Our Hometown

v6 Chapter 151 - Small things, big punishment

Chapter 151 Small Things, Great Punishment

A little bit of unrest occurred.

Just before the avant-garde army passed by, and the guard army had not yet arrived, the middle of the road did not know when a large tree was cut down by the people, causing the army guarding the emperor to become vigilant.

Since the brigade had already reached the territory of Nanyang County, General Wei Qing decapitated Zhang Ji, the guard of Nanyang County who came to greet the emperor.

The riot just now was caused by Zhang Ji’s grievances.

The executioner would ignore Zhang Ji’s injustice. The general ordered that Zhang Ji’s head be cut off. If he didn’t do it, his head would be cut off along with Zhang Ji’s head.

Also killed with Zhang Ji were Sima in Nanyang County, and 27 officials under the captain.

After these people were decapitated, their heads were taken away by the executioners and the generals, leaving only their bodies with torn pockets in a mess on the side of the road, and there was a continuous flow of blood slowly from the neck.

The blood is very heavy, and the weather is hot, and the flies come over to eat …

After hearing Liu Erhuang’s report, Yun Lang forced the smooth son down, wrapped him in a blanket, and prevented him from seeing the miserable situation outside.

“It’s wrong for the general to kill like this. The county guard and officials called Zhang Ji are really wrong.”

Yun Lang wrapped his son. Hearing his son’s words, he smiled and said: “If you are the general who is responsible for defending the safety of your majesty, I will do the same.”


Yun Zhe was almost surprised to sit up and was pushed down again by his father who had already prepared.

“What’s it called, it’s better than drawing a circle on the map with a compass, and then knocking out everyone in the circle.”

“Ah? Why?”

Yun Zhe’s surprised snot came out of his nose.

Yun Lang wiped off the big nose on his son’s lips with a handkerchief and patted his son’s forehead smoothly: “This place has seen a rebel against the emperor’s hand. Under normal circumstances, the rebel is like a cockroach. See One, there will be hundreds. At this time, killing all the people nearby is a way to solve things from the source. “

“Yeah, is it commonly used? I mean this method is commonly used?”

Yun Zhe’s voice became trembling.

Yun Lang sighed: “Yeye used it twice in Liangzhou … Son, don’t look down on you, Yeye.”

Yun Zhe stubbornly drilled out of the blanket, prostrating lightly on the window and watching the pile of corpses surrounded by flies, big tears flowing from his eyes.

After a while, he got into the blanket again, hugged his father’s waist tightly, and put his head in his father’s arms.

“Yeah, would you be disappointed if I were not an official?”

Yun Lang thought for a while: “You can’t be an official, for example, you, the marquis of Yongan Hou, you have inherited.”

“Let the cloud move …”

“Impossible, you are the eldest son of Yeye.”

“Liu is also the eldest son, but King Changyi …”

“Bah, ah, less use the royal **** to describe our family, we are good people!”

“Yeah …”


“I don’t like being an official!”

“Fools, there are many kinds of officials, you can stay on top, you can be lazy, you can not do anything in your place, in short, what you hate is that you are at the mercy of being an official The consequence is not to be an official. “

“Okay, I’ll be an official in the future, so I’ll be on the corpse, yeah, I can’t get salaries, right?”

“The emperor is so embarrassed, son, we should do it, we must take the salaries, we can not do things.

Otherwise, it becomes a fool. “

“Your Majesty will be unhappy.”

“He will be more upset in the future, regardless of him.”

Yun Zhe seemed relieved, resting his head on his father’s thigh like an injured puppy, and found a safe place to lick the wound.

When the carriage passed the big tree that was carried to the side of the road, Yun Lang, Cao Xiang, Huo went to the sickness and deliberately got off the carriage to check it out.

This is a big tree that embraces thick. If you want to cut down such a tree, it is definitely not the former army. The Chinese army can do it at the time created by the gap.

“It was actually cut by a saw.”

After reading Cao Xiang, he pointed to Yunlang and said, “Have you done it?”

Yun Lang said: “If there were more than ten years ago, there were not many saws that could cut such a large tree.

