wrong.”

Liu Qi sat down under a persimmon tree and said to Guo.

“His Royal … At this time … nothing … nothing … doing is … right.”

Liu said with a smile: “I know, I know, do nothing and wait for the father and emperor to go to meet everyone’s expectations.

Di Gong, I know your heart, but I ca n’t do it like this … “

Di Shan knew Liu Yuzhi deeply, knowing clearly that what he said were all heartfelt words, and no longer advised him.

Liu Yu said: “We are very clear that the investigation of Changyi King’s entry into the Changmen Palace was not caused by Gillian’s nobles, but by the will of my father and emperor.

Yunlang became the king of Changyi, not because Yunlang did it himself, but an exchange made by my father and emperor in order to keep Yunzhe, the eldest son of Yun.

The reason why my father and emperor did this was for the Longmen Palace … I sometimes couldn’t figure it out, Gillian’s control of the Longmen Palace was certainly inappropriate. Who is better than Gillian nobleman in charge of the Longmen Palace.

You know that Gillian has no future …

Even if Princess Lantian continued to control the Longmen Palace even after Gillian, as long as we still pay respect to the Longmen Palace, the existence of the Longmen Palace is only good for the big Han, and there is not much harm.

The precious blood of Gillian is honorable, and it is the real noble man of heaven. Yun Lang is so rare that he is a rare wise man.

At this time, it is the time when the Longmen Palace is the most powerful, and it is also when the Longmen Palace continues to develop.

It is unrealistic to recapture the Longmen Palace at once, and it is reasonable to want to recover the Longmen Palace after several generations of arrangements.

The Longmen Palace under the control of Gillian no threat to the orphans, and the Longmen Palace under the control of Lam Tin does not threaten the orphans.

They have to be honored, and they should be given to them by the rich and the lonely king. Even if they are held high, it does n’t matter. After all, the Longmen Palace has a tradition of not interfering with the government.

But, the king of Changyi entered the Changmen Palace … this is the father of the Changyi who is embarrassing me and the emperor who is still in the babyhood …

If the lonely king ascended the throne, the king of Changyi could not escape his death, if the king of Changyi … if … ascended the throne, the lonely king could only die.

All kindness comes from my father … “

Liu is said to have spoken, tears circling in his eyes, and after all did not fall, the sound of the words turned cold.

“The lonely king is puzzled. After asking my mother, I asked my uncle and uncle, they all said nothing.

Does a dumb word prevent me from knowing the truth?

I can’t think of it anyway. The reason that caused me to fall into such a position is not that my Liu Qi is not good enough, nor that my Liu Qi did some retrograde things. The real reason is that my father and emperor didn’t see me as an older prince! “

Di Shan was shocked and quickly got up and said, “His Royal Highness … Be careful!”

Liu Qi waved his hand and said, “It’s nothing, nothing. Only you and Guo Jie today. If the lone king can’t believe both of you, who else can you trust?”

Yun Lang was not enthusiastic about me before. I thought it was the reason why he was so loneliness and arrogance. After knowing the reason why the father emperor did n’t like me, I understood. Yun Lang saw it very clearly. He knew it when he was a boy. Is very clear!

When his mother begged him to teach me knowledge, he did not teach the way of the country or the strategy of enriching the people, but chose the most unsuccessful agronomy.

I used to hate it a lot, but now I do n’t hate it anymore. Yunlang is right. The smarter I behave, the more I hope it will be, and my father and emperor will hate me more and more.

If I act as mediocre as I do now, and the father emperor thinks that this world is still inseparable from him, I will have the opportunity to continue.

Ha ha, when my father and emperor hated me, I became a prince, and when I behaved in an unruly manner, I settled in the East Palace, and when I was hopeless, my father and emperor sent me a minister Meng will be my master.

One by one, one thing after another, it has been proved that I can only receive preferential treatment from my father and emperor if my performance is poor.

Has the lonely king really been useless over the years?

Expedition to southern Yunnan and expedition to Lingnan, the lone king almost died on the border several times, the first mountain country, the lone king lightly endowed the bounty, heard that Changshan country suffered from insects, the lone king reduced his clothes and squeezed out food to rescue the disaster.

The Xiliuying dude and the fat horses swayed through the city and bullied the male and the female were almost harmed. It was the lone king who punished the dudes and made Xinfeng a peaceful place where the roads are closed and the nights are closed.

The lonely king went to Henan for disaster relief instead of his father and emperor.

