Our Hometown

v6 Chapter 163 - Taishan Gossip

Chapter 163: Taishan Gossip

If possible, Yun Lang is absolutely unwilling to clash with Changping.

If possible, he would rather make some concessions than conflict with Changping.

Although the great Han ruled the country with filial piety, although it did not conform to Yunlang ’s world view, this was a big trend, and he had to follow the trend in the tide.

In the Han Dynasty, without the name of filial piety, everything is done without a name.

During the chaos of the Seven Kings, people also carried out the name of “Qingjun side”, and did not put the crime on the emperor’s head.

This incident is probably the last effort Changping made, and the last time he spoke for Liu Yu.

If the effect is good, Liu will continue to stay in the Prince’s position, and remove most of the hidden dangers.

If the effect is not good, the worst result is that Changping is unlucky.

Yun Lang even felt that the reason why Changping started with Cao and Yun was not for the purpose of that force, but should have a deeper meaning.

The reason why Cao’s and Yun’s will start is not to occupy, but to split!

Ever since he knew that Changping had started his hands on Yun, Yun Lang felt that Changping didn’t want to live this time.

Especially after Wei Qing was seriously ill, Yun Lang fully understood Chang Ping’s thoughts.

This stubborn princess has the idea of ​​burial!

Yun Lang’s mind was running, but Su Zhi beside him slept like a pig, snoring lightly, as long as her husband was around, she wouldn’t care if the sky collapsed.

Take down Su Zhi’s leg around his waist and put it away. Yun Lang got up and put on his clothes and left the tent.

The night was heavy, Qiu Chan’s voice was deep and mournful.

Cao Xiang ’s camp is on the edge of Yun ’s camp, and it is brightly lit even at night.

Cao Xiang was drinking silently, and seven or eight glamorous singers were dancing silently. From the angle of their skirts wetted by dew, they had been dancing for a long time.

Seeing Yun Lang coming, Cao Xiang threw him a pot of wine. Yun Lang took a sip and sat next to Cao Xiang, saying: “Give up!”

Cao Xiang raised his head, his eyes were flushed by the jumping fire, and there were even two flames beating in his pupils.

“I have nothing to lose! Should the tomb of the ancestors be preserved?”

“No one wants you Cao’s ancestral grave. If you continue to resist, your mother will die quickly.

This time, she is using your life to force you. You have no other way to go except to surrender. “

Cao Xiang sarcastically said: “You can rest assured that my mother is a martial arts person. I will die and she will live well.”

“What if it’s suicide?”

Cao Xiang laughed: “Some people will commit suicide, but they will not appear on their mothers.”

“What if it is true?”

Cao Xiang looked at Yun Lang’s eyes and said, “If she is really going to do this, what if I take a step back?”

Yun Lang drank the wine from the black pottery jar in a single breath, and threw the jar away: “She is dying.

If you can’t watch her die, just give in. “

“For the sake of Liu?” Cao Xiang made no secret of the sarcasm in his words.

“For Sima …”

“Why can’t my mother pay so much for me? I am her biological son and should be her closest person.”

Hearing Cao Xiang say this, Yun Lang smiled silently, sat down on Cao Xiang, patted his knee and said, “Do you know that some people have a problem called-Close to injury syndrome?”

Cao Xiang sniffed his nose and said, “Is it a disease?”

Yun Lang nodded and said: “Yes, it is a disease. This disease is mainly manifested in that the closer the person is, the easier it is for her to be ignored.

She feels that the person she is closest to must be the one who knows her best and understands her best, so ah, she doesn’t care about the feelings of those who are close, can you understand it anyway? “

Cao Xiang nodded and said: “My uncle also has this kind of disease … Alas, this is a genetic disorder of Liu’s, there is no cure for it, right?”

“Your uncle is not a patient of this disease. There is no such thing as a close person in his eyes. You can think of him as this Taishan, or you can see him as a big river. A person.

He knew what his elder sister was going to do and what kind of ending would be. He still held his hands and looked aside. In his eyes, letting his elder sister do whatever he wanted was the greatest gift to her.