Now, the number is not clear, my family has made countless saw blades, and the Mo’s are also making crazy.

After so many years, it is no longer rare. “

Huo Gouyi pulled out a folding fan from his lower back and shook it twice with grace. He closed the fan with a clatter and pointed at the cross section of the tree with his fan: “It took a few days to cut it off, so I had to wait for your majesty’s carriage When he came, he knocked down the big tree to achieve the purpose of spurring His Majesty.

Zhang Ji and his men died unjustly. “

Cao Xiangyin said: “Originally, a leafy tree suddenly turned green leaves, fell off, and died. Officials in Nanyang County did not find out. They shouldn’t die. Who died?”

Yun Lang smiled and said with satisfaction: “If you die, your son will be uncomfortable. This Nanyang County guard is your Cao clan?”

Cao Xiang said angrily: “How can I know that he is so stupid, this time I can’t take off the relationship.”

Huo went to the hospital and said: “Isn’t my uncle done it for you?”

Cao Xiang sighed: “I went to His Majesty to ask for guilt, and my uncle ignored me. I didn’t see him in the face and sent me away.”

Yun Lang said: “In the future, your majesty will not call us, we better not see your majesty, as long as we meet, there is no good thing.”

Huo went sick to Yunlang and said: “We should go and see your majesty more. If we don’t go, our majesty will be surrounded by the traitors, which is not good for the big men, it is not good for us.

Cao Xiang smiled and said: “I haven’t been in vain these days, but I understand this pro-sacrifice. It’s rare, rare.

The road is lonely, how about we go to His Majesty to play mahjong together? “

Yun Lang shook his head and said: “If you don’t go, if someone takes the opportunity to do the Bolangsha Hammer again, are we not wronged?

You are now suspected, and want to rush out the suspicion, go to yourself, do n’t drag me and get sick, “

Cao Xiang despised: “If you don’t go, it’s your son, do you think you are going well, or is your baby son staying with your majesty all day long?”

Yun Lang nodded again and again: “Naturally it is better for me to go.”

Huo went ill to see Yun Lang’s fierce fight with Cao Xiang, smiled, and took the lead to the strict imperial guard surrounded by guards.

It turns out that you can’t gamble with the emperor!

His ancestor Liu Bang is a rogue who likes to bet off the gambling bills. Liu Che ’s attitude at the table is even worse than his ancestors.

If you win money, you will be arrogant and proud of yourself.

Once he lost the money, he immediately screamed, knocked over someone else’s card and picked out the one he needed, pointing at someone’s nose and asking if he would play the card, why not play it.

The worst thing is that after Cao Xiang fed him a card and was selfless by Huo Qu, who was iron-faced, he kicked Cao Xiang’s foot. He continued to use dirty language to explain that he was going to torture Changping in various positions …

In short, Liu Che was extremely full-bodied when playing mahjong with Yun Lang, Cao Xiang, and Huo Qiebing.

At sunset in the West Mountain ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Yun Lang, Cao Xiang, Huo Qia finally got off Yu Yu … The three people looked like earth!

After Yun Lang watched the emperor Yulong go away, looking back and grabbing Cao Xiang’s neck, he roared and said, “Will you go tomorrow?”

Cao Xiang said lightly: “Your Majesty is betting on money and gambling. If you have the ability, you will not go tomorrow.”

Huo Qubing took his fingers and pulled out his ears, saying: “It doesn’t matter if I play cards tomorrow, but I don’t sit on him anymore. I was greeted by my mother seven or eight times a day. It was really hard.

If he is interested in my widowed mother, I have no opinion of marrying into the palace, and always take the other three elders to say things are unacceptable. “

Cao Xiang laughed: “My mother hasn’t let it go.”

Yun Lang waved his sleeves and said, “My son is ill and I want to take care of him. Today I see the queen eager to try. It seems that I want to play too. I won’t join in the excitement, just try your best.”

Cao Xiang grabbed Yun Lang’s arm and said, “Come round, don’t run anyone, I think this may be an opportunity.”

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