When leaving Henan, the people bowed their heads and worshipped. My father and emperor could not see it. He saw it. Then what?

King Changyi entered the Changmen Palace … “

Liu reportedly poured a glass of wine into his mouth and swallowed it, which was bitter and abnormal.

Guo Jie accompanied Liu according to a glass of wine, put down the glass and said softly: “Duke Qiu Jiang hopes that Your Highness can support more here.”

Di Shan said coldly: “Yunlang … open … Liangzhou Road?”

Guo Jiedao said: “Yun Lang was recalled to Chang’an and led Liangzhou herdsman far away. His disciple Huo Guang became the history of Liangzhou herdsman.

General Sima’s mansion, the caravan of the Changzhu Mansion has been used by me. “

Liu according to a chuckle: “Yun Lang did not know?”

Guo Jieleng smiled and said: “I don’t know!”

Liu according to another drink said: “Pretend not to know?”

Guo Jiedao: “Uninformed is better than informed. Yun Lang has always been smooth, he will naturally choose.”

Dishan Road: “Master Changyi …”

Liu said with a smile: “My father emperor is moody, and he is not sure that King Changyi will succeed.

In addition, he was in constant contact with the Princess Palace and General Sima’s Palace, and had no choice.

If my father and Emperor sealed the Mount Tai this time and Yun Lang could stay in Chang’an in the name of General Wei to assist our country, it means that he is not optimistic about King Changyi. “

Di Shan shook his head and said: “Yun Lang … will not be rebellious … Your Majesty, this … is the consistent model of what he does … things …”.

Liu Xu sighed and spread his hands to his two most confidant courtiers: “Look at it, it is our original sin to be weak.

You talk about how to do this time? “

Di Shan shook his head and said: “His Royal Highness has … said … Weakness, naturally … bowed down to do … small.”

Liu Yi came to Luoyang, not to invite people to buy people’s hearts, as Liu Yi guessed, but to Luoyang to show his heart.

In this way, he is going to tell his father that everything is up to him. After returning to Changan, he will act according to the will of the emperor.

He believes that there are countless pairs of eyes around him who are staring at his words and deeds. Except for being able to be in Guo Jie, Di Shan, two people who live and die with him, talk to him in front of others. A violent and ruthless look.

Dongfangshuo rode a donkey slowly into the Luoyang City from the east gate of Luoyang.

Luoyang City in the early autumn was still hot. After one person, one donkey and two servants entered Luoyang City, Dongfang Shuo looked for the best guest house in Luoyang City and lived there.

After playing in the sky for more than a year, I missed my wife who was staying in Yanglingyi, and I had the meaning of returning.

After rushing to wash, Dongfangshuo fell asleep with his head covered ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ This consciousness went to sleep from midnight to midnight.

Feeling hungry, he called the store and asked him to prepare some meals.

Not much Kung Fu shop brought Maifan.

Looking at the cooked wheat, Dongfang Shuo lamented: “Why can’t we remove the wheat bran and only eat white noodles?”

The store was very atmospheric, and he smiled and said: “That is the food enjoyed by the Changan nobles. The guests are in a hurry and will just stop.”

“No meat soup?”

The store shook his head: “No.”

“No sunflower?”

The store shook his head and said: “Only in the day.”

“In any case, get some honey water for a family to have dinner, otherwise the cooked rice will be unbearable and difficult to throat.”

The store shook his head and said: “There is no bee sugar, if the guests want to eat a good meal, you may wish to go to the palace next door, where the banquet is all night long, but anyone who has one or two minutes of learning can go to a good meal.

Dongfang Shuo took a sip of wheat rice and listened to the shopkeeper’s words, and asked with a smile: “Where are the nobles?”

The store proudly said: “His Royal Highness.”

Dongfang ShuoLeng a moment, he knew that the emperor was about to leave Chang’an and went to Fengshan Taishan in Shandong. His Royal Highness should not leave Chang’an at this time.

Pushing the wheat rice in front of him, he said to the store: “Since this is the case, a certain family will go to the palace and use it to learn to mix a meal.”

The shopkeeper seemed to be serious when he saw Dongfangshuo, and quickly said: “Guests are unaware. These days, there are countless people who want to go to the palace to eat mixed meals. There are indeed scholars who were greeted by His Royal Highness.

More people are scammers who have their legs broken and thrown out.

In the opinion of a certain family, the guests still ate the bowl of wheat rice and stayed safe earlier. “

Dongfang Shuo laughed: “You dog, since you want to read a joke from a certain family, let you see enough today!”

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