If you keep guarding Pingyang County and do not want to hand it over, the mistakes your mother made during this time will not be forgiven.

You know what the end is. “

Cao Xiang smiled and waved his hands, and the already exhausted singers quickly retreated.

Without this silent dance, Yun Lang focused on the crackling fire. When the wine was over, he shook his knees back and forth, waiting for Cao Xiang to answer.

“Do not!”

Cao Xiang threw the wine jar into the fire. Numerous Mars suddenly appeared in the originally safe fire, and Yun Lang had to retreat again and again.

“I’ll take care of things in Ping’an County!”

Cao Xiang stood up and said lightly to Yun Lang.

Yun Lang said: “Okay, I just said my thoughts. If you have any other ideas, go ahead. Anyway, our brothers are grasshoppers tied to a rope. Since you have an idea, just do it. .

But don’t hurt your mother! “

Cao Xiang said bluntly: “No harm, it’s terrific that I don’t have the title of Princess Chang, and I don’t have a princess title. I will raise her in the future, and I will have the same power and wealth.

Your fight with my uncle failed, then change it for me, and I want to be angry! “

“Go in soft armor!”

Cao Xiang stared at Yun Lang and said, “This is not funny.”

Yun Lang spread his hands and said: “I’m not kidding. The reason I didn’t get beaten is because I counseled, I hope you can hold it to the end.”

“I have grown up and he can no longer treat me like he was a kid.”

“You may have an error in your uncle’s view, so he doesn’t care what you think. For him, we are his juniors and will not give you a face.”

“Always try …”

Yun Lang smiled and patted Cao Xiang’s shoulder: “When I said that the other day, you were still joking me. Can I still laugh at you today?”

Cao Xiang shook his head seriously: “You forgot that our brother is not weak, we are not without the power to fight back!”

Yun Lang smiled, hugged poor Cao Xiang, and then went to sleep. It was cold, Su Zhi holding Wenxiang Nephrite was much better than drinking cold wind with Cao Xiang.

After dawn, the brigade continued to move along the mountain stream. The mountains around Taishan Mountain were not very tall, but they were covered with green pines and cypresses.

From time to time, tiger roar came from the mountain forest, but the shadow of the tiger could not be seen, the ape could be heard, and the appearance of the monkey could not be seen.

Whether it is Hu Xiao or Ape Cry, it is a warning to the intruder.

Liu Che described himself as a dragon, and naturally didn’t care about tigers and monkeys. The brigade of horses walked through the mountain stream in a majestic way.

In the autumn, the Mount Tai was full of fallen leaves, plus more than ten days of continuous exposure, as long as the intentional person set a fire in the mountain, the emperor’s team would become Cao Ren on Bowangpo, Cao Cao in the Red Cliff.

Therefore, he sent a large number of scouts to search along the ridges on both sides.

Without much effort, the tiger’s tiger whistle could not be heard, and the ape crow quickly disappeared. Huo went sick riding a black horse and stood beside the emperor’s luan.

“What if you encounter a fire attack at this time?”

“Quickly cut out an open space, build a camp for your majesty on the edge of the water source, and wait for the fire to become smaller.”

“What if there is no water source?”

“Immediately slaughter useless animals in the ranks and use their blood to pour out a moist land for your majesty.”

“What if the fire was thrown in the clouds?”

“Your Majesty, Yun Lang is just behind your car …”

“I mean that if ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ if it was a fire in the clouds, none of us could live out of the mountain.”


“Yunlang’s combat never prioritizes bravery. He always calculates the gains and losses. If the chance of winning does not exceed 80%, he will not make any risky moves.

Moreover, there is something in the Yunlang Army called fierce fire oil, which cannot be extinguished with water, it will only fuel the fire. “

Liu Che turned his head and looked at Yun Zhe, who was sitting in the corner of Luanjia, and said: “Are you afraid of being burnt to death by you?”

Yun Zhe shook his head and said, “I’m not going to burn me.”

Liu Che laughed: “Your child is really boring, I mean if.”

Yun Zhe replied seriously: “If I had to raise fire to burn mountains, he would definitely arrange a way to escape.

Your Majesty can follow the fire! “

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